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: Aji Purwanto


: 21060114130111




Chapter 8
Technology In Use Part 1

3. b. In pairs, practice explaining the applications of GPS in Exercise 3a to a colleague who has
limited knowledge of the devices using the following phrases.
Used for ing

Used to

Useful for

Another/a similar use

=> C, Topographical surveying used for mapping surface features.

=> D, Geological exploration used to applications in mining and the oil industry.
=> B, Civil engineering used for setting out positions and levels of new structures.
=> F, Avionics equipment useful for air traffic control, navigation, and autopilot systems.
=> A, Maritime applications useful for navigation and safety at sea.
=> E, GPS in cars and trucks useful for highway navigation and vehicle tracking.

4. c. Complete the following extract from the user's manual of a GPS device using the
verbs in Exercise 4a. Sometimes, more than one answer is possible.
The core function of your GPS receiver is to (1) allow/enable You to locate your
precise geographical position. To (2) allow/enable the device to function, it receives at
least three signals simultaneously from the GPS constellation - 30 dedicated satellites
which (3) ensure receivers can function anywhere on earth. To (4) allow/enable
extremely precise positioning and (5) prevent errors from occurring due to external
factors, this device is designed to receive four separate signals (see enhanced system
accuracy on page 18).
5. In pairs, explain the main functions and applications of a product made by your
company or a product You know about. Student A, You are an engineering manager;
Student B, You are a new employee. Use the language from this section and the
phrases in the box. Swap roles and practise again.
I see. So
Ok. In other word
So You mean
A : This new product is made by our company. This product give a new innovation of
identification technology usage. The product is called fingerprint presence system. Is uses


your fingerprint as your identifier to mark your presence. There are some advantage of
using our product than the others. As example, with this system you cant cheat your
presention on a class/ or office, because you are the only one who can mark your
presention. Its unlike the ID card or signature system that can easily be created by giving
your ID card to other person or ask them to write your signature.
In other word, your product main function is to mark the presention system that cant be
created ?
Yes, it is.
I see. So your product will be very useful. And then You mean any other features beside
that ?
Yes of course, our product could also give you the data recapitulation detail person. All
data will be processed constantly and the output will come in handy.
Thats great, I think the product will be successful in this area. Ok, thank You very much,
thanks for your presentation.
Ok, with my pleasure. See You next meeting.

6. a. In pairs, ln pairs, look at the picture and discuss the following questions.
How do you think a space elevator would work?
What could it be used for?
What technical challenges would it face?
How seriously do you think the concept of space elevators is being taken at present?
Answer :

By constructing a high enough tower to reach the satellites with a geostationary orbit,
and the elevator would be pushed by a strong electromagnetic force to send things to
outer space.
To transport things to outer space and/or satellite.
To find a material and the design that is strong enough to hold the tower to stand still,
and to find the power source to activate the elevator.
I dont think that this concept will be taken seriously, because its not so efficient and
will need a ridiculously huge amount of resources yet is still almost technically

c.Match the verbs (l -9) from the text in Exercise 6b to the definitions (a-i).
1 connecting

=> E. Joining

2 raise

=> I. Tilt/make something go up.

3 transported

=> A. Carried (objects, ever a distances)

4 support

=> B. Hold something firmly/bear its weight

5 attached

=> G. Fixed

6 ascend

=> H. Climb up

7 descend

=> C. Climb down

8 powered

=> D. Provided with energy/moved by a force.

9 controlled

=> F. Driven/have movement directed

7. a. James, an engineer, is giving a talk on space elevators. Complete his notes using the
correct form of the verbs (l-7) in Exercise 6c.
Space elevators

Challenge of (1) connecting a satellite to earth by cable is significant.

To (2) support its own weight, and be securely (3) attach at each end, cable would need
phenomenal strength-to-weight ratio.
How could vehicles be (4) raised into space, up cable ?
Self-contained energy source problematic, due to weight (heavy fuel or batteries required
to (5) power vegicle).
Two possible ways round problem :
1. Transmit electricity wirelessly. But technique only at research stage.
2. Solar power. But would only allow vehicle to (6) ascend slowly. Not necessarily a
problem, as car could be controlled remotely, allowing it to (7) transport payloads

b. The answer is checked with our group. And the answer is same with listening script based
on our discussion.
c. What kinds of word are missing from the notes? ln pairs, compare the audioscript
on page 86 with the notes in Exercise 7a.
There are not missing the word from this listening section.
8. Some space elevator designs propose an offshore base station. In pairs, discuss how
such a system might work using words in Exercise 6c. What advantages might an
offshore base have compared with a land base?
The advantage would be to help reduce the risk of a collision between the cable and one
of the many lumps of space debris, such as redundant satellites, that litter orbital space.
9. Answer :
a. Anchoring system
The wind loads on the cable will be huge. What are the implications for the anchoring
system? The base will need to be moved continually and sometimes urgently. What
temporary system could be used to hold the base in position? Should the base be in
shallow water near the coast, or in deep water further offshore? The choice will have
impact on the design of the anchor system.

The propulsion system,

Will the weight of the cable allow the base to be moved by its own propellers or will a
more powerful system for propulsion and control be required? For example, an external
power source.
b. Anchor system
It will be possible to anchor the base more securely in shallow water, near the coast. A
permanent anchor structure could be built on the ocean bed, in shallow water. The base
station could then be fied securely to it with cables. If several anchor structures are built at
different locations along the coast, the base station can be moved between them.
Propulsion system
Tugs (powerful boats used for pulling ships) could be used as an external power source.
However, the base station could be driven by its own propellers. The large, powerful
engines needed to propel it would be heavy, but that isnt necessarily a disadvantage, as
extra mass, and therefore extra inertia, would help to make the base more stable.
c. Manager : Ok, lets talk about my plan about anchor and propulsion system. Lets start
from anchor system, the systems will be possible to anchor the base more securely in
shallow water, near the coast.
Group Colleagues : How about structure for anchor systems ?
Manager : The structure could be built on the ocean bed, in shallow water.
Group Colleagues : Ok, that structure is geat. Ok, if several anchor are built at different
location, how about the base station ?
Manager : The base station can be moved between them. Ok and then continue about
propulsion system, the system uses tugs and tugs could be used as an external power
source to pull the ship.
Group Colleagues : Oh, thats good system. How about the control system propulsion ?
Manager : The base station could be controlled and driven by its own propellers.
Group Colleagues : I see, So you mean the propellers is the main engine to propel the
ships. Ok, and then How about the engine ? Becouse it needs more powerful energy about
propulsion system.

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