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1. The students will be able to understand well what is paraphrasing.
2. Stimulate the sense of appreciation of the students in acknowledging
ones work.
3. To foster active participation through class discussions and activities.


Topic: Paraphrasing
Reference: Internet
Materials: Visual Aids, Module, Audio file-We are the Reason
Strategies: Discussion, Presenting some Examples and a Small Group Work


Teachers Activity


Students Activity


Today we are going to play a game and

try to figure out what is the word.
Answer: Paraphrasing


Analyze the process of Paraphrasing

3 ways to represent the work or

ideas of another author in your
You can quote the author
You can summarize the
authors point or findings
You can paraphrase the
authors text
Why worry about paraphrasing?
Your ability to restate ideas in
your own words signals to
your readers that you

Original Source Material

Developing complex skills in the
classroom involves the key ingredients
identified in teaching pigeons to play
ping-pong and to bowl. The key
ingredients are: (1) inducing a
response, (2) reinforcing subtle
improvements or refinements in the
behavior, (3) providing for the transfer
of stimulus control by gradually
withdrawing the prompts or cues, and
(4) scheduling reinforcements so that

understand the subject

In education and psychology,
the use of long quotes is not
Paraphrasing allows you to
succinctly compare, contrast,
and synthesize the ideas of
scholars in your field.
Paraphrasing allows you to
represent the ideas of others
and demonstrate how your
own ideas relate to and build
on the ideas of other
Paraphrasing correctly avoids
inadvertent plagiarism.

When paraphrasing correctly it is not

To change one or even a few
To rearrange the words
To replace the words with
To omit a few words
To change the punctuation
To reorder the phrases in a
To reorder the sentences in a

the ratio of reinforcements in

responses gradually increases and
natural reinforcers can maintain their
Source: Gredler, M. E. (2001).
Learning and instruction: Theory into
practice (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Plagiarized Version
Inducing a response, providing for the
transfer of stimulus control by gradually
withdrawing prompts or cues,
reinforcing subtle improvements in the
behavior, and scheduling
reinforcements so that natural
reinforces can maintain their behavior
are the key ingredients identified both
in teaching pigeons to play ping-pong
and in developing complex skills in the
Unplagiarized Version
According to Gredler (2001), the same
factors apply to developing complex
skills in a classroom setting as to
developing complex skills in any
setting. A response must be induced,
then reinforced as it gets closer to the
desired behavior. Reinforcers have to
be scheduled carefully, and cues have
to be withdrawn gradually so that the
new behaviors can be transferred and

Paraphrasing correctly
Accurately reflect the authors
Cite the authors last name
Note the year of publication
Use your own words
Use your own sentence
When you paraphrase longer
passages, you should also try
to restructure the order in
which the ideas are
Tips and strategies for successful
Always recheck the
paraphrasing in the final
version of your paper.

Make sure you used your

own words.
Make sure you used your
own sentence structure.
Make sure the paraphrased
text still accurately reflects
the meaning communicated
in the original source

Deep understanding of the material
Reread the passage you
intend to paraphrase
Highlight the ideas that
support your argument
Without looking at the
original passage write the
important ideas in your own
Check to make sure that
you have reworded,
rephrased, and restructured
the text.
Paraphrasing is really about
Understanding a passage
Internalizing the meaning of
the text
Restating the important
points in your own voice.


An Evaluation paper will be distributed to the students:
1. Activity 1: Let us Paraphrase (10 points)-The class will be divided into 5
groups, and afterwards the facilitator shall play his mp3 file, which is the
activity itself and he should distribute a copy of lyrics to the groups. The
selected song is We are the Reasons.
Instruction: The group shall only choose 2 lyrical stanzas in the given song
lyrics and they must paraphrase the lyrics according on how they
comprehend the meaning of the song. They can make use of strategies and
techniques that they have learned throughout the discussion.

Lyrics: We Are the Reason by Avalon

As little children / We would dream of Christmas more /
Of all the gifts and toys / We knew we'd find / But we
never realized / A baby born one blessed night / Gave us
the greatest gift of our lives
We were the reason / That He gave His life / We were the
reason / That He suffered and died / To a world that was
lost / He gave all He could give / To show us the reason
to live
As the years went by / We learned more about gifts / The
giving of ourselves / And what that means / On a dark
and cloudy day / A man hung crying in the rain / All
because of love, all because of love
We were the reason / That He gave His life / We were the
reason / That He suffered and died / To a world that was
lost / He gave all He could give / To show us the reason
to live
I've finally found the reason for living / It's in giving every
part of my heart to Him / In all that I do every word that I
say / I'll be giving my all just for Him, for Him
We were the reason / That He gave His life / We were the
reason / That He suffered and died / To a world that was
lost / He gave all He could give /To show us the reason to
live /He is my reason to live
2. Activity 2: I Appreciate Paraphrasing or IAP (10
points)-The group will enumerate 5 importance of
paraphrasing, which the facilitator didnt discuss. The
students will be challenge here if they really appreciate
Instruction: Give at least 5 importance of
paraphrasing and explain


1. The students will be able to understand well what is
sequencing paragraph and how it is use.
2. To foster active participation and develop a sound
socialization through activities.


Topic: Sequencing Paragraph
Reference: Internet
Materials: Visual Aids, Module, Audio file-Forever Young
Strategies: Discussion, Presenting some Examples and a
Small Group Work


Teachers Activity

Students Activity

Just like paraphrasing, sequencing
paragraph is also important in a
college success. A proper sequence
of a paragraph means that your
ideas are in logical order, which can
makes your composition easy to
understand and not redundant, and
makes your topic to be more
emphasize and consistent until at
the end of the composition. There
are varieties of way in sequencing
In a sequencing paragraph, you are
writing to describe a series of
events or a process in some sort of
order. Usually, this order is based
on time. Example: Write a
paragraph outlining how a person
becomes the Prime Minister.The
following words can help you to
write a good sequence paragraph


Read the Passage Aloud:

How to Become a Prime Minister?
First, you need to become a leader
of a political party. Second, you
need to win a seat in the House of
Commons. Third, your party must
have a majority of seats. Both
Vancouver and Halifax have rain in
the spring. In the beginning, you
need to become a leader of a
political party. Before becoming the
prime minister, you need to become
the leader of a political party. Then,
you must win a seat in the House of
Commons. After winning a seat in
the House of Commons, you must
make sure you have a majority of
seats. Finally, after all these steps,
you can call yourself the Prime
Minister. At last, you can call
yourself the Prime Minister.
Subsequently, you must make sure
you have a majority of seats in the
House of Commons.

1. Activity (30 points)- The class will be divided into
5 groups, and afterwards the facilitator shall play
his mp3 file, which is the activity itself and he
should distribute a copy of lyrics to the groups. The
selected song is Forever Young by One Direction.
Instruction: Each group shall make a SEQUENCING
PARAGRAPH, according on how they comprehend and
interpret the songs. You can make use of whatever
approach and genre you want, as long as it is related to
the song.
The ideas shall be in a logical order, clear, properly
organized, easily to understand, and has message, which
is related to the message of the song. Making a title for
your work is optional.

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