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Colour code

[Green highlight] = Title

[Blue highlight] = Subtext
[Purple highlight] = Button
<!-- ******Start of Error Message****** -->
<!-- General -->
<string name="err_connection_not_found">No internet connection found! Please ensure that you
are connected to the internet before trying again.</string>
<string name="err_password_not_match">Incorrect password. Please ensure that you have
entered your password correctly.</string>
<string name="err_ok">Try again</string>
<!-- Login -->
<string name="err_invalid_login">Invalid username or password! We cant find any user with those
details. Please ensure that you have entered your particulars correctly!</string>
<string name="err_username_desc_empty">Please enter your username. </string>
<string name="err_password_desc_empty">Please enter your password.</string>
<string name="err_tenant_desc_empty">Please enter your company name.</string> [Tenant
rename to Company Name]
<!-- Leave -->
<string name="err_invalid_login">Invalid username or password! We cant find any user with those
details. Please ensure that you have entered your particulars correctly!</string>
<string name="err_remark_desc_empty">Please enter a remark! </string>
<string name="err_number_of_days_empty">Please enter a valid number of days!</string>
<string name="err_date_not_valid"> Your chosen dates do not match! Please check the dates
<!-- Forgot Password -->
<string name="err_username_desc_empty">Please enter your username.</string>
<!-- ******End of Error Message****** -->

<!-- ******Start of Information Message****** -->

<!-- LogOut -->
<string name="logout_unsync">Hold your horses! Some files on the app arent synchronized with
the server. Please make sure you have a stable internet connection before synchronizing.</string>
<string name="general_dialog_logout_desc">Are you sure you would like to log out?</string>
<!-- Login -->
<string name="info_login_sign_in">Hold your horses </string>
<!-- Leave -->

<string name="info_connection_data_server">Leading the horses out from the barn </string>

<!-- New Joiner -->
<string name="info_new_joiner_txt1">Hey stranger,</string>
<string name="info_new_joiner_txt2">welcome onboard!</string>
<string name="err_name_desc_empty">Please enter your name. </string>
<string name="err_nric_not_valid">Invalid NRIC!</string>
<!-- Swap & rostered [Roster] -->
<string name="info_coming_soon1">Hang tight, eager beaver! This nifty feature is coming
<string name="info_coming_soon2">Hang tight, eager beaver! This nifty feature is coming
<!-- *****End of Information Message***** -->
<!-- Server Error -->
<string name="err_server_desc"> Holy cow! Something went wrong. Please try again. </string>
<!-- Loading / Synchronization Text -->
<string name="info_loading"> Taking the cows out to graze</string>

- server error, force return to log in

Holy cow! Something went wrong.
Just to be sure, our tech owls recommend that you log in again.

location search fail

Location not found!

Our search owls couldnt find any location called ____. Check the spelling and try again.
Try again

user search fail

User not found!

Our search owls couldnt find any user called ____. Check the spelling and try again.
Try again

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