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700 Park AvemJe • Titusville, F.lori do 32780 -4095 • 1321i 2 64-5 201 • FOil (321) 264·536

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January 29. 2007
Houh ,.,.cinC'l
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, l~ " : 2 f. '· s :; ,~a Special Agent in Charge

"r:, •.n j: :~~H~ 1 Immigration and Customs En,folrCE!m,ent
2203 North Louis Ayenue
,..cei nd
( ... t Suite 300
~ S .:r, C~ ...,noyl'kwy. Tampa, Florida 33607
Mu r."t .';:" ."IJ. FL ]2!I~l
!~ ' .: 4 h· "; ~5
RE: 287g Program
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COIIII... ror h~d"C'I

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CCF ~ C~'>C\. : G'. fl 31910 The Brevard County Sheriff's Offic:e requests four slots for the next cross
rl ~ l: (6ft· l :ll designation training for Correctjons Officers assigned to the Brevard County
f<:1,1~" : ~ ~·~ j.!O Jail Complex.

vr..t "'o:cinc1 Career De....elopment Officer at the Jail Complex. is

a!~' Jd'J" flGfI JoJ"''' ''CII more information, She can be reached at (321) 690-
'0'10,.11:.19 t
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700 Park Avenue * Titu sville. Flo rida 32780·40 95 * (321) 264·520 1 * Fa' (321) 264·5360
August 11, 2009
Florida Sheriffs P.uociotia!l
National Sheriffs ~:ian
Michael D. Rozos
COl\o.... rol Prednct
11 1 Pol>,A~u'
18201 S.W. I2'h Street
CApe ConO\'ef01. fl32920 ICE Field Office Director
(321)668-1113 Miami , Florida 33194
(121)764-a340 feu

'0 ("I~ Htvp Bo' lo1VC ,d
r"'~Je, fl.l2955 2203 North Lois Avenue Suite 600
i321163~499 I.C.E. Special Agent in Charge
l32l) 633-8403 fo~ Tampa, Florida 33607
Eost Prednd
2575 N, Courtenay Ph,),.
RE: Tennination of the MOA under Provision of Section XX
Mwitt 1 ~lor>d, FL 32953
(321)454.6631 lux Dear Mr. Rozos,
Jail Complex
860 Camp Rood
This letter is to advise Tmmigration and Customs Enforcement, Department of
Cocoa, Fl32927 Homeland Security that the Brevard County Sheriff's Office a/kJa Brevard County
(3211 690.1500 Jail is tenninating its participation in the 287 (g) program.
(321) 63S.7800 fo~
Under the provision of Section XX Duration and Tennination of said MOA , either
North Precinct
700 Pork Avenue
party upon written notice to the other party, may tenninate the MOA at any time.
TItUS\'ille. Fl32780 This shaH serve as your notice.
(321) 264.5208
(J2l) 264·5359 fo ~ Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this partnership with I.e.E.
South Precillct
!il!)Swno Rd, Bklg 8
Sincerel y,
M~lboume. Fl32935
(321) 253.6658
(321) 253-6666 fill

2575 N Cocrt8llOY P'rwy
ack ker
Merritt Island, fl32953 County Sheriff's Office
(32 1) 454-6643
(321, ~54.6642 fOJ

Wu t Preeillet
2725 Judge fron Jamieson
Woy, Bldg. E cc:
Viero, FL 32940
(321) 633.2123
Office a/the Assistant Secrernry

U.S. Department of Homeland Security

500 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20536

u.s. Immigration
and Customs

Jack Parker
Brevard County Sheriff's Office
700 S Park Avenue
Titusville, FL 32780

Dear Sheriff Parker:

Please accept this letter as formal notification that the 287(g) Delegation of Authority
agreement between U.S. Immigration and Custom s Enforcement (ICE) and the Brevard County
Sheriffs Office (BCSO) is terminated. On August 28, 2009, ICE was notified by letter that
BCSO no longer wanted to participate in the 287(g) Delegation of Authority program.

Please know that ICE val ues its partnership with your office, and we will continue to work
together to ensure our mutual commitment to public safety produces tangible results for your

Thank for your paltnership with ICE. We look forward to working with you in the future on
enforcement matters where we share a mutual interest. If you have any questions regarding
any oflCE' s state and local partnersh ip programs, please do not hesitate to contact me at (202)
732· b 6

Sincerel y,

U~ ' i1
William F. Riley
Acting Executive Director
Office of State and Local Coordination

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