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The EU Emergency and Crisis Coordination Arrangements (CCA) were

designed in the wake of major terrorist attacks (2004 bombings in

Madrid and 2005 bombings in London) and disasters (the 2004
tsunami in the Pacific and Indian Ocean) to allow the EU and its
member states to provide a strategic and political response to crises in
a coordinated manner. Following the 2004 European Council invitation
to establish an integrated EU crisis-management arrangement, the
CCAs were formally agreed by the Council in 2006.
Since then, the webpage has been activated three times for
information-exchange purposes:

during the terrorist attack in Mumbai in 2008,

in the aftermath of the Haiti earthquake of January 2010,

following the eruption of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajkull

and the related ash cloud problems in April 2010.

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in brief



The eruption of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajkull triggered an

extraordinary Council meeting of Transport Ministers in 2010

Approval of the IPCR arrangements at the General Affairs Council on 25 June 2013

Council of the
European Union

Directorate-General Foreign Affairs, Enlargement
and Civil Protection
Directorate Enlargement, Security, Civil Protection,
Foreign Affairs Council Support
Civil Protection Unit
IPCR Secretariat
Office JL-30-40-MN-10

Creative Commons Henrik Thorburn

Following the experience gained from real-life situations as well as

exercise simulations, the CCA underwent a major review process
between 2011 and 2013. This revision was finalised in June 2013 and
resulted in the development of the new IPCR arrangements that now
replace the CCA.



European Union, 2014

Photos:; Creative Commons Henrik Thorburn
ISBN 978-92-824-4454-2
RS 88/2014


The EU Integrated Political Crisis Response arrangements (IPCR)
reinforce the European Unions ability to take rapid decisions when
facing major crises requiring a response at EU political level. They were
approved on 25 June 2013 by the Council of the European Union.
The IPCR also allows the Council to carry out political coordination of
the response to the invocation of the solidarity clause (Article 222 of
the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union), which stipulates
that the Union and its member states shall act jointly in a spirit of
solidarity if a member state is the object of a terrorist attack or the
victim of a natural or man-made disaster. The IPCR ensures coherence
and complementarity of Union and member states action.
The IPCR arrangements are flexible and scalable, enabling a tailored
response at EU political level and providing the necessary support
from EU institutions and services in the context of a crisis and its
evolution. They make full use of synergies between stakeholders and
existing resources, structures and capabilities.
The IPCR arrangements are based on the principle of subsidiarity, fully
respecting member states responsibilities in a crisis situation. They do
not replace existing arrangements at sectorial level.


Spreading the IPCR and EU crisis management culture

Collecting and analysing the situational information:

ISAA capability

In order to enhance EU crisis response capacity, including supporting

a possible invocation of the solidarity clause, there is a need to spread
the IPCR culture at all levels. This is based mainly on preparedness
activities, including exercises and training courses which ensure that
the relevant decision-makers are fully aware and trained, as well as on
communication with the relevant audiences.


In an IPCR context, a common and shared picture of the situation at

hand is crucial to support the Presidency and to inform the Councils
decision-making. Using their existing structures and capabilities, the
Commission and EEAS join forces to develop an Integrated Situational
Awareness and Analysis (ISAA) capability that will serve this purpose.
Upon activation, ISAA support is available on a lasting basis. It provides
an integrated overview of the situation, as well as the situations
possible evolution and consequences. It also provides input for the
member states and supports the Commission and the EEAS in their

The IPCR Web Platform: a virtual crisis room

Another key element for the IPCR process is the IPCR Web Platform,
which acts as the central information-sharing tool. It is accessible to
all relevant stakeholders at member state and EU level and supports
the timely exchange of information relevant to EU political decisionmaking.


The IPCR Web Platform is owned by the Council, is permanently

available and its access is protected. It is managed by the GSC with
the support of the Commission and of the EEAS.

The IPCR process is driven by the Presidency, which ensures coherence

of handling in the Council and of the overall response at Union
political level. It is supported by the General Secretariat of the Council
(GSC), the European Commission, the European External Action Service
(EEAS) and, in the case of terrorist attacks, the EU Counter-Terrorism
coordinator, acting in accordance with their respective roles and

Upon IPCR activation, a crisis page can be generated, depending

on the situation and political needs. But the IPCR Web Platform also
allows information-sharing on a permanent basis. It is used notably
for preparedness purposes, for instance in relation to the monitoring
of on-going crisis situations that do not (yet) require an activation of
the IPCR.

The process is centred on Coreper and follows existing Council

The Presidency gathers support and advice through an informal
Presidency-chaired round table so as to prepare decisions on the
possible handling of the crisis within the Council and to develop
proposals for action to be presented to Coreper/Council.
The IPCR is based on a progressive approach. Its activation by the
Presidency, at the request of the affected member state(s), leads to
a number of stages, starting from situational awareness to political
coordination and decision-making, at Coreper, Council or even
European Council level.



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