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Lecture 3 of the Youth Occult Class

Given by the Master Beinsa Douno
March 8, 1922 Wednesday, 19.00 local time, 21.00 GMT

Secret Prayer

A summary of the theme The Best Method for Work was presented.

Next time write down on the topic The Place of Will in Life. Think well on this topic and write
down not more than one page. This topic is important for you, for Will has not found its place in Life yet.
Most contemporary people are weak-willed. Why? Because the expression of Will begins with the
Intelligent life that excludes any destruction.

I will give you now several rules on how to distinguish conscious from unconscious volitional
actions. And when you come to the conscious will, then you will consider it as the highest manifestation
in human life. Therefore, when you write your essays, be free to give your point of view according to
your understanding. Write down without fear, without doubt or hesitation. Do not be afraid whether the
written writing is right or wrong. If you are afraid, it shows that you do not have the will to manifest
yourself. Present your views, manifest your will, notwithstanding that you may write something foolish.
How will you know that it is foolish? Many of you think that if they do not quote a famous author, but
give their own opinion, it will be foolish. In my view, to use someone elses thoughts without
understanding and experiencing them is more foolish than to present ones own thoughts, which are
experienced and tested by the speaker. There is not such a norm in the world, which defines what is wise
and what is foolish. The wise thing today may become foolish tomorrow. For example, people in one of
the past cultures greeted one another by tongues which is characteristic of the animals today. If

nowadays two persons greet each other in this way, it will be an atavism. Todays fashion of greeting is
by shaking hands. Some day this way of greeting may be replaced by another one.

I will give you several rules, which should be observed by the disciples. So, being at the threshold
of the Spiritual school, no matter if a full time student or a listener, the disciple should know the
following things:


If one tries to correct the Absolute or the Divine even one single time, this one is expelled

from the class.


If one is absent from class without any cause, without an important and urgent reason, this

one is expelled from the class.

Each disciple should know deep in ones heart and before ones conscience if the reason for
absence is important or not. The evaluation of the reasons is absolutely delegated to the conscience of the
disciple. A disciple should never deceive oneself. If someone deceives oneself, this means that this one is
out of the class.

If someone does not fulfil the tasks given in the School, this one is expelled from the class.


If two disciples offend each other, both of them are expelled from the class.

It is absolutely forbidden for the disciples to be angry and to quarrel between themselves.
5. What happens and what is spoken in class should be a secret. If someone tries to spread this out
of the School, this one is expelled from the class. There are things that should remain here.

Now I want to direct your attention to the following phenomenon in Nature: all young tree shoots
and all sprouting plants strive to grow up in height. And reaching the greatest possible height, they start
growing in width. Artists use the same method of work. First they draw the general lines of the object on
the canvas, i.e. its height, the idea hidden in it, and after that they put the shadows showing the width and
the thickness of the object. This indicates that one should catch the general lines first, i.e. the important
ideas. For instance, if you draw a person, which features will you first pay attention to? First you will pay

attention to the form of the body, the eyes, the ears, the eyebrows, the nose, the forehead and the mouth.
Then you will cast the shadows. If there are more shadows on ones face, it shows that this person is in a
difficult situation. As a whole, if the background of the human image is dark, it indicates the
unfavourable conditions, in which one is living. And shadows under the eyes show many sleepless nights
in ones life.

Sleeping is very important in Life. That is why a disciple is supposed to sleep in the right way. He
has to determine his time of going to bed. Moreover, it as a task for him to fall asleep immediately or in
about five-ten minutes after he goes to bed. In this respect you should do experiments and exercise your
will, to see whether you will go to bed strictly at the determined time and fall asleep in ten minutes. If
you can get to sleep on time, your will is strong. If you cannot get to sleep in half an hour or more, your
will is weak. This exercise will be a test of the power of your will. Otherwise, you will deceive yourself
that you are strong-willed. The power of will is tested only through exercises. When you go to bed in the
evening, for strengthening of your will say to yourself that you want to sleep that night turned only to the
right side. If you find yourself turned to the right side in the morning, your will is strong; if you find
yourself turned to the left side, your will is weak. This, however, should not discourage you. Make
attempts in this direction until you get positive results.

Sleeping has its deep purpose from a spiritual point of view. When you sleep, you go to school
into the Astral world. And you apply the next day what you have learned at night. If you do not sleep
properly, you cannot study well in the Astral world; but if you study well in the Astral world, you will be
able to study well on Earth too. Therefore, sleeping is of great importance for you. When you sleep well,
you wake up refreshed, with a clear mind and new forces, so whatever work you take up during the day
will be successful. But if you have not slept well, you have not worked well in the Astral world, so you
will wake up indisposed and tired. And your work all day long will be the same as it was in the Astral
world. That is why, when you go to bed in the evening, say to yourself, Now I am going to attend the
School of the Astral world and I want to fulfil well the work given to me there.

I ask you, what do you think about sleeping? You consider sleeping to be a repose only, that is
why you cannot find those who want to teach you. In this aspect you are like children who escape from
school and go to play in the forest. If they have escaped from school, whom will the teacher teach? In this
case, those who go to bed with the idea that they will just take a rest at night, escape from school and go
to the forest. And when they wake up in the morning, they say, I did not learn anything. That is why,
when you go to bed, say to yourself, I will go to the School of the Astral world to learn something new
and to apply it on Earth next day. There are trips in the Astral world like on Earth. Those who study well
are allowed to go to a mountain peak or to a beautiful spring, from where they will return refreshed and
enriched with lovely impressions.

Therefore, one of the important rules for the disciple is to learn to sleep in the right way. When
you go to bed, you have to get to sleep in five, ten minutes. This exercise is necessary for the
strengthening of your will. If you cannot get to sleep in such a short period of time, you may extend it
with a few minutes. You should get to sleep in half an hour or in an hour at most. If you cannot succeed in
one hour, you should look for the reason of your sleeplessness and when you find it, you should try to
remove it.

Now, I will give you a natural exercise meditation on the rainbow. You have to meditate on the
rainbow until you create a beautiful mental image of it. It may take you one, two or three years until you
create a beautiful picture of the rainbow in your minds, but you have to work in this direction. Some of
you can succeed in a shorter time it all depends on your ability of concentration. So, you have to
meditate daily on the rainbow until you receive a living clear picture in your minds. You will visualize the
rainbow as you have observed it in Nature in all its colours. This exercise will stimulate the development
of your imagination. Spiritual disciples need imagination, as imagination is the mother of the ideas. You
may visualize the following pictures in your meditations on the rainbow: the Sun is in the West, there is a
dark black cloud in the East and after a spring drizzle the rainbow has appeared from the North to the

South. Or another one: the sky is clear in the East and the rainbow appears in the West. Whatever picture
you have of the rainbow in your minds, one day the rainbow should rise in your souls, in the same way as
it rises in Nature. If you meditate from five to ten minutes daily, you will see the image of the rainbow
appearing in your minds in a natural, unforced way. Close your eyes during the meditation, in order to
receive a clear and distinct mental vision of the rainbow. At first your vision will be vague, but in some
time it will clear up and become so living and real as it is in Nature. The best time for meditation is in the
morning or whenever you are in high spirits. Do not think about the results of the exercise.
Notwithstanding the results, you will always win, but you will never lose anything. You may meditate not
only in the morning, but also before noon a few hours before lunch, as well as in the evening before you
go to bed. You are free to choose the most convenient for you time of meditationfor you to meditate. It is
also good if you draw a rainbow and have it always in sight. It is even better to watch the rainbow after
each rainfall, to remember the circumstances and the conditions of its appearance. The rainbow will
introduce a new element into your minds.

I will give you a rule how to overcome your anger and irritation. When you are angry, sing ten
times: do, mi, sol, do (head do). Use this rule and see how music will tune you. Not only students, but
also teachers have to use music as a method of tuning. When a teacher in music gets angry, he usually
forgets to use this method, but he hits the students with his bow. No, when the teacher is cross with
something, he should take the bow and play the violin: do, mi, sol, do. Thus he will do his job better than
hitting the students with the bow. When we have time, I will disclose to you the meaning of these four

So, the main thing in your life as disciples should be the desire to harmonize yourselves. This
should be achieved in a natural way, not by force. It does not mean that all should come to one and the
same level of development. If so, it would lead to monotony and in my opinion monotony is a bad thing
and diversity is good. Each one of you has to aspire to diversity. Diversity is a quality of the Spirit. If the
Spirit is present, there is always diversity there. Diversity means abundance, wealth, while monotony is

poverty and deficit. From a spiritual point of view, troubles indicate the presence of monotony in life. In
order to liberate the human beings from such monotony, the Invisible world has admitted evil into the
world. Evil creates diversity in Life. Consequently, all sufferings, difficulties or troubles indicate that
ones life is monotonous. But all these things are needed to introduce diversity in human beings. And
diversity represents a value, necessary for the development of the human spirit. In this respect, sufferings
and difficulties are transitory states or transitory scales in human life.

One of the rules was: One who tries to correct the Absolute Divine Source, cannot be a
disciple. This means: Do not correct Nature in yourself! Who have ever tried to correct their Nature
have always had a fatal end. There are no exceptions to this rule. If you do not trust me, do the following
experiment to convince yourselves in the truth of my words: if you start feeding some herbivorous
animals with meat, soon you will see the consequences of this change, for you would have tried to correct
the nature of these animals. In my view, meat eating is bad, while fruit nourishment, not just
vegetarianism, is good. That is why when the Astral world wants to show you that your actions are not
good, it will send you a dream that you are eating meat. If you are eating meat in your dream, it is a sign
that you are following an unnatural path.

When I speak about human beings, I have in mind the spiritual rational source in them. Two
beings live simultaneously in the human body. Their lives go in different directions;, as a result of which
there is always conflict between them. This conflict is due to the fact that some cells of the human
organism are of a carnivorous origin, while others are of a herbivorous origin. The cells that have been
carnivorous for thousands of years up to now will oppose you, if you want to become a vegetarian. If the
appropriate food is not supplied to them, they start eating one another. The cells of the white corpuscles,
for example, make war against one another, destroying themselves. So, war exists in the human organism
itself. Due to it, one is a vegetarian by idea only. But inside ones body the cells eat one another. So, if
you wish to feed on fruits some day, you are to place the idea of fruit nourishment in your mind. This idea
will be working in your mind for years and some day, you will unexpectedly see that you are ready to

feed on fruits that present the purest food nowadays. As far as vegetarianism is concerned, in the full
sense of this word in all worlds the world of the body, the world of the heart and the world of the mind
this is an issue which will cover many centuries.

Write neatly the rules that I gave you before they will serve you as a guidance in Life. Further
on I will speak in detail about each one of these rules.

When I come to class, I will greet you with the motto Without fear! You will answer, Without

I want you to determine to yourselves whether you are ready to attend this class regularly, so that
you may not hesitate later on. Fifty disciples in the class are enough for the present moment. After your
self-determination, you will receive the inner sense of the formula Fir-fr-fen tao bi aumen. This
formula is dangerous for those who are not self-determined. The first words Fir-fr-fen purify, while
the word tao builds up. The remaining words of the formula have the same meaning. First you have to
pass through purification, and then you will be able to build up. The last words are strong, because power
is also required for building up.

I say, those of you who will attend the class should not be afraid of the lack of time for the School
or of spending too much time in it. No, this class does not requires not much time only the time that you
do not know how to spend. It is said in the Law of Moses, Work six days for you, but the seventh day
consecrate to God!

As disciples of the Spiritual Occult school, you are supposed to observe the rule for sleeping.
Sleeping will solve many questions of your life. A seven-hour sleep is necessary for you at present. Five
hours could also satisfy you, but if you sleep without waking up and turning from side to side. The best
time to go to bed is 10.00 oclock p.m., but it cannot be taken as a rule. If someone is busy with important

work, he may go to bed at 11.00 or 12.00 oclock p.m., but he should get to sleep in five-ten minutes. If
you work after 10.00 oclock p.m., you will lose sleep. You will be able to fall asleep only after 12.00
oclock p.m. And then you have to go to bed immediately, so that you may not wake up fully. The earlier
you go to bed, the better. Why? Those who go to bed earlier, receive the whole amount of prana, i.e. of
vital energy accumulated in the atmosphere. Those who go to bed later, fall fast asleep, as there is not
enough prana that is required by their organisms. They should wait for some time until those who sleep
wake up and after that their sleep will come too. That is why rich people usually go to sleep around 4.00
oclock in the morning, when poor people go to work. About 4.00 a.m. a new amount of prana is created
in the atmosphere that will be used by rich people for their sleep. Therefore, if you can get into the habit
of going to bed earlier, you can supply your organism with the necessary quantity of prana. Do not go to
bed later than 12.00 p.m. If you feel tired, go to bed earlier, even at 8 p.m., in order to receive more
energy that is needed by your organism. If you have surplus energy, you may go to bed later. In
conclusion, the advisibleadvisable time for going to bed is 8.00, 10.00 or 12.00 oclock p.m.

We began our lecture with a secret prayer. What is its purpose? Its purpose is in disconnecting
your telephone or link with the world. When praying in secret to yourself, you should take a free position,
being fully isolated from the world and deaf to any noises or sounds outside and inside you. When you
pray secretly, lock all the keys, stop all the messages with the world - nothing should disturb you. And in
this position stay alone in thought. Meditation and secret praying are not one and the same thing. They
differ from one another. But you will find the difference by yourselves. A secret prayer is the ascending of
ones mind to God. In other words, directing ones eyes to the Sun or to the Source of Life. The most
beautiful prayer is when you think of God as a Source of Life.

Now you have to think on the issues included in the lecture and make efforts to strengthen your
will, so that you may become masters of yourselves.
Secret Prayer

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