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Urbanisation and flood vulnerability in

the peri-urban interface of Mexico City
Fernando Aragn-Durand Ph.D candidate, Development Planning Unit, University
College London, UK

Chronic flooding in the Chalco valley, state of Mexico, Mexico, is the outcome of past and present
socio-environmental changes which have taken place in Mexico Citys south-eastern peri-urban
interface.This flooding is the result of a complex interaction between urbanisation in an ex-lacustrine
area, permanent ecological deterioration and ground subsidence, poor sanitation and inadequate
policy responses. Far from solving the flooding problem, short-term policy responses have created
increasingly unsafe conditions for current residents. A socio-historical analysis of disasters reveals
the importance of taking into consideration particular social actors and institutions in hazard gener
ation and flood vulnerability over time. This paper analyses three aspects of this flooding: first,
the importance of approaching floods from a socio-historical perspective; second, the relation between
urbanisation, former policies and flood risk generation; and third, current policy responses to and
the failure in the risk management of La Compaa Canal.
Keywords: Chalco valley, chronic flooding, La Compaa Canal, peri-urban interface,
PRONASOL, socio-environmental change, urbanisation

The south-eastern peri-urban interface (PUI) of Mexico City has become a flood prone
area. On 1 June 2000, 80 hectares of urbanised land in the Chalco valley was inundated
with waste water. Floods were caused by the rupture and discharge of La Compaa
Canal, an open-air sewage canal that collects domestic water from two municipalities
in the state of Mexico: ChalcoValley-Solidarity and Chalco. More than 6,700 households
were affected by gastrointestinal, skin and waterborne diseases, supplies of electricity
and piped water were cut-off and food supplies interrupted. Five colonias1 were the worst
affected:Avndaro, El Triunfo, San Isidro, Unin de Guadalupe and El Molino. A segment
of the Mexico-Puebla highway was submerged and many vehicles were stranded.Transportation of goods and services from Mexico City to Veracruz was interrupted. The
inhabitants of Chalco valley, mainly low-income families, were severely affected and
unable to cope with the disaster. Emergency aid and assistance was rapidly provided by the
army, the Red Cross and the fire departments of local and neighbouring municipalities.
Rapid assessments of the canal walls were undertaken and a prompt response was
provided to prevent more water flowing out of the canal. On the third day of the
aftermath, the then President of Mexico, Ernesto Zedillo, declared the area a disaster
zone. The Ministry of Social Development and the Ministry of Public Health joined
forces to provide food, clothes and other basic goods, and implemented a sanitation
programme to avoid epidemic outbreaks and the spread of contagious diseases.
Disasters, 2007, 31(4): 477494. 2007 The Author(s). Journal compilation Overseas Development Institute, 2007.
Published by Blackwell Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA


Fernando Aragn-Durand

Explanations for what happened were broadcast on the radio, on television and in
newspapers, but at that time nobody was certain about what had caused the canal to
collapse.The Mexican National Water Commission (CNA) carried out an investigation a few hours after the tragedy, which established that the canal rupture was caused
by the impact of heavy rain on the canal walls; in effect, nature was blamed for the
tragedy. However, according to the affected inhabitants interviewed for this paper, the
Chalco valley environmental disaster was human-induced and represents the most
recent in a series of inundations. Many of the inhabitants perceived the disaster to be
human-induced. Some claimed that canal wall fissures had posed a risk for many years,
but authorities had not paid enough attention. Local inhabitants had warned of the
potential tragedy and, in their view, the authorities had not acted in order to prevent it.2
Federal and state authorities labelled the event an emergency or serious inundation, but not a disaster.There was little agreement about the real causes. The authorities
had different opinions about the origins of the flood. On the one hand, some said that
regional changes to the basin, such as aquifer depletion, subsidence of the terrain and
urbanisation, were the real causes of the canal break. On the other hand, some believed
a lack of adequate maintenance to be the main cause.The former Governor of the state
of Mexico, Arturo Montiel, viewed such environmental transformation as a normal
outcome of changes that have been taking place to the geo-hydrological dynamics of
the Chalco valley over many years. It took seven days for the army and technicians
from the CNA to block the hole and repair the canal wall. Services, infrastructure and
lifelines were only completely restored after two months.
La Compaa Canal has become an environmental hazard that poses a constant
threat to local inhabitants. The CNA has responded by reinforcing and heightening
the canal walls and dredging the canal bed. Paradoxically, this has made conditions
less safe and increased risk over the years. The June 2000 Chalco valley flood is the
worst and most recent episode in a series of recurrent flooding events that have been
taking place in the region for the past 30 years, since urbanisation began in the southeastern peri-urban interface of Mexico City. Such chronic flooding is the result of a
complex interaction between urbanisation in an ex-lacustrine area, permanent ecological deterioration and ground subsidence, poor sanitation and inadequate policy
responses. Far from solving the flooding problematic, short-term policy responses have
created increasingly unsafe conditions in areas where vulnerable residents currently live.
There are two main explanations for this: the fact that floods have been mainly regarded
as natural and physical phenomena to be tackled with technical solutions, and the par
ticular, distinctive features of the PUI where floods occur.
Contemporary critical analyses of disasters (Maskrey, 1993,Wisner et al., 2003, Bankoff,
Frerks and Hilhorst, 2004) emphasise the role played by human agency and institutions
in increasing risk and disaster vulnerability over time. A more adequate approach to
disasters should then consider the socio-historical context of environmental transformation and risk construction, and particularly the institutions, actors and programmes
that operate in the landscapein this case the south-eastern limits of Mexico City
bordering the state of Mexico.

Urbanisation and flood vulnerability in the peri-urban interface of Mexico City

This paper analyses three aspects of this flooding phenomenon. First, the importance of approaching floods from a socio-historical perspective, in particular, with
relation to the PUI; second, the relation between urbanisation, former policies and flood
risk generation; and, third, current policy responses to the failures in the risk management of La Compaa Canal.

Flood analysis in the peri-urban interface: a sociohistorical perspective

The PUI can be characterised as a heterogeneous mosaic of natural, agro and urban
ecosystems affected by the material and energy flows demanded by urban and rural
systems. In socioeconomic terms the PUI is the place where a continuous but uneven
process of urbanisation takes place accompanied, generally, by land speculation, informal
and illegal activities. The social composition of the PUI is highly heterogeneous and
subject to change over time, where weak and fragmented institutional arrangements
co-exist (Allen, 2003).
Framing the fringes of Mexico City as a PUI allows us to acknowledge the complexity of ruralurban interactions in terms of varying socioeconomic and ecological
processes over time. In terms of disasters analysis, taking a socio-historical perspective
on floods in the PUI implies a recognition of the root causes of vulnerability which
originated both in urban and rural spaces and the way these lead to current unsafe con
ditions. For this reason, flood risk and the Chalco valleys chronic inundations should be
explained not only as a function of the existing hazards, such as La Compaa Canal
and rainfall, but also more generally in relation to historical, urban, social and political processes that have occurred or are occurring in the PUI.
An analysis of political decisions and social change, productive and water management projects implemented in the Chalco valley region since the end of the 19th Century,
and the urban-economic system in place in Mexico since 1940s helps to explain how
the socio-environmental deterioration of the former lake in Chalco and subsequent
urbanisation increased hazard generation and flood vulnerability. This perspective on
flood analysis is important because it frames disasters as social processes, it puts disasters vulnerability into a socio-historical context and it allows us to explain the social
nature of flooding and the reasons why it has been a chronic risk to the inhabitants
of Chalco valley. It also provides an understanding of the permanent failure of policy
responses that fail to address the social and political dimensions of disasters.

Urbanisation, historical policies and floods risk

generation in Chalco valley
The Chalco valley region3 is located in the south-eastern PUI of Mexico City. In
ecological terms the Chalco valley region is considered part of the central basin of



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Mexico since the former Chalco lake and river systems were connected to the Mexicos
central valley.The 2000 National Census of Population and Housing reports that the
Chalco valley region houses 1,620,048 inhabitants, of which the vast majority are
low-income families (INEGI, 2001).
The Metropolitan Area of Mexico City is located in the central basin of Mexico
and is the centre of the economic, social and cultural life of Mexico. It occupies 0.03
per cent of the nations territory, houses 20 per cent of its population, that is, 19 million
people (INEGI, 2001) and generates 35 per cent of Mexicos gross domestic product.
After the Mexican Revolution, at the beginning of the 20th Century, Mexico City
became the main urban settlement for a number of reasons: a) high levels of migration
from the countryside and other cities; b) increases in industrial activities; c) a concentration of infrastructure and the means of production; and d) the centralisation of
political power and administrative functions.The intensive exploitation and degradation of natural resources within the basin of the valley of Mexico facilitated the great
expansion in economic activities.The development of the largest city in Latin America
brought negative environmental consequences, such as air pollution, a loss of biodiversity, the generation of tonnes of domestic and industrial waste and a transformation
of the hydrological cycle in the basin by draining the lakes, which led to water depletion and increased the vulnerability of poor households in the PUI.
The development of Mexico City has been closely related to the dynamics of the
hydrological basin over which it sprawls. Since ancient times, its ecosystems played a
key role for settlers in terms of their use of natural resources and its rich biodiversity
and ecological productivity and the availability of water for consumption and production purposes. The basin of Mexicos valley is a closed hydrological watershed of
approximately 7,000km2. Its lowest part, a lacustrine plain, has an elevation of 2,250 m
above sea level. The basin is enclosed on three of its sides by a succession of magnificent volcanic ranges of more than 3,500m and a series of hills. These circumscribing
mountains represent an important physical boundary that limits the expansion of
urbanised areas (Ezcurra et al., 1999).
Mexico valley was occupied by pre-Hispanic dwellings under the dominion of the
Tenochtitln Empire, which housed almost two million people before the Spanish
Conquest in 1519. Agriculture provided the majority of consumption goods. The
chinampas 4 formed the main agricultural system that sustained the households and
promoted trade between the settlements, from Tlatelolco village in the northern zone
to Xochimilco and Chalco in the south-eastern zone.
It is said that the first great socio-ecological process of environmental change took
place in the basin during the Spanish Conquest, when the modes of production became
unsustainable because of alterations to the hydrological cycle and disruption to the
pre-Hispanic management of ecosystems. It is important to note that environmental
degradation did not commence with urbanisation under the Spaniards; there were in
fact severe ecological problems associated with resource depletion in pre-Hispanic times,
although many authors agree that the increase in magnitude, speed and intensity of
such environmental change was more noticeable after the Conquest.Thus, in the 16th

Urbanisation and flood vulnerability in the peri-urban interface of Mexico City

Century, Spaniards chose to battle against the water rather than live with it. The desiccation of the Mexico valley lake and the reduction in its ecological productivity were
the result of a process which began when the Spaniards imposed a totally different way
of lifea European urbanismon a fragile ecosystem.
The population of Mexico City grew quickly throughout the second half of the
20th Century during the long post-war period of rapid economic growth based on
import-substitution industrialisation. Investment was particularly drawn to the agglomeration economies provided by Mexico City. Immigrants were also attracted. This
does not mean that the city provided adequate living and working conditions for all
its inhabitants. The lack of housing provision is reflected in the fact that as much as 60
per cent of the citys growth is the result of people building their own dwellings on
unserviced peripheral land, and informal subsistence work has always accounted for
a large proportion of total employment (Connolly, 1999, p. 56).
These aspects of socio-environmental change took place in the Mexico valley as a
whole. This paper focuses on the south-eastern PUI, in particular the Chalco valley
region, in order to understand its inner transformations and its articulations within
the dynamics of the Mexico valley. Explanations for recent urbanisation in the Chalco
valley region do not provide a complete explanation for its present situation with regard
to hazard generation and the risks faced by vulnerable groups. Before the urbanisation
boom that took place in late 1970s and the 1980s, the region underwent radical socioenvironmental changes which, to some extent, resulted in changes to the hydrologic
dynamic of the valley and therefore its chronic propensity to flood. Radical changes
can be traced back to the end of 19th Century and the beginning of the 20th. The
Chalco valley region today cannot be completely understood unless the environmental
history of the Chalco lake, its irreversible transformation and the social institutions and
actors involved, are first understood.

Spanish haciendas and socio-environmental change in

Chalco valley in the late 19th Century
Rich biological diversity and high ecological productivity have characterised the
Chalco lake since ancient times. According to Huerta (2000), this was the result of the
ecological dynamics of three different landscapes: the lacustrine ecosystem, the valley,
and the mountains and volcanoes of the Sierra Nevada. Rich soils, rivers and aquifers
formed a complex hydrological system that created conditions for sustainable production. Huerta proposes a symbiosis hypothesis, which underlines the symbiotic role
of landscapes in regulating the Chalco valley basin and the ecological basis for sustaining the regional economy.
High ecological productivity fostered economic development, based on a complex
integration of lacustrine, agricultural, cattle ranching and forestry activities organised in
different modes of production from haciendas and ranchos to factories and communitybased systems.5 Plenty of resources were exploited and several agricultural goods were



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traded between the Chalco valley and Mexico City. Haciendas produced grains and
cereals,6 wood and charcoal. Local communities by the riverbank collected animals
and plants and the mountain villagers carried out forestry and agricultural activities.
By the end of 19th Century the Chalco valley was the main grain supplier to Mexico
Rivers played a crucial role in the maintenance of the hydrologic system for the
whole Chalco valley and were also of fundamental importance to other economic
activities. In addition to irrigation and transportation, the rivers Acuautla, La Compaa
and Tenango provided hydraulic energy for mills and textile factories. Conflicts over
natural resources between the haciendas, ranchos and villages were not uncommon. For
instance, the San Rafael and San Antonio Abad paper factories disputed the use of La
Compaa river. According to Huerta (2000), however, it was the arrival of capitalism
that aggravated notorious conflicts and the lake of Chalco underwent a radical transformation. Irrigation schemes, an extensive canal network, as well as the management
of water for the promotion of commercial agriculture and a lake drainage project
implemented during the administration of President Porfirio Diaz (187680 and 1884
1911) radically transformed the region.
A more detailed description explains how specific actors, institutions, political rela
tions and modernisation projects had a major environmental impact and provoked
development in the region. Drawing from the accounts of Huerta (2000), Tortolero
(1996) and Beltrn (1998), three moments of change can be identified. First, the construction of the Morelos railway in 1878 promoted commercial agriculture in the
Chalco valley region. The construction of railway infrastructure facilitated private
capital investment.The Spanish brothers Remigio and igo Noriegawho migrated
from Asturias, Spain, in the late 1860sfounded Negociacin Agrcola y Anexas, acquiring several haciendas and ranchos, developing large-scale agriculture and controlling
the whole economy of the region.7 This was possible thanks to the modernisation of
agriculture, innovative methods (new seeds, tools and mechanisation), capital investment, the fertility of the valley and, most importantly, the close friendship the Noriega
brothers had with President Porfirio Diaz.
Second, deforestation in the surrounding forests triggered soil erosion.Vast amounts
of soil and organic matter ended up in the rivers and lake beds, reducing their capacity and their ecological productivity. This emerging situation was perceived by the
Noriega brothers to be negative for the regions development and the perfect oppor
tunity for them to put into practice their long-planned lake drainage project.8 The
Noriega brothers had planned to drain the lake in order to reclaim 10,000 hectares of
fertile soil for agricultural purposes.This move also reflected growing concerns about
the water quality of La Compaa river, which was being polluted with chemicals and
inorganic and organic matter from the San Rafael paper mill.
By 1894 the Noriega brothers, who at that time were also owners of the Xico
hacienda, asked for permission from the Mexican governmentspecifically the
Minister of the Interior and Communications and Transportto construct a canal
to discharge water from Chalco lake into the Texcoco lake. They acknowledged that

Urbanisation and flood vulnerability in the peri-urban interface of Mexico City

draining Chalco lake would allow them access to a large area of highly productive land.
They managed to convince the authorities that it was more productive to dedicate
agriculture land to commercial corn than maintain local fisheries, which were seen
as an outdated economic activity linked to marginal indigenous groups. Tortolero
observes that, during the drainage process, the government stepped back and let the
hacendados-empresarios [entrepreneur landlords] take charge of the hydraulics.9
Third, the network of canals was constructed to develop commercial agriculture
but social problems emerged during the construction of the system. For instance,
floods occurred in Chalco village and San Juan de Dios hacienda during the rerouting
of La Compaa river and the construction of the network. This provoked protests
and the affected population responded by destroying the canal walls in different upstream sections, as a flood prevention strategy to prevent their land from being flooded
again. It was not until 1908 that igo Noriega finally declared drainage works complete (Beltrn, 1998). They were rehabilitated in the 1960s by the federal hydraulic
The ecological and economic landscape of Chalco valley, which had remained
untouched for several centuries, changed dramatically in the last 30 years of the 19th
Century. In short, a number of transformations were observed: the introduction of
the railway system, the construction of canals and dykes for agriculture, the operation
of paper and textile mills, deforestation to obtain wood, the establishment of modern
commercial agricultural companies and the drainage of the lake.
The business rationale (as exemplified by the Noriega brothers) produced efficient
strategies to take control of natural resources. As Tortolero explains, on the one hand,
they benefited from the existing natural resources to set up a big company and, on
the other, they prevented local inhabitants and fishermen from accessing and exploiting the lake under an auto-subsistence rationale, which made them dependent on such
companies. According to Tutino (quoted in Tortolero, 1996) between 1870 and 1910
the Chalco valley underwent an economic expansion that benefited the landlord
elites, who put pressure on the vast majority of peasants. As such, the inhabitants of
Chalco valley played a marginal role in the modernisation of the region.This was one
of the main grievances that encouraged them to participate in the Mexican Revolution, demanding restitution of their land, and their productive assets, resources and
From the accounts presented above, it becomes clear that Chalco valleys propensity
to flood should be framed as an outcome of a socio-historic environmental process
developed in the eastern PUI of Mexico City with the involvement of specific social
actors and modernisation projects. Even though heavy rains have been a permanent
natural phenomenon throughout the region because of the existence of the mountain
ranges and their climatologic functions, the hazardousness of these rains is a man-made
product.The area where people settled in the Chalco valley is an extended plain terri
tory, the topography of which results in water flowing down from higher elevations
such as the mountains ranges.The infiltration capacity of the terrain is also diminished
because the groundwater is near the surface. Problems associated with flooding are



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becoming more frequent as more and more settlements are established in the high
risk zones, such as near La Compaa Canal. It is in this socio-environmental context
that illegal urbanisation occurred.

Urbanisation in Chalco valley after the Mexican Revolution

The Mexican Revolution took place in 1910. Social uprising spread across the whole
of Mexico, particularly in the central region. The main goal was to put into practice
an agrarian reform that would give indigenous communities back their land and the
right to benefit from natural resources. It was thought that this social movement
would ultimately create the conditions necessary for peasants to claim the basic means
to develop their own communities. The most significant achievement is considered
to be the creation of the ejido, a state-owned parcel of land given to peasant communities for agricultural use. The ejidatarios are those who manage and benefit from
the ejido. In order to create ejidos, land formerly owned by hacendados and rancheros was
expropriated and returned to agrarian groups, who were labelled the original owners.
By 1958 the vast majority of ejidos were constituted in the Chalco-Amecameca
region. In the central region of the Republic, however, agrarian redistribution did
not solve the production problems of ejidatarios. According to Banzo (2000), land dis
tribution modalities and high population density prevented the newly created ejidos
from receiving large pieces of land. In the Chalco valley, the ejidos extend to between
0.5 and 5 hectares. Under these circumstances, the rural population could not make a
decent living from agriculture. For example, Banzo calculates that in the 1940s, 150 days
of work per year were needed in order to gain benefits from an ejido of 3.5 hectares
The labour product was not sufficient for the ejidos reproduction.
Impoverishment, low economic and ecological productivity, the establishment of
a corridor of factories along the Mexico CityPuebla axis (in the 1940s1960s), and
the fact that the region is so close to Mexico City, encouraged peasants to emigrate
from the Chalco valley. Only a few remaining ejidatarios maintained this mode of
production until mid 1970s, when the demand for peri-urban land for popular settle
ment increased enormously. To understand the economic and territorial trends that
followed it is important to describe the national urban dynamics in the 19401970
period, in which the whole of the Chalco valleys transformation can be reframed.
After 1940 a national import substitution policy supported industrial and urban
development to the detriment of agriculture. This policy reinforced the polarising
role of big cities. Political and administrative centralisation and the supply of various
kinds of services determined the location of industrial firms. Salaried work and its
inherent social advantages attracted large flows of rural workers. The attraction of
cities translated into high levels of demographic growth linked to migration. Between
1940 and 1960 annual population growth rates reached 5 per cent.The population of
Mexico Citys Metropolitan Zone (ZCMC) tripled in size during that period, from
1.9 million in 1940 to 5.4 million in 1960. This type of urban development promoted
the expansion of popular settlements in the PUI of Mexicos cities Low-income

Urbanisation and flood vulnerability in the peri-urban interface of Mexico City

groups unable to afford to rent or buy houses in the central city settled in the PUI.
According to Banzo, this was linked to a combination of various processes: industrialisation; the development of the service sector in the city economy, reductions in
available space promoting land speculation; demographic growth resulting in a housing deficit that the state could not manage; and, finally, an extension of transportation
leading to a dissociation between the home and the work place. The growth of lowincome settlements on cities peripheries represented the prevailing phenomenon of
urban space transformation (Banzo, 2000).
In the Chalco valley between the mid-1970s and the end of the 1980s, ejidatarios
abandoned their ejidos and sold them to illegal land promoters,10 who in turn divided
them into lots of 200 square metres. Few pieces of land were allocated for environmental and urban facilities. Housing development in the Chalco valley began in the
mid-1970s and spread between the Mexico-Puebla highway (reaching the Iztapalapa
delegation, La PazLos Reyes and the Chimalhuacn municipalities) and the Xico hill
(Hiernaux, 2000, pp. 3539).
According to Hiernaux (2000), urbanisation in the Chalco valley was a process of
clandestine plotting, organised by local politicians and professional illegal land promoters, who made huge profits from selling the ejidos. It was not until 1989 that the
Mexican government intervened,11 legalising the buying and selling operations, hand
ing out title deeds and, years later, providing services.
The quality of life in the emerging illegal settlements of the Chalco valley was very
poor. Basic urban services were lacking, as was infrastructure. In 1988, just a few
months after taking office, President Carlos Salinas used the Chalco valley to launch
his new social policy programme, Programa Nacional de Solidaridad (the National Programme of Solidarity, PRONASOL). The Chalco valley became synonymous with
PRONASOL. It is a commonplace to say that PRONASOL radically transformed
the Chalco valley. However, the brief analysis of the impact of PRONASOL in the
Chalco valley, below, explains how its implementation created, in the medium term,
the material and social conditions for hazard generation and vulnerability to floods.

PRONASOL in Chalco valley

In December 1988 former President Carlos Salinas announced the national launch
of PRONASOL in the Chalco municipality.12 Thus Chalco became the symbol of
PRONASOL; political marketing, image making and social propaganda depicted
Chalco as the cradle of a new social policy.
During the 1980s Chalco municipality underwent the second highest population
growth rate at state level after the Chimalhuacn municipality. Its population increased
from 78,393 in 1980 to 282,940 in 1990, an average annual growth rate of 14 per cent.
By 1995 Chalco municipality had 175,430 inhabitants and the Chalco Valley-Solidarity
municipality 286,906.This meant that at the end of the 1990s Chalco Valley-Solidarity
had an annual population growth rate of 10 per cent, ranking it 10th out of the 122
municipalities in the state of Mexico in terms of population size and representing



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two per cent of the total population of the Metropolitan Zone of Mexico City
(Sobrino, 1996).
As an illegal settlement in the PUI, Chalco municipality lacked basic services. In
1990 there were 53,980 houses with an average of 5.24 members per household, but
only 30 per cent had access to drinking water. This figure was the lowest percentage
in the whole state of Mexico.The sewage system covered only 25.3 per cent of houses,
and while 94.7 per cent had electricity, over half were supplied by clandestine methods
connected to high voltage lines along the Mexico-Puebla highway. Only one inhabitant out of three had access to health services. Given the lack of basic services and
the poor quality of solutions, such as septic tanks and open sewers, Chalco was considered the lost city (la ciudad perdida) par excellence (Sobrino, 1996). It was under these
social circumstances that PRONASOL was born and grew.
PRONASOLs main goal was to attack poverty by raising the living standards of the
most impoverished and promoting social participation at community level (Sandoval,
1993). According to some authors, however, other implicit goals were pursued: social
investment and political control (Sandoval, 1993); political strategies for securing the
necessary support to continue in a neo-liberal direction (Dresser, 1991); and, in a more
conventional way, addressing poor peoples basic needs (Sobrino, 1996).
Even though it is important to recognise the politics underlying this policy and its
broader implications, the focus of this paper remains the impact PRONASOL had on
meeting poor peoples basic needs and its relation to hazards generation. It is at this
collective levelthe provision of drinking water, sewage systems and paved roads
that conditions for hazards creation and risk construction can be analysed. The imple
mentation of PRONASOL in the region represents another very important moment
of change, but to what extent did services and public works carried out during the
implementation of PRONASOL really provide solutions to such collective problems?
Did PRONASOL meet social needs in the short run by making conditions more
hazardous and increasing the likelihood of chronic flooding?
PRONASOL programmes were classified into three categories: Social well-being,
productive projects and regional development. This paper focuses on those issues
belonging to the social well-being category: drinking water; sewage systems; street
rehabilitation, improvement and paving; environmental projects; and housing. These
are the aspects that have collectively determined proneness to flooding and disaster
vulnerability but which were intended to fulfil basic needs. Until now, chronic flooding has, according to the residents affected and experts, been the result of the poor
functioning of the sewage system (La Compaa Canal being a central part of it) and
its connection to the terrain sinking. In addition, the pollution of water pipelines has
permanently prevented Chalcos inhabitants from having access to safe drinking water.
According to Sobrino (1996), despite the fact that Chalcos population was poor,
the main challenges it faced were not those relating to private conditions, such as low
wages, but those connected to the lack of collective basic services. An analysis of the
relationship between expenditure per project and population needs identifies the
most severe problems to be those associated with the lack of a sewage system and drains,

Urbanisation and flood vulnerability in the peri-urban interface of Mexico City

clean drinking water and health services. Sobrino observes that the majority of economic resources were actually channelled to social well-being and productive projects.
Spatially speaking, the colonias urbano populares (popular urban neighbourhoods) of
the Chalco valley region benefited in particular from drinking water pipelines, sewage,
electrification, and, in some cases, pavements.
PRONASOL expenditure in Chalco on these projects amounted to 221.8 million
new pesos (MXN), the equivalent to 54.4 per cent of the total amount invested in
the municipality and equal to the total amount invested in all PRONASOL projects
in the Ecatepec municipality, the municipality with the second-highest expenditure
at state level.The drinking water project cost MXN 41.4 million, providing benefits to
14,995 houses. Expenditure on the sewage system was the highest in absolute terms
and amounted MXN 102 million (Sobrino, 1996).
Despite these improvementsbetween 1989 and 1991, 46,000 water outlets were
installed under PRONASOL (Schteingart and Torres, 1997, p. 161)Sobrino reported
that the quality of life of Chalcos population was precarious because 50 per cent of
the houses still lacked sewage and drains and 4 out of 10 did not have drinking water.
Other assessments agree with. Schteingart and Torres reported that in 1990 the water
consumption in Chalco averaged 82 litres/inhabitant/day, which was the lowest consumption level in all the 122 State of Mexico municipalities. Chalco was also ranked
the lowest in terms of volume coverage; the demand averaged 0.8 m3/sec whereas the
supply was 0.3 m3/sec, thus representing a deficit of 0.5 m3/sec. It is worth mentioning that between 1989 and 1993 Chalco was the municipality that received and used
more PRONASOL resources than any other municipality in the state of Mexico and
the rest of the country.13
In spite of all the public works carried out, health problems continued. Drinking
water and sewage projects did not diminish the incidence of gastrointestinal diseases
because the water was polluted either by underground or above ground sources.The
quality of piped water was so bad that inhabitants continued to buy drinking water
supplied by trucks, a situation that represented a heavy economic burden. The frequency of supply was also a problem. More than half the houses were supplied for
only few hours per day and in some houses the volume of water provided was insufficient. Another important issue is related to the installation and maintenance of the
sewage system. Although Chalco was better serviced in 1991, because of the nature
of the terrain, and because the groundwater is near the surface, it has proved difficult
to widen and maintain the network.
As is mentioned above, La Compaa river performed a fundamental ecological and
economic role during the time of the haciendas and of the factory boom. However,
it is important to underline the process of environmental degradation that it has under
gone since PRONASOL, and in particular how the river turned into an open sewage
canal. In the past 20 years it became part of the sanitation system, used as the main open
dumping stream of the colonias in the Chalco, Chalco Valley-Solidarity and Ixtapaluca
municipalities.The sewage network channels untreated domestic wastewater and human
excrement to La Compaa Canal. Eight pumping stations continuously discharge



Fernando Aragn-Durand

heavily polluted water, which constitutes a permanent threat to the adjacent colonias.
For that reason La Compaa Canal has become a matter of concern for both the
inhabitants and the municipal, state and federal water authorities. However, no final
solution had been found by the time this research was completed in 2005.
Less than 15 years after the implementation of PRONASOL, environmental problems are far from being tackled and solved. PRONASOL not only failed to solve the
sanitation problem but actually increased the hazardousness of the canal and the
probability of flooding. A time bomb was primed and ready to explodeand it did. In
the next and final part of the paper, the La Compaa Canal problematic is examined
in order to explain its hazardousness and its relation to chronic risk and flooding.

Current policy responses and the failure of risk

management in La Compaa Canal
La Compaa River originates in the side of the Ixtlacchuatl volcano and flows
down towards the north-east discharging into the Canal General in the former lake
of Texcoco. It is 30 km long and is formed by the tributaries of the San Rafael, Santo
Domingo and San Francisco rivers. It crosses the plateau of the former Chalco lake,
the Mexico-Puebla highway and the federal road.
When the river enters the municipalities of Chalco Valley-Solidarity and Chalco it
is used as an open sewage canal that receives domestic waste water pumped up from
the sewage system and hazardous waste from industries located along the canal. In
Chalco Valley-Solidarity, ODAPAS (the water management and sanitation body of
the Chalco valley) operates four pumps, each one pumping an average of 13,000 m3
of domestic waste per day, while CAEM (the water and sanitation body of the State
of Mexico) operates another four. There are also seven factories which dump industrial waste down stream in the segment that crosses the Ixtapaluca and La Paz munici
palities.14 The water course is primarily made up of compounded eroded soil, which
accumulates and reduces the capacity of the canal; domestic waste, such as excrement
and other organic matter; and toxic waste. The corpses of dogs and other animals have
also been found, all of which obstruct the water flow.
As is mentioned above, floods have been a constant phenomenon in the Chalco
valley and they should be regarded as the outcome of a historical process in which
natural and social factors have intervened. Because of changes in modes of production and land use, inhabitants relationships with floods have changed over time, and,
while at first regarded as a vital resource, they have turned into a threat to settlers. Flood
hazardousness is, in this particular case, the result of the combination of rainfall (espe
cially during the rainy season between May and September), urbanisation on flat land,
ground subsidence due to overexploitation of groundwater and a malfunctioning sewage system, and La Compaa Canal. These constitute what is commonly called known
threats because of their repetitive behaviour pattern. Known threats in the region are
old phenomena and have been primarily related to river and canal overflows.15 As is

Urbanisation and flood vulnerability in the peri-urban interface of Mexico City

observed in comparative studies of vulnerability and risk mapping (Trujillo et al, 2000),
flooding cases such as these are becoming more frequent. More and more settlements
are built precariously in high-risk zones such as the PUI.
Official reports on past events and the accounts of affected residents highlight the
failure of the sewage system and the overflowing of La Compaa Canal to explain
the occurrence of floods. In this context La Compaa Canal is regarded today by the
local people as a severe and chronic hazard that poses a permanent threat to them. In
fact, it has overflowed several times since the late 1980s. Experts findings agreein
1994 the National Centre for Disasters Prevention (CENAPRED) carried out an
analysis of the functioning of La Compaa River and concluded that between the
upstream hydrometric stations of San Marcos and San Lucas and the downstream
hydrometric station of Los Reyes there was a high volume of 28 m3/sec, which meant
that overflows were occurring (CENAPRED, 1994). Fissures in the canal walls and
consequent leakages may also have been a contributory explanation.
Moreover, local people are able to distinguish between different types of flood hazards according to the flow origin, the extent of the damaged area and the composition
of the water. When interviewed, Avndaro dwellers adjacent to La Compaa Canal
referred to collective memories of past floods caused by canal overflows and the upward filtration of groundwater. A male resident of that colonia says that inhabitants of
Avndaro had to tackle these two kinds of hazard for many years, which are sometimes
seen as separate threats. They complained to local authorities about the unexplained
floods that used to spring up from underground. In response, the CNA in 1992 pro
vided a water pump to cope with these specific hazards, ignoring the impact on the
whole sewage system. This became a routine situation and a person was even hired
to operate the machine on a daily basis. Another source of concern to inhabitants is
the walls cracking. A resident notes that [. . .] through the cracks the canal cries and
we get worried. In response to this threat, the CNA has been carrying out a monitoring scheme in order to identify potential wall collapses.
Groundwater extraction has caused serious subsidence and is interfering with drainage
systems and increasing flood risk.According to Mosser (2002), 12 m3/sec of underground
water is extracted but only 8 m3/sec is replaced naturally.The plateau is sinking 40 cms
per year and undergoing a racking process.The sinking is permanently modifying the
topography to the extent that a 6 km segment of the canal, between the Tlapacoya
Hills and La Caldera volcano, rose 34 meters higher than the plain and now has no
slope, which means that water frequently stagnates (CNA, 2000; Gravamex, 2001; Bitrn,
2000). According to Hernndez Lastiri (2001),16 in that segment the soft terrain is
made of clay and crashes against the hard geology of the hills. As a result, cracks on
the canal walls have been observed for the past 30 years. To Hernndez Lastiri it is a
common occurrence that is getting worse with the urbanisation of the zone.The CNA
response to the problem has been to reinforce and raise the canal walls and to dredge
the canal bed (see Figure 1).
Nevertheless, according to CENAPRED experts, in spite of the fact that these public works have been carried out, there is still uncertainty about the condition of the



Fernando Aragn-Durand

Figure 1 Maintenance works at La Compaa Canal

Source: CENAPRED (2000), edited by Fernando Aragn (2006).

canal and its operation. According to CENAPRED, it is an impossible task to predict

either where cracks in the wall will appear or their magnitude: This phenomenon
suddenly and unexpectedly happens (Bitrn, 2000, p. 75).
Another problem associated with the operation of the canal is that related to the
malfunctioning of the sewage system which was installed under PRONASOL.Affected
residents constantly referred to waste waters surging up through the drains.This situation is exacerbated during the rainy season. It is assumed that pumps cannot cope
with the high volumes of storm water and the network and sewers become blocked.
In this context it is possible to identify different flood hazards. Some of them are
perceived as known and common events, whereas others are seen as unexpected inun
dations. As a consequence of the above, the risk situation linked to La Compaa Canal
is a complex system created by both material transformations and differing interpretations of flood causes.The La Compaa Canal problematic is a good example of how
a problem is socially constructed and dependent on the various actors involved.Thus,
there is no single solution to the whole problematic but several interpretations. For
instance, policy makers and water officials argue that groundwater extraction and
therefore ground subsidence is the main determining factor for cracks in La Compaa
Canal. Others, such as the people affected, say that the lack of adequate maintenance
is the main cause.
The above description of the situation with regard to La Compaa Canal demonstrates that it is a result and combination of past physical transformations of the environ
ment driven by human action. La Compaa Canal is a man-made hazard, but there

Urbanisation and flood vulnerability in the peri-urban interface of Mexico City

are still different interpretations of flood causes and consequences. Experts refer to
uncertainty and natural forces such as storms and geo-hydrological transformations in
order to admit that something dangerous might happen; whereas inhabitants hazard
awareness allows them to distinguish various sources of flood risk, La Compaa Canal
being the most important.
As Wisner et al. (2003) observes, hazards are intertwined with human systems in
affecting the pattern of assets and livelihood among people. It has been shown
how poor people migrated to a high-risk zone, and how settlements and policies
have influenced the transformation of environmental conditions such as soil, topography, water availability and sanitation systemsall of which increased hazard and
flood risk.

This paper puts floods into a socio-historical perspective, provides elements to explain
both the nature and dynamics of the PUI in time and space and emphasises the social
dimension of disasters. Human agency, institutions and policies are a central part of
the social dimension of flood analysis. The focus here is on the dynamic relationship
between hazard generation and vulnerability construction, where institutions and social
actors played a key role. Natural hazards are not only caused by natural phenomena
but also the outcome of socio-environmental changes over time such as urbanisation,
migration and capitalist development. The material essence and meanings of hazards
have changed over time and depend on the projects and policies implemented. Natural
resources can become a threat to human populations and can be shaped by the impact
humans make on ecosystems and man-made systems.
Great moments of social change provoked radical transformations between society
and the environment, which in turn paved the road to risk construction. This is illustrated by the transformations driven during the Spanish Conquest and the Mexican
Revolution. Migration and urbanisation in the PUI should be taken into consideration when analysing floods because rural-urban dynamic pressures have produced
unsafe conditions where poor people currently live. Policies designed and implemented to address basic collective needs can be conditioning factors for hazard creation and risk exposure in the long run. PRONASOL promoted the legalisation and
consolidation of illegal settlements in a flood-prone area in the Chalco valley and that
made poor residents more vulnerable to hazards produced by La Compaa Canal
and the sewage system.
Prevailing explanations for floods that are based on La Compaa Canal as the most
important source of risk conceal other forms of hazards that are also relevant, such as
the malfunctioning of the sewage system and ground water up-filtering. Differing
conceptualisations of hazards and floods either highlight or hide causes of disasters,
their impact and what or who is to blame.This has been illustrated by the various interpretations of the people affected and of policy makers with regard to inundations in
general and La Compaa Canal in particular.



Fernando Aragn-Durand

Fernando Aragn-Durand, Heriberto Fras 308, C.P. 03100, Mxico City, Mxico.

I would like to thank the National Council of Science and Technology of Mexico
for funding my Ph.D. studies, which led me to write this paper. I am also indebted to
Sonia Roitman and Manuel Navarrete for their comments and Emily Wilkinson for
her improvements to the English of the original manuscript.


The Colonia is the basic administrative unit found in a municipality. A municipality usually consists of
several colonias.
That was the shared perception found in 36 interviews conducted by the author with local residents
for this paper between January and May 2003
The Chalco valley region is composed of three municipalities: Chalco, Chalco Valley-Solidarity and
Chinampas is an intensive and highly productive agricultural system formed by a succession of raised
fields within a network of canals dredged on the lakebed (Ezcurra et al., 1999, p. 7). For a more detailed
explanation of the ecological and economic role of chinampas in the development of human settlements in the Basin of Mexico see chapter 4 in Pezzoli (1998).
In Mexico a Rancho is a small cattle farm. A hacienda was the socio-economic hegemonic system of
the capitalist land market in Mexico. Haciendas were the means to maintain and reproduce private
wealth for the benefit of a few large land owners. In Chalco valley ranchos and haciendas co-existed.
During the second half of the XVIII Century and the first decade of the XIX, 50 large and medium
sized Haciendas of Chalco produced, just in one harvest, the total volume of maize that was consumed in Mexico City per year, the equivalent to 200,000 fanegas (Huerta, 2000, p. 70).
The Noriega brothers acquired haciendas such as Zoquiapan (8,582 has); Rio Fro (5,400 has); San
Geronimo and Texconuxco ranch (842 has); La Compaa (5,043 has) and the hacienda Xico
(Tortolero, 1996, Beltrn, 1998).
It is worth mentioning that plans for draining Chalco lake date back to 18271833. The government
of State of Mexico issued two decrees in which the cost of constructing a canal for diverting the lake
waters to lake Texcoco was estimated (Beltrn, 1998, p. 3).
203km of canal were built; one canal of 16 km length carried waters from lake of Chalco to the lake
of Texcoco....[A]nother canal located in the north side of the Xico hacienda carried waters coming
down from the hills of Tlalmanalco, Gonzalez, La Compaa, Zoquiapan straight to the lake of Texcoco.
And the rest of the canals (154 km) were for the sewage system, irrigation and the transportation of
harvests (Tortolero, 1996, p. 125).
The concept of illegal land promoter refers to organised people engaged in buying and selling activities outside the legal framework, commonly promoting uncontrolled urbanisation of rural land or ejidos.
CORETT, Comisin Nacional de Regularizacin de la Tenencia de la Tierra, the National Commission for
the Regularization of the Land Tenure is the federal agency in charge of legalising rural land.
The municipality of Chalco Valley-Solidarity was officially formed in November 1994. Before 1994
the area was part of Chalco municipality.

Urbanisation and flood vulnerability in the peri-urban interface of Mexico City


For municipalities in the state of Mexico the pool of PRONASOL resources was supplemented by
federal and state sources (from 20 to 30 per cent) and by international credit managed by the National
Bank for Public Works (50 per cent)
Paper mill San Jose, smelting factory Volcanes, chemical plant Akzo Nobel, carton paper mill Los
Reyes, paper mill ,Heda,, slaughterhouses La Paz and ABC Los Reyes and Yakult (CAEM, 2003).
Reports found in the Water Historical Archive show that, for instance, in August 1937 a group of
Chalcos peasants (Sociedad Local de Crdito Ejidal de Union Progreso de Chalco) demanded from the
Agriculture Minister a prompt solution to the floods caused by the overflow of the Ameca river that
wreaked havoc with their cultivation, jeopardising 2000 ejidatarios households livelihoods. As a solution, the authorities proposed to control peak river flows by constructing a canal to divert waters and
discharge into unused areas, thus reducing the water volume. (SHCP, 1937; SAF, 1938)
Interview with Hernandez Lastiri, November 2001. In May 2003 he was still the resident engineer
at CNA in charge of coordinating maintenance works to La Compaa Canal.

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Hiernaux, D. (2000) Metrpoli y Etnicidad: Los indgenas en el Valle de Chalco. In D. Hiernaux,
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MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.



Fernando Aragn-Durand

SAF (The Ministry of Agriculture) (1938) Informe tcnico de la comisin enviada a Chalco para verificar las medidas de prevencin de inundaciones. Secretaria de Agricultura y Fomento. Mxico, DF.
SHCP (The Ministry of Finance and Public Credit) (1937) letter addressed to SAF concerning Convenciones de Sociedades Locales de Crdito Ejidal. Secretaria de Hacienda y Crdito Publico. Mxico, DF.
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