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Name : Cipto Hadi Wardoyo

Class : Edu Research Method - B


: 112084038

The Implementation of Fiction Telling Stories to Teach Speaking

Narrative for Eleventh Graders in SMAN 1 Nganjuk

1. Background
The ever-growing need for good communication skills in English has created a huge
demand for English teaching around the world. Millions of people today want to improve
their command of English or to ensure that their children achieve a good command of
English. And opportunities to learn English are provided in many different ways such as
through formal institutions as in schools starting from kindergarten, elementary schools, until
colleges by using the Internet as a media. (Richards, J. 200

8). Basically, the essentials of a

language especially English are four; they are listening, reading, speaking and writing for
those are the four mastered skill aimed to gain by students.
Speaking is the same as oral interaction which are conventional ways of speaking
information, expressing our idea, and thought have in our mind (Nunan 1991:40). Speaking
is "the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal
symbols, in a variety of contexts" (Chaney, 1998, p. 13). Speaking is an interactive process of
constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information
(Brown, 1994; Burns & Joyce, 1997). Speaking is a crucial part of second language learning
and teaching. Despite its importance, for many years, teaching speaking has been
undervalued and English language teachers have continued to teach speaking just as a
repetition of drills or memorization of dialogues. However, today's world requires that the
goal of teaching speaking should improve students' communicative skills, because, only in
that way, students can express themselves and learn how to follow the social and cultural
rules appropriate in each communicative circumstance, therefore, recent pedagogical research

on teaching students conversation has provided some parameters for developing objectives
and techniques.
In Indonesia, the recent curriculum (curriculum of 2013), the main goal is to enable
students to communicate. As the fact happened in field, teaching English is failed as there is
no the same different between the fourth graders and seventh graders. Nowadays, English
subject for the elementary level is deleted, while the period in teaching English for junior
high level is added. The activity seems more being accustomed for students to product oral
activity or to speak, just like greeting teachers, greeting other classmates, etc. which the
purpose is enabling students to speak English well.
The fact problem is that in real activity conducted in classroom. The fact shows that
the chance for students to speak more is limited. They just repeat what their teachers say
about something or to be drilled to certain materials. Besides, the way of teaching carried out
by teachers is commonly being monotone, meaning that they just apply the same activity for
many times. On the other hand, in linguistics aspect, there are many factors more regarded to
speaking activity. Many students have the psychological barriers becoming their obstacle to
speak English. It can be the fluency, accuracy, and may be the confidence. Some of them may
be nervous whenever the teacher asks them to speak up, stating their idea, etc. Otherwise,
incorrect pronunciation may be one of them, so the students feel afraid to speak as they dont
want to make mistakes in pronouncing the words.
It is stated that correct and clear pronunciations are important in language learning
because good pronunciation makes the communication easier to understand (Dan, 2006 cited
in Varasarin, 2007). Being unable to pronounce well can cause the students to be poorly
perceived and understood by others. This indicates that paying attention to this linguistic
aspect is also important because students low ability in pronunciation can also become
obstacle for the students to speak (Liu , 2007). In many cases, especially in EFL class, most
students do not have self-confidence to speak because they do not know how to pronounce a
certain word well. They are also afraid of being an object of their peers evaluation. This
condition becomes an obstacle for them to speak in English class (Gilbert, 2009).
Regarding the problem above, it is like an obligatory to teachers to conduct the
teaching and learning process in class become alive, both providing the chances for students
to speak and giving interaction each other as feedback the process of teaching and learning
itself. It is important for them to encourage students interactions. Most of students feel shy to
speak in the classroom because they are not used to take part in classroom discussion.
Students do not even interact with other students if they have to use the target language.

Philips emphasizes on creating a comfortable atmosphere where students are not afraid to
speak and enjoy communicating with the teacher. Students have to be given an atmosphere
where they can speak without any pressure and stress. Beside that, making speaking activity
communicative in the classroom is also important. If the speaking activity is not interesting
enough and do not provide opportunity for students to speak then there is no use of giving
speaking activity. From that, students can take part in classroom participation. Thus, to solve
those problems, there must be a suitable teaching methodology and technique which can be
applied to help students speak up, either providing the opportunity or giving interaction each
There have been many teaching methodologies including many techniques found by
experts to make students easier to study English. They had experienced for many years and
revised as the world demand in the teaching and learning process, and one of many
techniques which still suitable to implement is Communicative Language Teaching. The
weak version says teachers should teach the components of language but include
communication activities. The strong version says since students learn through interacting,
lessons should consist opportunity to communicate in the target language. In this method,
teachers often downplay the accuracy and emphasize how students communicate when they
speak the target language.
Communicative Language Teaching is a method that provides the active learning
process for students as it is simply thathaving students engage in some activity that forces
them to think about and comment on the information presented. Students wont simply be
listening, will be developing skills in handling concepts in our disciplines. They will analyse,
synthesize, and evaluate information in discussion with other students, through asking
questions, or through writing. And one of many techniques found by experts, which the writer
offers is Fiction Telling Story. The writer thinks that this technique is still suitable to be
implemented in the classroom in order to make students speak more, based on many
advantages stated by many experts. Short story is one kind of story which is the story was
written in a short paragraph. For example is fable, fairy tale, narrative text, etc. Storytelling,
as a part of speaking activities in class, retelling short story encourage students to think about
a short story as they retell them. It helps them learn to tell stories or event in details and in
sequences. This contributes to students in improving their skills in delivering the story,
making gestures, face expression, and also creating variety of sounds based on the characters
carried out in the story itself. The teacher can motivate the students to learn through retelling

short story in more enjoyable and interesting ways. The students can enrich their new
vocabulary and get new atmosphere in learning speaking through retelling short story.
In Fictional Narrative, there are six elements inside that, which are classified more
detail. First, there character(s) that can be classified into main character(s), minor
character(s), and character(s) development. Second, dialogue reveals characters and advances
plot. Third, there is setting which is classified into time, place, mood, and atmosphere.
Fourth, there is plot that shows the flow of the story including conflict and resolution. Fifth is
point of view, it can be from first person, third person. The last is time signal that shows
beginnings, transitions, and endings.
By this technique, the writes hopes that the students ability of speaking can be
increasing, making them accustomed to speak as the goal of English subject at schools.
Shrouf,. (2011) states that by telling story, students can briefly summarize a tale or story they
heard from somebody beforehand, or they may create their own stories to tell their
classmates. Story telling fosters creative thinking. It also helps students express ideas in the
format of beginning, development, and ending, including the characters and setting a story
has to have. Students also can tell riddles or jokes. For instance, at the very beginning of each
class session, the teacher may call a few students to tell short riddles or jokes as an opening.

1.2 Research Questions

Referring to the background above, the writer formulates the questions below:
1. How is the implementation of Fiction Telling Stories in teaching speaking
narrative for eleventh graders of SMAN 1 Nganjuk?
2. How are the students responses toward the implementation of Fiction Telling
Stories in teaching speaking narrative for eleventh graders of SMAN 1 Nganjuk?


1.1 Definition of Speaking

Speaking is the same as oral interaction which are conventional ways of speaking
information, expressing our idea, and thought have in our mind (Nunan 1991:40).
Speaking is "the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and
non-verbal symbols, in a variety of contexts" (Chaney, 1998, p. 13). Speaking is an
interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and
processing information (Brown, 1994; Burns & Joyce, 1997).
1.2 The Component of Speaking
Every skill has a component to fulfil it is needs. Speaking also needs many components.
According to Vanderkevent (1990:8) there are three components in speaking.
a. The speakers are a people who produce the sound. They are useful as the tool to
express opinion or feelings to the hearer. So if there are no speakers, the opinion
or the feelings or the feeling wont be stated.
b. The listeners
Listeners are people who receive or get the speakers opinion or feeling. If there
are no listeners, speakers will express their opinion by writing.
c. The Utterances
The utterances are words or sentences, which are produced by the speakers to state
the opinion. If there is no utterance, both of the speakers and the listeners will use
1.2 Definition of Fiction Telling Stories
Fiction Telling Story is an activity of telling a narrative cronological occurance was
written in a short paragraph. For example is fable, fairy tale, narrative text, etc.
1.3 Steps in Fiction Telling Stories
Giving a theme
Making an outline
Developing into paragraph (full story)
Telling it in front of the class (individual / group)
Giving comments of each performance as peer correction
1.4 The Effectiveness of Fiction Telling Stories
The telling of stories to and fro helps to establish and maintain a supportive and
interactive classroom community of listening and telling.

Highlighting storytelling emphasises the value and diversity of oral language.

Storytelling and sharing enables the class to make sense of the world through a range of
diverse cultural perspectives.
Giving more opportunities to students to speak
Providing the students practice of speaking both fluency and accuracy



Research Design
Research design is a detailed outline of how an investigation will take place. A

research design will typically include how data is to be collected, what instruments will be
employed, how the instruments will be used and the intended means for analysing data
collected. Any research design can, in principle, use any type of data collection method and
can use either quantitative or qualitative data. Related to the writers study, the researcher

formulates the descriptive qualitative study report way. The design of descriptive qualitative
study begins with a general statement of a research problem or topic (Ary, 2010).
3.2 Subject of the Study
This study is conducted in SMAN 1 Nganjuk. The reason why that is this school
has two Special Classes with each of them consists of 30 students. It has been designed
so far for the effective learning and teaching process and also the comfort of situation.
3.3 Data of the Study
In this study, the researcher uses the observation sheet and also field note in
observing the implementation of fiction telling stories conducted by the teacher. Besides,
the writer also uses the interview note taken after the teaching and learning process in
classroom as a note to support the data by getting the students responses.
3.4 Instrument of the study
In this study, the researcher makes the observation sheet and field note. An
observation sheet is a note of report taken after the observation process in teaching and
learning carried out. It is made to know whether the implementation of certain technique
at class, especially Fiction telling stories has been accomplished or not. On the other
hand, field note is also made by the researcher to know more about the progress of the
activity done in the classroom.
3.5 Data Collection Technique
Data Collection is an important aspect of any type of research study. Inaccurate
data collection can impact the results of a study and ultimately lead to invalid results.
The technique used in collecting the data needed in this study is in two ways. They are
through the observation of teaching learning process and interview which is conducted to
the students. Regarding to this study, the researcher formulates the data collection
technique in the term of:
1. Observation
The observation is conducted during the learning process happened in
speaking class of XI IPA 1 SMAN 1 Nganjuk. It is completed by observing
the teaching and learning process using fiction telling stories technique. The
researcher here only sits at the end of seat rows by doing nothing, meaning
that the researcher is not involved in the learning process.
2. Interview
After the learning process is finished, the researcher does the interview
to students in order to get the students responses including their opinions,

feeling, etc. It is important because the note of interview can support the data
which cannot be gathered from observation during the learning process.
3.6 Data Analysis Technique
The data analysis technique is the way used to analyse the data related to the
research question in Chapter 1 to find the result and the discussion in order to get
conclusion. Ary et al (2010 : 480) states that data analysis is a process whereby
researcher systematically search and arrange the data in order to increase the
understanding of the data and to enable to present what they learned to others. After
doing the observation in classroom, the researcher conducts the interview to get
students responses related to the implementation of fiction telling stories by making
some questions, as they are:
1. How do you feel the implementation of fiction telling stories in teaching
speaking narrative monologue?
2. How has the fiction telling stories affected your speaking ability?
3. How is the difference of your speaking before and after the implementation
of fiction telling stories?
4. What can you get from the implementation of fiction telling stories
Thus, from the observation conducted in the classroom and interview taken to
students, the researcher gets the data.The information served at the data will show whether
the implementation of fiction telling stories technique is understandable by students. By
having analized them, the researcher can organize the information about the implementation
of fiction telling stories technique in real condition at classroom.

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