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入會表格 Membership Form 會員編號 Membership no.

(由本會填寫 to be tilled by our staff)


Please send it back together with transfer slip or cheque to the Produce Green Foundation via fax or mail

□ 地址:香港新界粉嶺鶴藪村 18 號 □ 電子郵件 E-Mail : □ 電話 Tel :267 4 1190 □ 傳真 Fax:2674 8077

□ Address:18 Hok Tau Village, Fanling, N.T., Hong Kong □ 網頁 Webpage : □ 註冊非牟利慈善團體 Registered Non-Profit Charitable Organization
 我想加入成為綠田園基金的 I would like to joint the PGF as a:
 個人/海外會員 Individual / Overseas Member (一年捐款港幣 200 元或以上 Donate HK$200 or above a year )
 個人永久會員 Permanent Individual Member(一次過捐款港幣 2,000 元或以上 One-off Donate HK$2,000 or above)
 團體會員 Group Member (一年捐款港幣 500 元或以上 Donate HK$500 or above a year)
 團體永久會員 Permanent Group Member(一次過捐款港幣 5,000 元或以上 One-off Donate HK$5,000 or above)
 學生會員 Student Member (一年捐款港幣 50 元或以上,請將學生證或手冊副本連同表格一同寄上 Donate HK$50 or above a year,
please send also a copy of the student ID or handbook together with the form )

 未能加入綠田園成為會員,但願意捐款 I am not going to join the PGF but I would like to donate:
捐款 Donation:HK$ ________________________ 元
登記表格 Registration Form
捐款者、個人及學生會適用 For Donor, Individual and Student Member
姓名 Name:(中 Chi) ______________ (英 Eng) _____________ 電話 Tel:(Day)______________ (Mobile)

電郵 Email: ________________________________ 地址 Address:


團體會員適用 For Group Members

機構名稱 Name of Org.:(中 Chi) ___________________________________ (英 Eng) ____________________________________

聯絡人 Contact Person:(中 Chi)________________ 職位 Position:_______________ (英 Eng) _____________________________

電話 Tel:____________________________________ 電郵 Email:

地址 Address:(中 Chi)

簽名或機構蓋章 Signature/Org. Chop:_______________________ 日期 Date:


付款方法 Payment Method

 直接存入本會戶口 By direct bank transfer ( 匯豐銀行 HSBC 039-5-065568 )
轉賬日期 Transfer Date ___________________________________________________________________________________
( 請連同存款收條正本寄回。Please send us the original copy of the transfer slip, together with this slip. )

 劃線支票 By crossed cheque ( 支票抬頭「綠田園基金」或 “Produce Green Foundation” )

銀行 Bank ________________________________ 支票號碼 Cheque No. __________________________________________
 繳費靈 By PPS ( 捐款$100 或以上適用 For donation over $100 or above ONLY )
交易日期 Transfer Date ________________________ 付款編號 Payment Number ________________________________
本會編號 Merchant code: 9241 登記賬單 Bill registration: 18013 (中文 Chinese) / 18011 (英文 English)

網上服務 PPS Webpage 捐款 Donation:18033 (中文 Chinese) / 18031 (英文 English)

 信用咭 Credit Card ( 捐款$100 或以上適用 For Donation over HK$100 or above ONLY )
信用咭號碼 Credit Card No. _____________________________________________  Visa  Master
信用咭持有人姓名(英文) Name _____________________________________________________________________________
信用咭有效期至 Expiry Date 月(MM) 年(YY) ( 2 個月內有效 Should be valid for the next two months)

信用咭持有人簽署 Cardholder Signature __________________ 日期 Date _______________________


Please ensure that you sign the form and any changes the same way as you sign your credit card account.

□ 地址:香港新界粉嶺鶴藪村 18 號 □ 電子郵件 E-Mail : □ 電話 Tel :267 4 1190 □ 傳真 Fax:2674 8077

□ Address:18 Hok Tau Village, Fanling, N.T., Hong Kong □ 網頁 Webpage : □ 註冊非牟利慈善團體 Registered Non-Profit Charitable Organization
捐款港幣 100 元或以上可獲發收據,憑收據在香港可申請免稅。

Official receipt will be issued for Donation over HK$100 are tax deductible in Hong Kong.

簽署: 日期:

以上資料只作是次活動及本會日後推廣其他環保資訊之用,絕不外洩。如欲拒絕收取有關資料,請與本會聯絡。The personal information collected will only be used for

the current activity and the promotion of environmental information from the Produce Green Foundation. If you do not want to receive other information in the future, please contact us.

□ 地址:香港新界粉嶺鶴藪村 18 號 □ 電子郵件 E-Mail : □ 電話 Tel :267 4 1190 □ 傳真 Fax:2674 8077

□ Address:18 Hok Tau Village, Fanling, N.T., Hong Kong □ 網頁 Webpage : □ 註冊非牟利慈善團體 Registered Non-Profit Charitable Organization

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