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Linguistic Atelier Barbara Jasiska

al. Chruciela 94/2

04-412 Warszawa
tel. 502 760 514

Prepositions - basic verbs collocations:

depend on zalee od
comply with spenia, stosowa si do
rely on polega na, opiera si na
a basis for podstawa do
based on oparty na, w oparciu o
take precedence over mie pierwszestwo przed, by waniejszym od
concerned with przejty (czym)
get on with by w dobrych stosunkach z
keen on zapalony do (czego)
aim at dy do
consist of skada si z
consist in polega na (robieniu czego)
aware of wiadomy (czego)
come up with (an idea, a solution) wpa na (pomys), wymyli (rozwizanie)

Match the left-hand side clauses with the corresponding items on the right-hand side.
1) Whether I accept this job will depend

of an introduction and two parts.

2) We need to do everything to comply

on the salary.

3) This company production relies heavily

over all the other ones.

4) This idea isn't a good basis

with looking for new investors.

5) The analysis should be based

with the new standards.

6) This project takes precedence

at strengthening the position of


7) We should pay more attention to finding

new markets rather than be so much

with your boss?

8) How do you get on

on reading science fiction books.

9) The director is keen

for starting a new business.

10) The new law is aimed

on the newest technology coming

from the USA.

11) The paper consists

in taking over our main competitor.

12) Our strategy consists

on extensive scientific and literature


- darmowe wiczenia i materiay do nauki angielskiego

Linguistic Atelier Barbara Jasiska

al. Chruciela 94/2
04-412 Warszawa
tel. 502 760 514

Exercise cut off version:

Whether I accept this job

will depend

on the salary.

We need to do everything
with the new standards.
to comply
This company production
relies heavily

on the newest technology

coming from the USA.
for starting a new
This idea isn't a good basis
The analysis should be
on extensive scientific and
literature research.
This project takes
over all the other ones.
We should pay more attention to
finding new markets rather than
be so much concerned

with looking for new


How do you get on

with your boss?

The director is keen

on reading science fiction


The new law is aimed

The paper consists
Our strategy consists

at strengthening the
position of employees.
of an introduction and two
in taking over our main
- darmowe wiczenia i materiay do nauki angielskiego

Linguistic Atelier Barbara Jasiska

al. Chruciela 94/2
04-412 Warszawa
tel. 502 760 514

Exercise answers:
1) Whether I accept this job will depend on the salary.
2) We need to do everything to comply with the new standards.
3) This company production relies heavily on the newest technology coming from the USA.
4) This idea isn't a good basis for starting a new business.
5) The analysis should be based on extensive scientific and literature research.
6) This project takes precedence over all the other ones.
7) We should pay more attention to finding new markets rather than be so much concerned
with looking for new investors.
8) How do you get on with your boss?
9) The director is keen on reading science fiction books.
10) The new law is aimed at strengthening the position of employees.
11) The paper consists of an introduction and two parts.
12) Our strategy consists in taking over our main competitor.

- darmowe wiczenia i materiay do nauki angielskiego

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