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1, JANUARY 2009

Pilot Design for OFDM with Null Edge Subcarriers

Robert J. Baxley, John E. Kleider, and G. Tong Zhou

Abstract—Pilot symbol assisted modulation (PSAM) orthog- [14]–[16] for peak-to-average power ratio (PAR) reduction.
onal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has proven to A thorough overview of PSAM can be found in [17]. In
be a popular technique for high-speed communication through this paper, we will address optimal pilot designs in ODFM
multipath fading channels. In this paper we examine PSAM pilot
design optimization in OFDM systems that employ edge null systems that have edge null subcarriers.
subcarriers for spectral shaping. Specifically, we show that the In almost all wireless communications standards, the trans-
commonly used even pilot spacing design is suboptimal in terms mitted signal is required to meet a spectral mask such that
of symbol estimate mean squared error (MSE) performance the power spectrum outside of the main user’s channel is
when a sufficient number of null subcarriers are present. We
pursue a parametric design of the pilot spacings and use convex not too high, thus limiting the amount of distortion noise
optimization techniques in order to find a pilot design that results contributed to adjacent and alternate channel users. Such
in near-optimal symbol estimate MSE performance. Finally, we interference results from spectral splattering caused by system
present several example PSAM OFDM pilot designs including nonlinearities from the power amplifier, the mixer, the DAC,
one example based on the IEEE 802.16 standard to demonstrate etc. Accordingly, many OFDM standards (digital audio broad-
performance improvements over the conventional even-spacing
pilot design when null edge subcarriers are present. casting (DAB), digital video broadcasting (DVB), wireless
LAN, wireless MAN, etc.) require that a certain number of
Index Terms—Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing subcarriers at each band edge remain unmodulated. These
(OFDM), pilot symbol assisted modulation (PSAM).
unmodulated (or “null”) subcarriers make it easier for system
designers to meet the spectral mask constraints [18]. As
I. I NTRODUCTION we will show, when a segment of the bandwidth is not

O RTHOGONAL frequency division multiplexing available for pilot placement, as is the case in null-subcarrier
(OFDM) is a popular method in wireless high- OFDM systems, the pilot design problem needs to be carefully
speed communications schemes [2]. Pilot symbol assisted considered.
modulation (PSAM) was proposed as a low complexity When the entire OFDM band is available (i.e., no null
technique to estimate multipath channels and to remove their subcarriers are present), it was proved in [4] that the optimal
effects from the received OFDM symbol [3]. More recently, pilot design consists of evenly-spaced constant-power pilots.
attention has been paid to optimal pilot design for channel In this work we are interested in determining the optimal pilot
estimation performance in OFDM. In [4], it was demonstrated design when null edge subcarriers are present. If the null sub-
that the mean squared error (MSE) minimizing pilot design carriers occupy a larger bandwidth than the spacing required
consists of equi-spaced equi-powered pilots. Other pilot by the evenly-spaced pilot design, then evenly spacing the pilot
design criteria have been considered as well: in [5] for bit subcarriers is no longer feasible, and another solution needs
error rate (BER) minimization, in [6] for channel estimate to be found as acknowledged in [4] and [6]. Also, in [19], a
MSE minimization, in [7] for multiple-input multiple-output proposal was made for selecting the pilot positions in OFDM
(MIMO) preamble pilot design, in [8] for channel tracking preambles when null subcarriers are present. However, the
performance, in [9] for Doppler spread mitigation, in [10] method of [19] does not work for certain subcarrier/channel-
for channel capacity maximization, in [11] for multiuser pilot length configurations; moreover, the optimization in [19] uses
design, in [12] for MIMO channel capacity maximization, in the 2 norm of the subcarrier channel-estimate MSEs, which
[13] for MIMO channel estimate MSE minimization, and in may not accurately encapsulate the system performance.
Our proposed solution uses a cubic parameterization of the
Manuscript received January 16, 2008; revised July 9, 2008; accepted
September 5, 2008. The associate editor coordinating the review of this paper pilot subcarrriers in conjunction with a convex optimization
and approving it for publication was D. Huang. algorithm to produce pilot designs that have near-optimal
R. J. Baxley is with the Georgia Tech Research Institute, Atlanta, GA symbol estimate MSE performance as defined by any convex
30332-0817, USA (e-mail:
G. T. Zhou is with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, norm of the subcarrier symbol-estimate MSEs. In the example
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0250, USA (e-mail: designs we show the effect of using different norm choices. Additionally, through a design example based on the IEEE
J. Kleider is with General Dynamics C4 Systems, Scottsdale, AZ 85257,
USA (e-mail: 802.16 standard [20], we demonstrate the performance im-
This work was supported in part by the U. S. Army Research Laboratory provement possible for null-subcarrier OFDM systems when
under the Collaborative Technology Alliance Program, Cooperative Agree- the proposed pilot design is used instead of the conventional
ment DAAD19-01-2-0011 and in part by the National Science Foundation
Graduate Research Fellowship Program. evenly-spaced pilot design.
Some results of this paper were presented at the IEEE International Notations: Upper case and lower case bold face letters
Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Honolulu, Hawaii,
April 2007 [1]. represent matrices and column vectors respectively; AT and
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/T-WC.2009.080065 AH stand for the transpose and the Hermitian transpose of
c 2009 IEEE

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A, respectively; E[·] is the expectation operator; xn is II. C HANNEL E STIMATION

the n norm of x; |x| (|A|) is a vector (matrix) that is the The procedure used to estimate the channel in a PSAM
element-wise magnitude of x (A); A+ = (AH A)−1 AH OFDM system varies depending on a number of factors
is the pseudoinverse of matrix A; |A| is the cardinality of including computational resources and knowledge of the
set A; ((·))N is the modulo N operation; int(·) rounds the channel statistics. In this paper, we examine least-squares
argument to the nearest integer; Dx is a diagonal matrix with error (LSE) channel estimation, which requires no knowl-
vector x on the diagonal; [A]i,k denotes entry in the ith edge of the channel statistics and treats the channel taps
row and the kth column of A; finally, the N × N discrete as unknown deterministic variables. It was shown in [6]
Fourier transform (DFT) matrix is denoted by [Q]k,n = that LSE estimation achieves the Cramér-Rao bound. When
N −1/2 exp(−j2π(n − 1)(k − 1)/N ), 1 ≤ k, n ≤ N . some knowledge of the channel statistics is available, it is
OFDM model: A PSAM OFDM system with null edge possible to use more accurate equalizer structures such as
subcarriers is assumed in this paper. The pilot, null and data Bayesian channel estimation [21, p. 532], but this increased
subcarrier indices can be grouped into three disjoint sets, Kp , accuracy comes at the expense of higher complexity and
Kn and Kd , respectively, that span all N baseband subcarriers increased overhead. Methods have been proposed to reduce the
indices. The frequency domain symbol is complexity of Bayesian channel estimation [22], [23], but LSE
T estimation is still desirable for cases when the channel auto-
x = [x1 , x2 , ..., 0, 0, ..., 0, ..., xN −1 , xN ] , (1) covariance matrix is unknown. Also, other more complicated
where xk is chosen to be a scaled version of an element two-dimensional channel estimation techniques are possible
from a finite constellation in the complex domain, A = that incorporate the time variations in the channel, see [24],
{a1 , a2 , ..., a|A| } such that E x22 = Es , where Es is the [25]. In this paper, we focus on the problem of channel
total transmitted symbol energy. estimation for null-subcarrier OFDM using pilots and an LSE
estimator and assume the channel is approximately constant
The received baseband frequency-domain signal after syn-
over one OFDM symbol, but can change from symbol to
chronization and cyclic prefix (CP) removal is
y = Dh x + w, (2) If the channel statistics are unknown, then the channel
impulse response can be treated as an unknown length-L
where w is additive white complex Gaussian noise with deterministic vector1. The goal of channel estimation is to
2 estimate this vector with as much accuracy as possible. By
autocovariance matrix σw IN and h is the frequency response
of the channel. Note that h = QL h(t) , where h(t) is a length- rewriting (3) as yp = Dxp Qp h(t) + wp and using the
L vector of the channel impulse response and QL is the first definition of hd , we can show that the LSE of the channel
L columns of the DFT matrix Q. response in the data subcarriers is [21, p. 523],
The received pilot subcarriers can now be expressed as
yp = Dhp xp + wp . (3) ĥd = Qd QH H
p Dxp Dxp Qp QH H
p Dxp yp

Define xp as a vector containing elements from x with indices
= hd + Pwp . (7)
in Kp ; vectors yp , wp and hp are similarly defined. Denote
the portion of the DFT matrix that translates h(t) to the pilot Similar to [4], in this paper we require the number of pilots
subcarriers by be at least the length of the channel impulse response vector
Qp  [Q]Kp , {1,2,...,L}, (4) i.e. |Kp | ≥ L. In LSE estimation, if this condition is not met,
then the channel estimate in (7) will not be unique because
so that Qp ∈ C|Kp |×L . Let hp = Qp h(t) . the system of equations will be under-determined.
Denote the channel estimate over the data subcarriers as ĥd , Notice that this estimate in (7) does not require xp to be
which can be generated using the matrix drawn from any specific constellation. Instead, the requirement
is that the receiver know the pilots sent by the transmitter so
Qd  [Q]Kd , {1,2,...,L} , (5) that Dxp and Qp can be generated from the complex values
modulating xp and the positions of the pilots Kp , respectively.
so that Qd ∈ C|Kd |×L . Let ĥd = Qd ĥ(t) . The transmitted Furthermore, the complexity of this estimator is not dependent
constellation points can be estimated by on the values of xp or Kp . All that is required is that the pilot
  design, as specified completely by xp and Kp , be known to
x̂d = arg min yd DE[|xd |2 ] − ĥd a , (6) both the transmitter and receiver.
a∈A|Kd | 2
1 Strictly speaking the channel impulse response is only an approximation
where A|Kd | is a |Kd | dimensional vector space containing of the time-domain channel function. When the multipath impulses do not fall
elements from the set A. Define xd as a vector containing in the discrete sampling grid, the channel impulse response function will be
infinite length and can not be captured with an length-L vector [26]. A discrete
elements from x with indices in Kd ; vectors yd and hd are cosine transform-based method has been proposed to mitigate this problem
similarly defined. Implicit in (6) is that the accuracy of the in [27]. Also, in [28] a method was presented to resample a multipath profile
channel estimate only matters in the data subcarriers. In other so that it contains a finite number of channel taps after resampling while
preserving the RMS delay spread of the channel. In this work, we assume that
words, the accuracy of [ĥ]k for k ∈
/ Kd is irrelevant as it does the tails of the impulse response function are negligible beyond L samples,
not effect the data symbol estimation performance. which is also the assumption made in OFDM to justify that no ISI occurs.

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Define the channel estimation error, ζ  ĥd − hd = Pwp . III. LSE P ILOT D ESIGN
It is straightforward to obtain its autocovariance matrix as In order to simplify the optimization problem in (11), we
  propose that it be split into two independent optimization
Rζ = E Pwp wpH PH
 −1 problems that can be solved successively to find a near-optimal
= σw Qd QH H
p Dxp Dxp Qp QHd . (8) solution to (11): i) find a set of pilot subcarrier indices, Kp ,
that make practical sense; ii) using this Kp as an additional
Of interest are the diagonal elements of the autocovariance constraint in (11), minimize the symbol estimate MSE, e.
matrix, z  diag{Rζ }, as they correspond to the variance of
the channel estimate in each of the data subcarriers.
A. Pilot Position Parametrization
For small values of |Kp | and N − |Kn |, it may be possible
A. Data Subcarrier Estimation MSE to exhaustively search all the possibilities of Kp to find the
Using the criterion in (6), the metric that quantifies the data one that solves (11). But when |Kp | and N − |Kn | become
symbol estimation error is −|Kn |
moderately large, searching the N |K p|
possibilities of Kp
−1/2 becomes intractable.
For instance, with N − |Kn | = 192 and
  DE[|xd |2 ] (yd − Dĥd xd ). (9)
L = 16, 192 16 ≈ 10 23
When the LSE channel estimates are used,  conditioned Our goal is to limit the search space for Kp to only a
on xp is complex Gaussian distributed with zero mean and relatively small number of reasonable possibilities. To do this,
autocovariance matrix we propose to parameterize the pilot positions by a cubic
polynomial. Note that equal pilot spacing implies that the pilot
R = Dz + σw D−1
E[|xd |2 ] , . (10) positions are described by a linear function, i.e., a first order
polynomial. Thus, to allow unequal pilot spacing and to ensure
Define e  diag{R }.
a certain degree of parsimony, it is reasonable to consider
The probability of bit error is a function of some norm of
parametric modeling of the pilot spacing using other low order
e that is dependent on the channel statistics. In the following
polynomials. It is desirable to have the pilots symmetric with
analysis we use an objective function that is the ∞ norm
respect to the center of the band - this requirement rules out the
of e, e∞ , but the optimization can easily be extended to
quadratic polynomial design since a second order polynomial
any convex norm of e, including the frequently-used 2 norm,
cannot be symmetric. A cubic polynomial parameterization is
by simply redefining the objective function. Using the ∞ in
therefore the next logical design.
the objective function has the advantage that the optimized
First, we need to find a one-to-one mapping that relates the
pilot placement will produce a constant channel estimate error
set of indices K to the set of “subcarrier numbers” S, where
across all data subcarriers. For the case where there are no null
S is a circularly shifted version of K with a domain in the
subcarriers, the optimal equal-spaced pilot placement is MSE-
integers of [−N/2 + 1, N/2]. Specifically, S = f (K) where
optimal in both the 2 and ∞ norms because it produces a
constant channel estimate performance across all subcarriers. f (K)  ((K − N + 1))N − N/2 + 1. (12)
A good comparison of various MSE objective function norm
choices can be found in [29]. Later, in Section IV, we illustrate If the domain of f is restricted to [1, N ], then f is a one-to-
one mapping so that K = f −1 (S). With S, the data and pilot
how the performance is affected by the choice of the objective
subcarrier numbers, Sd Sp , are continuous over the integers
function norm.
(this is not the case with K because the null indices Kn occupy
Thus, the optimization problem that needs to be solved is
the middle segment of x).
arg min e∞ The goal is to find a cubic function, g(·), that maps the
E[|x|2 ], Kp
  integers in [0, |Kp | − 1] to a set of possible pilot subcarrier
subject to E x22 = Es , numbers, Sp . Once Sp is found through g(·), we can use
xn = 0|Kn |×1 . (11) f −1 (·) to find Kp and finally, use Kp to solve the segmented
optimization problem discussed at the beginning of Section III.
In other words, the optimization variables are the distri- This process will be performed iteratively over all permissible
bution of power among the non-zero subcarriers E[|x|2 ], the values of
power allocated to the pilots2 and the positions of the pilot   
subcarriers Kp , which along with Kn dictate the positions Kp = int f −1 ◦ g(τ ) τ ∈ {0, 1, 2, ..., |Kp | − 1} (13)
of the data subcarriers Kd . The constraints are that the total until the minimizing set is found. The cubic function that
symbol power be bounded by Es and that the null subcarriers parameterizes the pilot subcarrier positions has the form
are set to zero. The objective function is discontinuous in
the optimization variable Kp . Therefore (11) is a non-convex g(τ ) = a3 τ 3 + a2 τ 2 + a1 τ + a0 . (14)
optimization problem which is difficult to solve [30]. Next we
The pilots have to be placed in a non-null subcarrier (i.e. an
propose to parameterize the pilot spacings and employ convex
in-band subcarrier). We further constrain g(τ ) by assuming
optimization techniques to produce a near optimal solution to
that the pilots are placed symmetrically about the center of
the in-band region. Moreover, we assume that the pilots are
2 It is assumed that the power in the pilot subcarriers is deterministic, so placed sequentially from left to right, i.e., g(τ ) has a positive
that E |xp |2 = |xp |2 . slope. To further explain these constraints, let us define the

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number of in-band
−1 subcarriers,
Ni  |Sp Sd |. It is necessary N /2
to have int f ◦ g(τ ) ∈ / Kn , which means g(τ ) ∈ [−(Ni − a <0
1)/2, (Ni + 1)/2]. The middle of the in-band region is at 1/2. a3 = 0
Mathematically, the constraint equations are

Subcarrier location, g(
a >0

|Kp | − 1
g = 1/2 (15)
g(0) = −(Ni − 1)/2 + δ (16)
g(|Kp | − 1) = (Ni + 1)/2 − δ (17) Pilot spacing
g  (τ ) > 0, (18)
In the constraint equations, δ represents how far the edge pilots
are from the in-band edges. For example, δ ∈ (0, 1] would
mean the edge pilots are placed at the in-band edge, while 0 | |−1
δ ∈ (1, 2], would place the edge pilots one subcarrier from Pilot number,

the in-band edge. Using the constraint equations in (15)-(18)

and the fact that the edge pilots should not be spaced further Fig. 1. Plot of pilot subcarrier position for different values of a3 .

from the in-band edge than the average pilot spacing, it is

possible to eliminate three of the five variables and define a When |Kp | > L, (26) can be rewritten using pseudoinverses
domain of the remaining two variables so that as  
2 H+ H
z = diag σw Qd Q+ D |x | −2 Q Q (27)
(Ni − 1) p p p d
a0 = δ− (19)
2 as long as the power in the pilot subcarriers are constant (i.e.
a3 (|Kp | − 1)3 + 2Ni − 4δ [|xp |]k = C ∀k). However, since the pilot power in each
a1 = (20)
2(|Kp | − 1) subcarrier is not necessarily the same, it is necessary to use
−3a3 (|Kp | − 1) the approximation
a2 = (21)  
2 2 H+ H
−2(Ni − 2δ) 4(Ni − 2δ) z ≈ diag σw Qd Q+p D|xp |−2 Qp Qd
≤ a3 ≤ (22) 
(|Kp | − 1)3 (|Kp | − 1)3 = σw Qd Q+  |xp |−2 , (28)

0 < δ ≤ . (23) A u
|Kp |  2
From (21), when a3 = 0, a2 = 0 as well; which means that where Qd Q+ p
 is the element-wise magnitude square of
g(τ ) in (14) becomes a first order polynomial and the pilot the matrix Qd Q+ p . From (28), it is clear that the channel
spacing becomes even. From (14) and (21), we infer that estimate MSE, z, is linear in |xp |−2 (which is the element-wise
exponentiation of the vector). The decomposition/expansion
g  (τ ) = 6a3 τ + 2a2 (24) of the channel-estimate MSEs is a novel idea and allows the
|Kp | − 1 optimization problem to be convex. For instance, in order to
= 6a3 τ − . (25) find the pilot design that minimizes the maximum channel
estimate MSE (or average channel estimate MSE, using the
Therefore, when a3 < 0, pilot spacing increases as τ goes
(|Kp |−1) 2 norm), we need to assume that a plausible set of pilot
from 0 to 2 , meaning that the pilot spacing at the edges subcarriers Kˆp is found using the procedures from Section
of the in-band region are more closely spaced than the pilots
III-A. With Kˆp , the pilot powers can be found by solving
in the middle of the in-band region. Conversely, when a3 > 0
the outer pilots have a larger spacing than the pilots near the arg min Au∞
middle of the in-band region. Based on the results from [6], it
|Kp |
is expected that a3 < 0 will produce better pilot designs than  1
subject to = Ep ,
a3 > 0, which will be confirmed in Section IV of this paper. [u]k
Fig. 1 is a plot of three example pilot parameterizations. In
the plot the function g(τ ) is plotted for different scenarios of Kp = Kˆp ,
a3 . The dots on each line indicate where the pilots would be [u]k > 0 ∀ k, (29)
where Ep is the total power allocated to the pilots.
So far we have derived a method for determining the
B. Pilot Power pilot positions and optimizing the pilot power to minimize
Assume that a set of plausible pilot indices generated with the channel estimate MSE. Next, we consider an alternate
the cubic parametrization procedure from the last subsection objective function that is based on the symbol estimate MSE.
is Kp . If |Kp | = L, i.e. Qp as in (4) is square, then it is First, let us review the two main drawbacks to considering the
possible to write channel estimate MSE instead of the symbol estimate MSE:
  i) even with a channel estimate MSE minimizing design, the
2 H −1 H
z = diag σw Qd Q−1p D|xp |−2 Qp Qd . (26) channel estimate MSEs will not be constant over all of the data

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subcarriers, which means the symbol estimate MSE will differ D. Pilot Design Procedure
from subcarrier to subcarrier causing a non-constant quality of The overall pilot design procedures can be viewed as a grid
service across subcarriers; ii) the pilot power embedding ratio search over the domain of (δ, a3 ). Recall that the domain of
xp 22 (δ, a3 ) is defined in (22) and (23). The pilot design procedure
β= (30) is outlined as a psuedo-code algorithm below
1) Initialize i = 1.
is not known. Neither of these drawbacks are an issue when 2) Select δ (i) and a3 in the domain defined by (22) and
there are no null subcarriers present because the evenly- (i)
(23) and find K̂p according to (13).
spaced equi-power design in such a case guarantees a constant (i)
3) Use K̂p to construct B(i) via (32).
channel estimate MSE across the band and because the symbol 4) Solve (33) for e(i) ∞ = σx2 B(i) u(i) ∞ .
estimate MSE minimizing β has been derived in [31]. Thus, 5) If M SE > e(i) ∞ or i = 1, set M SE = e(i) ∞ and
when null subcarrier are present, we advocate using the sym- ī = i.
bol estimate MSE as the objective function to be minimized. 6) If i = imax , exit, else, set i = i + 1 and go to Step 2.
The additional free variable in the symbol estimate MSE When the algorithm exits, the optimizing values are e =
design is the power allocated to the data subcarriers. As we (ī)
e(ī) , Kp = K̂p and v = v(ī) . With these values, it is
will see in Section IV, by using the ∞ norm of the symbol
 2 to find Kd using the definition of the subcarrier
estimate MSEs, we can produce an almost constant symbol
sets and E |x| using the definition of v in (32). Notice that
estimate MSE over all of the data subcarriers.
these ‘optimal’ values and sets will only be optimal among
all cubic parameterizations of the pilot subcarriers and thus
C. Subcarrier Power they may not be the globally optimal values. Nevertheless, the
proposed solution is guaranteed to perform at least as well as
To extend the pilot power design to the full design, the the equi-spaced pilot design.
symbol estimate MSE can be rewritten as

e = σw Qd Q+ 
p |xp |
+ (E |xd |2 )−1 . (31)
For an example pilot design using the proposed procedure
by substituting (28) into (10). It is possible to further simplify consider an OFDM system with N total subcarriers and N/8
(31) by defining a new matrix B ∈ R|Kd |×Ni and vector v ∈ null subcarriers on each band edge for a total of N/4 null
RNi ×1 such that subcarriers. Thus there are Ni = 3N/4 in-band non-null
  2  |xp |−2
 subcarriers. This null subcarrier scenario is used for example
e = σw 2  Qd Qp+  I|Kd |×|Kd |  2 −1 purposes, but the scheme proposed in this paper works for any
 (E |x d| )

number of null subcarriers. Of these in-band subcarriers, the
B v number of pilot subcarriers and the number of data subcarriers
= σw Bv. (32) will be varied in the following simulation examples. For all
simulations, convex optimization problems were solved using
From (32), it is now obvious that the symbol estimate MSE [32].
e is linear in the vector v. Once the optimizing v is found For the error rate simulations the channel is Rayleigh where
it is straight
 forward to find the optimizing subcarrier powers each channel tap is i.i.d. complex Gaussian with zero mean
E |x|2 . and diagonal autocovariance matrix [Rh(t) ]k,k = Ae−0.1k ,
Assume that a plausible set of pilot subcarriers Kˆp is found where k ∈ {1, 2, ..., L} and A is a constant selected so that
using the procedures from Section III-A. Using this pilot trace{Rh(t) } = 1. Each error rate plot was generated using
subcarrier set, we can simplify the optimization problem in 100,000 channel realizations. Also, the channel is assumed
(11) to to be independent from symbol to symbol. Recall that the
proposed pilot design procedure is ambivalent to the statistics
arg min Bv∞
u of the channel because it is based on LSE channel estimation.
|Kd |
subject to = Es , A. Pilot positions
For the first example we have provided a plot in Fig. 2
Kp = Kˆp , of the maximum MSE e∞ over a range of normalized a3
[v]k > 0 ∀ k. (33) values, where the NMSE is the MSE normalized by the perfect
channel state information (PCSI) MSE which results when the
This optimization problem is convex since the objective func- receiver has full knowledge of the channel. That is
tion is a convex norm of a linear function and the constraint
space is convex, thus it can be solved numerically using N M SE = (34)
existing convex optimization software packages. M SEP CSI
Now, the basic design procedure, which will be detailed in e∞ |Kd |
= 2E
. (35)
the next sub-section, is to solve (33) for all ‘feasible’ pilot σw s
subcarrier sets, Kˆp . The design chosen will be the one that In (34), M SEP CSI is the MSE when no pilot energy is
minimizes e∞ . used; instead all energy is allocated to the data subcarriers.

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4 Data Carrier

3.5 |Kp|=8
3 2

2.5 1.5

2 1


1 −100 −50 0 50 100
−0.9 −0.8 −0.7 −0.6 −0.5 −0.4 −0.3 −0.2 −0.1 0 Subcarrier Number
Fig. 3. Proposed design power spectrum density in linear scale.
Fig. 2. Plot of maximum symbol estimate NMSE versus a3 /γ.
power profile is being altered in the frequency domain. After
In this case, the NMSE can be thought of as the penalty paid these frequency domain pilots are mixed through the IFFT
for channel estimation and by definition, the lower bound on operation, they should not adversely effect the PAR. There is a
NMSE will be 0dB. comprehensive derivation of the PAR distribution based on the
The normalization factor for a3 is signal PSD in [33], which shows that the PAR distribution is
2(Ni − 2δ) not sensitive to slight PSD deviations from the ideal flat band-
γ= , (36) limited OFDM PSD. In fact, several papers have shown that,
(|Kp | − 1)3
if the phases on these pilot subcarriers is carefully selected, it
which is the magnitude of the lower bound defined in (23).
may be possible to reduce the PAR [14], [15], [34].
In the plot, L = |Kp |. The resolution of the search grid was Cubic Coefficient Optimization: Fig. 4 is a plot of the
0.01 in the δ dimension and 0.001 in the a3 dimension. For all optimizing values of a3 , a3 , versus the ratio of pilot subcarriers
cases plotted, |Kn | > N/|Kp |, thus, as expected for the cases to in-band subcarriers |Kp |/Ni , where |Kp | = L. The plot
plotted, δ  = 0.01. The lines plotted are precise and are not a
shows that the pilot spacing becomes more and more linear
result of simulation. The lack of smoothness in the lines comes (i.e. a3 approaches zero) as the number of pilot subcarriers
from the fact that the maximum MSEs are a non-differentiable increases. However, for all the values plotted, a3 is still
function of a3 .
negative which implies that the pilot carriers near the band
In simulating Fig. 2, we compared the values of the MSE
edges should be more closely spaced than the center-band
approximation in (28) and the true MSE from (8) which was
used in the plot. We found that the difference between the Pilot Power Ratio: Fig. 5 is a plot of the ratio of pilot power
two was always less than 0.1%, which indicates that for
to total power β defined in (30). Also plotted are the β values
practical pilot scenarios, it is reasonable to use (28) in the from [31],
pilot optimization objective function.
Symbol Power Profile: The PSD of the proposed design is 1
β|Kn |=0 = 1 − (37)
plotted in linear scale in Fig. 3 where N = 256, Ni = 192 1 + (N/L − 1)−1/2
and |Kp | = L = 18. With these parameters the proposed which are MSE optimal when no null subcarriers are present.
design has values a3 = −0.0371 and δ = 0.01. For both cases The plot demonstrates that for the null-subcarrier case, slightly
Es = Ni . Notice that for the proposed design the pilots near more power should be allocated to the pilots than when all
the band edges are spaced more closely together than the pilots subcarriers are available. Thus, for the null subcarrier design
near the middle of the band. Also, note that the power profile the closed form expression in (37) should not be used.
of the data subcarriers is not constant, but is instead chosen Norm Choice & Channel Length Effect: So far, all of the
according to (33) so that the maximum symbol estimate MSE simulations assume the channel length L is equal to the
is minimized. A similar phenomenon occurs when |Kp | > L. number of pilots, |Kp |. This is the commonly used assumption
In the proposed scheme, the receiver would need to know when there is no channel state information. However, in
how the data subcarrier power profile varies so that E[|xd |2 ] practice, there may be scenarios when the channel length is
can be determined and the data can be properly decoded. known to be less than the number of pilots, that is, when
Because all of the proposed design procedures are performed L < |Kp |. Ideally, the number of pilots should then be
off line and are channel ambivalent, it is straightforward to decreased to meet the channel length, but this is often not
store the power values in memory. Finally, as was mentioned possible as the number of pilots are usually fixed as part of the
in the introduction, PAR is often a concern in OFDM systems. communication standard. Despite this, it is possible to achieve
In OFDM it is not desirable to have samples in the time some performance gains by using a value of L that is less
domain that have significantly higher power than the average than |Kp | in estimating the channel when it is known that the
sample, as this will increase PAR. In the proposed scheme, the channel length does not exceed L.

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−10 3
|Kp| = 40

2.5 |Kp| = 28


−1 N = 256
−10 N = 128 1.5
N = 64 |Kp| = 16

||e|| ∞
0 ||e|| 2
0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.22 0.24 |Kp| = 4 Equi−spaced LB
5 10 15 20 25 30
Fig. 4. Plot of MSE-optimizing values a3 , L = |Kp | . L

Fig. 6. NMSE for versus the channel length L for different numbers of
pilots |Kp |. For the equi-spaced lower bound, |Kn | = 0.

N = 256 4
0.35 N = 128
N = 64 ||e|| ∞
β|K |=0
||e|| 2



0.2 |Kp|=28
0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.22 0.24
1.5 |Kp|=16
|K |/N
p i
Fig. 5. Plot of β for the proposed design, L = |Kp |. 1
−100 −80 −60 −40 −20 0 20 40 60 80 100
Subcarrier Number
The effect of this adjustment is plotted in Fig. 6 where the
channel length L is varied for different numbers of pilots L < Fig. 7. NMSE for versus number of pilots |Kp | for the 2 and ∞ norms
|Kp | where N = 256, Ni = 192. The plot shows that there versus the subcarrier number. L = |Kp | in all cases.
will be some loss when more pilots are used than are needed.
For example, the line corresponding |Kp | = 16 has a lower when the 2 norm objective function is used. For comparison
(better) NMSE at L than either |Kp | = 28 or |Kp | = 40. This the NMSE across subcarriers is plotted in Fig. 7. For the
result is consistent with the equi-spaced pilot case, where in |Kp | = 40 case, the difference is about 2dB from the lowest
[4] a proof was provided showing that |Kp | = L minimizes the NMSE subcarrier to the worst-case NMSE subcarrier near the
minimum 2 MSE. The plot also shows that the gap between band edge.
the full-band equi-spaced pilot case where N = Ni = 256
is always less than 0.5dB. This can be considered the lower B. Comparisons
bound on the channel estimation performance as proved in [4]. Typical Design: In order to assess the performance of the
Finally, the same plot also demonstrates the effect of using proposed pilot design, we chose to compare it to a “typical”
different norms in the objective function in (33). It is hard pilot design named the “reference” design. For the reference
to distinguish the lines for the ∞ and 2 cases because they design, a3 = 0, β = β|Kn |=0 according to [31], all the pilots
are almost equivalent. In fact, the difference is never greater have a constant power and all of the data subcarriers have a
than 0.01dB for all cases plotted. Such a narrow gap would constant power. Recall, that a3 = 0 means that the pilots are
imply that choosing one of these norms over the other is an evenly spaced in the in-band region. Also, for comparison,
unimportant choice. However, given the close performance the pilot design proposed in [19] was generated. In [19], only
gap slightly in favor of the 2 norm, the ∞ norm has the the channel estimate MSE was considered, so to make the
advantage of a constant quality of service over all subcarriers. comparison fair, assume that all of the data subcarriers have
The importance of having a constant MSE over all subcarriers constant power so that β = β|K|n =0 , which is MSE optimal
varies with the application and channel code. The difference for the full-band case.
is probably only important when |Kp | is large, which causes The disadvantage of the design procedure in [19] is that
the edge subcarriers to have much worse MSE than average it does not necessarily produce a viable pilot design. To

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review, the pilot positions in [19] are chosen to be the Reference
|Kp | highest-power subcarriers from the preamble design. In 16 [Ohno07]
general, this procedure works well because there are usually Proposed
exactly |Kp | distinct high-power subcarriers in the preamble
design. However, this characteristic of the preamble design 12
is not guaranteed. As one example, when N = 256 and

|Kp | = 10 (or when |Kp | = 12), the preamble design has
spurious subcarriers in the center-band region that have higher 8
power than the edge subcarriers. As a result the pilot design
selected by the procedure in [19] has two adjacent pilots in the
center-band region and no pilots at the edges of the in-band 4
region, which produces catastrophic channel estimates. On the
other hand, the design procedure proposed in this paper will
always produce a reasonable pilot design. 0
−100 −80 −60 −40 −20 0 20 40 60 80 100
This effect is illustrated in Fig. 8, which is a plot of the Subcarrier Number
symbol estimate MSE versus the subcarrier number, where
N = 256 and |Kp | = L = 10. From the plot it is clear Fig. 8. MSE profile where L = |Kp | = 10. δ = 5 for the reference design.
that the design from [19] does not allow for effective symbol
estimation. In fact, the MSE performance is worse than that 18
of the reference design. In comparison, the design proposed 16 [Ohno07]
in this paper produces a flat MSE across all of the data Proposed
subcarriers. 14
Fig. 9 is a plot of the MSE performance of the three designs 12
when N = 256 and |Kp | = L = 18. In this case, the design NMSE [dB]

proposed in this paper and the design proposed in [19] have 10

almost identical performance. On the other hand, the MSE 8
for the reference design is very poor near the band edges. For
perspective, we refer back to Fig. 3 and note that the proposed 6
design results in non-uniform subcarrier spacing, especially 4
in the vicinity of the null subcarriers. The resulting pilot
power profile is distinctly non-equi-powered. Thus, although 2
the proposed design in not dramatically non-uniform, Fig. 9 0
shows that the resulting performance gain in symbol NMSE is −100 −80 −60 −40 −20 0 20 40 60 80 100
Subcarrier Number
significant as compared to the conventional uniform-spacing
design. Fig. 9. MSE profile where L = |Kp | = 18. δ = 0.01 for the reference
It should be pointed out that the design procedure in design.
[19] may be somewhat less computationally complex than
the procedure proposed in this paper. The reason being that as the proposed technique for the L = 18 case but is unusable
many optimization problems (i.e. (33)) need to be solved for the L = 10 case.
over the bounded (δ, a3 ) grid for the design in this paper. IEEE 802.16 Improvement: In this subsection we explore
On the other hand, only two optimizations are necessary the performance gains that could be realized if the pilots in
for the design procedure in [19]. Nevertheless, both designs IEEE 802.16 are rearranged according to the proposed design.
can be determined in a matter of minutes and are meant The IEEE 802.16 standard contains three possible physical
to be performed only once offline. Thus, the computational layer modes: Single carrier, OFDM, and orthogonal frequency
complexity is not a prohibitive impediment for either scheme. division multiple access (OFDMA) [20]. Here, we focus only
SER results: In Fig. 10 the uncoded symbol error rate (SER) on the OFDM mode, but similar results can be realized for
of QPSK OFDM is plotted for the three pilot designs. For the the other modes.
plot, the Rayleigh fading channel described at the beginning For IEEE 802.16 in OFDM mode [20, p. 427], the trans-
of this section was used with L = |Kp |. The SER performance mission frame is segmented into several parts. Of relevance
of the proposed design is approximately 1dB worse than the here are the preamble and the data-carrying parts of the
PCSI case3 . The plot also shows that the proposed design frame. The preamble is used for synchronization purposes
outperforms the reference design by about 1dB of SNR for including channel estimation. Additionally, each data-carrying
the L = 10 case and more than 4dB of SNR for the L = 18 symbol contains several pilots, which can be used for fine
case. This performance gap is a result of the reference design synchronization and also for channel estimation. In a data-
having very poor channel estimates for the edge subcarriers. carrying symbol 200 subcarriers of the 256 subcarrier window
Finally, the design from [19] has almost identical performance are used for data and pilots. Of the other 56 subcarriers, 28
3 In the PCSI case for this plot, β = β
are null in the lower-frequency guard band, 27 are nulled
|Kn |=0 for the proposed pilot design.
So despite PCSI, some energy is still allocated to the pilots, in order to make in the upper-frequency guard band and one is the DC sub-
the comparisons realistic. carrier which is nulled. Of the 200 used subcarriers, 8 are

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L = 10

L = 18


−2 −2
10 10 −6
Reference Proposed, L = 4
[Ohno07] −8
10 Proposed, L = 8
802.16, L = 4
−3 −3
10 10 802.16, L = 8
10 15 20 25 30 10 15 20 25 30
SNR [dB] SNR [dB] 10
20 22 24 26 28 30
SNR [dB]
Fig. 10. SER performance, L = |Kp |.
Fig. 12. Reed-Solomon coded SER performance of IEEE 802.16 versus the
12 proposed design. |Kp | = 8 in all cases.
10 L =8 L =1 mated solely using the pilots in each symbol. In practice it may
be possible to utilize the preamble symbol to help estimate the
8 L =4
channel. However, in situations where the channel changes
before the next preamble symbol is received, it is necessary

to rely to the pilot aided channel estimates. In this case, as

we have shown here, significant gains in 802.16 are possible
with a simple reorganization of the pilots.

In this paper we discussed the problem of channel estima-
tion in null-subcarrier OFDM. Specifically, we presented an
−100 −80 −60 −40 −20 0 20 40 60 80 100 optimization method for designing pilots in a PSAM null-
Subcarrier Number
subcarrier OFDM system for the case when the channel
Fig. 11. NMSE performance of IEEE 802.16 versus the proposed design.
statistics are unknown (LSE estimation). The proposed method
|Kp | = 8 in all cases. utilizes a cubic polynomial to define the pilot spacing and
convex optimization techniques to obtain the pilot and data
allocated as pilots, while the remaining 192 are used for data powers such that the symbol-estimate MSE is minimized.
transmission. The pilot positions specified by the standard are Through an example pilot design it was demonstrated that
Kp,OF DM = {−88, −63, −38, −13, 13, 38, 63, 88}, which all significant improvements in the symbol-estimate MSE and
contain the same amount of power. Additionally, the pilot SER are possible with the proposed pilot design over the
power ratio, β, is βOF DM = 1/25 = 0.04. After solving reference design. Also, when the proposed design procedure is
the optimization problem in (33) using the 802.16 OFDM applied to an IEEE 802.16 system operating in OFDM mode
mode specifications, we find that K̂p = {−100, −72, −43, up to 3dB of coded BER improvement can be realized. For
−15, 15, 43, 72, 100} for L = 1, L = 4 and L = 8 and that systems with more null subcarriers, even larger improvements

= 0.067, βL=4

= 0.124 and βL=8

= 0.167. are possible. In summary, for null-subcarrier OFDM systems
Fig. 11 is a plot of the NMSE of the proposed design and the where the channel statistics are unknown, large performance
802.16 design. The plot shows that the standard pilot design improvements can be realized by proper pilot design using the
does a poor job of estimating the symbols in the subcarriers techniques proposed in this paper.
near the guard band for L > 1. Conversely, the proposed pilot
design is capable of a flat symbol estimate MSE across all R EFERENCES
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[24] Y. Li, L. J. Cimini, and N. R. Sollenberger, “Robust channel estimation and noise reduction for speech recognition.. Presently he is conducting work
for OFDM systems with rapid dispersive fading channels,” IEEE Trans. in multiple transmitter synchronization, power efficient OFDM modulation,
Commun., vol. 46, pp. 902–915, July 1998. channel estimation, differential modulation, and MIMO communications. Mr.
[25] F. Sanzi and J. Speidel, “An adaptive two-dimensional channel estimator Kleider is a member of Eta Kappa Nu and Tau Beta Pi.
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[26] J. J. van de Beek, O. Edfors, M. Sandell, S. K. Wilson, and P. O.
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[27] Y.-H. Yeh and S.-G. Chen, “DCT-based channel estimation for OFDM instrumentation from the Tianjin University, China, in 1989 and the M.Sc.
systems,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications, degree in biophysics, the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering, and the Ph.D.
vol. 4, pp. 2442–2446, June 2004. degree in electrical engineering, all from the University of Virginia (UVA),
[28] C. Mehlfhrer and M. Rupp, “Approximation and resampling of tapped Charlottesville, in 1992, 1993, and 1995, respectively. Since September 1995,
delay line channel models with guaranteed channel properties,” in Proc. she has been with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at
IEEE Intl. Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Apr. Georgia Tech, Atlanta, where she is now a Professor. Her research interests
2008. are in the general areas of statistical signal processing and communications
[29] D. P. Palomar, J. M. Cioffi, and M. A. Lagunas, “Joint Tx-Rx beam- applications. Dr. Zhou received the National Science Foundation Faculty Early
forming design for multicarrier MIMO channels: a unified framework for Career Development (CAREER) Award in 1997. She served as Chair of
convex optimization,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 51, pp. 2381– the IEEE Signal Processing Society Signal Processing Theory and Methods
2401, Sept. 2003. Technical Committee during 2006 and 2007.

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