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Maddy Goodhart

APES Chapter 12 Outline

1. food security every person in a given area has daily access to
enough nutritious food to have an active and healthy life
food insecurity- living with chronic hunger and poor nutirition,
which threatens their ability to lead healthy and productive lives
Overnutrition occurs when food energy intake exceeds energy use
and causes excess body fat

2.The root cause of food insecurity is poverty. In order to maintain

good health people require carbs, proteins, fats, vitamins, and
3. Chronic undernutrition occurs when people cannot grow or buy
enough food to meet their basic energy needs. Chronic malnutirition
occurs when the poor can afford only to live on a low-protein, highcarbohydrate, vegetarian diet which has deficiencies of proteins and
other nutrients. This makes them more susceptible to disease, and
hinders the normal physical and mental development of children.
4. iron causes anemia, fatigue, makes infection more likely
vitamin A
5. industrialized agriculture single crops in monoculture (corn?)
plantation agriculture- tropical developing plants (ex. bananas,
soybeans, and coffee)
aquaculture tomatoes
traditional subsistence agriculture Provide enough to support the
family and sell any extra
traditional intensive agriculture more than subsistence so there is
extra to sell commercially
slash and burn agriculture tropical forests
sustainable agriculture
organic agriculture
6. surface litter leaves, debris, animals and bugs
topsoil roots, bugs, worms
zone of leaching ground water

parent material -- slightly softer than bedrock

bedrock -- solid rock
7. soil erosion loss of soil, fertility, and water pollution
desertification leads to deserts and drying of water
salinization stunts growth, saltier water
waterlogging salinates water
8. The green revolution is the push to use reusable and sustainable
energy. The movement also has some focus on preventing pesticide
9. GMOs are created when genes from one organism are combined
with another to alter the new project
advantages: commercially efficient, innovative
disadvantages: largely untested, kills bugs
10. pest any species that interferes with human welfare by
competing with us for food
ex. predators and parasites
11. Integrated crop management each crop, and its pests, are
evaluated as parts of an ecosystem. Uses biological controls, and
chemical tools in a safe, well-researched way.
12. organic fertilizers are made from plant and animal waste.
Inorganic fertilizers are produced from various minerals

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