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Rules BETA version I.

The HINT team
Special thanks to Maciek Kapaczyski

Rules BETA version I.0

Technological development has
First the mass usage of implants
with no risk of rejection by the
recipients organism enabled
elimination of most illnesses
and physical imperfections. Cybernetic organs and limbs, then
interfaces enabling net access
and communication, not only
human bodies have changed...
their minds were also changed.
The second breakthrough came
with the possibility to digitalize
human consciousness. The nano-machine miracle called the
to cross the ultimate border. It
granted apparent immortality in
a cyborg body, at least in theory.

The Pandoras Box has been

opened. Old social bonds disappeared; religions were shaken
to their foundations. Every government and every corporation

wants a piece of the new technological El Dorado. The fight for

information and research results
intertwines with the struggle for
influence and resources. Indus-

trial espionage achieved the status of an art; the global network

(the WEB) becomes the field
of increasingly fierce contest
for information. This is the only
thing that counts in the fight for
technological supremacy.
Corporations enviously guard
their secrets and influence. More
and more resources are
involved in their protection. Web
security and physical protection
issues become critical.
A lobby supporting the organization of company owned military
forces is created and backed
with huge sums of money. Proxy

tition physically. However sometimes in an act of desperation

to stay on the market smaller
players refer to more aggressive
actions. The big fish prefer operate in the shadows. But only for
so long...
The balance of force is violently
changing. The current leader, the
inventor of the first Human Interface, Advanced Micromachines
Corporation is losing one market after another. A new power,
the Nakamura Corporation, is
gaining the upper hand in the
fight for better contracts. When
wars in far corners of the world billions are at stake there is no
are no longer the governments place for playing it soft.
domain. Now they are private iniAfter loosing some important
tenders and several key scienScientists equipped with Human tists forcibly exfiltrated by
Interface technology and sup- Nakamura operatives, Micromaported by specialized Artificial chines, being a military corpoIntelligences cross one border ration, decided to respond in a
after another. Advances in ro- completely new way which will
botics, genetics and information go down in history as the begintechnology are unprecedented. ning of the corporate wars. When
Cyberbodies are no longer a rar- informed by their spies that the
ity. They become an accessible new CEO of the enemy corporanorm. Of course accessible only tion will visit the Nakamura Towfor the rich... Megacorporations er, Micromachines agents hire
stick to unwritten rules and re- a gang of psychopathic cyberfrain from attacking the compe- punks who call themselves The

Ubermensch. They are characterised by maximum cyborgization, which in their opinion is the
path to becoming superhuman.
The gang is to force its way into
Nakamura offices and abduct or
eliminate the mentioned VIP.
Micromachines Corp. will support
the gang with its own agents, who
are to enter the building with the
assault group; however their task
is completely different. Using the
confusion they are to execute
the real plan of Micromachines
corporation. The real killing blow
for Nakamura. The rage and
desire for revenge of Micromachines will not be satisfied by a
mere kidnapping. The agents are
to perform a viral attack. A field
test of a new weapon: a nanovirus that simultaneously attacks
electronic systems, data bases
and Human Interfaces. Of course
nobody told them that in fact
they were already classified as
collateral damage...

leader, a talented hacker and the

heir of the Nakamura family who
is always followed by her fanatically loyal praetorians.
Her visit is not just another regular business meeting. Another
wonder of military technology
is developed at the Nakamura
Tower Laboratory: the Avatar a
combat cyberbody designated
for AI, a weapon that is close to

There is only one tiny problem... The security was almost

breached and all leads point to
Nakamura Corporations own
AI trying to access the projects data, had it succeeded
in taking over one of the Avatars... no one can tell what
might have happened then.
Yukio is to make sure this
does not happen again
improve security, contain
the crisis that might end
up in a scandal that will
bring the whole corporation down.
However the Micromachines And she would
planners did not predict one have succeeded.
thing. Yukio Nakamura is not just If it wasnt for the
another CEO. She truly is a ghost Micromachines
in the machine, a charismatic nanovirus...

The HINT team
Special thanks to Krzysztof Leszczyski

Rules BETA version I.0



PHYSICAL characteristic

MENTAL characteristic







Physical all abilities connected to manual activities, requiring dexterity or strength such as
shooting, close combat, running, picking up items,
opening doors etc.
Mental abilities basing on intelligence, knowledge or intellectual performance. All activities
connected to electronic warfare, solving intellectual tasks or using persuasion.

All skills specific for a given character or faction

are described in this section. A skill is always described in the same way name of the skill and its
influence on the gameplay.

Cando cards are used for
testing and are entered in
a certain game mechanics
element of unpredictability

On the CanDo card we find 3 key elements:

a number, that determines the value of the
card when carrying out the tests,
the color, if it is compatible with the color of
your faction, you can slightly modify the result
up or down depending on the needs,
special rule, whose effect is entered into force
immediately after drawing cards (only some
cards have special rules)


1. Preparations of the game
Selecting type of the game
Selecting and strengthening characters (weapons, augmentations, equipment, chips)
Selecting cyberwarfare cards
2. Initial turn
Checking for victory conditions
Ordering the table
Checking the character condition
(- cybershock tests)
Fight for initiative

3. Electronic warfare turn

System assets and declaration of
Combat until assets are exhausted
4. Real action turn
Unit activation
5. AI turn
Intruders Alarm



the completion some tasks. After the figures are placed at their starting positions
(specific for each faction) the payers may look at the task cards they
drew. Do not show them to your opponent. Tasks can be performed in
any order. After you complete the
task show the card to the opponent and check the conditions;
You may also choose competition mode. Each next place the card face-up so
faction has a specific set of tasks presented on the point value of the task is
8 cards. 2 of them can end the game, others are visible. Then draw another task
so called normal tasks. Each task has a specified card so that everyone has 3
point value depending on its difficulty. Before the task cards at any time.
game starts each player draws 3 normal task cards
from his deck. Do not look at them and place them If any of the players draws a
face down on your side of the table. Shuffle the re- game-ending task such card is
maining cards (including those with game-ending immediately disclosed and its conditasks) once more and place them in a visible spot. tions are introduced in the game. This
is a task for all the players and it may
be performed in cooperation. The play#TERMINALS
er that drew it draws another task card
Next place in a random way the 4 terminals respon- so that he has 3 normal task cards at
sible for security systems and controlling entries any time. Other game-ending cards of
into secured rooms. For easier identification each other players are ignored in this game.
terminal is marked with a colour. Hacking it enables As a result the game may have sevopening secure doors and grants a combat bonus eral different endings depending on
thanks to tactical situation control (cameras in ad- the card drawn.
jacent rooms). Controlling the terminal also allows
Before the game starts you should choose the type
of play that you prefer.You may choose one of the
special scenarios that include a detailed description of the participating characters, initial set-up of
the figures, including security drones, tasks for the
players, victory conditions and length of the game
(number of turns). These scenarios are connected
to the storyline.


Group assets (budget):
You can gather +3 points of group assets for
every member of the squad.
You can spend points for augmentation, weapons, equipment or chips.
Cost of the card is equal to the BIG number on
the card (usually the test modifier)
But nothing is for free. For each point designed to # CYBERWARFARE CARDS SELECTIONS
improve your initial level of cybershock increases
Under development
by 1.

In special scenarios the starting locations of characters are given in detail.

In competition mode the Nakamura personnel
starts in The Office and the Mercenaries in the
Elevator Entry space.







s to close comb
additional bonu
pry the door
may attempt to
(CanDo test on






inteligent weap
on +3 to

The games length depends on the conditions of
the special scenario or the drawn game-ending
task which specifies the number of turns left for
completion of the task or a mechanism leading
to the end of the game.After the game ends sum
up the points from the face-up task cards and
the game-ending task. The player with the most
points wins the game. In case of a draw (it is possible though rare) every player can consider himself
a winner.If the game-ending task is not complet-

ed before the game ends all players loosed re- means that they were unable to stop the rebel AI
gardless of the accumulated points. This usually or all characters were eliminated.


Checking for victory conditions
Ordering the table

Cooperation scenario - every time when you

attack another player characters (in the cyber
or real phase) you have to pass cybershock
test. If the test fails the level is raised by 1.

Checking the character condition (cybershock

When a virus or worm gets into your network after
an unsuccessful attempt to hack. If the virus or
worm gets into your tactical network hacking after
a failed attempt in the next round of cyberwarfare
Cybershock Level reflects the level of characters virus attacks your defense program or operator. If
humanity. Something that separates man from it affects the operator in the event of a failed test
machines. If , at any point in the game , the num- cybershock increase the level of strength levels of
ber reaches level 10 , the hero is taken over by the the virus / worm.
AI. The player loses control of the character, who
from that moment is treated as a drone. Start #FIGHT FOR INITIATIVE
moving this new drone in the nearest AI phase.
The players simultaneously play CanDo cards.
Cybershock level:
They may add specific skills and pre-declared
Virus attack - during initial phase every char- System Assets to the pulled value. Higher score
acter have to pass cybershock test. If the test grants the initiative. In case of a draw pull another
fails the level is raised by 1.
CanDo card.


First the players calculate their System Assets
(further called SA) available for this turn. The
number of System Assets points depends on the
number of unit members, hacking skills of the
specialist and additional cyberations that improve
tactical net abilities.


At the beginning of this turn the players calculate

the number of available System Assets. Their value determines the tactical abilities in electronic
combat. This value will show how many actions
can they perform and what support can be obSystem Assets are generated by:
tained in the following turn. After SA are calculated the player having the initiative declares targets
System Assets
and tasks. Available SA can be used for activation
+1 for every conscious team member that is of offensive and defensive software required for
connected to the net
the performance of attacks against the enemy
+1 for every point of hackers mental charac- tactical network and terminals, physical attacks
teristic (over 5)
against enemies as well as protection of own net +x for specialist equipment
work and team.

RAID44 assault team has 4 members, including a
conscious sysop. Sysop has Mental characteristic of 7
which gives him +2 System Assets points. He dos not
have any special skills or additional chips. His deck
grants him at least 2 System Assets points. Plus 1 for
every team member, that is a total of 4. All this gives
8 System Assets points to the team.

Offensive and defensive software cards show attack strength, activation cost / active software
maintenance cost, operation
description and fluff.
The active player chooses
his target, software necessary for the task and allocates appropriate number of
SA marked on the software
card. Next take one CanDo
card, add its value to the

softwares strength and the Mental characteristic.

The total value is compared to the value of the target. If it is higher the attack is a success. In case
of a draw the attack is repeated and the values are
calculated once more. Lower result is a failure.

In case of a Virus it remains active in the Tactical

Network until it is physically eliminated or deactivated by the player.
Failure or a draw allows attacking the Tactical Network again.

The actions are performed until System Assets

are used up or the player decides to stop.
Keeping the Viruses active within the Tactical Network requires spending more SA. The value of this
parameter is given after the slash on the software
Viruses and/or Worms are used for attacks against
enemy Tactical Network. In order to perform an at- ATTACK AGAINST A TERMINAL
tack declare which active network you want to attack, choose appropriate available offensive soft- Terminals can be attacked with Viruses and/or
ware, boost it (optionally), draw a CanDo card and Worms. In order to perform an attack you need to
compare it with the defensive software strength or, declare which terminal will be the target, choose
if none present, with the basic defensive system of appropriate available offensive software, boost
the Tactical Network.
(optionally), draw a CanDo card and compare the
value with the strength of defensive software or if
A success means that the shield was penetrated there is none strength of the basic defence sysand the Worm or a Virus was uploaded into enemy tem of the terminal.
Tactical Network. In case of a Worm it is possible to
continue the attack until the possibility to attack the Defence system of the terminal is determined by
Tactical Network operator or leave the active soft- the terminal class. The higher the terminals class
ware within the network in order to attack later.
the better its defensive and offensive capabilities.

In case of an attack against a new terminal it has

a preset amount of software determined by the
terminals class. Take the top card from the available software deck and follow the instructions. If
offensive software is drawn (Virus or Worm) a direct attack against a tactical network is conducted. Revealed defensive software (Ice or Bastion)
needs to be broken. In case of IDS software draw
another card and increase its strength by the IDS
value. If it is the last card it grants defence equal
to the card vale.

that the attacking players software is eliminated.

You may continue the attack depending on the
available System Assets.

When all the software protecting the terminal is

eliminated it is taken over by the player until automatic system reset. Taking over a terminal makes
it possible to access buildings network resources
in the sector controlled by the terminal. Details are
given on each terminals card. An automatic system reset occurs after a time specified on each
terminals card and the defensive system is back
Success means that the terminal is defeated and in place.
results in physical elimination of the software. You
may continue the attack. A draw or a defeat means
Tomo Kosuda, hacker of the Ubermensch gang, gained access to the terminal in Sector 4. It is a class 3 terminal,
thus it has level 3 security. The player controlling the terminal draws the first security software card (first of three).
It turns out that the terminal is protected by Corporate Ice (strength 3). Tomo has 4 programmes - Sandworm,
Commghter virus, LV256 bastion and Freerunner type ice. He has 11 points of System Assets (5 for all the gang
members, +2 for his Mental characteristic (7), 4 for his cyberdeck). He decides to attack the terminal with a
Sandworm (strength 3). The basic attack strength is 10 (7 + 3). He draws a CanDo card with a value of 5. His total
attack value is 15.
The player controlling the terminal has a basic strength of 4 for the terminal plus ice strength of 3 and a drawn
CanDo card with a value of 4. The total is 12. As a specialized hacker Tomo is able to break the first defence of the
terminal. The ice is destroyed. The whole action costs Tomo 4 SA points. He still has 7 left. He may continue the
attack against the terminal, attack the enemy Tactical Network or build defences within his own Tactical Network.
He decides to attack the terminal. The player controlling the terminal draws another software card. This time it
is a ZMirror virus (strength 4). Tomo has an active Sandworm. Upkeep costs him 3 SA points. He attacks. Basic
7 for the Mental characteristic, Worm strength of 3 that gives a total of 10. He decides not to boost the attack.
Ha draws a CanDo card with a value of 2. Not too good. The total attack value is 12. The terminal attacks with a
strength of 4, plus 4 for the Virus, plus a CanDo card with a value of 6. Total value of 14. Bad luck for Tomo. The
terminals attack is successful and it destroys the software used by Tomo. The hacker still has 3 SA points. Not
much for an attack. He decides to end the attack against the terminal and secure his own Tactical Network by
placing an LV256 Bastion. He uses his remaining SA points to do this. This way the whole network performance
of the group was used.
The initiative passes to the other player.



In HINT models move only perpendicularly. Scott Opposed test against a character is a comparifor example can move 4 squares (the range is son of tested values (a total of characteristics and
measured by deducting the models physique val- modifiers) with the opponent
ue from 10, in the case of Scott its 10-6 = 4).
Environment test such as opening doors has a basic level of difficulty, for example: 10, given on a
card. The test is similar to the opposed test; any
Physical or mental characteristic + skills (faction additional modifiers referring to elements of the
and/or individual) + equipment + the value of the environment are given on specific components.
drawn CanDo card.
If the result is higher than the basic value tested
against the test is successful. If less or equal the
test is failed.
Knowing the board floor like the back of his hand Tetsuo Kenji is lying in waiting in the darkness for the attackers.
He didnt need to wait long. First he heard them, the latest corporate equipment was working perfectly. Then he
saw them. Two of them. Their signatures showed heavy body modifications. Time to act. His combat processor
kicked in, it acquired targets and calculated the best position. Shoot and scoot. Displace, displace. Shoot and
change position. Hes hit. Jump. Somethings wrong. One more time. Dodge, displace. Damn it...
Thats how it looks like in reality. How game mechanics deal with it? Lets have a look. Tetsuo Kenji physical
characteristic: 6, military training skill +1, combat processor +1, integrated smart weapon +1. A total of 9. A CanDo
card with a value of 5 is drawn for a total of 14 (9+5). The enemies are Tomo Kosuda and Shoko Takayama. According to the combat processor Shoko is Tetsuos target. Shoko has a highly modified body so he is a difficult target.
Shokos physical characteristic is 7, none of the skills he has will be useful now. He decides to dodge. His modified
military cyberbody grants him a large damage protection test modifier but also a -1 to any type of movement.
None of his chips will help him in this situation and the available cyberations are useful for other tasks. So his
basic value for the test is 6 (7 - 1). He draws a CanDo with a value of 5 giving him a total of 11. Bad luck for Shoko
this time. The space around him is filled with bullets that wreck the nearby wall and hit Shoko. His body should
hold though...


When making a shooting test you draw a CanDo

card. If the test is successful the same card shows
Every room on the board has specific tactical situ- the place where the target character was hit. See
ation modifier which affects the test of ranged at- the chart below.
tack in REAL phase. Simply subtract the modifier
when you test your ranged attack.
card value




The higher the value of the CanDo card drawn the

better the chance for hitting a vital body part. So
good luck to you all. Now is the moment when the
head explodes in a fountain of blood or you see a
spectacular ricochet from that damn cyborg.
This is due to the accumulation of objects that can
serve as a cover, as well as the amount of light. We
assume that in every room we have camera security system. The Player who controls the terminal,
also controls the camera and has a very big advantage because he knows exactly where the enemy is located. For this player negative modifier for
shooting is 0.
Okay. Its high time for some bloodletting. After
shooting, you must specify the place where the
target was hit and the amount of damage the #DAMAGE VALUE
character was dealt. This is done in the following There should be some ballistic protection on each
vital body part. There is none? Well You can al-

ways replace flesh with good quality Hunter Killer

type cyber-arm.


Each character may perform two actions during a

Let us assume that the poor sob you hit with a se- game turn in any order it wants, except a shooting
ries from your trusty Raiden has some armour and action which immediately results in an automatic
equipment on himself. Hmmm. Lets see how this end of turn for the given character.
The actions include:
Tomo Kosuda the bermensch gang hacker was sur Running
prised by Hoffman the mercenary thug. It happens.
Dodge/Break off
The series that Hoffman shot mostly managed to hit
Tomo. The value of the CanDo card was 5. Just good
enough to hit the hands, but hit them proper. Tomo
Interaction with environment (opening doors,
has two cyber-hands that give him ballistic protection
of 3. He was hit by a series from a Raiden automatic
picking up items, operating devices, etc.)
weapon which deals 3 points of damage at maximum
Close Combat Attack
distance. It is a draw. The bullets ricochet around the
Shooting Attack
corridor in a spectacular way. Hoffman was changing
Activation of special devices
his position when he saw a new enemy...
First aid
To summarize if the ballistic protection is higher or
equal to the weapons damage value nothing hap Special actions of characters or factions
pens. If it is lower then the chosen body part gets the
(sniffing searching devices or data bases, or
amount of damage by which the protection value was
grappling a Close Combat skill)

Every model once per round can use one reactive
combat action (the number of reactive combat actions can be modified by special skills, equipment
or software). Other reactive actions such as dodge
or escape can be used multiple times.
Shooting in reaction
Withdrawal/Break off



Opening Doors
Before first terminal takeover all doors are open
but limit the line of site.

Characters have a field of view of 360 degrees.

Field of view is limited only at the time of entering
the premises through the door. In this case, use
the following example to determine the field of

Security doors
After first terminal takeover you have to control
the right terminal to open security doors connected with it.





The drones are activated separately unless there
are several of the on one space, in such case the
activation is simultaneous.
All drones have two actions unless their card
states otherwise.
If there is an enemy in the drones field of vision a
shooting action is performed first and then movement. If there are no enemies in the drones field
of vision, it moves in the direction where the most
Intruder Signature markers are taking the shortest
If an enemy comes into the drones field of vision
while movement is performed the move action is
interrupted and a combat action is undertaken.
According - to this rule the number of security
drones during the game is always the same. The security protocol sends new drones in place of those
destroyed keeping to the preset floor protection
algorithm. At the beginning of the drones phase
check their number depending on the chosen scenario. If during any players phase any drones were
destroyed or their number is increased according
to scenario rules new drones are

placed at random in places marked as transport #DRONE MOVEMENT

shaft. Use CanDo cards to pick the locations.
Advanced defence algorithms were rejected when
the nanovirus was activated, as a result the drones
use a simple auxiliary defence algorithm.
Before the drones are moved the Intruder Alert ALL drones move along the shortest route and
level should be marked for every room on the with maximum speed of the given drone model toboard. Use alert tokens with an appropriate point wards the room with the highest alert level.
The player with initiative chooses one drone and
moves it according to the above guidelines, anAlert tokens are allotted to each room according other drone is chosen by the next player and so
to the following.
on, alternating between players until all drones
are moved. In an individual game move the drones
in any order you like. The drones always use a
for each character figure in the room +1
for each piece of hacking equipment used in move-attack or move-move pattern.
the room this turn +2
for each firearm (or grenade) use in the room
for each terminal taken over in the room +5
for each piece of software activated in the
room: false signature +X depending on the
software card
for cloaking software or equipment -X according to software/equipment description in the

When a drone is in one room with a character it immediately attacks. Conduct the combat procedure
using all the modifiers, the character may use all
the skills that it has. The drone will always attack
the closest character. If it is impossible to establish which character in the given room is closest to
the drone it will attack all characters in the disputed range at the same time with full force.

Note: The drones that at the moment of establishing the alert level are in one room with a character
or characters do not move towards the room with the
highest alert level but attack immediately



Assets the player always

draws two CanDo cards
and chooses the one that
suits him best.


The Partys Over. Police

are Here if the policemen
are moving in a group on a
single space they may all
at once perform a shooting action. They cant do
anything in reaction.

All or Nothing the player

can draw a second card
but must keep ir regardless of the result.

Defensive Protocol all

drones have a +1 modifier
to all reaction shooting


Codebreaker - +1 for breaking security software
Net Jammer - +1 for personal or Tactical Network defence from an electronic attack
Follow the Rabbit after a successful hacking attempt he may perform an additional electronic
warfare action

Deadly Accuracy - +2 for shooting
Military Implants he may make a reroll when activating cyberware that requires a cybershock test.
Finish the Job after a successful shooting action he may perform another shooting action with
a -2 CanDo modifier

Frenzied Attack if the enemy is within 2 space of Shoko he may perform this attack in order
to get into close combat as if he were on the adjacent space
Hammer Fist he may perform an attack in close combat that deals double damage. Attack
normally in the following turn.

Lethal blows add +2 to the CanDo card value in close combat
Knock, Knock Mommys Here this allows moving two spaces, but they may not enter close
combat and in case of an attack in reaction they may not use special skills

I Know the Drill he never flees. Add +1 to the dodge result
Lets Rock he may perform two shooting actions. The second gets a -2 to hit modifier

Rapid Reaction when attacking in close combat or shooting he always performs his action
with a -3 modifier despite a failed roll
Dodge this m....r when fighting in close combat he may use any available weapon

Short Cut always hits. Inflicts half of the damage from a normal attack.
Die Bitch Die if he is wounded he still attacks as if at full strength

Street Fighter when trying to hit Kenji in close combat draw two CanDo cards and take the lower
Watch Your Back the enemy may not avoid combat

Ghost in the machine add +3 to the CanDo card value during hacking action
Full cyberbody - reduce by 1 the weapons strenght damage when she is hit

Field Commander - +1 initiative modifier
We are on the Move - +1 to dodge in reaction

Officer in Danger! if the group commander is under fire you may move two spaces
Take Him Down do not use negative modifiers when shooting at maximum distance

We Need Backup additional move action for team members within 2 spaces
Clear the Area! increase damage inflicted by firearms by +2 but deduct -2 from to hit test result

Covering Fire - can make 2 reactions shoot per round
Lets rock - when declaring this rule Murdock has -2 to shooting but +2 to inflicted damage


I will cover you - +2 to dodge for all members of the squad on the adjacent square
Breaching, Breaching - +4 to dodge reaction attack when going through the door (riot shield)

Ive got the system resources - +2 to gathering system assets
Police backdoor - +2 to hacking tests

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