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International Journal

on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation

Volume 5
Number 4
December 2011

A Novel Approach to Loxodrome (Rhumb

Line), Orthodrome (Great Circle) and Geodesic
Line in ECDIS and Navigation in General
A. Weintrit & P. Kopacz

Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland

ABSTRACT: We survey last reports and research results in the field of navigational calculations methods
applied in marine navigation that deserve to be collected together. Some of these results have often been rediscovered as lemmas to other results. We present our approach to the subject and place special emphasis on
the geometrical base from a general point of view. The geometry of approximated structures implies the calculus essentially, in particular the mathematical formulae in the algorithms applied in the navigational electronic devices and systems. The question we ask affects the range and point in applying the loxodrome
(rhumb line) in case the ECDIS equipped with the great circle (great ellipse) approximation algorithms of
given accuracy replaces the traditional nautical charts based on Mercator projection. We also cover the subject on approximating models for navigational purposes. Moreover, the navigation based on geodesic lines
and connected software of the ships devices (electronic chart, positioning and steering systems) gives a
strong argument to research and use geodesic-based methods for calculations instead of the loxodromic trajectories in general.
A common problem is finding the shortest route
across the Earth surface between two positions. Such
trajectory is always a part of a geodesic (great circle,
great ellipse) on the modelling globe surface. The
geodesic is used by ship navigators attempting to
minimize distances and the radio operators with directional antennae used to look for a bearing yielding the strongest signal. For many purposes, it is entirely adequate to model the Earth as a sphere.
Actually, it is more nearly an oblate ellipsoid of revolution. The earths flattening is quite small, about 1
part in 300, and navigation errors induced by assuming the Earth is spherical do not exceed this, and so
for many purposes a spherical approximation may be
entirely adequate. On a sphere, the commonly used
coordinates are latitude and longitude, likewise on a
spheroid, however on a spheroid one has to be more
careful about what exactly one means by latitude
[Williams, 1996]. The spherical model is often used
in cartographic projections creating the frame of the
presented chart. The trajectory of the geodesic lines
and the loxodrome looks different depending on the
method of the projections given by the strict formu-

lae. Thus, many map projections are invaluable in

specialized applications.
The only conformal cylindrical projection, Mercators device was a boon to navigators from the
16th-century until the present, despite suffering from
extreme distortion near the poles. We recall it has a
remarkable property: any straight line between two
points is a loxodrome or line of constant course on
the sphere. The Mercator loxodrome bears the same
angle from all meridians. Briefly, if one draws a
straight line connecting a journeys starting and ending points on a Mercator map, that lines slope
yields the journey direction, and keeping a constant
bearing is enough to get to ones destination.
A Mercator projection is not the only one used by
navigators, as the loxodrome does not usually coincides with the geodesic. This projection was possibly first used by Etzlaub (ca. 1511). However, it was
for sure only widely known after Mercators atlas of
1569. Mercator probably defined the graticule by
geometric construction. E. Wright formally presented equations in 1599. Wright's work influenced,
among other persons, Dutch astronomer and mathematician Willebrord Snellius, who introduced the

word loxodrome; Adriaan Metius, the geometer

and astronomer from Holland; and the English
mathematician Richard Norwood, who calculated
the length of a degree on a great circle of the Earth
using a method proposed by Wright.
More commonly applied to large-scale maps, the
transverse aspect preserves every property of Mercators projection, but since meridians are not straight
lines, it is better suited for topography than navigation. Equatorial, transverse and oblique maps offer
the same distortion pattern. The transverse aspect
with equations for the spherical case was presented
by Lambert in his seminal paper (1772). The ellipsoidal case was developed, among others, by Carl
Gauss (ca. 1822) and Louis Krger (ca. 1912). It is
frequently called the Gauss conformal or GaussKrger projection.
The vessel or aircraft can reach its destination following the fixed bearing along the whole trip disregarding some obvious factors like for instance
weather, fuel range, geographical obstructions.
However, that easy route would not be the most
economical choice in terms of distance. The two
paths almost coincide only in brief routes. Although
the rhumb line is much shorter on the Mercator map,
an azimuthal equidistant map tells a different story,
even though the geodesic does not map to a straight
line since it does not intercept the projection centre.
Since there is a trade-off: following the geodesic
would imply constant changes of direction (those are
changes from the current compass bearing and are
only apparent: on the sphere, the trajectory is as
straight as it can be). Following the rhumb line
would waste time and fuel. So a navigator could follow a hybrid procedure [Snyder, 1987]:

trace the geodesic on an azimuthal equidistant or

gnomonic map,
break the geodesic in segments,
plot each segment onto a Mercator map,
use a protractor and read the bearings for each
navigate each segment separately following its
corresponding constant bearing.

differs from the geodesics on the sphere. There are

known different geodesics on the same surface with
the same metric considered. However geodesic refers to the metric what is usually not taken into consideration in the navigational lectures. And there are
different flows of geodesics on the same surface
when different metrics are applied. That means we
can obtain geometrically different results in navigational aspect if we change the researched modelling
object with its geometrical and physical features
(Kopacz, 2006).
Let us focus on two essential notions creating the
base for the various fields of the mathematical research: the metric and topology. A metric space is a
set with a global distance function (the metric) that,
for every two points in, gives the distance between
them as a nonnegative real number.
Definition 1. A function g: X X [0, ) is called
a metric (or distance) in X if
(1) g(x, y) = 0 iff x = y (positivity);
(2) g(x, y) = g(y, x) for every x, y X (symmetry);
(3) g(x, y) g(x, z) + g(z, y) for every x, y, z X
(triangle inequality).
Metric as a nonnegative function describes
the distance between neighbouring points for a
given set. When viewed as a tensor, the metric is
called a metric tensor. We can define a metric in
each non-empty set (X ). The notion of metric
has been introduced by M. Frechet in 1906. Formally the pair (X, g) where g is a metric in a set X is
called a metric space. Fig. 1 points out the essential
role played by the metric in geodesic approach to the

For curved or more complicated modelling surfaces
the metric can be used to compute the distance between two points by integration. The distance generally means the shortest distance between two points.
Roughly speaking, the distance between two points
is the length of the path connecting them. Most often
the research and calculus in navigational literature
are considered on the spherical or spheroidal models
of Earth because of practical reasons. The flow of
geodesics on the ellipsoid of revolution (spheroid)

Figure 1. Geometrical basis in geodesic analysis [Kopacz, 2006]

Making one step further we can generalize the

metric space to the topological space.
Definition 2. Let X be a set and P(X) the power
set of X, i.e.=
P ( X ) {U : U X } . Let P(X) be a
collection of its subsets such that:

(1) ( U ) U (the union of a

collection of sets, which are elements of , belongs

to );
(2) U , V U V (the intersection of a finite collection of sets, which are elements of
, belongs to );
(3) , X, (the empty set and the whole set X
belong to ).
is called a topological structure or just a topology in X;
the pair (X, ) is called a topological space;
an element of X is called a point of this topological space;
an element of is called an open set of the topological space (X, ).
The conditions in the definition presented above
are called the axioms of topological structure. A topology, that is a metric topology, means that one can
define a suitable metric that induces it. Additionally
we assume here that although the metric exists, it
may be unknown. In a metric space (X, g) the family
of sets

= {U X : B( x, ) U }
xU > 0

satisfies the above mentioned axioms of topology.

That means (X, g) is a topological space and thus,
each metric space is a topological space. There are
sufficient criteria on the topology that assure the existence of such a metric even if this is not explicitly
given. An example of an existence theorem of this
kind is due to Urysohn who proved that a regular T1space whose topology has a countable basis is metrizable [Kelley, 1955]. Conversely, a metrizable
space is always T1 and regular but the condition on
the basis has to be weakened since in general, it is
only true that the topology has a basis which is
formed by countably many locally finite families of
open sets. Special metrizability criteria are known
for Hausdorff spaces (T2-spaces). A compact
Hausdorff space is metrizable if and only if the set
of all elements is a zero set [Willard, 1970]. The
continuous image of a compact metric space in a
Hausdorff space is metrizable. This implies in particular that a distance can be defined on every path
in T2-space.

Figure 2. Flows of geodesics (distance functions) on locally

modelling surfaces of differing curvatures

The mathematical formulae used in approximation of the navigational calculations are being studied and are based on spherical (spheroidal) model.
However if we consider different shape of the surface the formulae change considerably. The examples of the flows of geodesics on locally modelling
surfaces of differing curvature are presented graphically in Fig. 2. Let us imagine that the vessels do
not sail on spheroidal earth but locally torus - shaped
planet. In this case the flow of geodesics and mentioned rhumb line or used charts are based on other
mathematical expressions due to different geometrical object considered. The torus is topologically
more simple than the sphere, yet geometrically it is a
very complicated manifold indeed.

Figure 3. The geodesics on a torus T2= S1 x S1

The round torus metric is most easily constructed

via its embedding in a Euclidean space of one higher
Taking into consideration the main theoretical aspects of the subject above mentioned as well as the
practical ones influencing the base and components
of the navigational algorithm to be applied we col-


lect all of them together what has been shown in

Figure 4.

Figure 4. Navigational calculations algorithm guidelines

The notion of geodesics makes sense not only for

surfaces in R3 but also for abstract surfaces and more
generally (Riemannian) manifolds. We also refer to
[Funar, Gadgil, 2001] where the notion of a topological geodesic in a 3-manifold have been introduced.
Geodesics in Riemannian manifolds with metrics of
negative sectional curvature play an essential role in
geometry. It is shown there that, in the case of 3dimensional manifolds, many crucial properties of
geodesics follow from a purely topological characterization in terms of knotting as well as proved
basic existence and uniqueness results for topological geodesics under suitable hypotheses on the fundamental group. For further reading we send the
reader to the wide literature on Riemannian and
Finsler geometry and topology, in particular the geodesic research.

the modelled surface used in many applications, for

instance in dynamic positioning (DP) software. The
plane model enables the satisfactory accuracy in a
local approximation. In the local terrain geodesic research the area can be considered flat if it is inside
the circle of a radius of ca. 15.5 km. This corresponds to the area of spherical circle which diameter
equals ca. 17 of the great circle [Kopacz, 2010].
Practically such an approximation allows the direct
geodesic measurements without considering the curvature of the modelled Earth surface and presenting
the results on the plane in the appropriate scale. In
the global modelling of the Earths surface (geodesy,
cartography, navigation, astronomy) the Euclidean
geometry becomes not sufficient for the geometric
description and the calculus coming from it. Thus,
the limits of application of the approximation methods based on the flat Euclidean geometry must be
clearly determined [Kopacz, 2010].
In a field of flat chart projections scale distortions
on a chart can be shown by means of ratio of the
scale at a given point to the true scale (a scale factor
- SF). Scale distortions exist at locations where the
scale factor differs from 1. For instance, a scale factor at a given point on the map is equal to 0.99960
signifies that 1000 m on the reference surface of the
Earth will actually measure 999.6 m on the chart.
This is a contraction of 40 cm per 1 km.


The surface of revolution as the Earths model sphere S2 or the spheroid is locally approximated by
the Euclidean plane tangent in a given position.
Generally, we approximate locally the curved surface by the Euclidean plane. For some applications
such approximation is allowed and sufficient for
practical need of research. That is satisfactory if we
do not exceed the required accuracy of provided calculations. Hence the boundary conditions of applying the Euclidean plane or spherical geometry ought
to be strictly defined. The mathematical components
of the plane Euclidean geometry applied in navigational device are widely known and there is a common Euclidean metric used in the calculus as the distance function. We emphasize that the geodesics
may look different even on the plane if different
metrics are considered. For the practical reasons and
the ease of use there is Euclidean plane tangent to

Figure 5. Scale distortions on a tangent (a) and a secant (b)

map surface [Knippers, 2009]

Distortions increase as the distance from the central point (tangent plane) or closed line(s) of intersection increases. Scale distortions for tangent and
secant map surfaces are illustrated in the Fig. 5. On a
secant map projection - the application of a scale
factor of less than 1.0000 to the central point or the
central meridian has the effect of making the projection secant - the overall distortions are less than on
one that uses a tangent map surface. Most countries
have derived there map coordinate system from a
projection with a secant map surface for this reason
[Knippers, 2009].

The curved Earth is navigated using flat maps or

charts, collected in an atlas. Similarly, in a calculus
on manifolds a differentiable manifold can be described using mathematical maps, called coordinate
charts, collected in a mathematical atlas. It is not
generally possible to describe a manifold with just
one chart, because the global structure of the manifold is different from the simple structure of the
charts. For example, no single flat map can properly
represent the entire Earth. When a manifold is constructed from multiple overlapping charts, the regions where they overlap carry information essential
to understanding the global structure. In the case of a
differentiable manifold, an atlas allows to do calculus on manifolds. The atlas containing all possible
charts consistent with a given atlas is called the maximal atlas. Unlike an ordinary atlas, the maximal atlas of a given atlas is unique. Though it is useful for
definitions, it is a very abstract object and not used
directly for example in calculations. Charts in an atlas may overlap and a single point of a manifold
may be represented in several charts. If two charts
overlap, parts of them represent the same region of
the manifold. Given two overlapping charts, a transition function can be defined which goes from an
open ball in Rn to the manifold and then back to another (or perhaps the same) open ball in Rn. The resultant map is called a change of coordinates, a coordinate transformation, a transition function or a
transition map.
As the Earths global model an oblate spheroid is
used providing the navigational calculations i.e. distances and angles or the sphere for the ease of use. A
sphere, spheroid or a torus surface are examples of
2-dimensional manifolds. Manifolds are important
objects in mathematics and physics because they allow more complicated structures to be expressed and
understood in terms of the relatively well understood
properties of simpler spaces. The study of manifolds
combines many important areas of mathematics: it
generalizes concepts such as curves and surfaces as
well as ideas from linear algebra and topology. Certain special classes of manifolds also have additional
algebraic structure. They may behave like groups,
for instance. To measure distances and angles on
manifolds, the manifold must be Riemannian. We
recall that a Riemannian manifold is an analytic
manifold in which each tangent space is equipped
with an inner product in a manner which varies
smoothly from point to point. This allows one to define various notions such as length, angles, areas (or
volumes), curvature, gradients of functions and divergence of vector fields. More general geometric
structure a Finsler manifold allows the definition of
distance, but not of angle. It is an analytic manifold

in which each tangent space is equipped with a

norm, in a manner which varies smoothly from point
to point. This norm can be extended to a metric, defining the length of a curve; but it cannot in general
be used to define an inner product. Any Riemannian
manifold is a Finsler manifold. Manifold theory has
come to focus exclusively on these intrinsic properties (or invariants), while largely ignoring the extrinsic properties of the ambient space.
Triaxial ellipsoid as the 2-dimensional submanifold M in R3 is defined by the equation = 0
( x, y , z ) =

x2 y 2 z 2
+ 1 .
a 2 b2 c2

Let N be the non-vanishing normal vector field on

M. Then
N ( x, y=
, z ) 0,5 grad=

e + 2 e2 + 2 e3
2 1

where the {e1, e2, e3} is the canonical basis of the

vector space R3. The Gaussian curvature K of the
modelling triaxial ellipsoid equals K = 2 2 2
abc N
The Gaussian curvature is the determinant of the
shape operator. For the sphere a=b=c=r and then
where r denotes a radius of the
modelling sphere. Thus, we conclude here that the
curvature affects the geometry of the locally approximating surfaces essentially and in particular their
geodesic trajectories.
2-dimensional sphere S2 is widely considered to
model globally the surface of the Earth. As a calculating tool the spherical trigonometry is used which
states the base for the comparison analysis and algorithms implemented in the software of navigational
aids e.g. receivers of the positioning systems, ECDIS. The surface of the Earth may be taken mathematically as a sphere instead of ellipsoid for maps at
smaller scales. In practice, maps at scale 1:5 000 000
or smaller can use the mathematically simpler sphere
without the risk of large distortions. At larger scales,
the more complicated mathematics of ellipsoids are
needed to prevent these distortions in the map. A
sphere can be derived from the certain ellipsoid corresponding either to the semi-major or semi-minor
axis, or average of both axes or can have equal volume or equal surface than the ellipsoid [Knippers,





Figure 6. Geodesics on 2-dimensional modelling manifolds of

positive curvature a) sphere, b) spheroid (ellipsoid of revolution), c) triaxial ellipsoid.

We recall the great circle is the equivalent of the

Euclidean straight line, it has the finite distance and
it is closed. The geodesics starting from a given position on three main modelling surfaces (2dimensional modelling manifolds of positive curvature), i.e. sphere, spheroid and triaxial ellipsoid are
presented in Fig. 6. The disadvantage of orthodromic
sailing is bound with continuous course alteration.
That is why the loxodromic line is mainly sailed only or mainly used in the approximation of the great
circle sailing. Thus the combination of these two
lines create the base for planned and monitored trajectories while at sea.

The general question we ask affects the range and

point of usage of the rhumb line in case the ECDIS
systems equipped with the great circle / great ellipse
approximation algorithms of given accuracy replaces
the traditional paper charts based on Mercator projection. Moreover, the navigation based on geodesic
lines and connected software of the ships device
(electronic chart, positioning and steering systems)
gives a strong argument to use this method for calculations instead of the loxodromic one in general.
Although the basic solutions for navigational purposes have already been known and widely used
there are still the new approaches and efforts made
to the subject. The examples of the spherical and
spheroidal approach have been found recently in the
literature reviewed further in the article. The main
efforts affect the optimization and approximation
methods which potentially may give the practical
benefits for the navigators.
As we mentioned above the shortest path between
two points on a smooth surface is called a geodesic
curve on the surface. On a flat surface the geodesics
are the straight lines, on a sphere they are the great
circles. Remarkably the path taken by a particle sliding without friction on a surface will always be a
geodesic. This is because a defining characteristic of
a geodesic is that at each point on its path, the local
centre of curvature always lies in the direction of the
surface normal, i.e. in the direction of any constrained force required to keep the particle on the
surface. There are thus no forces in the local tangent
plane of the surface to deflect the particle from its
geodesic path. There is a general procedure, using
the calculus of variations, to find the equation for
geodesics given the metric of the surface [Williams,
1996]. Obviously the Earth is not an exact ellipsoid
and deviations from this shape are continually evaluated. The geoid is the name given to the shape that
the Earth would assume if it were all measured at
mean sea level. This is an undulating surface that
varies not more than about a hundred meters above
or below a well-fitting ellipsoid, a variation far less
than the ellipsoid varies from the sphere. The choice
of the reference ellipsoid used for various regions of
the Earth has been influenced by the local geoid, but
large-scale map projections are designed to fit the
reference ellipsoid, not the geoid. The selection of
constants defining the shape of the reference ellipsoid has been a major concern of geodesists since
the early 18th century. Two geometric constants are
sufficient to define the ellipsoid itself e.g. the semimajor axis and the eccentricity. In addition, recent
satellite-measured reference ellipsoids are defined
by the semimajor axis, geocentric gravitational constant and dynamical form factor which may be converted to flattening with formulas from physics.
Between 1799 and 1951 there were 26 determinations of dimensions of the Earth. There are over a

dozen other principal ellipsoids, however, which are

still used by one or more countries. The different
dimensions do not only result from varying accuracy
in the geodetic measurements (the measurements of
locations on the Earth), but the curvature of the
Earths surface (geoid) is not uniform due to irregularities in the gravity field. Until recently, ellipsoids
were only fitted to the Earths shape over a particular country or continent. The polar axis of the reference ellipsoid for such a region, therefore, normally
does not coincide with the axis of the actual Earth,
although it is assumed to be parallel. The same applies to the two equatorial planes. The discrepancy
between centres is usually a few hundred meters at
most. Satellite-determined coordinate systems are
considered geocentric. Ellipsoids for the latter systems represent the entire Earth more accurately than
ellipsoids determined from ground measurements,
but they do not generally give the best fit for a particular region. The reference ellipsoids used prior to
those determined by satellite are related to an initial
point of reference on the surface to produce a datum,
the name given to a smooth mathematical surface
that closely fits the mean sea-level surface throughout the area of interest. The initial point is assigned a
latitude, longitude, elevation above the ellipsoid, and
azimuth to some point. Satellite data have provided
geodesists with new measurements to define the best
Earth-fitting ellipsoid and for relating existing coordinate systems to the Earths centre of mass. For the
mapping of other planets and natural satellites, Mars
is treated as an ellipsoid. Other bodies are taken as
spheres, although some irregular satellites have been
treated as triaxial ellipsoids and are mapped orthographically [Snyder, 1987].
In the course of navigation programmes for ECDIS
purposes it became apparent that the standard text
books of navigation were perpetuating a flawed
method of calculating rhumb lines on the Earth considered as an oblate spheroid. On further investigation it became apparent that these incorrect methods
were being used in programming a number of calculator/computers and satellite navigation receivers.
Although the discrepancies were not large, it was
disquieting to compare the results of the same rhumb
line calculations from a number of such devices and
find variations of a few miles when the output was
given, and therefore purported to be accurate, to a
tenth of a mile in distance and/or a tenth of a minute
of arc in position. The problem was highlighted in
the past and the references at the end of this paper
show that a number of methods have been proposed
for the amelioration of this problem.

This paper presents and recommends the guidelines that should be used for the accurate solutions.
Most of these may be found in standard geodetic text
books, such as, but also provided are new formulae
and schemes of solution which are suitable for use
with computers or tables. The paper also takes into
account situations when a near-indeterminate solution may arise. Some examples are provided which
demonstrate the methods. The data for these problems do not refer to actual terrestrial situations but
have been selected for illustrative purposes. Practising ships' navigators will find the methods described in detail in this paper to be directly applicable to their work and they also should find ready
acceptance because they are similar to current practice. In almost none of the references cited at the end
of this paper has been addressed the practical task of
calculating, using either a computer or tabular techniques.
The paper presents the review of different approaches to contact formulae for the computation of
the position, the distance, and the azimuth along a
great ellipse. The proposed alternative formulae are
to be primarily used for accurate sailing calculations
on the ellipsoid in a GIS environment as in ECDIS
and other ECS. Among the ECDIS requirements is
the need for a continuous system with a level of accuracy consistent with the requirements of safe navigation. At present, this requirement is best fulfilled
by the Global Positioning System (GPS). The GPS
system is referenced to World Geodetic System
1984 Datum (WGS 84). Using the ellipsoid model
instead of the spherical model attains more accurate
calculation of sailing on the Earth. Therefore, we
aim to construct a computational procedure for solving the length of the arc of a great ellipse, the waypoints and azimuths along a great ellipse. We announce our aspiration to provide the straightforward
formulae involving the great elliptic sailing based on
two scenarios. The first is that the departure point
and the destination point are known. The second is
that the departure point and the initial azimuth are
given (direct and inverse geodetic problems on reference ellipsoids).
5.1 ECDIS Calculations
As a minimum, an ECDIS system must be able to
perform the following calculations and conversions
[Weintrit, 2009]:
geographical coordinates to display coordinates,
and display coordinates to geographical coordinates;
transformation from local datum to WGS-84;
true distance and azimuth between two geographical positions;
geographic position from a known position given
distance and azimuth (course);

projection calculations such as great circle and

rhumb line courses and distances;
RL-GC difference between the rhumb line and
great circle in sailing along the great circle (or
great ellipse?).
5.2 Route planning calculations
The ECDIS allows the navigator to create waypoints
and routes including setting limits of approach and
other cautionary limits. Both rhumb line and great
circle routes can be defined. Routes can be freely
exchanged between the ECDIS and GPS or ARPA.
Route checking facility allows the intended route to
be automatically checked for safety against limits of
depth and distance as defined by the navigator.
The mariner can calculate and display both a
rhumb line and a great circle line and verify that no
visible distortion exists between these lines and the
chart data.
Authors predict the early end of the era of the
rhumb line. This line in the natural way will go out
of use. Nobody after all will be putting the navigational triangle to the screen of the ECDIS. Our
planned route is not having to be a straight line on
the screen. So, why hold this line still in the use?
Each ships position plotted on the chart can be the
starting point of new updated great circle GC, or
saying more closely, great ellipse GE.
5.3 Most important questions
It is an important question whether in the ECDIS
time still Mercator projection is essential for marine
navigation. We really need it? And what about loxodrome? Also not? So, let start navigation based on
geodesics. It is high time to forget the rhumb line
navigation and great circle navigation, too. But the
first we need clear established methods, algorithms
and formulas for sailing calculations. But it is already indicating the real revolution in navigation total revolution. We will be forced to make the revision of such fundamental notions as the course, the
heading and the bearing.
And another very important question: do you really know what kind of algorithms and formulae are
used in your GPS receiver and your ECS/ECDIS
systems for calculations mentioned in chapter 5.1?
We are sure, your answer is negative. So, we have a
problem a serious problem.



From 1950 till 2010 the following professional magazines and journals published some papers about
navigation on the great ellipse and on the spheoridical Earth: The Journal of Navigation [Bennett, 1996;
Bourbon, 1990; Carlton-Wippern, 1992; Chen, Hsu,
& Chang, 2004; Earle, 2000, 2005, 2006, 2008;
Hickley, 1987; Hiraiwa, 1987; Nastro & Tancredi,
2010; Pallikaris & Latsas, 2009; Prince & Williams,
1995; Sadler, 1956; Tseng & Lee, 2007; Tyrrell,
1955; Walwyn, 1999; Williams, 1950; Williams,
1996; Williams & Phythian, 1989, 1992; Zukas,
1994], International Hydrographic Review [Pallikaris, Tsoulos & Paradissis, 2009a], Coordinates
[Pallikaris, Tsoulos & Paradissis, 2010], Navigation
- The Journal of The Institute of Navigation [Kaplan,
1995; Miller, Moskowitz & Simmen, 1991], Bulletin
Geodesique [Bowring, 1983, 1984; Rainsford, 1953,
1955; Sodano, 1965], Journal of Marine Science and
Technology [Tseng & Lee, 2010], The Journal of the
Washingtin Academy of Sciences [Lambert, 1942],
The Canadian Surveyor [Bowring, 1985], Survey
Review [Vincenty, 1975, 1976], Surveying and
Mapping [Meade, 1981], The Professional Geographer [Tobler, 1964], College Mathematics Journal
[Nord, Muller, 1996; Schechter, 2007].
The following particular problems were discussed
among the others:
practical rhumb line calculations on the spheroid
[Bennet, 1996],
geodesic inverse problem [Bowring, 1983],
direct and inverse solutions for the great elliptic
and line on the reference ellipsoid [Bowring,
loxodromic navigation [Carlton-Wippern, 1992],
formulas for the solution of direct and inverse
problems on reference ellipsoids using pocket
calculators [Meade, 1981],
geometry of loxodrome on the ellipsoid
[Bowring, 1985],
geometry of geodesics [Busemann, 1955],
geodesic line on the surface of a spheroid [Bourbon, 1990],
great circle equation [Chen, Hsu & Chang, 2004],
novel approach to great circle sailing [Chen, Hsu
& Chang, 2004],
vector function of traveling distance for great circle navigation [Tseng & Lee, 2007],
great circle navigation with vectorial methods
[Nastro & Tancredi, 2010],
vector solution for great circle navigation [Earle,
vector solution for navigation on a great ellipse
[Earle, 2000],
navigation on a great ellipse [Tseng & Lee,

great ellipse solution for distances and headings

to steer between waypoints [Walwyn, 1999],
great ellipse on the surface of the spheroid [Williams, 1996],
vector solutions for azimuth [Earle, 2008],
sphere to spheroid comparisons [Earle, 2006],
great circle versus rhumb line cross-track distance
at mid-longitude [Hickley, 1987],
modification of sailing calculations [Hiraiwa,
practical sailing formulas for rhumb line tracks on
an oblate Earth [Kaplan, 1995],
distance between two widely separated points on
the surface of the Earth [Lambert, 1942],
traveling on the curve Earth [Miller, Moskowitz
& Simmen, 1991],
new meridian arc formulas for sailing calculations in GIS [Pallikaris, Tsoulos & Paradissis,
new calculations algorithms for GIS navigational
systmes and receivers [Pallikaris, Tsoulos & Paradissis, 2009b],
improved algorithms for sailing calculations
[Pallikaris, Tsoulos & Paradissis, 2010],
new algorithm for great elliptic sailing (GES)
[Pallikaris & Latsas, 2009],
shortest paths [Lyusternik, 1964],
sailing in ever-decreasing circles [Prince & Williams, 1995],
long geodesics on the ellipsoid [Rainsford, 1953,
spheroidal sailing and the middle latitude [Sadler,
general non-iterative solution of the inverse and
direct geodetic problems [Sodano, 1965],
comparison of spherical and ellipsoidal measures
[Tobler, 1964],
navigating on the spheroid [Tyrrell, 1955; Williams, 2002],
direct and inverse solutions of geodesics on the
ellipsoid with application of nested equations
[Vincenty, 1975, 1976],
loxodromic distances on the terrestrial spheroid
[Williams, 1950],
Mercators rhumb lines: a multivariable application of arc length [Nord, Muller, 1996],
navigating along geodesic paths on the surface of
a spheroid [Williams & Phythian, 1989],
shortest distance between two nearly antipodean
points on the surface of a spheroid [Williams &
Phythian, 1992],
shortest spheroidal distance [Zukas, 1994],
navigating on a spheroid [Schechter, 2007].
This article is written with a variety of readers in
mind, ranging from practising navigators to theoreti-

cal analysts. It was also our goal to present a current

and uniform approaches to sailing calculations highlighting recent developments. Much insight may be
gained by considering the examples that have recently proliferated in the literature reviewed above. We
present our approach to the subject and place special
emphasis on the geometrical base from a general
point of view. Of particular interest are geodesic
lines, in particular great ellipse calculations. The geometry of modelling structures implies the calculus
essentially, in particular the mathematical formulae
in the algorithms applied in the navigational electronic device and systems. Thus, is the spherical or
spheroidal model the best fit in the local approximations of the Earth surface? We show that generally in
navigation the essential calculating procedure refers
to the distance and angle measurement what may be
transferred to more general geometrical structures,
for instance metric spaces, Riemannian manifolds.
The authors point out that the locally modelling
structure has a different shape and thus the different curvature and the flow of geodesics. That affects
the calculus provided on it. The algorithm applied
for navigational purposes, in particular ECDIS
should inform the user on actually used mathematical model and its limitations. The question we also
ask affects the range and point in applying the loxodrome sailing in case the ECDIS equipped with the
great circle (great ellipse) approximation algorithms
of given accuracy replaces the traditional nautical
charts based on Mercator projection. The shortest
distance (geodesics) depends on the type of metric
we use on the considered surface in general navigation. The geodesics can look different even on the
same plane if different metrics are taken into consideration. Let us observe for instance the diameter of
the parallel of latitude conical circle does not pass its
centre. That differs from both the plane and spherical case. Our intuition insists on the way of thinking
to look at the diameter as a part of geodesic of the
researched surface crossing the centre of a circle.
However the diameter depends on the applied metric, thus the shape of the circles researched in the
metric spaces depends on the position of the centre
and the radius. It is also important to know how the
distance between two points on considered structure
is determined, where the centre of the circle is positioned and how the diameter passes. Changing the
metric causes the differences in the obtained distances. For example as a number is constant and
has the same value in each geometry it is used in
calculations. However as a ratio of the circumference to its diameter can achieve different values in
general, in particular [Kopacz, 2010]. The navigation based on geodesic lines and connected software
of the ships devices (electronic chart, positioning
and steering systems) gives a strong argument to research and use geodesic-based methods for calculations instead of the loxodromic trajectories in gen515

eral. The theory is developing as well what may be

found in the books on geometry and topology. This
motivates us to discuss the subject and research the
components of the algorithm of calculations for navigational purposes.
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