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Pronunciation O / / U / Sounds

How are long and short and sounds made?

Here are the rules again for making the and sounds:

(long [O.], short []): The is spoken like a German E, but with your lips
rounded such as when you make an O sound.

(long [y.], short [Y]): The is spoken like a German I but with your lips rounded
when you make a U sound.

When you make the and sounds, your lips make a shape like when you
whistle or kiss.

and can also be long/closed and short/open!

How can you tell a long vowel from a short vowel from the spelling?
Here are the rules again for the long and short vowels:

long vowels: doubling of vowels (aa, ee, oo, ie) or after an h or ;

short vowels: followed by a double consonant. Often (unfortunately not always),
two or more consonants follow a short vowel.

1. Many and sounds are created when plurals are formed. Form the plural of
the following words.

O Sound (Singular)

Sound (Plural)

U Sound (Singular) Sound (Plural)

das Loch

der Kuss

das Wort

die Wurst

der Hof

der Bruder

der Koch

der Fluss

der Lohn

der Zug

der Ofen

der Flug

der Sohn

der Fu

die Tochter

die Mutter

Cornelsen Verlag 2006

2. Have another look at the singular words. Which words have a long O, which
have a short O? Which have a long U, which have a short U?
Short O Sound

Sound (Plural)

Short U Sound

Sound (Plural)

Long O Sound

Sound (Plural)

Long U Sound

Sound (Plural)


3. Now compare the O and U in singular words with the and in plural words.
What do you notice?

Singular short U

......................... plural

Singular long U

......................... plural

Singular short O

......................... plural

Singular long O

......................... plural

Cornelsen Verlag 2006

Answer Key
O Sound (Singular)

Sound (Plural)

U Sound (Singular) Sound (Plural)

das Loch

die Lcher

der Kuss

die Ksse

das Wort

die Wrter

die Wurst

die Wrste

der Hof

die Hfe

der Bruder

die Brder

der Koch

die Kche

der Fluss

die Flsse

der Lohn

die Lhne

der Zug

die Zge

der Ofen

die fen

der Flug

die Flge

der Sohn

die Shne

der Fu

die Fe

die Tochter

die Tchter

die Mutter

die Mtter

Short O Sound

Sound (Plural)

Short U Sound

Sound (Plural)

das Loch

die Lcher

der Kuss

die Ksse

das Wort

die Wrter

die Wurst

die Wrste

der Koch

die Kche

der Fluss

die Flsse

die Tochter

die Tchter

die Mutter

die Mtter

Long O Sound

Sound (Plural)

Long U Sound

Sound (Plural)

der Hof

die Hfe

der Bruder

die Brder

der Lohn

die Lhne

der Zug

die Zge

der Ofen

die fen

der Flug

die Flge

der Sohn

die Shne

der Fu

die Fe


kurzes U im Singular

kurzes im Plural

langes U im Singular

langes im Plural

kurzes O im Singular

kurzes im Plural

langes O im Singular

langes im Plural

Cornelsen Verlag 2006

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