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Course 1:

modern world shaped by ww1,

country and linguistic boundries in modern europe kinda match,
pre ww1 germany swallowing bunch of other linguistic groups,
austria-hungary especially did that,
1908. austro-hungarian empire annex bosnia-herzegovina,
south slav regian linguistically and ethnically connected,
desire for connection on par with linguistic beckgrounds led to ww1,
ottoman empire = turkey + much of middle east,
empires not just in europe,
britain huge ammount of influence in the world, on all continents,
pre ww1 arms race between the major powers of europe,
all trying to build their empires, present in africa, asia...
mostly about ego and power, resources ( could define whether the power was a pow
er at all)
Course 2:
early 1900s race for empires because of national prestige,
germany and italy relatively new unified states,
germany unified since 1871, italians 1870, both due to the franco-prussian war,
italy had libia, eritrea, somalia,
germany had togoland, cameroon, german southwest africa, german east africa, pac
ific islands and tsing-tao in china,
(tsing-tao beer started by german settlers)
Course 3:
world war as oposed to regional conflict because of the alliance system,
1839. treaty of london, article 7- britian agrees to protect the neutrality of b
(debates whether alliances are direct causes of declerations of war, or just exc
1879. after the newly born german empire, paranoid about france and russians, du
al alliance treety with austria-hungary if russia attacks
1892. franco-russian military convention
1904. Entante(agreement) between uk and france,
1907. anglo-russian entante,
formed tripple entante between uk, france, russia,
on the other side tripple alliance between germany, austria-hungary, italy,
once the war started italy went on the side on the entante,
pan-global war
Course 4:
yugoslavia- southern slavs,
serbo-croatian dominant slavic language in this region,
commonality between this region,
slovenian and macedonian close ties with serbo-croatian,
area divided by religion and history,
catholics and muslims held different parts of this territory for hundreds of yea
predominantly roman catholic slovenia and croatia,
eastern orthodox slovenia and montenegro,
kosovo muslims,
bosnia and herzegovina dominantly islam, significant fractions of serbs and croa
(boniak = bosnian muslim),
deisre to unify the southslavic states, more energy for that cause of the declin
e of the ottomans
Course 5:
1908. formal annexation of bosnia and herzegovina,

occupied since the late 1800s,

as the ottomans were being pushed out, more hope brought out about unifying sout
hslavic peoples,
state that would be part of the unification annexed by an empire,
1914. june 28. archduke franz ferdinand and his wife sophie visiting sarajevo, s
cheme to assasinate them by the young bosnians, ties to the black hand (national
istic group in serbia),
thing was botched, gavrilo princip gives up, sitting in caffe, mistake in archdu
kes route, gavrilo sees him, walks to them, drivers tried to back up, gavrilo sh
oots franz ferdinand and sophie,
franz ferdinand nephew of franz joseph(emperror of austria-hungary), heir to the
once gavrilo was arrested :" i am a yugoslav nationalist, aiming for the unifica
tion of yugoslav, must be free from austria",
many empire already desire for conflict, alliances, this event allowed the domin
os to fall
Course 6:
serbia provoking nationalistic movement,
austria viewed them with distrust,
after assasination austria issues ultimatum to serbia,
serbs tried their best to comply, wasn't enough,
july 28, austria declares war on serbia,
austria thought serbia small, has ties with russians politically, they thought t
hey were justified and that russia wasn't gonna enter the war,
russians felt the need to protect the serbians (or political interests), began t
o mobilize, alliances start to come into effect,
germany decides to declare war on august 1st on russia, august 3rd on france ( t
hey feel the cant declare war on only one because of alliance), they declared qu
ickly because they didnt want russia to mobilize much
easiest way to move into france is through belgium, but were aware of the treaty
of london, british took treaty very seriously, didnt want germans to be able to
august 4th germany invades belgium to get to france, british declare war on germ
Course 7:

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