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Company Profile
Vadilal (Vadilal Industries Limited) (BSE: 519156 | NSE: VADILALIND) From a small outlet in
Ahmedabad over 80 years back, Vadilal Industries Ltd has today emerged as Indias second
largest ice cream player. The company is also one of the largest processed food players in India
with significant exports of frozen vegetables and ready to eat snacks, curries and breads.
Vadilals aim is to become an Indian MNC in Icecreams and frozen foods and to provide
products and services at an affordable price without compromising on quality. Today they are the
second largest food preservative seller in Gujarat.
Vadilal Industries has come a long way since its inception in 1907, when Vadilal Gandhi, the
great-grand father of Virendra R. Gandhi, Rajesh R. Gandhi and Devanshu L. Gandhi, started a
soda fountain. He passed on the business to his son, Ranchod Lal, who ran a one-man operation,
and, with a hand cranked machine, started a small retail outlet in 1926. Eventually, Ranchod
Lal's sons,Ramchandra and Lakshman, inherited the business and they were instrumental in
giving a new direction to the company. The duo imparted a new vision to the venture and infused
a spirit of calculated risk-taking into the firm. As a result, by the 1970s, the Vadilal Company had
already evolved into a modern corporate entity.

1.1 Products
Vadilal Industries has extensive reach. A major success factor has been its ability to cater to
different market segments through multiple product ranges. Vadilal has range of ice creams in the
country with 150 plus flavours and they are sold in a variety of more than 250 packs and forms.
The range includes cones, candies, bars, ice-lollies, small cups, big cups, family packs, and
economy packs. It offers something for all tastes, preferences and pockets.

1.2Production Facilities
Vadilal Industries has two ice cream production facilities one at Pundhra in Gandhinagar
district, Gujarat and the other one at Bareilly in Uttar Pradesh. It has a very strong distribution

network of 50,000 retailers, 250 SKUs (stock keeping units), 550 distributors, 32 CNF and 250
vehicles for delivery of goods. Through the franchisee route, Vadilal has set up over 140
'Happiness' parlors for selling ice creams and new ones are coming up every month.

1.3Processed Foods
Vadilal entered the processed foods industry to optimize utilization of its extensive cold chain
network in the 1990s. It currently caters to the domestic and export markets with products such
as frozen vegetables and ready to eat snacks, curries and breads. This business is poised for
strong growth in the coming years owing to greater urbanization within India and increasing
demand for Indian food amongst developed regions like the USA and Western Europe. The
companys national ice cream market share would have been even higher but for the fact that it
does not operate in major consuming regions like Maharashtra and the four southern states as
these are covered by another faction of the Vanilla family.

2. Introduction
Milk is an opaque white liquid produced by the mammary gland of female mammals. It provides
the primary source of nutrition for newborn mammals before they are able to digest other types
of food. The exact components of raw milk vary by species, but it contains significant quantity of
saturated fat, protein and calcium as well as vitamin C. Cow milk has a pH ranging from 6.4 to
6.8 making it slightly acidic. Several animals produce milk for human consumption, although the
cow is by far the most important in commercial term. The milk is perishable thereby
necessitating its immediate consumption as fresh milk can be processed into other products like
ice-cream, yoghurt, cheese, butter which have improved keeping qualities. Ice cream is a product
of a milk consisting milk, sweetening and stabilizing agents together with flavoring and coloring
matter. It is a product that has wide patronage from infants, youth, adolescent and adult. There
are numerous variables that must be controlled accurately during processing to obtain a high
quality ice cream with the required taste, flavor, viscosity, consistency and appearance. Handling
and storage condition are some of these variables because they affect the physical, chemical and
microbial quality of product. The methods employ in the sale of ice cream are of different
categories. It could be sold in open containers at retail outlets or in packages which may then be
distributed manually in scoops, cones, or sundaes across the counter and Most ice creams

become contaminated with microbes during production, transit, and preservation. Disease
outbreak in many countries of Asia, Europe, and North America is as a result of consumption of
ice cream contaminated with microbial pathogens during the processing stage Ice cream is a
milk product, which contains a variety of ingredients in addition to milk, cream and sugar. Its
production and consumption are rapidly increasing and the substantial part of milk produced in
many countries is being utilized for the manufacturer of frozen dessert. The richness in nutritive
constituents of ice cream has been realized by all but the production and handling of this food is
very complex and is associated with problems. Today, ice cream is major producer of dairy
industry and continues to dominate interest of large segment of population. Being, a milk-based
product, it is a good medium for microbial growth due to high nutrient value, almost neutral pH
(pH~6-7) and long storage duration of ice cream. Ice-cream is a frozen dairy product. It is sold in
soft or hard status. The production of ice-cream includes totally 8 steps. Pasteurization, freezing
and hardening are the main steps to eliminate the microbiological hazards in ice-cream
production. Ice-cream represents a congealed dairy product produced by freezing a pasteurized
mixture of milk, cream, and milk solids other than fat, sugars, emulsifier and stabilizers.
Products of dairy origin are the main ingredients of ice-cream. These include whole milk,
skimmed milk, cream, frozen cream, condensed milk products and milk solid. Other ingredients
include flavoring matters and water. Fruits, nuts, candies and syrups are optionally added into
ice-cream for flavor enrichment. Two types of ice-cream, soft and hard, are available on the
market. Ice cream is a nutritionally enriched congealed dairy product produced by freezing
pasteurized mixture of milk solid other than fat, sugar, emulsifier and stabilizer. Flavor
enrichment of ice cream is because of optional addition of fruit nuts, candies, syrups and other
flavoring ingredients. Evolution of ice cream in its present form is because of gradual timely
changes brought about according to human taste by changes in its preparation. Ice cream is
undoubtedly one of most popular and favorite food product in Bareilly (U.P) among children and
adults especially during summer season. Several international imported and Nepalese national
brands of ice cream in variety of flavors have been marketed here. Quality of ice cream depends
on both extrinsic factors that include manufacture procedure, and intrinsic factors that include
proportion of ingredients used. Ice cream, a milk based product is good media for microbial
growth due to high nutrient value, almost neutral pH value and long storage duration. Primary
sources of microbial contamination to ice cream include water and raw milk whereas secondary

sources include flavoring agents, utensils and handling. Although pasteurization, freezing and
hardening steps in production can estimate most of the microbial hazards, but still numerous
health hazards are persistent due to various cream is a nutritionally enriched dairy
product which is produced by freezing pasteurized mixture of milk solids. Ice cream is rich in
fat, sugar, emulsifier and stabilizer. Flavor enrichment of ice cream is an optional addition of
fruits nuts, candies, syrups and other flavoring cream should contain extremely
low bacterial load, but higher bacterial counts have been reported by many researchers. This
could be due to improper pasteurization process or post-process contamination. Bacterial
contamination is the main danger posed by old ice cream. Foods spoiled by bacteria which may
look, smell and taste just fine can make us sick. Bacteria thrive in protein-rich foods that are also
full of water including eggs, meat, fish and milk products. Freezing ice-cream and other frozen
dairy products slow bacterial growth but dont kill the bacteria, which begin to grow again as
food thaws. The risk of food-borne illness increases after ice cream has been opened and used.
Some researchers recommended discarding any ice cream that thaws completely, due to the
danger of bacterial growth. There is limited information in Bareilly (U.P) strip about the risk of
frequent electricity shutting in Bareilly (U.P) which leads to several harmful events such as
temperature abuse during ice cream packaging; which is considered as the main cause in the
activation of pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, eating of ice cream can be a risk factor for tonsillitis
and gastrointestinal tract infections such as diarrhea. The aim of this study was to evaluate the
bacteriological quality of sealed packaged ice cream in Bareilly (U.P).

3. Review of literature
The microbiological safety of food is of fundamental importance to all those companies and
government organizations involved in the production, processing, Distribution, retail and
regulation of foods and drinks. Although quality, portion size, packaging format and other such
issues are open to choice and commercial decisions, issues associated with the control of safety
and pathogenic micro organisms are essentially non-negotiable. While there are many factors
that impact on food safety, current trends are providing new challenges for food safety managers,
Increasing demand for convenience

Demand for fresher, healthier and less processed foods

New developments in food processing and packaging
International sourcing of ingredients and products
There have also been significant developments in the approach to the micro biological safety
control measures applied to food. The ILSI Europe keynote document entitled Food Safety
Management Tools (Jove et al., 1998) succinctly describes the approaches current at that time to
ensure safe food. Essentially, these measures were based on Good Manufacturing Practice
(GMP) and Good Hygienic Practice (GHP) and on the implementation of a thorough Hazard
Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) system. Although these tools are equally important
today, a range of other objective control measures and risk assessment procedures are steadily
being adapted to varying degrees by both government and industry. This is reflected in the
recently updated version of the Food Safety Management Tools document (Crossly and
Motarjemi, 2011), which now includes more information on the role of microbiological risk
assessment (MRA). This publication provides a more in-depth review of the tools available to
support the application of MRA. MRA has emerged as a comprehensive and systematic approach
for addressing the risk of pathogens in specific foods and/or processes. From a governmental
point of view, the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS)
and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) can especially be considered to have
given a boost to the development of MRA, while on the other hand the fast development of
quantitative microbiology since the 1980s has been a Fertile basis for MRA development. Whilst
the formalized structure of an MRA is well known, and is generally seen as particularly
appropriate to government health agency decision-making tasks, it also has relevance to a
number of industrial situations such as shelf-life determination, thermal process setting,
ingredient selection, assessment of innovative non-thermal processes and new product
development. The industrial application of MRA has been reported by the Camden BRI
(CCFRA, 2003, 2004, 2007). The document provides an extensive description of the different
elements of the structured risk assessment process, which can be utilized by industry to aid the
understanding of safe food production. The focus of this report is to aid the food safety manager
by providing a concise summary of the tools available for the MRA of food. After an
introduction to MRA in Section 2, the importance of data is considered in Section 3. Next,

Section 4 describes the different types of models, including models for recontamination, and,
importantly, how and when to use them. Software tools currently available to aid the risk
assessment process are described in Section 5, including both those freely available on the
internet and others available commercially. A critical final section addresses the interpretation of
results from MRAs and the outputs from the use of the various tools. Risk assessment for food
safety sits within the framework of risk analysis, provided by the Codex Alimentations
Commission (Codex), which also includes risk management and risk communication as
interdependent concepts. Risk assessment takes place within a risk management context, to aid
decision-making on managing a microbiological hazard, and considers knowledge on the nature
of the hazard and the likelihood of exposure to that hazard. The assessment of microbiological
risk can vary from a single expert judgment to a more comprehensive qualitative and quantitative
risk assessment procedure based on the principles described by Codex in its Principles and
Guidelines for the Conduct of
Risk Assessment (CAC, 1999). The Codex document lists steps in the risk assessment process:
statement of purpose, hazard identification, hazard characterization, exposure assessment, risk
characterization, documentation and re-assessment. In a more recent Codex guidance, the
concept of a risk profile has been adopted under the Codex risk analysis approach as part of
the preliminary risk management activities and is a description of the food safety problem and
its context (CAC, 2007). A risk profile may be considered a structured narrative type of
evaluation, or a preliminary risk assessment. In addition to scientific information, other
considerations such as public perceptions, trade impacts and management/intervention options
may also be included in the document (Limbering, 2007). Another relatively recent development
has been the introduction of the concept of a Food Safety Objective (FSO) criterion to link
food risk assessment to risk management (ICMSF, 2002); the interaction of FSOs with MRA was
considered at an ILSI Workshop in Marseille, France and the discussions published (Stringer,
2004, 2005). The information generated through conducting a risk assessment, such as a risk
estimate, ranking of risks, identification of key controlling or risk-generating factors, or
highlighting of data gaps, can assist governments in their role of setting national policies, criteria
or providing public health advice, and also assist industry in their ambition to design innovative
yet safe foods for consumers. The core elements of an MRA, i.e. hazard identification, hazard
characterization, exposure assessment and risk characterization, are outlined in more detail

below. Hazard identification is the first step in risk assessment. Hazard identification is defined
in the Codex Procedural Manual, Fourteenth Edition (CAC, 2004) as The identification of
biological, chemical and physical agents capable of causing adverse health effects and which
may be present in a particular food or group of foods. It is a qualitative process and, in addition
to selecting an organism (or organisms) of concern, serves to document the important
information known about the pathogen, food product and host interface (Limbering et al., 2001).
Hazards can be identified from publically available information such as published literature,
epidemiological studies, food borne disease reports, etc. In the description of the hazard, the
hazard identification step will usually also summaries other aspects, such as the types of disease
caused (e.g. acute or chronic) and the susceptible populations; and the mode with which the
organism effects the host (e.g. through the action of toxins or through infectious mechanisms).
Hazard characterization is defined in the Codex Procedural Manual, Fourteenth Edition (CAC,
2004) as The qualitative and/or quantitative evaluation of the nature of the adverse health
effects associated with biological, chemical and physical agents which may be present in food.
For chemical agents a dose response assessment should be performed. For biological or physical
a doseresponse assessment should be performed if the data are obtainable. In MRA, this step
provides a qualitative or quantitative description of the severity and duration of adverse effects
that may result from the ingestion of a microorganism or its toxin in food. When establishing a
doseresponse relationship the different end points, such as infection or illness, should be taken
into consideration (CAC, 1999). Mathematical modeling of the dose-response relationship is
recognized as a useful adjunct to the descriptive analysis of clinical or epidemiological
information or data relating to food borne illness. A microbiological dose-response model
describes the probability of a specified response from exposure to a specific pathogen (or its
toxins) in a specified population as a function of the ingested dose. The biological basis for
microbiological doseresponse models derives from major Steps in the disease process:
exposure, infection, illness and consequences (recovery, squeal or death). The issue of response
derives from the interactions between the pathogen, the host and the food matrix. Current
thinking is that a single viable infectious pathogenic organism is able to induce infection (the
single-hit concept) (FAO/WHO, 2003). Mathematically, there is always a non-zero probability
of infection or illness when a host is exposed to an infectious pathogenic organism. This nonthreshold model is a more cautious and more appropriate approach than is the threshold model,

which uses a minimum infectious dose (MID) to measure the infectivity of an organism. MID is
an expression of the lowest number of organisms required to initiate an infection in any
individual under given circumstances. Therefore, it is believed that prudent public health
protection requires the application of non-threshold approaches to the assessment of microbial
dose-response relationships. A doseresponse model gives the probability of illness according to
the amount of ingested pathogenic micro organisms. Among d ingested microorganisms, some
might survive human host barriers and subsequently initiate infection and cause illness. Illness
probability is defined as the probability of achieving this sequence of events. If each ingested
microorganism has the same probability to provoke illness, r, and then the number of
microorganisms surviving different barriers follows a binomial distribution. If each
microorganism is capable of inducing illness, then the probability of illness (Pill) given d
ingested microorganisms is the complement of the probability of absence of illness:
Pill(d,r)=1(1r)d The underlying assumption of the single-hit model is then the absence of
interaction between microorganisms, where r is assumed identical for all microorganisms in the
ingested dose, independent of the size of the dose, the state of the microorganisms, the host and
previous exposure to the pathogen. Starting from this basic function, a broad family of dose
response models (hit-theory models) can be derived. The most frequently used models are the
exponential and the Beta-Poisson models, which are based on further assumptions on the
distribution of pathogens in the inoculum, and on the value of r. Not much information on dose
response models for toxins is currently available. Exposure assessment is defined in the Codex
Procedural Manual, Fourteenth Edition (CAC, 2004) as The qualitative and/or quantitative
evaluation of the likely intake of biological, chemical and physical agents via food as well as
exposures from other sources if relevant. Exposure assessment in MRA includes an assessment
of the extent of actual or anticipated human exposure to micro biological pathogens or
microbiological toxins, i.e. an estimate of the likelihood of their occurrence in foods at the time
of consumption and their level, within various levels of uncertainty (CAC, 1999). Qualitatively,
foods can be categorized according to the likelihood that the foodstuff will or will not be
contaminated. Predictive microbiology models can be useful to assess the growth, survival or
death (or time to toxin production) of microorganisms as a function of the food and
environmental conditions encountered from raw materials to the food consumed, and are
particularly important when making quantitative estimates. Risk characterization is defined in

the Codex Procedural Manual, Fourteenth Edition (CAC, 2004) as The qualitative and/or
quantitative estimation, including attendant uncertainties, of the probability of occurrence and
severity of known or potential adverse health effects in a given population based on hazard
identification, hazard characterization and exposure assessment. Risk characterization brings
together all of the qualitative or quantitative information of the previous steps to provide a
soundly based estimate of risk for a given population. Risk assessments can be broadly classified
as qualitative or quantitative.
Figure 1: Overview of types of risk assessment. From top to bottom, the risk assessments become
more complex and data-demanding, but also more informative

Qualitative risk assessments involve the descriptive treatment of information in order to estimate
the magnitude of risk and the impact of factors affecting risk, whereas quantitative assessments
work with numerical data (Fazil, 2005). However, in reality, there are no sharp lines defining
these categories as they represent a progression of increasing quantification and analytical
sophistication. Qualitative risk assessments still require the use of quantitative data and analyses,
and are sometimes Described (although inappropriately) as semi-quantitative (Limbering,
2007). Following the framework for MRA laid out by Codex, qualitative risk assessments should
be more than just a literature review on the problem in hand and represent a systematic and
logical approach that should arrive at a robust estimate of the risk being considered, albeit a nonnumerical one. These estimates are necessarily descriptive characterizations of likelihood and
impact (such as negligible, low, medium or high), which should be clearly defined to avoid
misinterpretation (Fazil, 2005), and can allow the ranking of different risks. A qualitative MRA

might be established before a quantitative assessment to give some idea of potential magnitude
of risk, and to indicate whether or not a more detailed analysis is needed to better understand the
issue (Limbering, 2007), e.g. as part of a risk profile. Qualitative MRAs may be undertaken prior
to the availability of key data to help direct the collection of those data. Progressing to a more
quantitative approach increases the flexibility, acceptability, objectivity and power of the
decisions made (Fazil, 2005). Correspondingly, there is typically an increase in the requirements
for data, degree of detail in describing the system of concern, analytical expertise and time
involved when utilising increasingly sophisticated methods of analysis (Limbering, 2007).
Quantitative microbiological risk assessments (QMRA) can use deterministic or stochastic
models. Deterministic and stochastic models can be differentiated along the lines of their
treatment of randomness and probability (Fazil, 2005). Deterministic models, although they can
include probabilities, do not include any form of randomness or stochasticity as described by
probability distributions in their characterization of a system. In a deterministic model, regardless
of its complexity the outputs are determined once the inputs have been defined. Conversely,
stochastic models include components of randomness within their definition. Stochastic models
tend to be a better representation of natural systems, given the randomness inherent in nature
itself. Deterministic models will tend to use single-point estimate values, and stochastic models
use ranges or statistical distributions of values as inputs. For deterministic assessments, all
variables are assigned a certain fixed value, which may represent a mean value or a maximum or
worst-casescenario of a variable data set for example. The calculations result in a single
number (which may include confidence intervals) as the risk estimate outcome. Once the
relationships between the factors in a model are determined, deterministic models are relatively
simple to calculate. However, even with consideration of confidence intervals, these do not
provide much insight into how likely (or unlikely) it is that the adverse event will occur, nor give
useful insights about the drivers of the risk (Limbering, 2007). An assessment using worst-case
inputs gives an extreme output, without regard for the low likelihood that such an extreme will
occur, whereas an assessment using mean values will arrive at an average risk but then ignore
extremes that may be important (e.g. in representing a susceptible subpopulation) or infrequent
but with severe consequences (Fazil, 2005).The outputs from deterministic risk assessments may
be more useful when used as an indicator of relative risk, which can provide focus for risk
management activities without the need for more precise risk estimates. The stochastic approach

constructs risk assessments that incorporate the variability inherent in the system itself as well as
the uncertainty in the input parameters. The statistical distribution of the variables (the shape of
the distribution curve and its parameters) is required, and combining the distributions requires
more expertise than for single numbers in an equation to calculate outputs. By using simulation
software based on techniques such as Monte Carlo analysis, the effect of variability on
intermediate results and the final outcome can be calculated. For every simulation (i.e. literally,
to simulate what may occur in reality) a random value of each variable is selected, resulting
finally in a probability distribution of the risk under consideration (Limbering, 2007)..

3.1. Ice Cream Production & Science

Ice cream production involves traditional chemical engineering, product design, and multi scale
analysis. The components of this design are briefly summarized below, followed by an executive
summary of the student-generated results for this design. There has been little tradition of ice
cream production in tropical countries because of the requirement for refrigerated production
equipment and frozen storage. Now demand is increasing for ice cream in many large towns and
cities, and it has the potential to be a profitable product for small scale dairies. However, ice
cream carries a high risk of causing food poisoning if it is not correctly made and stored (see
Technical Brief: Overview of Dairy Processing), and it should therefore only be produced by
dairies that have knowledgeable and experienced staff. Ice cream is made by freezing and
simultaneously beating air into (aerating) a liquid mixture that contains fat, sugar, milk solids, an
emulsifying agent, flavoring and sometimes coloring. The fat can be from milk, cream or butter
or from a non-dairy source. However, the composition of ice cream is legally defined in many
countries. Typically this is:
a. Standard ice cream that contains not less than 5% fat and not less than 2.5% milk protein
(from casein or whey solids).
b. Dairy ice cream must contain a minimum of 5% fat that is only milk fat and not any other
type of fat.


There may also be legislation that covers the types of emulsifying agents, colorings, flavorings or
other additives that are permitted in ice cream, and potential producers should check the local
legislation at a Bureau of Standards before formulating a product.
There are three categories of ingredients in the ice cream mix: dairy, sweeteners, and additives.
Milk, cream, and non-fat milk solids make up the dairy portion of ice cream. Sucrose or Splenda
is used to sweeten the mix, and stabilizers and emulsifiers are added to give the ice cream the
desired body and mouth feel. Also present in finished ice cream is air. Standard ice cream
contains an equal volume of mix and air, or an over-run of 100%. Premium ice cream, however,
has an over-run of only 80% to give it a richer, more-creamy mouth feel. Milk is a colloidal
suspension of water, fat, and milk solids. Fat particles in suspension range in size from 0.8 to 20
m. Also present in milk is the sugar lactose at a concentration of about 4.9%. In lactose free ice
creams, the milk is treated with the enzyme lactase, which breaks lactose down into the simpler
sugars glucose and galactose. Regular table sugar, or sucrose, is used as a sweetener in all the ice
cream mixes except the low carb ice cream. Splenda, or sucralose, is used to sweeten the low
carb ice cream because it is indigestible but still sweetens the mix. Stabilizers and emulsifiers are
essential in the production of ice cream products. Both components help to give ice cream the
smooth body and texture and help to improve the overall mouth feel of the ice cream. Stabilizers
work by reducing the amount of free water in the ice cream mixture. This effect retards ice
crystal growth during storage and also provides resistance to melting. This is accomplished
through two mechanisms, depending on the type of gum. Charged gums, including carageenan,
help to reduce the amount of free water by introducing 2 partial charges into the mixture. These
charges interact with the partial charges of water and help to restrict the movement of the water
molecules within the mixture. Branched gums, including guar gum, provide the same ability to
reduce free water within the system, but accomplish this by introducing many branched side
chains into the mixture. Both types of gums limit the amount of hydrogen bonding that can
occur, thereby giving the ice cream the desired properties. Likewise, emulsifiers help to reduce
fat globule coalescence by decreasing the interfacial tension between the fat and the matrix
within the ice cream mixture. Common types of stabilizers used for ice cream production include
guar gum, carageenan and gelatin. Mono and diglycerides are the most commonly used
emulsifying agents. Addition of stabilizers and emulsifiers is essential for ice cream base mixes
lower in fat content; this is a result of the milk and milk proteins containing natural stabilizing

and emulsifying materials. Therefore, premium ice cream will need minimal amounts, if any, of
additional stabilizers or emulsifiers. As water begins to freeze in the mix, the concentration of
dissolved solids in the liquid phase increases due to freezing point depression. Good mixing is
essential to the mouth feel and taste of finished ice cream. Large fat globules increase the
viscosity of the mix beyond what is desirable. Typical ice cream viscosities range from 50-300
cP. The viscosities of low carb ice cream were found to be approximately an order-of-magnitude
greater than that of regular or premium ice cream. It was thought that these higher viscosities
were the result of increased fat content as well as increased additive content.

3.2. Manufacturing Process

The manufacturing process of the ice cream facility is broken down into 7 steps: raw material
delivery and storage, base mixing, homogenization & pasteurization, aging, flavor addition and
continuous freezing, cartoning, and finally hardening. Three separate process lines are utilized,
with two of the three lines containing aging tanks for premium products. The ice cream for
novelty items is produced from the line without aging tanks.

3.3 Hydration of Stabilizers and Emulsifiers

Stabilizers and Emulsifiers make up only a small proportion of an ice cream mix
(typically no more than 1%) but contribute a number of properties to the product:
Freeze-thaw stability. When dispersed into the liquid phase, stabilizers hydrate,
binding water into a network of small droplets.The restriction in flow of free water in the mix
prevents large ice crystals from forming during freezing.
The thickening or gelling effect also contributes to body and texture (or
In low fat products, stabilizers act as gelling and bulking agents, replacing the body and texture
normally provided by the fat content.
Emulsifiers are added to ensure the fat content of an ice cream mix is finely dispersed to
prevent the product taking on a buttery texture.


There are many stabilizers and emulsifiers available, and it is common to use a blend of
stabilizers to obtain the optimum product characteristics. Combined stabilizer/emulsifier
products are also available.

3.4 Stabilizers
Stabilizers are used to help bind together the complex mixture of fats, sugars, air and tiny ice
crystals that are present in ice cream and give a smooth texture. They increase the viscosity in the
unfrozen water to produce a firmer ice cream that resists melting (see Product control below).
Historically gelatine was used, but now the most widely used commercial stabilizer is carboxy
methyl cellulose (CMC), which may have small amounts of vegetable gums (such as guar gum
or locust bean gum), or seaweed extract (available as sodium alginate) mixed with it to improve
its stabilizing action. The vegetable gums may also be used instead of CMC. The amounts of
stabilizer used should follow the manufacturers recommendations.
Protein type: Gelatin, Egg white
Gums: Guar gum, locust bean gum, xanthan gum
Seaweed extracts: Sodium alginate, propylene glycol alginate (PGA) Carrageenan
Cellulose Based: CMC, microcrystalline cellulose (MCC)

3.5 Emulsifiers
Emulsifiers create a smooth texture and good melting characteristics. The traditional emulsifier
used in ice cream was egg yolk, but now mono- and di-glycerides and Polysorbate 80 are used in
most ice cream formulations.
Polyglycerol esters
Sorbitan esters

3.6 Flavorings and colorings

Few people like unflavored ice cream and both synthetic and natural flavours are used. The
coloring normally matches the flavour (e.g. green color with mint flavour or orange with
mango). The flavours and colors must be food grade and are usually available in supermarkets

in major towns and cities or from bakery ingredient suppliers. Vanilla flavour is often the most.
popular flavoring, but producers should find out local preferences before deciding the range of
flavours to offer (see for example ice cream makers such as Ben and Jerrys,,
or flavour suppliers such as H. E. Stringer or other large producers for the range of possible
flavours). Preparation of a typical ice cream mix is described in a order to successfully disperse
and hydrate the stabilizers and emulsifiers.
The powder/liquid blending system must be capable of rapidly incorporating the powder, and
dispersing it throughout the contents of the mix.
Stabilizers/emulsifiers tend to agglomerate when added to the base liquid. The mixer must be
capable of breaking these down.
The stabilizer/emulsifier must also be reduced to the smallest possible particle size to maximize
yield. Some products are not activated unless particle size is sufficiently reduced.
Similarly, a degree of shear is sometimes required to activate some products and fully hydrate
A number of problems can be encountered when using conventional powder/liquid
blending systems and agitators:
Powder must be added at a controlled rate to reduce agglomeration of particles.
Premixing of powders, often carried out to reduce agglomeration, increases costs and process
Conventional systems do not produce sufficient shear to break agglomerates down.
Long processing times are required to complete dispersion and achieve a satisfactory
Poor dispersion can lead to clusters of partially hydrated material building up on the walls of
the heat exchanger, impairing heat transfer.
Agglomerates can also adversely affect homogenizer performance, leading to
inconsistent results.
Frequent cleaning cycles are required, resulting in increased costs from down time, cleaning
chemicals and waste of expensive raw materials.

Incomplete hydration also reduces yield of raw materials.

Many formulations contain unnecessarily high levels of these raw materials to
compensate for poor yield and wastage.
The above problems can be overcome by adding a Silver son High Shear In-Line mixer to the
existing process. Operation is described below. Typically this is installed at the discharge of the
powder/liquid blending equipment, often in place of a centrifugal pump.

Figure .1. Ingredient mixers 1

Premixing of powdered ingredients is not necessary
Agglomerate-free mix
Rapid Mixing times

Longer run between cleaning cycles

Maximized yield of raw materials as thickening agents are fully hydrated and other ingredients
are fully dispersed
Greater uniformity between batches
The batch size, formulation, type of ingredients and the viscosity of the mix dictates which
machine from the Silverson product line is suited to individual processing requirements.

Figure 2. Ingredient mixer 2



3.7. Ingredient control

The milk used to produce the dairy ingredients should be fresh, good quality and free from dirt
and excessive contamination by bacteria. Older milk may impart an unpleasant flavour to the
final product. Technical Brief: Dairy Processing - An Overview gives details of the methods
needed to ensure that good quality milk is used, and Technical Briefs: Butter and Ghee and
Pasteurised Milk describe the quality assurance procedures for making some of the dairy
ingredients. Careful weighing is needed for all ingredients to make sure that the same amount is
used in every batch.

3.8. Process control

A process control schedule should be prepared for each product. Table 3 is an example of a
process control schedule for ice cream production.
It is particularly important that the temperature and time of heating and cooling the mixture
should be controlled. Over-heating and slow cooling causes changes to the flavour and colour of
the milk, whereas under-heating may lead to survival of undesirable micro-organisms, risking
food poisoning from the product.

3.9. Product control

The main quality factors for ice cream are the colour, texture and taste. The colour should remain
unchanged as bright white/cream during processing if colours are not added. The texture of ice
cream can be either soft, or harder and made into blocks. An understanding of the structure of ice
cream is useful to help create the required texture: ice cream has three components:
1. It is a foam (it has air bubbles in the unfrozen liquid).
2. It is an oil-in-water emulsion (made up of tiny globules of milk fat contained in

a complex

water phase)
3. The water phase contains ice crystals and a concentrated unfrozen solution of sugars, milk
solids and other ingredients. Ice Cream Practical Action


The two main factors that affect the texture of the ice cream are:
1. the incorporation of air (overrun), which increases the softness and lightness of the product
and allows it to be easily scooped; and
2. the rate of freezing which affects the size of the ice crystals.
Commercially made ice creams usually have a smooth, soft texture, due in part to faster freezing
which produces smaller ice crystals. The smaller the ice crystals, the less detectable they are by
the tongue. They also need less heat to melt in the mouth and as a result the ice cream does not
feel excessively cold when eaten. Slow freezing creates larger ice crystals that give the product a
gritty texture, and it may also feel too cold when eaten. Other ingredients, including proteins
from the dairy ingredients and added emulsifiers, stabilise both the air bubbles and the emulsion
to give a smooth texture.

3.10. Packaging and storage control

The ice cream should be stored in a freezer at -18C. It should not be allowed to melt for two
reasons: first this would allow any bacteria in the ice cream to grow and spoil the product, and
secondly the air in the ice cream escapes and it loses its texture to become solid ice when refrozen. When ice cream is warmed (e.g. by opening a freezer door) some of the ice crystals
nearest to the warm air partially melt and then refreeze when the temperature drops again. This
causes the ice crystals to grow and the ice cream to taste more gritty. Therefore producers
should advise retailers to minimise the number of times and the duration that ice cream freezers
are opened. There should also be rapid stock turnover to prevent the development of grittiness in
the products. Ice cream requires protection against dust and insect contamination during
distribution and retail display. Plastic pots are most commonly used, sealed with a foil cover or
clip-on plastic lid. Other alternatives are waxed paperboard cartons or cups


3.11. Refrigeration Cycle

An optimized ammonia refrigeration cycle design is displayed in Figure 1. The three
temperatures utilized for this process are -45.6C, -40.0C, and -34.7 C for the hardener system,
the continuous freezer system, and the cold storage room, respectively. The streams entering the
refrigeration equipment via Streams 2, 6, and 10 consist of a vapor-liquid mixture, which boils
and undergoes a complete phase change to a saturated vapor leaving the equipment. Stream 3
and Stream 7 are then pressurized to the ammonia operating pressure for the refrigeration
equipment utilizing the highest temperature, that in the cold storage room, and the three streams
are sent through the Flash Gas and Liquid Interstage Cooler, V-101. The saturated vapor exiting
V-101 undergoes a cascaded series of compressors and heat exchangers that results in the
pressure of 2.02 MPa exiting C-105. This exiting pressure corresponds to the temperature where
the ammonia can be condensed with cooling water in E-103 and E-104. Streams are then split to
the respective refrigeration equipment and throttled to achieve the necessary pressures and
temperatures. Prior to throttling the stream entering the hardener system, Stream 22 is cooled to
-28.9C in V-901.

Figure 3: PFD for the Optimized Ammonia Refrigeration System Unit 1


A separate ammonia refrigeration system was designed for cooling the milk at the front end of
the process. This was suggested by Gunther, in which multi temperature systems with multi
compressors operate at similar evaporator temperatures [3], as with Unit 1. The PFD for Unit 2 is
depicted in Figure 2. The ammonia enters the milk storage tank system as a vapor-liquid mixture
at -1.22C, and exits as a saturated vapor. A series of compressors pressurizes the ammonia to
2.02 MPa, and Stream 7 is throttled to give the desired temperature

Figure 4: PFD for the Optimized Ammonia Refrigeration System Unit 2


3.12. Quality assurance

The quality and amounts of dairy ingredients and the processing conditions that are used for
making ice cream should be standardised so that consistent quality products are made each time.
This involves control of factors in the process that affect the quality or safety of the product.
These are known as control points and are the points at which checks and measurements should
be made.

3.13. HACCP
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point The specific potential hazards in making ice cream are
food poisoning bacteria from the dairy ingredients, poor hygiene and sanitation during
processing, and incorrect processing conditions. Other hazards that are common to all types of
food processing (including contamination of foods by insects, glass etc.) are prevented by correct
quality assurance, including the design and operation of the processing facilities, staff training in
hygiene and production methods, and correct cleaning and maintenance procedures. Hygiene
Technical Brief: Dairy Processing - An Overview gives details of hygiene and sanitation, the
design of a dairy and the use of correct cleaning procedures. Hygiene requirements are also
described in Technical Brief: Hygiene and Safety Rules in Food Processing.

3.14. Avoiding food poisoning

Unclean equipment, contaminated ingredients, poor hygiene of production staff, and incorrect
processing and storage conditions can each lead to bacteria contaminating the ice cream.
Although the low temperatures during frozen storage prevent the bacteria from growing, they can
cause illness when the ice cream is eaten. All equipment should be thoroughly cleaned after use
and checked before production starts again. The temperature and time of heating the ingredient
mixture should be monitored and controlled to ensure that it is not over- or under-heated. Ice
Cream Practical Action

3.15. Warehouse Design

The warehouse for the ice cream storage has a surface area of 17,450 m2, an operating
temperature of -24C, and is able to hold three months of production. Because of the need to

refrigerate the warehouse, the construction requires special insulation, and the capital investment
for this part of the process dominates the overall fixed capital investment. Optimization of the
warehouse facility in terms of the inventory and market demands could lead to substantial

3.16. Wastewater
A wastewater system was designed to process approximately 1,630 m3 per day of wastewater
from the ice cream manufacturing facility. The proposed design processes the wastewater and
purifies it again for cleaning at a cost of $1.58/m3. Figure 3 gives the block flow diagram for the
process. The wastewater from the process first passes through the screener to remove all solids
larger than 2 mm, and then passes on to the equalization tank. Here, the water is slowly released
to the primary clarifier, where organic material is removed to lower the biological oxygen
demand (BOD) to 525 mg/L before the water goes to the activated sludge basin. In the activated
sludge basin, the water is aerated, and, through biological activity, the BOD is reduced by 95% to
25 mg/L. In the secondary clarifiers, the biomass is removed and a fraction is recycled back to
the activated sludge. The remaining fraction is sent to the anaerobic digester along with the
matter from the primary clarifier, where it is desiccated and turned into compost. After the water
leaves the secondary clarifiers, it passes through a reverse osmosis step to prepare the water for
reuse. The water is then disinfected using chlorine and passed through a bed of activated carbon
to remove any colors, odors, or flavors. A large holding tank is used to store the purified water
for the next cleaning shift.

3.17. Steam Generation

In the proposed facility, low-pressure steam will be used for pasteurization, jacketed heating of
the mixing equipment, and to heat water for equipment cleaning. Figure 4 is a block flow
diagram of the steam generation and users


Figure 5: Block Flow Diagram of the Wastewater Treatment System

Figure 6: Steam Generation and Recovery System


4. Objective
4.1. Production method
The general method for producing ice cream is shown in Figure 1.
The increase in volume of ice cream due to the incorporation of air is known as the % overrun,
and in commercially produced ice creams this varies from 60-100% or more. In some countries
there is a legal maximum of 120% overrun. Overrun % can be calculated as follows:

Because ice cream is sold by volume, the amount of air in the finished product has an important
effect on profitability. Small batch freezers (below) can only beat small amounts of air into the
mixture as it freezes, to give an overrun of 50% or less. Commercial freezers are more efficient
at incorporating air and overruns can be 100% or more

Figure 7: Method of ice cream production

The production of ice-cream includes many steps classified under the following three main parts:
Ice-cream mix making (mixing of ingredients, pasteurization and homogenization),

Soft ice-cream production (aging and freezing),

Hard ice-cream production (packaging, hardening and storage).
The manufacturing of ice-cream mix involves mixing of ingredients, pasteurization and
homogenization. For soft ice-cream, pre-made ice-cream mix is supplied to the retail outlets
under refrigeration (< 7C). Aging and freezing at around -5C are performed in the vending
machines at the retail level. Other ingredients, such as fruits and nuts, may be added to the soft
ice-cream at the time of sale for flavour enrichment. In frozen confection factories, the soft icecream will be packed and hardened to produce the hard ice-cream. The following paragraphs
describe the technological details of each processing step.

4.2Mixing of ingredients
The first step of preparing ice-cream mix is to combine the liquid ingredients and heat them to
around 43C. Then, sugar and other dry ingredients, except nuts and fruits, are added to the
lukewarm mix.

Figure 8. Ray diagram of ice cream preparation unit.


4.3. Pasteurization
The mixture is then pasteurized by a heating process, either in batch or continuous modes,
depending on the production size. Pasteurization temperatures for ice-cream mix, around 70C
for 10 30 minutes, are higher than that for plain milk because high fat and sugar contents tend
to protect bacteria from heat treatment. A pasteurizer is used to heat the ice cream mixture. At a
micro-scale of production, a stainless steel pan (or less desirably an aluminium pan) is heated
with constant stirring to prevent the mixture overheating or burning at the base of the pan. At
small- and medium-scale production, a jacketed stainless steel pan (see Technical Brief
Pasteurized milk) gives better control over heating. Steam from a boiler heats the space between
the outer jacket and inner pan to give more uniform heating and avoid localized burning of the
product. It may be fitted with an agitator.

4.4. Homogenization
The pasteurized mix is then homogenized. High pressures of 4.1 x 106 Pa (600 psi) to 1.7 x 107
Pa (2500 psi) are used to break down fat globules. This pressure can clump fat globules and,
together with the added emulsifiers, can prevent churning of fat into butter granules (milk fat)
during freezing step. Homogenization also improves the texture of ice-cream. In other words, the
ice-cream becomes smoother. After that, the homogenized mix is cooled down to 4 C for
further processing. For production of soft ice-cream using vending machines, it is packed and
delivered to the retail outlets.

4.5. Aging
Aging is the first step in soft ice-cream production. The mix is held in sterilized vats from 3-24
hours at temperature of around 4C or lower. It allows some physical changes, such as fat
crystallization, adsorption of protein onto fat globules, and incensement of the mixs viscosity.
These changes lead to quicker whipping to the desired overrun1 in freezing process, smoother
ice-cream body and texture, and slower ice-cream melt-down.


4.6. Freezing
During freezing, air is incorporated in the mix and cooled down to around -5C. Freezing must
be performed as quickly as possible to prevent the formation of large ice crystals. The air cells in
ice-cream should be small and evenly distributed in order to maintain a stable frozen foam. At
this low temperature, -50C, not all water particles are crystallized and, therefore, ice-cream is
only in semisolid state. The semisolid ice-cream emerging from the freezer is similar to the
constituency of soft ice-cream produced at the retail level. Other ingredients, like fruits, nuts, or
syrup, may then be added to enrich the flavor of ice-cream.

4.7. Packaging
To produce hard ice-cream, the semisolid ice-cream is packed into cartons or drums for
hardening process to form specific shape of ice-cream products and to have longer shelf-life
(more than one year).

4.8. Hardening
The pre-packed semisolid ice-cream is then placed in a hardening room where the temperature of
about -340C is maintained. This low temperature keeps the core temperature of ice-cream at
around -180C. Hardening should be performed quickly to prevent the formation of large ice
crystal and to maintain better quality of ice-cream.

4.9. Storage
After hardening, the hard ice-cream will then be placed back in the cold store rooms with
temperature of around -180C. From this stage, the hard ice-cream must be kept at -18 0C or below
throughout storage, transportation and display.


Figure 9. Flow chart of ice cream production.


5. Potential Microbiological Hazards

Ice-cream, a milk-based product, is a good media for microbial growth due to high nutrient
value, almost neutral pH value (pH ~6-7) and long storage duration of ice-cream. However,
pasteurization, freezing and hardening steps in the production can eliminate most of the
microbiological hazards. According to the Frozen Confections Regulation under, ice-cream must
be heat-treated during the production process. Pasteurization is most commonly applied heat
treatment in thedairy industry. This can destroy almost all pathogenic bacteria in milk. The
subsequent process that subjects the mixtures to freezing temperature can also inhibit the growth
of any remaining flora. Hardening is also the important control point that further reduces the
hazards. Furthermore, as automatic machines are commonly used for ice-cream making in dairy
industry, the chance of contamination through direct hand manipulation can be reduced.
Nevertheless, there are some steps in the production of ice-cream that can lead to the
microbiological hazards. Heat treatment by pasteurization can destroy most of the specific
pathogens that pose risk to public health. However, the potential microbiological hazards found
in the final products can still be introduced after pasteurization through adding contaminated
ingredients and improper handling procedures. This is especially important in the preparation of
soft ice-cream as its final stage of the production is carried out at point of sale. Some pathogens
that can survive in food even at low temperature include Salmonella spp., Listeria
monocytogenes, Campylobacter spp. and Yersinia spp.For ice-cream products, L. monocytogenes
is of significant food safety concern worldwide.

6. Regulatory Framework
The composition of Ice-cream shall contain not less than 5% fat, 10% sugar and 7.5% milk
solids other than fat: Provided that ice-cream containing any fruit, fruit pulp or fruit puree shall
either conform to the aforesaid standard or, alternatively, the total content of fat, sugar and milk
solids other than fat shall not be less than 25% of the ice-cream including the fruit, fruit pulp or
fruit puree, as the case may be, and such total content of fat, sugar and milk solids other than fat
shall include not less than 7.5% fat, 10% sugar and 2% milk solids other than fat. For the
purpose of the aforesaid standard relating to ice-cream, sugar means sucrose, sugar or solids of
any sweetening material derived from starch, provided that no ice-cream shall contain less than

7.5% sucrose. For control of ice-cream, premises manufacturing ice-cream must be covered by
valid Frozen Confection Factory licence under the Frozen Confection Regulation. Frozen
Confection permits are also required for retail outlets selling ice-cream in bulk or cone in
original wrappers. All these premises are also required to comply and observe relevant licencing
requirements and conditions. The Frozen Confection Regulation stipulates the requirement for
the manufacturing of frozen confections including ice-cream and the microbiological standards
of the finished products. In addition, the microbiological limits for Listeria monocytogenes in the
guidelines of ready-to-eat food are used for the monitoring.

7. Detection Of Adulteration In Milk Or Raw Material

An adulterant is a chemical substance which should not be contained within other substances
(e.g. food, beverages, and fuels) for legal or other reasons. The addition of adulterants is called
adulteration. The word is appropriate only when the additions are unwanted by the recipient.
Otherwise the expression would be food additive. Adulterants when used in illicit drugs are
called cutting agents, while deliberate addition of toxic adulterants to food or other products for
human consumption is known as poisoning. Milk adulteration is sad to note that most Indians are
resigned to drinking milk diluted with water which not only reduces the nutritious value of the
beverage but also poses risk to health. Delhi Ex. Chief Minister Sheila Dixit says: We have a
huge challenge before us. We need more laboratories to test milk. India being largely a
vegetarian society relies on milk rather than meat for its nutritional needs. A glass (250ml) of
unadulterated whole milk will give around 146 kcals; 8gms of fat and protein with 257mg of
calcium. Calcium and other vitamins and minerals in milk make it an important part of a
healthful diet for people of all ages. The benefits of drinking milk include strengthening bones,
improved cardiovascular and oral health hand even relief from PMS. Milk is most commonly
diluted with water this not only reduces its nutritional value, but contaminated water can also
cause additional health problems. The other adulterants used are mainly starch, sodium
hydroxide (caustic soda), sugar, urea, hydrated lime, sodium carbonate, formalin, and ammonium
sulphate. The Indian Council of Medical Research has reported that milk adulterants have
hazardous health effects. The detergent in milk can cause food poisoning and other
gastrointestinal complications. Its high alkaline level can also damage body tissue and destroy
proteins. Other synthetic components can cause impairments, heart problems, cancer or even

death. While the immediate effect of drinking milk adulterated with urea, caustic soda and
formalin is gastroenteritis, the long term effects are far more serious. Urea can lead to vomiting,
nausea and gastritis. Urea is particularly harmful for the kidneys, and caustic soda can be
dangerous for people suffering from hypertension and heart ailments. Formalin can cause more
severe damage to the body like liver damage. The health impact of drinking milk adulterated
with these chemicals is worse for children. Caustic soda harms the mucosa of the food pipe,
especially in kids. The chemical which contains sodium, can act as slow poison for those
suffering from hypertension and heart ailments. Milk is a white liquid produced by the mammary
glands of mammals. It is the primary source of nutrition for young mammals before they are able
to digest other types of food. Early lactation milk contains colostrum, which carries the mother's
antibodies to the baby and can reduce the risk of many diseases in the baby. It also contains
many other nutrients. As an agricultural product, milk is extracted from mammals during or soon
after pregnancy and used as food for humans. Worldwide, dairy farms produced about 730
million tonnes of milk in 2011, from 260 million dairy cows. India is the world's largest producer
and consumer of milk, yet neither exports nor imports milk. New Zealand, the European Union's
28 member states, Australia, and the United States are the world's largest exporters of milk and
milk products. China and Russia are the world's largest importers of milk and milk products.
Milk has been the quality of unique food for nourishment of human being long before recorded
history. It is well known that milk is almost complete as like as any other wholesome nutritious
food for all mammals including human being. Milk in its natural form has the apex food value. It
supplies nutrients like high quality protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamin and mineral in significant
amount than any other single food (Neumann et al. 2002). However, the quality of milk is
deteriorated due to adulteration in different marketing channels. Adulteration of milk is usually
done by adding inferior cheaper materials or elements like pond water, cane sugar and powdered
milk (Prasad 1999). Milk is a very perishable product and its shelf life is few hours. Health
hazard chemicals are frequently used to the milk in different regions of Bangladesh as
preservative for increasing its shelf life and though LP-system is safe preservative for increasing
the shelf life of milk (FAO 1999).


8.Nutritional Components in Milk

Nutritional components in milk: Energy, Water, Carbohydrate, Fat, Protein, Vitamins, Minerals,
and Minor Biological Proteins & Enzymes.

8.1 Energy
The energy in milk comes from its protein, carbohydrate and fat content, with the exception of
skim milk that has virtually no fat.Food provides energy to the body in the form of calories
(kcal). There are many components in food that provide nutritional benefits, but only the
macronutrients protein, carbohydrate and fat provide energy. The energy value of a food is
calculated based on the calories provided by the amount of protein (4 kcal/gram), carbohydrate
(4 kcal/gram), and fat (9 kcal/gram) that is present.

8.2. Water
Milk is approximately 87% water, so it is a good source of water in the diet.Water does not
provide a nutritional benefit in the same manner as proteins or vitamins, for example. However,
water is extremely important in human metabolism. Water is a major component in the body.
Water maintains blood volume, transports nutrients like glucose and oxygen to the tissues and
organs, and transports waste products away from tissues and organs for elimination by the body.
Water helps to lubricate joints and cushions organs during movement. Water maintains body
temperature regulation through sweating. Lack of water (dehydration) results in fatigue, mental
impairment, cramping, and decreased athletic performance. Severe dehydration can be life

8.3. Carbohydrate
Milk is approximately 4.9% carbohydrate in the form of lactose. Carbohydrates are the primary
source of energy for activity. Glucose is the only form of energy that can be used by the brain.
Excess glucose is stored in the form of glycogen in the muscles and liver for later use.
Carbohydrates are important in hormonal regulation in the body. Lack of adequate levels of
glucose in the blood and carbohydrate stores leads to muscle fatigue and lack of concentration.
Lactose is a disaccharide made up of glucose and galactose bonded together.

Before it can be used by the body, the bond must be broken by the enzyme lactase in the small
intestine. People that have decreased activity of lactase in the small intestine may have problems
digesting lactose and this is referred to as lactose intolerance or mal absorption.

8.4. Fat
Milk is approximately 3.4% fat
Fats increase the richness of the ice cream flavour, produce a smooth texture, give body to the
ice cream and produce good melting properties when the ice cream is eaten. Although dairy fats
(Table 1) are most commonly used to make ice cream, a number of vegetable fats (including
hydrogenated palm oil, coconut oil or salt-free margarine) may be cheaper and are used to reduce
the cost of ice cream.
Fats are a structural component of cell membranes and hormones. Fats are a concentrated energy
source and are the main energy source used by the body during low intensity activities and
prolonged exercise over 90 minutes. Fat is the main storage form of excess energy in the body.
Fats cushion organs during movement.
The fatty acids in milk fat are approximately 65% saturated, 29%monounsaturated, and 6%
polyunsaturated. The polyunsaturated fatty acids in milk fat include small amounts of the
essential fatty acids linoleic and linolenic, and approximately 5% trans fatty acids. An important
trans fatty acid in milk fats conjugated linoleic acid (CLA, 18:2). There are several types
(isomers) of CLA in milk that have been shown to inhibit cancer and help maintain lean body
mass while promoting the loss of body fat. The health benefits of CLA consumption are
discussed in the Milk and Human Health section. The health concerns associated with fats are
often linked to the chemical differences in the fatty acids. Saturated and trans unsaturated fats
have been associated with high blood cholesterol and heart disease. However, the relationships
are not simple. The length of the fatty acid chain and source of the unsaturated bond (naturally
occurring or manmade through processing) can greatly influence the health consequences of a
specific fat in the human diet. In addition, the genetics and health status of an individual greatly
influences the impact of consuming different types of fats. Cholesterol is an important
component of cell membranes and as a starting material for the production of bile salts and

steroid hormones. The body manufactures cholesterol to ensure that an adequate level of
cholesterol is available for body functions. High levels of blood cholesterol are associated with
increased risk for heart disease. Health section. Cholesterol is associated with fat so the content
will vary depending on the fat content of the dairy product.

8.5. Milk solids-not-fat

Milk solids-not-fat is included as skimmed milk powder or full-fat milk powder. They improve
the body and texture of ice cream, allow a higher overrun (below), and produce a thicker, less icy

8.6. Sugars
Sweeteners improve the flavour, texture and palatability of ice cream. They contribute to a lower
freezing point, so that the ice cream has some unfrozen water. Without this the ice cream would
be too hard to eat. They also reduce the fattiness of ice cream and help to produce a smooth
texture. Granulated or castor sugar (sucrose) is used, but other sugars (such as dextrose powder)
are also used to make the ice cream softer. Corn syrup produces a firmer and chewier ice cream
than sugar. It is available in different dextrose equivalents1 (DE). The sweetness increases with
higher DE values. Lower DE corn syrups have a greater stabilising effect

8.7. Protein
Milk is approximately 3.3% protein and contains all of the essential amino acids. Proteins are the
fundamental building blocks of muscles, skin, hair, and cellular components. Proteins are needed
to help muscles contract and relax, and help repair damaged tissues. They play a critical role in
many body functions as enzymes, hormones, and antibodies. Proteins may also be used as an
energy source by the body. Milk protein consists of approximately 82% casein and 18% whey
(serum) proteins. Both casein and whey proteins are present in milk, yogurt, and ice cream. In
most cheeses the casein is coagulated to form the curd, and the whey is drained leaving only a
small amount of whey proteins in the cheese.


8.8. Vitamins
Vitamins have many roles in the body including metabolism cofactors, oxygen transport and
antioxidants. They help the body use carbohydrates, protein, and fat.

8.9. Minerals
Minerals have many roles in the body including enzyme functions, bone formation, water
balance maintenance, and oxygen transport. They help the body use carbohydrates, protein, and
fat. Calcium plays an essential role in bone formation and metabolism, muscle contraction, nerve
transmission and blood clotting. Dairy products are a significant source of calcium in the diet.
Iron is a component of blood and many enzymes. It is involved in blood metabolism and oxygen
transport. Magnesium is an enzyme cofactor and is important in bone metabolism.

8.10. Minor Biological Proteins & Enzymes

Other minor proteins and enzymes in milk that are of nutritional interest include lactoferrin and
lactoperoxidase. There are many other enzymes in milk but these do not have a role in human
nutrition. Lactoferrin is an iron binding protein that plays a role in iron absorption and immune
response. Many other functions of lactoferrin have been proposed, but their confirmation is still
under study, including protection against bacterial and viral infections, and it's role in
inflammatory response and enzyme activity. Lactoperoxidase is an enzyme that, in the presence
of hydrogen peroxide and thiocyanate, has antibacterial properties.


9. Sample testing
9.1. Material & Method
1. Samples

FD Mix
Juice Water

2. Glass Wares

Test Tube
Petri plate
Glass Pipet
vittaro meter

3. Chemicals

Hydrochloric acid and resorcinol for sugar test

Soyabean or arhar powder for urea test
Sulphuric acid for formalin test
Amyle Alchohol(C5H12O)
Chrome (Indicator)
Ammonia Buffer Solution
EDTA, etc

4. Equipments

Vittaro Meter
LAF (Laminar Air Flow)
Viscosity Meter
Weighing machine
Water Bath


Heating Mental
Vertical Shaker
Deep Freezer, etc

10. Method
We have taken seven different sample of milk (M1, M2, M3, M4, B1, B2, and one for standard)
for the detection of adulterations in milk such as Vanaspati, Urea, Formalin, Sugar, Detergent.
The experiment has done by testing of each sample for such kind of adulterations. The procedure
as following-

10.1. Detection of Vanaspati

Take 3 ml of milk in a test tube. Add 10 drops of hydrochloric acid. Mix up one teaspoonful of
sugar. After 5 minutes examine the mixture. The red colouration indicates the presence of
vanaspati in the milk.

10.2. Detection of Urea

Take a teaspoon of milk in a test tube. Add teaspoon of soyabean or arhar powder. Mix up the
contents thoroughly by shaking the test tube. After 5 minutes, dip a red litmus paper in it.
Remove the paper after a minute. A change in colour red to blue indicates the presence of urea
in the milk.

10.3. Detection of Formalin

Take 10 ml of milk in a test tube and add 5 ml con. sulphuric acid from the side of the wall
without shaking. If a violet or blue ring appears at the intersection of two layers then it shows
presence of formalin. Formalin enhances the life of milk and thus is added for preservation

10.4. Detection of Sugar


Take a 3 ml of milk in a test tube. Add 2 ml of the hydrochloric acid. Heat the test tube after
adding 50 mg resorcinol. The red colouration indicates the use of sugar in the milk.

10.5. Detection of Detergent

Shake 5-10 ml of sample with an equal amount of water lather indicates the presence of water.

10.6. Detection of pH
Take 10 ml of milk in a beaker. Add 2-4 drops of Phenolphtalin. Than add NaOH (0.1N) into the
sample until the colour become pink. The reading should be 1.5-2ml for 10 ml sample. The
procedure for testing acidity of milk, water, & FD Mix are same.

10.7. Detection of water hardening

When magnesium & calcium are present in the water called hard water. It contains different
types of impurities. This type of water is not suitable for the ice cream production. That why RO
water is used for the ice cream production. We can check water hardening through the test. Take
100ml of RO water in a beaker and add 3-4 drops of chrome indicator, than add 2ml ammonia
buffer solution in the end we add EDTA (50 N 6ppm standard). The colour become change from
purple to blue colour. Blue colour represent the water purity.

10.8. Detection of viscosity

Viscosity test determine the thickness of the sample. We takes sample in a beaker and put in
water bath until the temperature become rise from 6-21 0C. When temperature become 210C we
load sample in the bowl from bottom to top of the equipment and start a stop watch during flow
of sample until the sample become finish. When sample become finish we stop the stopwatch.
The time period of flowing should be 25-30sec for ideal sample.

10.9. Detection of total sample solid

TSS determines the total sample solid present in the sample. We take 1gm of sample in a dry
pettri plate. and spread it on the surface of pettri plate and put in a hot air oven for drying. When


the sample become dry then we check weigh of the pettri plate. Dry weight minus from wet
weight then multiply with 100 then we find the total sample solid in the sample in percentage.

10.10. Detection of Fat

We can determine the total fat present in the sample. Testing of fat called garbar test. We take
5.4gm sample in a vitaro meter which contains 10ml absolute H2SO4.then we add 1ml Amyle
Alchohol (C5H12O) which is use to separate fat from sample particles. And add few drops of H 2O
and load in centrifuge for 5 200-500rpm speed. After centrifugation fat separated and
the reading should be 2 ml.

11. The Effects of Adulteration on Human Health

Health is wealth. People need to be cautious to keep their health well. We are required to take
balanced diet and take regular exercise. We also have to maintain the standard of food.
Nowadays foods are being adulterated by mixing inferior but toxic and poisonous chemicals in
it. It may also be done by removing some valuable substances from it. Food adulteration is done
to degrade the quality and to increase the quantity for maximizing the profit. Every day we watch
in the TV news how the unhygienic and spurious foods are entering into our houses. Adulteration
of foods has many effects on individuals as well as on the community health. Food adulteration
can cause immediate effect on human health. Diarrhea, dysentery, vomiting are such type of
effects. Tamarind and date seed powder mixed with coffee powder can cause diarrhea.
Adulteration on bakery items and dairy products may have tremendous effects on a childs
health. Such as cream filled foods, cereal, cream sauces causes increased salivation, abdominal
cramp, vomiting, prostration etc. Improperly processed milk and canned meat may cause food
poisoning and abdominal pain. Vegetables and fish mixed with formalin and other type of
chemicals which are used to keep the food fresh are injurious to health. Unhygienic meat and
meat products can cause food infection usually with fever and chills. These are the immediate
effect of food adulteration on public health. There are also many long term effects of food
adulteration besides immediate effect. A research shows that adulterated Chinese food may be an
interrupt to a childs mental development. Moreover, it can cause liver damage, stomach
disorder, heart diseases, epidemic dropsy etc. as long term effects of it. Copper, tin, zinc, mercury

mixed with foods can cause brain damage of a person.Form the present study it could be
concluded that low income group respondents were least educated, had low awareness about
their rights and responsibilities and food adulteration. So this group needs to be armed with lot of
information and training on the issues of food adulteration and ways to raise their voice when felt
cheated. They had limited income, so they could not reach the standard items of their choice. On
seeing such condition of consumer, our government has made sincere efforts to curb the
fraudulent practices by enactment of various laws. It is highly unlikely that more legislation or
increasing fines and jail terms alone will help reduce adulteration, particularly given the
corruption that exists in the enforcement area and the low conviction rate. Greater consumer
vigilance and action alone can help improve the situation. But such efforts are not fruitful unless
consumers themselves are aware of their rights and responsibilities. Under these circumstances,
consumer literacy is the need of the hour with special attention to low income groups who suffer
the most.

12. Result & discussion

From the present results, it was concluded that ice cream are of the superior quality product in
respect of sanitary condition in Bareilly(U.P). However, much attention is still needed to apply
aspects of microbiological quality control for attaining desired safety margins and giving
assurance that the ice cream product received by the consumer will be pure, healthful and of the
quality claimed. To do so useful and effective sound legislation must have to be enacted and


enforced, the chief aim of which is to ensure that the production, handling, processing,
distribution and storage of ice cream could be maintained under strict hygienic control to protect
consumers against health hazard and under quality standards. Ice cream is a fairly food
containing sugar, emulsifiers and fats. Long as no bacteria or other harmful microorganism then
ice cream. While frozen is one of the safe commodities depending on the available water,
bacterial growth could be rapid in melted ice cream. If melted ice cream is contaminated and
allowed to remain at elevated temperatures, freezing temperature later would not make the
product safe.

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