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Name: Jorge Vidal

DOCUMENT: 1065813411

A. Make your personal presentation in English, indicating the following information
in the open Recognition Forum guardian : Name , Age, City Where You Live ,
Career, Hobbies and Likes and dislikes .
B. Update your profile on campus and paste a screenshot as evidence below:

1. How you have the online course environments ? Mention each of their
names and describe each of the links that are located there

Noticias del curso

Foro general del curso
Presentacin del curso de
Video sobre actualizacin del
Agenda en lnea
Normas y condiciones para el
desarrollo del curso

Syllabus - Documento en PDF

Gua Integradora de TareasDocumento PDF
Rbrica Analtica de Evaluacin Documento en PDF
Gua de Evaluacin Final de

-Foro de Reconocimiento
- Tarea Texto escrito

Hoja de Ruta para las Tareas

Prcticas - Documento PDF
Hoja de Ruta para las Tareas
Prctica Unidad 1
Tarea Prctica de Habla
Prctica Unidad 2 Leccin
Tarea Prctica de Escritura
Herramientas para la
pronunciacin y la escucha
Recursos TIC para Hablar & Escribir

Actividad de Pre saberes

Foro de Reconocimiento
Tarea - Entrevista
Lecturas y Audios para la Tarea de
Calificacin Automtica Unidad 1
Tarea de Calificacin Automtica Unidad
Tarea Texto escrito
Lecturas y audios para el desarrollo de
la Tarea de Calificacin automtica de la
Unidad 2

Entorno de Gestin

1. Where is the Syllabus of the course and how this can help in the training
process ?
Environment Knowledge - ( Knowledge Environment ) is an instrument that has
systematically and orderly structure of teaching commitment ; within its main
purposes is in the first instance to present the characteristics, intentions , content ,
strategies , learning activities , assessment scheme and the rating of a course.

1. Copy a screenshot of the link of course notes and enunciate each of the
aspects to be evaluated in the course, specifying the dates of opening and
closing each.

At the time of initial assessment is the theme of the forum presaberes recognition
and presaberes task that begins April 13 and ends May 31 with a score of 10 -15 .
At the time of mid-term review of the issue of Unit 1 we have the task Interview Speaking Task Assignment and Grading Automatic Unit 1, which begins April 13
and ends May 31 with an evaluation score of 100-75 .
In Unit 2 we Task Writing - Writing Task Assignment and Automatic Qualification
Unit 2, begins April 13 and ends May 31 with a score of 100-75 .
The theme of the final phase are the Online Content Units 1 and 2 would be the
National Assessment Final, begins June 1 and ends on June 7 , with a score of

1. how many units have the English course and mention at least 2 of the
contents that are working here .
The course has two units , two of the content that will work are the Verb To Be and
Present Progressive .

5. Where is the online course schedule and what is its use ?

Initial information - (Initial Information) : The whole is inform us when they start and
end of the course scheduled activities .

6. Identify the name of your tutor, your group number and names of
Tutora: Liliana Eugenia lvarez Cabezas
Grupo: 90008A_22
Jazbleidy Tllez
Marinela Aroca
Jaime Jose Urbina
Chari Paredes

7. Enter the internal mail of the course and send greetings to your tutor and
peers, then the message sent to take a snapshot and copy it as evidence.

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