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Employee Branding, Recruitment and Selection

Attraction and Recruitment
Bringing the new employee is changing or reinforcing culture
It can affect business affairs, its a risk because you can succeed but also fail
There are modern and traditional approaches; in the past there was an ad in the
newspaper bringing a wide range of candidates and modern approach focuses on
fewer candidates (aiming on right people and not searching for everybody) using
internet (online applications, linked in, head-hunters). Reputation also plays the role,
money is not anymore the main focus but also how to make the job attractive.
Recruitment refers to attracting potential employees, making a job description and
marketing it.
There are three issues with regard to recruitment: attracting peoples interest;
attracting capable people (not searching for everybody) and connecting peoples
interests and talent management (work-life balance, home-based work, training and
Different labor market conditions affect power in the recruitment process (high
unemployment rate bring high power to recruitment process; too many candidates,
no salary negotiations etc).
Attraction of different generation to your organization:
Generation X generation after post war II baby boom (1960-1980), highly educated,
family oriented, active, balanced, happy, search for human dignity, individual
freedom, etc
Generation Y - generation between (1980-2000) is flexible, open=minded (flex-time;
home-based work), feedback driven (they want to know the climate in the
organization, or get appraisals from their supervisors) and they want a more
balanced life, technology oriented, etc
High potentials are defined by the management (the roles), they bring the company
further, high performers
Competencies come from an HR manager, they are related to the job description and
refer to behaviors that employees must have or acquire to achieve high performance.
They should bring objectiveness to recruitment and selection and assumes that there
is a common understanding of an effective behavior.
Using different recruitment channels to attract candidates such as advertising,
websites, recruitment agencies, educational organization, newspaper, personal
approach, e-recruitment, social networks, internship and placement.
Make a clear job description with personal specifications.
Try to find person-organization fit using framework:

Selection is choosing the right people who fit into the company, assessing and
interviewing them.
Management creates/defines the role and HR tries to fit the candidate (highpotential) to that role and we need to select them.
Selection involves number of costs such as: costs of process itself, future costs of
training of employee, wrong people hired costs
Various selection models:
Interviews (one on one, panel interviews, group interviews)
Telephone interview, pre-selection
Group exercises
Assessment tests
Selection needs to be fair
Remove personal-subjective approach
More people as interviewers, mixed gender/field/age group
No prejudices about gender, age, nationality, any kind of discrimination during
selection process, team awareness/training
A method of applicant to approach organization is to create a curriculum vitae (CV)
CV needs to be followed by persons past working experience, applicants
timeline/milestones, level of education
Selection interviews needs to be focus on facts, subjective information, underlying
attitudes, interpersonal skills, structured (prepared completely, unstructured,
Combination of both), number of interviewers and interview appointments, time.
Take in consider some important facts that gets poor results from interview process
such as Distortion of CV, Distortion of first impression, having stereotypes, finding
applicants attractive, interview structure not well prepared, interviewer talk more
than listen, having a poor recall of information
Psychometric testing (Ability tests and inventory test)
Personal testing (using five factor model: emotional stability, Extroversion, Openness
to experience, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness)
Assessment Centers a variety of selection methods to gain a full picture of an
applicant. Combination of different techniques applying them together. Trend is that
assessment centers today are not so popular because they are expensive.
Using more selection methods doesnt brings better (valid) judgment.

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