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DESIGNATION\GRADE: 1-Very 4- dissatisfi
GENDER: satisfied 2- Dissatisf ed/stron
/strongly Satisfied ied/disa gly
LOCATION: agree /agree 3-No comments
gree disagree

1 I have a good understanding of the mission and goals of this organisation.

2 I understand how my work contributes to the overall success of the organisation.
3 My superior provides me regular information about the organisation strategic goals.


4 There is an adequate communication between the departments.

5 My manager/supervisor clearly communicate what is expected of me.
6 I can freely communicate & ask for the advise and support from my manager.
7 My views are asked for & my views are listened to.
8 Information and knowledge are shared openly within this organisation.
9 I am kept informed of department results against targets.
10 My key responsibility area (KRA) are clearly communicated to me.
11 If I have a suggestion to improve service & employee work condition, My voice is heard.


11 My manager always treats me with respect.

12 My manager/supervisor encourages high achievement by reducing the fear of failure.
13 Our senior managers demonstrate strong leadership skill.
14 My top management communicates well with all the employees of the organisation.
15 My manger is effective in decision making.


16 I have the required information I need to do a great job.

17 I understand how I contribute to the success of the organisation.
18 There is a strong feeling of team work and cooperation in the organisation.
19 My group works well together to accomplish our organisational goals.


20 I am fairly rewarded for the job I do.

21 My knowledge and skills are fully utilized
22 Showing initiative is encouraged.
23 I receive recognition for work well done.


24 I have been trained to do my current job.

25 I get constructive feedback on my performance.
26 My appraisal helps me in planning for the future.
27 I have adequate opportunities for professional growth in the organisation.

28 This is a good organisation to work for & I would recommend this organisation.
29 The organisation meets or exceeds my expectations.
30 I am a motivated and satisfied employee.
31 I am satisfied with the current appraisal system and get sufficient feedback.


32 My manager treats all his or her employees fairly.

33 Organisations policies for promotion and advancement are always fair.
34 Favoritism is not an issue in promotion.
35 My manager is always consistent when administering policies concerning employees.
36 My organisation respects its employees
37 Men and women are provided with equal opportunities.


38 My salary is competative with similar jobs outside.

39 I am paid fairly for the work I do.
40 I understand my benefit package.
41 I am paid on time.


42 I have a resource I need to do my job well.

43 My workplace is physically comfortable to work.
44 Concern is shown for my health and safety at work.


45 My manager understands the importance of maintaining a balance between work and personal life
46 I am not forced to choose between job and family obligations.
47 My job does not cause unreasonable amounts of stress in my personal life.

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