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SHERIFF 17 HI J8l-1> 159
ADMINISTRATION -1157J 182.8192
JAil· 11H] )82·8525

September 27, 2007

Assistant Secretary Julie Meyers

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
425 I Street N.W. Room 7100
Washington, DC 20536

Dear Assistant Secretary Myers,

I am writing to request participation in the Delegation of Authority Program pursuant to 287 (g) of the Immigration
and Naturalization Act. This partnership with ICE will enable my department to better serve the needs of the
citizens of the City of Chesapeake, Virginia.

I have discussed the program with representatives ofICE and also my command staff. With their input.. I am
proposing the following:

Establishment of policy and procedure at the City of Chesapeake's Correctional Center

related to me identification of possible criminal illegal aliens.

Train (8) Sheriff's Deputies, with a minimum of two years experience. who have passed a
security backgrounC investigation acceptable to ICE.

Training facilities are available al our Correctional Center, Administrative Offices. and also our
Training Academy. Instructors will have access to classrooms and a variety of training aids.

This program will altow us 10 enter into a Memorandum of Under sianding 10 participate wilh ICE in identifying
criminal aliens who a risk to the citizens of the City of Chesapeake. The point of contact for this program will
be look forward to your endorsement of this request and moving forward with
this program.

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Chesapeake Sheriffs Office
q (/ice of Detention and RelJl() I'(II Oper (JIiOIlS

u.s. Departmenl of Homeland Security

425 I Street. I'lW
Washinglon. DC 20536

U.S. Immigration
and Customs

Sheriff John R. Newhart

City of Chesapeake Office of the Sheriff
Post Office Box 15125
Chesapeake VA, 23328

Dear Sheri ff Newhart,

Thank you for your interest in the 287(g) Delegation of Authority program. The 287(g)
Program Management Oftice (PMO) and the Office of the Assistant Secretary for U. S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (lCE) are in receipt of your request for tTaining for the
City of Chesapeake Office of the Sheriff.

On 10118/2007\ the 287(g) PMO at IC E Headq uarters forwarded your request to the Field
Oftice Director (FOD) of Detention and Removal Operations, Fairfa'(, V A and the Special
Agent in Charge Washington, DC. Local representatives from these two divisions wilt be in
contact with you soon to conduct a preliminary assessment and determine whether the 287(g)
program is the appropriate application to address your local law enforcement challenges.

The local ICE point of contact regarding t.he 287(g) program is ' _-u.~-'-'-L-'-'--
Deportatioo Officer, who can be reached at 703-285- _ .


(b)(6), (b)(7)(C )

287(g) DRO Unit Chief

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