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Language Policies – Impact on Language Maintenance and Teaching

Focus on Malaysia, Singapore and The Philippines

David , Maya Khemlani (2008) Language Policies – Impact on Language Maintenance and Teachin
Maya Khemlani David
University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
This paper will describe the language policies, planning and implementation in selected Ase

How do languages die?
There are several reasons for language shift and death. Apart from natural disasters

Language Policies, Planning and Implementation

There are around 140 languages spoken in Malaysia, a truly multilingual and multicultural s
In the East Malaysian state of Sarawak, other languages are used as medium of instruct
The use of these minority languages in the primary school system does not mean that min
Local communities, language foundations and non-governmental organizations have been workin
In neighboring Singapore, more than 20 languages are spoken. 75% of the population is ethni
Gopinathan (1988) explains that the need for social and political stability in a diverse mu
At present, as a result of the bilingual educational policy and the influence of the Speak
I shall now move on to another ethnic group in Singapore - the Indians. Singapore’s Indian
Statistics show that Singaporeans themselves rely on using English and Mandarin due to its
The Philippines is a multi-ethnological country consisting of 180 languages. The Bilingual
To some extent, the language policy has influenced the abandonment of some Philippine langu
In 1973, an attempt to change the system was made where the use of vernacular language was
A general overview of Philippine language policy changes is shown in the following diagram.

Diagram 1: Philippines Language Policy Changes

1970: Implementation of Bilingual Education
Medium of instruction for elementary level
A. Tagalog area
Grade 1-5 : Pilipino
B. Non Tagalog areas,
Grade 1-5 : Vernacular languages
Grade 5 : Pilipino
Grade 5 – 6: Pilipino and English
are subjects in school.
Medium of instruction for intermediate level and high school
Intermediate level: English and Pilipino
High school :English and Pilipino
Medium of instruction for elementary level
A. Grade 1-2 :Vernacular language with Pilipino and English as schools’ subjects.
B. Grade 3: English with Pilipino as school subject.
Revised Policy
A. Bilingual Education: English and Pilipino
as media of instruction in all levels as
stated in DECS Order No. 25
B. Vernacular languages: auxiliary languages.
To sum up English and Filipino are the official languages in the Philippines, with Filipino
Local languages have been used in government schools as “transitional languages” for initia
With the overall emphasis on two languages, Filipino and English as the media of instructio
There are a few languages in the Philippines that are slowly being abandoned by the new gen
It should be pointed out that as the writing systems for most languages are fairly similar
A general overview of the language policy in Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines is sho
Table 1:Policy System
Malaysia Singapore Philippines
Languages 140 20 180
National Language Malay Bilingual policy – promote the use of mother tongue English
Policy Implemented POL (Pupil‘s Own Language) -minimum 15 students). English med
Overall, what caused language shift in Malaysia, Singapore and Philippines? Table 2 gives
Table 2:
Language Shift
Factors Malaysia Singapore Philippines
Policy / / /
Speakers’ Attitudes / / /
Economic Importance / / /
Maintenance and Revitalization of Minority Languages
Having provided the background of language policies let me move on to discuss the revitaliz

Approaches to Language Revitalization

According to Leanner Hinton and Ken Hale (2001), there are five categories of approaches in
(1) School Based Programs
Endangered Language as a Subject
The Semai in Peninsular Malaysia are one of the 18 aboriginal languages protected by the De
In Sarawak playschools use Bidayuh as the medium of instruction and this is funded by UNESC
In the Philippines SOLFED Butuan chapter solicited assistance from two NGOs to fund the tea
(2) Adult Language Programmes
Evening classes for adults and families is a practice usually held once a week. Two adult c
(3) Documentation and Material Development
The publication, field notes and recordings made by the speakers and researchers can be use
A proposed practical orthography based on linguistic analysis and preliminary phonological
175 different booklets, including children’s books, and calendars.
• a grammar sketch of the Iranun language (printed by the Sabah Museum)
• An Iranun picture dictionary.
• A volume of traditional Iranun stories (printed by the Sabah Museum).
• a trial edition of adult learning-to-read materials.
The development of Iranun language orthography encouraged further development of the Iranun
Due to the variations in their 29 isolects, one of the aims of Bidayuh Language Development
The Semai language was revitalized through the development of Semai documentation and mater
In the Philippines the Butuanon dialect can only be spoken by fewer than 500 youngsters in
(4) Home Based Programmes
A revitalization program results in a large and growing percentage of families using their
Computer Technology
According to Hinton and Hale (2001), as the computer technology is part of modern culture,
(1) Development of materials and self published books
(2) Online dictionaries, grammars and other important language references
(3) Multimedia curriculum for language pedagogy
(4) Networking (which include email, online newsgroup, blogs) and
(5) Documentation
With the explosive growth of today’s technology, internet has become a valuable resource fo
1) Telegu language, (website)
2) Penang Hokkien language, on (website) and www.chineselanguag
3) Hakka language, on
These websites and blogs even show users how to pronounce words. Users are able to listen t
Other than the above stated alternatives and strategies in learning minority languages, mas
As for television there are several Chinese dialects television programmes in Malaysia. Ca
Songs in different Chinese dialects are produced in cassettes, CDs and DVDs. Michael Ong, a
In the Phillipines the Subanen language in Zamboanga del Sur, Mindanao has been maintained
It is also important for us to investigate how local communities have maintained their dial
( They do not however appear to be emphasizing th
The Bidayuh communities in Sarawak have also attempted to promote the use of Bidayuh dialec
Revitalize the language, i.e. to recover forgotten and neglected terms.
Develop a unified orthography for all Bidayuh dialects
Expand the body of literature in Bidayuh
Facilitate having Bidayuh taught in schools
The BLDP intends to use a learner-centered approach to train adults (Jey Lingam Burkhardt,
In Sarawak, the Bidayuh singers play a very important role in promoting and preserving the
As for the Philippines, Surigaonon, is another minority language in the Northeastern part o
In Singapore the government is playing an important role in minority languages revitalizati
Table 3 will give us a general overview of how minority communities in Malaysia, Singapore
shows the variety of ways that are being used to maintain minority languages in .

Table 3
Approaches to Minority Languages Revitalization
Languages Revitalization Strategies Malaysia Singapore Philippines
School based programmes Semai and Kadazandusun Mandarin, Malay and Tamil, taught a
Children’s programmes outside the school A play school in Sarawak is using Bidayuh a
Adult language program Bidayuh adult classes
Document and material development Iranun
Traditional stories documented
175 booklets
Picture dictionaries
Story books
Prayer books & hymns Butuanon
- Grammar book
Computer technology Websites for Telegu & Hokkien.
Blog for Hakka Blogs for Surigaonon
Community SINDA, helped in the establishment of the Tamil language. SOL

Table 4
Multiliteracies in Minority Languages Revitalization
Multiliteracies Malaysia Philippines
CDs Telegu, Cantonese, Hokkien, Hakka
Websites Telegu, Hokkien Surigaonon
Blog Hakka Surigaonon
TV programmes Hokkien, Cantonese, Telegu, Malayalam
Radio programmes Hakka, Hokkien, Teochew
Bidayuh Surigaonon
Songs and folk epic Cantonese, Hokkien, Hakka (songs) Surigaonon, Subanen
Newspapers UTUSAN SARAWAK Periodico Surigaonon

Summary and Conclusion

David Crystal (2000) provides a number of reasons why it is important to maintain mother to
• Linguistic diversity enriches human ecology
• Languages are expressions of identity
• Languages are repositories of history.
• Languages contribute to the sum of human knowledge: each language provides a new sl
We note that in Malaysia, Singapore and Philippines language policies have affected minorit
Some community leaders are expressing concern at this shift and have attempted to help pres

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