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The Aquarian Age in this 2015 Socio-Political Climate

Article by Apostle Robn D. Harris

When the ears of the student are ready to hear, then cometh the lips to fill
them with wisdom-The Kyballion

The world as we know it is ending. The turbulence of storms, wars, etc. is not Gods wrath as
some would say, but rather indicative of a SHIFTING taking place globally and in consciousness.
Its also, an opportunity for SONS of GOD to take stage front and center. { Please note that
when I speak of SONS OF GOD I am in no way speaking religious context.} Its a call from the
SOUL of the EARTH realm not religious legalistic institutions. In addition, its not about waiting
for someone to come and rescue us. We are it. We are the sent ones. Its time to understand
that WE are the Spiritual Masters we have been waiting for. This is also a good place to
interject that the Masters that are rising in this era, hour-age are uncommon. Many have been
labeled the least. I dont want to get stuck there because this writing deals with a broader
observation. I want to tie in Aquarian Age traits with current events. This will hopefully give us
some direction and insight as to what is going on spiritually.
We are coming into a New cycle. The Age of Aquarius is causing great turmoil to make
room for the new values of love, brotherhood, unity, SOLIDARITY and integrity. There is a
demand being placed on authenticity. This is especially true for governments, churches,
corporations, individuals, and even personal relationships. Many call this a disaster because
everything seems to be falling apart. Exposure and spotlight moments on hypocrisy seems to
be on the rise to bring about TRUTH.
This age is ushering in Leaders that realize that these Old forms (whether it be political or
religious) must be rebuilt or dismantled completely. Old time religion has proven to be
ineffective, bias, and conditional. So, there are many rising up and demanding CHANGE. The
Aquarian Age points to the direction of our own evolution in consciousness. Therefore, as we
evolve, a call to and for action takes place. We are each being asked to make a choice. We can
cling to the old outdated values or adopt the new evolving ones. Our happiness and peace
depends on our choice. The change will take place whether we like it or not. Look at the
streets where brutality has taken place. Listen to our LGBT sisters and brothers wanting and
demanding respect and inclusion in the CHURCH where they have sojourned and labored. Look
at our single mothers that have and are laboring challenging wages in the U.S. CHANGE is
COMING. This hour is flourishing with THINKERS and DOERS on many levels in the World.

This Aquarian anointing can be seen as a force for breaking up old structures that have
hardened , become useless and unfair. Favoritism Hierarchy( whether in political or church
arenas) will break down under Aquarius rule into brotherhood and equality across the world.
Also, Non-conformist to religious ideology will be very visible. Let me list some traits t: (note: in
no way is this a complete listthis is from my personal observance)

solidarity and fellowship
kindness and compassion
philanthropy and altruism
spiritual awareness
revelation of Truth
rebels and rebellion

Can I just say that I am welcoming this change? The climate thats coming in is fresh. It is
necessary. We have lived under a regime that has treated others poorly and unfair. God has
been mis -represented as misogynistic, homophobic, sexist, racist, Baptist, Methodist, COGIC,
Christian for too long. God is none of that. It limits the existence of us all. The impositions of
this rebellion is to SHOW that GOD is in all as All. Those who society has placed beneath: the
prostitute, the unemployable, the homeless, the homosexualare ALL GOD and that is GOOD.
The Aquarian age will offer us the opportunity to get out of this matrix and create spaces that
allow us to recapture our dignity and humanity.
Can you stand the change? Will you identify with the world changers? Will you allow yourself
to evolve? There is a groan and moan coming from the depths of the earth waiting for us to
come forth. Some are answering to the cry. Will you do the same?

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