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,...-----tcAla bas ter 1 - - - - - - - - .
Stanley E. Oliver Telephone
Chief of Police (205) 663-7401
City of Alabaster
September 13,2006

Ms. Juli e Myers

Assistan t Secretary of Homeland Security
US Immi grat ion and Customs En forcemen t
425 1 Street. N. W.
Washington, DC 2000 1

Dcar Sccn:tary Myers:

This is to request your recommendations as to how o ur Police Department and Ci ty can work more
cOcctivcl y with your Agents in trying to combat the problem of illegal immigration in our area. As
you arc aware. this issue has become more serio us and frus trating for many local law enforcement
agencies. Several cities in the Centra l Alabama area have experienced increas ing problems. and we
wou ld like to take a more active ro le in avoiding that ifpossible.

In this regard, we would be very much interested in having as many as possib le of our 61 officers
participate in the "287g Program" training. Pl ease advise us as to how we can obtain more
information. o r apply lor such training.

Our Mayor and C ity Council have also expressed an interest in providing funding to have one of
yo ur Agents work within ou r Ci ty. The funding would include providing sa lary and orticc space.
This mayor Illay not be feasible. but I would appreciate your comments regarding this.

The illegal immigration issue is tru ly a national one which J believe must be addressed at every
level of law enfo rcement. It is imperative that we work together to reso lve the issue before it gets
worse. We arc anxious to cooperate with you in any way we can to assist your Agents here.

Please let 111(' know about the above training, and I look forward to heari ng from yo u on these

Respectfu ll y.

Chi ef of Pol ice

cc: Mayor David Frings - Alabaster, Alabama

Senator JeO'Sessions - Washington , DC
Sen<llor Richard Shelby - Washington. DC
Con 'ressman Spencer Bach us - Washin 'ton. DC
- u.s. DtpartlDf:Dt of Ifomdaoci Security
1250 Po)'dras Streel
Suite 2200
New Orleans. Louisiana. 70113

u.s. Immigration
and Customs

NOV 2 2 ~JC6


TIlROUGH: Paul Kilcoyne
Deputy Assistant Direclo~ () J /JJv
FROM: Michael A. Holt '11~ . .~/ .. () If'IJU
Special Agent in &.~~
SUBJECT: Request for 2S7(g) Delegation of Authority Training
Alabaster Police Department, Alabaster. Alabama

On September 13,2006, Chief Stanley Oliver of the Alabaster Police Depanment, Alabaster,
Alabama (APD), wrote to Assistant Secretary Myers expressing interest in participating in the
287(g) program. He mentioned training for as many of his 61 officers as possible and offered
salary and office space to locate an ICE agent at their department. The 287(g) program
manager forwarded the Alabaster request to this office on October 13,2006. On October 26,
2006, ASAC Roland Joncs made preliminary contact with Chief Oliver and forwarded the
brochure and requirements for participation information.

On November 8, 2006, ASAC Jones and RAC Chip Lollar mel with Chief Oliver, his deputy
and Mayor David Frings to cliscuss the Alabaster request. Chief Oliver and RAC Lollar have a
close working relationship and have previously collaborated on gang investigations. The city of
Alabaster is a suburb of Binningham and very close to Hoover, both of which attract a
significant number of illegal alien s because of employment opportunities and proximity to
Atlanta, Georgia.

Before the mayor arrived, ASAC Jones determ.ined the chief was reluctant to engage in
immigration enforcement and not enthusiastic about committing his limited resources to the
time required for training. His initial inquiry was in response to political pressure from the
mayor. ASAC Jones provided a complete explanation of the program's scope, purpose and
limitations after Mayor Frings joined the conversation. The small department can ill afford to
lose several offi cers to training or the time necessary to process encountered aliens . They have
broadband access for ENFORCEJIDENT and lile mayor offered to purchase several IDENTIX
packages, however, the municipal jail is not a certified immigration detention facility and the
nearest facility is Etowah Detention Center in Gadsden , Alabama.
SUBJECT: Alabaster r _.... ..>ept.
Page 2

Ultimate ly the mayor identified a potential target of investigation, stating the female U. S.
citizen was engaged in recruiting. transporting. shelterin g and employing illegal Mexicans,
including all egations of money laundering and other criminal violations. A verbal agreement
was reached for ICE and APD to conduct a joint investigation regarding those allegations. T
mayor and chief were satisfied with the joint investigation in lieu of cross training APD
officers and asked that the initial request for 287(g) training be tabled at thi s time.

Approved : _ _ _ __ Dis~ illIt~c

Needs more discussion:

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