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The Spirit And The Bride

As we peer into the realm of spirituality, we find so many multifaceted dimensions to

speak of, it is astounding. God is Light and He is Wisdom and Knowledge and
Understanding and His Mind is infinite. Like a pure spotless diamond, so many sides and
dimensions to see as each one in its own right and beauty becomes and glorifies as to the
whole. What a beautiful eternal mind.
We find from Adam we say comes forth from the dust of the earth. This can be seen as a
resurrection or a beginning of Life, we say a dead man comes out of the ground, Here we
find Adam also coming out of the ground. As we have said, In Adam all die and we know
death is darkness, so we see Him once again being in the negative as to the dark film
needed, to begin recording the invisible Light of Life around Him. He is
comprehending as being in the Presence of the Shekinah, then He is in the Presence of
Light, and this Light, same as a Light from the camera flash does, it snaps the picture of
what is seen in the light onto the dark negative film for the recording purpose. So we see
Adam so to speak, coming forth from there ground and He is as to a Dark Film Negative
and He is recording the World of Light from around Him as the Light is striking the
darkness of His mind being God is the Mind of Revelation, so we see the IMAGE of
God that Adam is in the presence of, Recording itself onto the film and Mind of Adam.
Now we have an image of darkness haloed or surrounded by Light. We can say this is
Lucifer as to the film and being made into the image from the light, it is now came to a
knowledge of truth, as the film is BOTH light and darkness. So we see it has become in
this sense Satan. Now by this we see the fullness of the Light of God, being recorded
onto the Mind of Lucifer the first man Adam. All of the predestinated foreknowledge of
God is in this Adam. As Adam was the darkness that God needed to record His Light
upon, as the Flash of the Camera does the Film or Negative.
We can see this in Moses day as Him being on the mountain top and God giving to Him
or revealing to Him this very Negative Film, as the Hinder Part of God. We find
Moses developing the film so to speak and bringing it down to the people, but finding
them not ready for it, typical of the flesh, it was not ready for the positive image to be
revealed, so we say it was hidden, and instead they received the Carnal Film Negative
instead. This is just one view, in another view we can see the first set was typical of the
broken stones but also a rent veil and from that rent veil like a child birth came the 2nd
set of laws or 10 commandments.
Now as to Adam we find Him being the darkness in this view, and thus God puts Adam to
sleep and from His side He takes and creates Eve. Now Adam was from the dust and to
the dust he returns, but Eve was not from the dust. She was something that was born or
created from that which did come forth from the dust. Now remember we are speaking in
a different dimension that we have in the past as to bring about something so very
beautiful concerning the Bride and the Change of the Body.
If Adam is the recorder and He is the dark film or negative, then we see it was the Carnal

Mind or the Knowledge of The Truth. We say the Man is the one who has a Serpent
on His Belly, and He is the One, who has the Stones. We find this also with Moses,
who held up a serpent on the pole, coming forth from Egypt, The Egyptians wore the
serpent on their heads. We say inside the head is where the knowledge was, as to the
brain and the brain is gray just like the moon. We find Moses going on top of Mt. Sinai,
typical of Hagar, as a Man would a Woman, entering her as to using His Serpent rending
her veil, shown by the broken stones, then we say her typically birthing a child, as to the
2nd set of stones, Moses coming off of her showing the people the newborn child so to
speak. How can the 1st set of stones be a rent veil? Because they were broken or rent in
twain as a woman is. If the man has stones, then that which came forth from Him as to
the woman, does not have stones, as we see the case of the broken stones, no power of
law within her, remember she is a part of the man, so she is the brokenness of the man the
weaker side of man, in this particular dimension. When a man enters a woman He is
entering Himself as a Woman came forth from the Man. This was the same as when God
entered Adam, God was entering Himself, as Light to be veiled in the darkness.
So as we see Adam is as to the darkness, then He was put to sleep again we see him
going into the "darkness of sleep, just as a woman does during birth, she is closest to
death at that time, so we find something being birthed from Adam. We find Him typical
of a woman, birthing Eve.
In this sense Eve is the most beautiful of all of creation, She is the glory of the man. She
in this sense, types the Spirit of the Man as that which was within the man is now come
forth and made itself known. So we see as we have said that the Man in this view shows
the darkness as the first man Adam and being He had the full potential of being God as
He is the embodiment of the fullness of the Light of God that has flashed upon His
Carnal Mind Negative Film, Then We find in Him is the Spirit, or Light. Remember God
veiled Himself in that darkness, so what was it that came forth from within Him, but
Light. We say again God separated the Light from the Darkness, so we see in this view,
Adam being the darkness and Eve being the Light. This makes the Eve, Spirit and
Adam, The Body or Flesh. How so?
Because what does Knowledge do, but form the Spirit. Spirit is Understanding and
understanding is Life not Knowledge. Knowledge constitutes the means and measures for
Understanding and Light which is Life to be brought, revealed, manifested. God have to
have a recorder and give that recorder Knowledge, and what was that Knowledge but
Light within the veil, it was the Spirit or Sun, shining upon the Moon Stone that, gave
Light or Life to an Earth.
We find the Sun as a husband to the Earth, going down in death over the hill, yet being
resurrected typically speaking as the Moon as it gives a reflecting light of memories to
the Bride of what Her husband once was. She retains His memories of the Sun by the
shining of the Moon. The moon is but a memory or a reflection of what was once her
husband. We find this as well with God tasting death in the Body of Jesus and the Light
of God going out and all we have left is the reflecting light of the Man Jesus which the
Bride keeps a memory of by posting the moon reflecting image of his flesh on all of her
churches and bibles and pews and hymnals etc. She is worshipping the reflecting image,

not the true image.

In another view we see the Sun is Spirit, the Moon is the Soul, and the Earth is the Body,
so we would find the same in the Garden as to the Sun as God, Adam as the Moon and
Eve as the Body. Now lets reverse this as we have been saying and see it from another
view, We find God as the Sun going over the Hill, veiling Himself in the dark film of the
Mind of Adam, making Adam all God is, yet a reverse image of the True as a negative
film is, this is why we process it, to get the true. So We find Adam is the Moon with His
negative false reflecting light. Then He goes to sleep, or we say Night time comes which
is when the Moon comes out and rules. Then we see the glory and beauty of the darkness
and the stars come out and all is at peace and quiet. However we find the moon does not
bring life, but sleep and death. The moons reflecting light is but a shadow of things to
come. So we see The Man in this dimension is the Moon and HE is a shadow of that
which is to come.
So by this we find a type of God, in the veil, as the Moon, brooding over the waters or the
Earth, which is without form and void. If the Spirit flashed itself onto the dark mind of
Adam, then we find the Adam is a shadow of that which is to come, so He is a shadow
of the coming Woman! He is a Shadow of the Spirit. So when God separated Eve
from Adam, we see in this view that Adam was the darkness and what God took from
Adam was the sinless, spotless beautiful, no serpent, glorious Woman. The Woman in this
sense is the Holy Ghost, as She is the combination of God and Adam, She is what was
brought forth by God entering Adam as a Man does His Wife, Adam was the Wife of
God. So If Adam was the negative, then Eve was the Positive. To a Man, His Wife is
Heaven to Him. She is the most beautiful thing he has ever seen, her hair and her body
and his desires for her stimulate Him in every way to desire and love and be one with her.
His entrance into her in their intimacy is a heaven on earth experience. She reproduces
His Image. Just like the Holy Ghost does, it reproduces Christ in our Lives. Speaking
now of Adam but in all reality we see this in Jesus and the Christ.
So we see Adam is the Moon and darkness and Eve is the revealed or manifested
Spirituality of God as the Holy Ghost. A Spirit has entered a dark veil and has been
formed into a Holy Ghost Image by the rent veil causing it to be made known or
manifested. Jesus rent the veil as Adam, broken stones and out came the Bride or the
Holy Ghost. The Jews type the Male in this view and we see the male is the one with the
stones and the male rules with authority and the male goes out to Work for His Bride.
See the Jew was all about the stones, they were the one so hard on Works. So we see
from the side of the Jew comes forth the Bride, the Church of the Living God. The Holy
Ghost. The Jew being the darkness and the Spirit that was veiled in that darkness was
now formed and took on an image and the veil was rent in twain and out came the True
Image of God, The Holy Ghost.The Word or Law made Flesh.
Now we see as the Moon was symbolic of the Head of the Earth, The Earth being the
Bride or Body then we see its dark light was the Mind of The Law or Satan ruling over
the Body. The Body was in the darkness of the Veil, as the Moon Light was shining, the
Earth was veiled in Darkness. Now see it this way, the moon is made from dust so it

dwells in the darkness and void of space, so it is in this type, typical of the first body,
caught in the darkness of the depths of outer space, the bottomless pit, having a form of
life but no life on it. Veiling within its reflecting light the true body or the earth. This
would make the earth the true glorified yet unmanifested body. Now get this, for when
the moon is rent in twain, or the first set of stones is broken, we find a second set being
revealed, or as we say as the moon goes over the hill, it is destroyed or hidden by the
Brightness of the Coming of the Sun. What does the Sun do, but reveal, unveil a New
Body, a New Glorified Earth or Glorified Body. So in this dimension the Earth is the New
Glorified Body, Heaven on Earth. The Light of the Sun shining on the Once hidden Earth,
now reveals the New Glorified Body. The Change of the Body, from the hidden veil of
the darkness of the moon light, to the new resurrected Sun Light. The Moon could not
reveal the Bodily Earth, but the sunlight could. The Holy Ghost will bring to your
remembrance all things He has taught us. We have a Holy Ghost from the Lord to
know all things.
So we find God is an Invisible, Unknown Spiritual Light. He then veiled Himself in
Darkness and becomes a Veiled Light, creating a shadow or a dark light or Moon Light.
Then we find Him rending the veil and becoming a revealed manifested comprehend
Light or Image or Holy Ghost as to the Earth which is full of Life. We say scientifically
speaking the universe is full of darkness and no life can be found anywhere outside of
this earth. So we think well we are here on the Earth and heaven is out there somewhere.
But in all reality we find out there is nothing but an endless bottomless pit of darkness
and the only place with Light and Life is the Earth, so what is the Earth? It is Heaven, it
has been heaven the whole time. It is the Holy Ghost of God in Union with the Creation
of God. It is the merging of the Light with the Darkness to unveil the New Eternal Body
that was hidden as to the Earth. So the Earth in this dimension is the Bride, It is the Holy
Ghost, It is The 3rd Heaven. We never left it! We have always been in Heaven. It is just
that there was a moon light veil that hid it from us. Once we was born again the sunlight
returned to us and it revealed the Earth did not have to die anymore. The Earth is not
under the rule of the moonlight of darkness which was a shadow of that which was to
A Womans Hair hangs down onto her body the same way the Light of the Sun shines
upon the Earth. The Light of the Sun covers the Earth and gives it Life. The woman hair
is symbolic of this. This is why God commanded the Woman to NOT cut her hair as to
take it off the shoulders, because it is symbolic of The Holy Ghost! To cut the hair off as
to the woman indicates She has done the unforgivable and unpardonable sin. It
symbolizes the Blaspheming of the Holy Ghost. Not the cutting of the hair, but the type it
shows. One can be cut off from the moon light, as we say in death go to the grave, even
sinning and finding redemption. But when you cut off the sun light, symbolic of the
woman hair which os the Holy Ghost, you are dead eternally. You have spoken again the
Truth. The Moon Light was not Truth, so God could give you Grace as an atonement for
it. This shows the blood covered Body of Jesus hanging at Calvary. But to blaspheme the
resurrected Body which is the Holy Ghost, you have spoken against The Truth and have
then seared your soul and conscience with a hot iron and are eternally dead. Thats the
death of your soul. Not just your body.

Now lets see this from another perspective. God moving dimensionally speaking, from a
Sunlight, to a Moon Light, to a Glorified Earth. We find Him as the Unknown, Invisible
God, who Flashed His Light like a Camera onto the darkness of the Man who was a
Living Soul, or Adam. This is the Sunlight hiding behind the veil within Adam. This is
God as to a sunlight, becoming a Moonlight. The Moon being dust and dirt, having a
light, but no life on it, as Paul said in my flesh dwells no good thing. In the flesh is the
moon light, till we are born again. So we see God in Adam is become the Moon Light.
Inside of this Adam we find Him being Light veiled in Darkness, so He has come to
know Light and Darkness, Good and Evil. So when Adam goes to sleep, this is the Spirit
of God hovering over the Soul of Adam, as His Soul is the Darkness, void and without
Form. Now as God creates Adam as we say from the dust as we have been made to think,
with His Hands, we find The Spirit forming the Soul, Spirit brooding over the Water,
Forming that Soul into an Image of Light, then separating that Light from the Darkness,
Just like a Mother would use a cookie cutter to make a biscuit. So out of that darkness
comes the Woman. Adam being the darkness the woman being the Light. This being the
case we find the woman is the glorified Spirit and Body in One. She is the Image of God,
as Spirit is become Flesh, then we find She is The Spirit Body, She is The Holy Ghost.
God made manifest in the Flesh. The Holy Ghost! Jesus said, Feel of Me, A Spirit hath
not flesh and bones as you see me have! God in this sense was no longer just Spirit, He
was also a Unity, a uniting, becoming One with His Flesh, as to what we know Oneness
is. He had become a Man. Not a man as to a man who was God in the veil, dwelling in
the darkness, separated from His creation, He was now ONE with His Body and One
with His Creation. This Unity shows the Holy Ghost Age. A Ghost being a Spirit that has
taken on or conformed itself into a recognizable Image. Now that is the True God.
We see also from this perspective God, drawing forth a Bodily Leviathan. We say from
the deep. We could see this in other dimensions as well, such as a Soul coming forth from
the Spirit, or A Spirit coming forth from the Soul, or a Body being formed out of the
depths of the elements as to the Earth by God.
So we will try to bring this an end here shortly, but lets see some interesting things this
lets us know. We see the woman in a whole different light. We see her hair having
incredible spiritual significance. We see her as the Holy Ghost that enters the heart is
what bears the Children, making men into God.
We find Jesus being also typical of the Holy Ghost, being spotless and sinless, we see the
World crucifying Him, typically showing that Calvary had to do with the Blaspheming of
the Holy Ghost in that they spoke against Him and killed Him, cutting off their head,
killing their own body in that sense bringing to them eternal death. Thats the world in
Now what we are trying to portray to your mind in all of this, is this one thing. God who
made creation was separated from His Creation and worked a plan to enter His Creation
and become one with His Creation. We say One Organism, divides itself and produces
another cell or organism, then the original organism is eaten by the 2nd one. Now the 2nd
Organism is the new yet original cell, then that cell divides and forms other cells that

create a brand new organism altogether. Remember after the Black Widows mates and
has the seed of her husband in her she then turns and eats Him. God within the Veil.
So God in this sense is no longer as to a Spirit that is outside of His Creation, In this
sense for this purpose to drive this Home so you get the point real good, let me say it like
this. God at this point is No Longer a Spirit.He is become Literally Creation itself! He is
not a Spirit in a Tree, He is The Tree. God is no longer a Spirit in a Body, He is become
The Body itself. We could give an example, as if to say from water came a sponge, and
the sponge began soaking up all of the water till there was no more water, the sponge is
the water, then we can see it like this also, the water being in the sponge over time
dissolves and eats the sponge and thus there is no sponge anymore there is but water.
Oneness. God literally became Flesh and in that sense He was no more Spirit any longer.
Jesus said this when He spoke, Feel of Me, a Spirit hath NOT Flesh and Bones as you
see me have! The Holy Ghost is the Body. The Marriage of Spirit and Body made
unknown Spirit have a Known Image. The Body is the manifested Image. How do we
now one another, but after the flesh. This is not the flesh spoken of in the Bible as to not
know one after the flesh, it is speaking do not now them carnally. But to see Christ in
them and when you see Christ in a person you are seeing spiritually, but yet the Spirit is
no more Spirit it is now Flesh, We are Bone of His Bone and Flesh of His Flesh. So to see
the Body in the eyes of Christ and Spirit. Jesus Body passed through walls, walked on
water, ascended into the sky, passed through the crowds. His Body was Spirit, His Spirit
was Body. Spirit was now Flesh. Male was now in the female perspective as to rule and
reign in the flesh. As the Man who recently made world news by becoming a woman. We
find in the perversion of this the anti type. This indicates Satan and Anti Christ being on
the scene. But in the True Spiritual Type we find it is God being made manifest and
becoming Flesh! The personification of God in the Body makes Him the Holy Ghost!
If this is happened to the Body and the Body right now is literally Spirit and can do
whatever Spirit could ever do and be, then we find the Body cannot die and it can walk
on water, ascend the heavens, walk through walls, raised the dead, become invisible or
visible, disappear at will and appear anywhere in space or time it so desires. Then this
being so in the Body then it means it has happened also with all of Creation itself. To say
this at this time indicates the Great Light or the Ancient of Days at the end of the
Millennium when all things become celestial. Not that they are not celestial right now,
but at the end of the millennium it will be revealed and manifested that they have always
been celestial. However we do not have to wait for this, it is being revealed right now,
even in this writing. being God is Heaven and God is One with Creation then we
understand what our Shepherd told us when He said Heaven was this Earth and was right
here on this Earth. There is no life anywhere else on any place except Earth and Earth is
booming and overflowing with Life! Jesus was in Heaven while He walked this Earth?
NO, He was In Heaven because Heaven was this Earth! God is Heaven and Heaven is
become One with all things! Not that they were ever separated. They only APPEARED
If I start a journey from the day light side of the Earth to the night time side of the earth, I

cannot see any thing there, but darkness, I may find some forms or silhouettes of light in
perverted forms, but the trees and clouds and animals and such are all hidden from me by
If I am in heaven and heaven is all around me then where is al of the saints and the Holy
angels? They are all still here and never left to go anywhere!
How so. let me use a former illustration. They lived as to what you call a normal human
life on the Earth, then they died and passed away and was buried. Well that was ALL on
the Night Time side of the Earth. Their Light or Spirit just left that side and came over
the side of Light and Life. They never went anywhere, except they simply passed through
the veil that still covers your mind so you cannot see them. That mind of darkness keeps
you on the dark side night time of the Earth that you see as time and a planet and having
to work and eat and slave to live and age and sickness. The saints and Angels are in the
same place they have always been, right here in heaven. We are they that dwell in
Heaven. If m spirit is in heaven is my body somewhere else? No for I and my Body are
One. Always have been! I do not live on Earth and await to go to heaven, I am in heaven,
and have always been in Heaven. Joshua said Sun stand still thus stopping time just like
the Angel in Rev 10:7 so the Sun is always shining on my Earth, Its Light is One with my
Earth as the Hair covers the Woman, She is Heaven. I am Heaven. I am in Heaven and
heaven is everywhere. Even the darkness is Light to me.
So someone says well the loved ones are still dead and their bodies gone to dust. No that
is the illusion your mind tells you, even the fact that you believe they even died is you
believing an illusion. They never died because in heaven their is no death, sickness,
disease, time, aging nor darkness. You are just Observing Lying vanities. If you remove
the veil of darkness you will see Light and see into the Light and see they never went
anywhere. They are all around you. We rode over the Tribulation and we rode over the
Millennium and we have sat down with Him in His Throne as the Ancient of Days as
Christ is sat down in His Fathers Throne also. We have access to the Millennium as well
as any place and time and event. We are the Holy Ghost, We was what appeared to the
Apostles on the Day of Pentecost. We was the Pillar of Fire by Night and the Cloud by
Day for Israel. we are the Ark of His Covenant. We are the Great Light that no man has
seen nor can see. We are the Union of the Husband With His Bride. The Father with His
Son. This is seen also in the days of God visiting Abraham with His Two Angels as we

say Moses and Elijah, showing the time was at hand for the Union of Moses and Elijah,
or Body and Spirit. The world is become as the days of Sodom and Gomorrah and this
means God is here, personified and standing to His Side is Moses and Elijah and He is
calling forth Lots to Come out of Her and to Hurry the Fire and Brimstone is about to
fall! The call to go ye out to met Him is gone forth, the Lots must sacrifice their flesh or
daughters to the world to see this Savior, to escape that wicked sinful city.
So we see The male has become one inside of his female, Spirit personified in His Bride,
His Flesh, His Body.The Most Beautiful pure spotless heavenly of all of creation. The
Bride! The Spirit In the Bride says Come! The Spirit is The Bride and says Come. The
Spirit and Bride the One and the Same and they She says Come. Our Shepherd told us,
This Light which is here right now, as to "The Revelation of Jesus Christ" is the same
Light that comes at the end of the great Millennium as the Ancient of Days. He said
again, We ride over the Tribulation and the Millennium and sit down in the Great White
What does all of this mean? It means It is Finished! We made it, we are in Heaven, Body,
Soul, Spirit! You say well brother one day I will behold your face in a casket and you will
die. No, that would be impossible for death is but an illusion in your mind, the casket and
what you see as my face and the ground they bury it in, is ALL but an Illusion in your
carnal mind. I am in the Light and am the Light and One with the Light, I am where I
have eternally been so you must be seeing illusions. I am in heaven. You say well they
buried your body in the ground so there you are.well then they buried me in heaven
because this earth is heaven and I see all of the saints around me so They must have all
been buried in heaven also, like Moses we was all buried in a secret place.
Jesus became our sinful flesh and made us his righteousness and then died and was
buried and rose again, to show there was no death in heaven, it is why He could not stay
in the ground, He then ascended to heaven and there He remains, He never left it. So If I
am bone of His Bone and flesh of His Flesh then my Body is His Body and the Bible
says, We are they that dwell in Heaven! Our conversation is in Heaven, We dwell
together in heavenly places!
See the Millennium is the revealing that this Earth has always been Heaven, it is just
waiting for you and I to come to the revelated Knowledge of who we are and where we
are and now we are so we will see it begin to shape and change into the most beautiful
world ever known till it finally as to those who still have the veil over their eyes comes to
see it the way the Bride already does in its Celestial form! All is alive to us. There is no
death or time to us. There is but One Glorious Eternal Celestial Day and Place and State
of Being. The Holy Ghost, The Bride! Amen and Amen!
Patrick Henry Nichols I
June 4th 2015
Hilton Head Island

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