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Name: _____________________________

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1. What is a stress?
a. It is a normal physical response to events that make you feel threatened
or upset your balance in some way.
b. The burden of physical or mental distress.
c. A feeling of nervousness that makes you unable to relax.
d. It is excessive physical or mental tension.

2. What is a fight stress response according to Psychologist Connie Lillas?

a. A withdrawn, or depressed. You shut down, pull away, space out, and
show very little energy or emotion.
b. An angry, agitated. Youre heated, keyed up, overly emotional, and unable
to sit still.
c. A tense. You become frozen under pressure and cant do anything. You
look paralyzed, but under the surface youre extremely agitated.
d. It is the total opposite of acute stress; its not exciting and thrilling, but
dangerous and unhealthy.

3. What is a freeze stress response according to Psychologist Connie Lillas?

a. A withdrawn, or depressed. You shut down, pull away, space out, and
show very little energy or emotion.
b. An angry, agitated. Youre heated, keyed up, overly emotional, and unable
to sit still.
c. A tense. You become frozen under pressure and cant do anything. You
look paralyzed, but under the surface youre extremely agitated.
d. It is the total opposite of acute stress; its not exciting and thrilling, but
dangerous and unhealthy.
4. What is a flight stress response according to Psychologist Connie Lillas?
a. A withdrawn, or depressed. You shut down, pull away, space out, and
show very little energy emotion.
b. An angry, agitated. Youre heated, keyed up, overly emotional, and unable
to sit still.
c. A tense. You become frozen under pressure and cant do anything. You
look paralyzed, but under the surface youre extremely agitated.
d. It is a total opposite of acute stress; its not exciting and thrilling, but
dangerous and unhealthy.
5. What are the cognitive symptoms of stress?
a. Memory problems
b. Inability to concentrate
c. Poor judgment
d. All of the above.

6. What is the most common kind of stress?


Chronic stress
Episodic acute stress
Acute stress
None of the above.

7. What is an episodic acute stress?

a. It is usually seen in people who make self-inflicted, unrealistic or
unreasonable demands which get all clamored up and bring too much
stress in their attempt to accomplish these goals.
b. It is the most wildly experienced one.
c. It is the total opposite of acute stress; its not exciting and thrilling, but
dangerous and unhealthy.
d. All of the above.

8. What is a chronic stress?

a. It is usually seen in people who make self-inflicted, unrealistic or
unreasonable demands which get all clamored up and bring too much
stress in their attempt to accomplish these goals.
b. It is the most wildly experienced one.
c. It is the total opposite of acute stress; its not exciting and thrilling, but
dangerous and unhealthy.
d. All of the above.

9. The causes of stress are known as _______________.

a. Stressors
b. Daily hassles
c. Excess anger
d. Exams

10.These are the two (2) sources of stressors.

a. Psychological and social stressors
b. Family and social stressors
c. Internal and External Stressors
d. Family and Psychological stressors

11.The majority of causes of stress that we face on a day-to-day basis are not as
extreme as life events.
The day-to-day causes of stress are called
a. Daily Hassles
b. Social Stressors
c. Psychological Stressors

12. Psychological stressors impinge upon the five senses and pertain to the
domain of the tangible and concrete. These are stress triggers that we can
see, hear, touch, smell or taste.
a. True, it is Psychological stressors.
b. False, it is Daily Hassles.
c. False, it is Physical stressors.
d. Both a and b

13.The following are examples of Physical stressors, except:

a. Poor diet
b. Sleep debt
c. Illness
d. Time pressures

14.Environmental Stressors are consist of the following ,except:

a. Poverty
b. Personality
c. Only b
d. All of the above

15. A common cause of workplace stress that pertains to the heavy workload,
long work hours, infrequent breaks, routine tasks, not enough time to
complete a job.
a. Work roles
b. Environmental concerns
c. Management style
d. Task design

16.The following are stress-management facts except:

a. While elimination of stress is unrealistic, management of stress is an
attainable and realistic goal that can be achieved by a number of
b. Stress-management techniques include relaxation techniques, timemanagement skills, counseling or group therapy, exercise, and
maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle.
c. There are hundreds of different relaxation techniques to help manage
stress, including yoga, guided imagery, biofeedback, tai chi, qigong, and
progressive muscle relaxation.
d. It is any physical, chemical, or emotional factors that do not causes bodily
or mental unrest.

17.One of the strategies of stress management is to alter the situation which

includes the following except one:
a. Change yourself
b. Expressing your feelings
c. Be assertive
d. Managing your time better

18.One of the effective stress management strategies is making fun or

relaxation. The following are healthy ways to relax except:
a. Go for a walk
b. Call a good friend
c. Take a long bath
d. None of the above

19.If you feel you can't cope with or manage stress on your own or you are faced
with unbearable stress, the following are effective resources that can help.
Which of them show that people with a balanced, happy social support
structure (consisting of friends, family, loved ones, or even pets) experience
fewer stress-related symptoms and are better stress managers than people
without social support.
a. Check in with your doctor.
b. Consider counseling
c. Take a course
d. Spend time with those you love

20.This means taking better control of the way you're spending your time and
energy so you can handle stress more effectively.
a. control your environment
b. Organize yourself
c. Feed yourself
d. Be aware of yourself


1. This means taking better control of the way you're spending your time and
energy so you can handle stress more effectively.
a. control your environment
b. Organize yourself
c. Feed yourself
d. Be aware of yourself

2. One of the effective stress management strategies is making fun or

relaxation. The following are healthy ways to relax except:
a. Go for a walk
b. Call a good friend
c. Take a long bath
d. None of the above

3. What is a stress?
a. It is a normal physical response to events that make you feel threatened
or upset your balance in some way.
b. The burden of physical or mental distress.
c. A feeling of nervousness that makes you unable to relax.
d. It is excessive physical or mental tension.

4. What is an episodic acute stress?

a. It is usually seen in people who make self-inflicted, unrealistic or
unreasonable demands which get all clamored up and bring too much
stress in their attempt to accomplish these goals.
b. It is the most wildly experienced one.
c. It is the total opposite of acute stress; its not exciting and thrilling, but
dangerous and unhealthy.
d. All of the above.

5. The majority of causes of stress that we face on a day-to-day basis are not as
extreme as life events.
The day-to-day causes of stress are called
a. Daily Hassles
b. Social Stressors
c. Psychological Stressors

6. A common cause of workplace stress that pertains to the heavy workload,

long work hours, infrequent breaks, routine tasks, not enough time to
complete a job.
a. Work roles
b. Environmental concerns
c. Management style
d. Task design

7. What is a fight stress response according to Psychologist Connie Lillas?

a. A withdrawn, or depressed. You shut down, pull away, space out, and
show very little energy or emotion.

b. An angry, agitated. Youre heated, keyed up, overly emotional, and unable
to sit still.
c. A tense. You become frozen under pressure and cant do anything. You
look paralyzed, but under the surface youre extremely agitated.
d. It is the total opposite of acute stress; its not exciting and thrilling, but
dangerous and unhealthy

8. The following are stress-management facts except:

a. While elimination of stress is unrealistic, management of stress is an
attainable and realistic goal that can be achieved by a number of
b. Stress-management techniques include relaxation techniques, timemanagement skills, counseling or group therapy, exercise, and
maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle.
c. There are hundreds of different relaxation techniques to help manage
stress, including yoga, guided imagery, biofeedback, tai chi, qigong, and
progressive muscle relaxation.
d. It is any physical, chemical, or emotional factors that do not causes bodily
or mental unrest.

9. Psychological stressors impinge upon the five senses and pertain to the
domain of the tangible and concrete. These are stress triggers that we can
see, hear, touch, smell or taste.
a. True, it is Psychological stressors.
b. False, it is Daily Hassles.
c. False, it is Physical stressors.
e. Both a and b

10.What is a freeze stress response according to Psychologist Connie Lillas?

a. A withdrawn, or depressed. You shut down, pull away, space out, and
show very little energy or emotion.
b. An angry, agitated. Youre heated, keyed up, overly emotional, and unable
to sit still.
c. A tense. You become frozen under pressure and cant do anything. You
look paralyzed, but under the surface youre extremely agitated.
d. It is the total opposite of acute stress; its not exciting and thrilling, but
dangerous and unhealthy.

11.These are the two (2) sources of stressors.

a. Psychological and social stressors
b. Family and social stressors
c. Internal and External Stressors
d. Family and Psychological stressors

12.What are the cognitive symptoms of stress?

a. Memory problems
b. Inability to concentrate
c. Poor judgment
d. All of the above.

13.What is a chronic stress?

a. It is usually seen in people who make self-inflicted, unrealistic or
unreasonable demands which get all clamored up and bring too much
stress in their attempt to accomplish these goals.
b. It is the most wildly experienced one.
c. It is the total opposite of acute stress; its not exciting and thrilling, but
dangerous and unhealthy.
d. All of the above.

14.One of the strategies of stress management is to alter the situation which

includes the following except one:
a. Change yourself
b. Expressing your feelings
c. Be assertive
d. Managing your time better

15.What is a flight stress response according to Psychologist Connie Lillas?

a. A withdrawn, or depressed. You shut down, pull away, space out, and
show very little energy emotion.
b. An angry, agitated. Youre heated, keyed up, overly emotional, and unable
to sit still.
c. A tense. You become frozen under pressure and cant do anything. You
look paralyzed, but under the surface youre extremely agitated.
d. It is a total opposite of acute stress; its not exciting and thrilling, but
dangerous and unhealthy.

16.Environmental Stressors are consist of the following,except:

a. Poverty
b. Personality
c. Only b
d. All of the above

17.If you feel you can't cope with or manage stress on your own or you are faced
with unbearable stress, the following are effective resources that can help.
Which of them show that people with a balanced, happy social support

structure (consisting of friends, family, loved ones, or even pets) experience

fewer stress-related symptoms and are better stress managers than people
without social support.
a. Check in with your doctor.
b. Consider counseling
c. Take a course
d. Spend time with those you love

18.A common cause of workplace stress that pertains to the heavy workload,
long work hours, infrequent breaks, routine tasks, not enough time to
complete a job.
a. Work roles
b. Environmental concerns
c. Management style
d. Task design

19.The causes of stress are known as _______________.

a. Stressors
b. Daily hassles
c. Excess anger
d. Exams

20.The following are examples of Physical stressors, except:

a. Poor diet
b. Sleep debt
c. Illness
d. Time pressures

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