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F. Previews Research
Dwi Tanti, Fazri Nur Yusuf, in their research to the auntentic
and writing,

found that the use of authentic materials in writing

procedural text in English classes of a vocational school in Kuningan

was effective. They used experimental design by employing two
purposively sampling at eleventh graders. The test administered
shows the authentic materials are considered effective in improving
the students writing skills (tobt 10.909 > tcrit 2.000, r = 0.82).
They are particularly applicable into text structures, organization of
ideas, and presentation strategies. In addition, student-oriented
instructions may ease English teachers applying authentic materials
in their writing classes. Therefore, the teachers are encouraged to
take advantages of the materials in their day-to-day activities.
In addition, Urachai Rodngam in his research to the use of authentic materials
to enhance vocabulary for listening comprehension, 2 he aims at investigating the use
1 Dwi Tanti, Fazri Nur Yusuf, Authentic Materials In A Vocational School
Writing Class: Any advantage? , Joernal, UPI International Conference on Technical
and Vocational Education and Training: Bandung, Indonesia, 10-11 November

2 Urachai Rodngam, The Use of Authentic Materials to Enhance Vocabulary for Listening
Comprehension of Mathayomsuksa 6 Students in the English and Japanese Program Atwinitsuksa
School, Lopburi Province, Thailand, 2011.


of authentic materials to enhance vocabulary for listening comprehension and

studying the influences of authentic materials on students attitudes towards learning
English vocabulary for listening comprehension. He conducted this study with 45
high-school students who were taking a listening and speaking class during semester
2/2010 and studying in the English and Japanese Program (EJP) at Winitsuksa
School, Lopburi, Thailand. Based on the result of test analyzing, there was a
significant difference between listening comprehension pre-test and posttest (0.5 t 44
< -15.512 And significant level t = 0.001, p < 0.05.). The Score difference was 2.62
points on average. The overall scores of the listening comprehension posttest were
higher than those of the pre-test (X=13.40, S.D. =2.83 > X=10.77, S.D. = 2.50). the
result conluded that the use of authentic materials had a positive effect and helped
increase students performances, comfort and self-confidence when listening to the
target language. Responses to a questionnaire revealed that the influence of the use
of authentic materials had a positive effect on students attitudes and motivation to
learn the language. The findings of the study also imply that teachers can promote
positive student attitudes toward language learning by providing materials and
activities that meet the needs of students goals.
Siao-cing Guo, Using Authentic Materials for Extensive Reading to Promote
English Proficiency English Language Teaching,3 this research showed evidence of

3 Siao-cing Guo, Using Authentic Materials for Extensive Reading to Promote English Proficiency
English Language Teaching; Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education, Joernal. Vol. 5,
No. 8; 2012.


vocabulary gain and motivation increase as a result of extensive reading of authentic

texts. These positive findings were interesting enough to justify an incorporation of
extensive in-class or outside-of-class reading activity using authentic materials.
Authentic materials expose students to English usage as it is used in real life, thus
students may find them more interesting and relevant if they are at the right
comprehension level. Reading, an effective practice for vocabulary building, is thus
deemed important for both reading comprehension and reading fluency. It can serve
as a complement to intensive class reading instructions.
Extensive reading provides vocabulary not only in a large quantity but also in
lexical contexts that are more meaningful to students. The reading also provides a
wonderful source of information to expand studentsknowledge which otherwise may
be limited to course textbooks.

Hypothesis of the Study

According to Arikuntoro hypothesis is a temporary answer to the research

problem until it is proved by the data that will be collected4 There are two hypothesis
of the research, namely alternative hypothesis and null hypothesis. Based on the
explaination above, the hypothesis of this research are :
1. The alternative hypothesis (Ha) is the use of authentic material effective
towards students ability in comprehending of procedure text

Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian : Suatu
PendekatanPraktik,Cet V, (Jakarta : Rineka Cipta,2002), p.64


for the First grade of MAS Syamsuddhuha in academic year

2. The null hypothesis (Ho) is not an effective use of authentic material
towards students ability in comprehending of procedure text
for the First grade of MAS Syamsuddhuha in academic year

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