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Our PRM Clinic Division, including with its RDI Department The National Reference Centre for

NeuroRehabilitation is one of the first units in Romania that used Deep Oscillation, starting two
years ago. Since then, we have administrated this procedure to about 100 patients and it was very well
tolerated, with no reported discomfort or any other adverse reactions.
All patients showed a great interest for this physiatric method, found it anodyne and, in the same time,
extremely comfortable and relaxing.
Specifically, based on a prospective pilot study, we have carried out last year, on patients with
entheso/osteoarthritis mainly of spine, hip, shoulder, we have statistically objectified significant
improvements of the following parameters: local pain and range of motion, and respectively the degree
of patients satisfaction in relation to this specific therapy. Additionally, an important advantage of this
method is its applicability over skeleton segments with metallic implants.
Taking into account all the afore mentioned qualities, we consider Deep Oscillation, if correctly
prescribed and applied, a valuable and efficient physiotherapeutic tool and we strongly recommend its
wider clinical use.
Clinica noastr de Recuperare i Nucleul de Cercetare tiinific aferent Centrul Naional de
Referin pentru NeuroReabilitare, este una dintre primele uniti din Romnia care a utlizat Deep
Oscillation, ncepnd de acum doi ani. De atunci, am administrat aceast procedur la circa 100 de
pacieni i a fos foarte bine tolerat, neprovocnd disconfort sau reacii adverse.
Toi pacienii i-au exprimat un interes deosebit pentru aceast procedur pe care au apreciat-o ca fiind
anodin, extrem de confortabil i relaxant.
Concret, pe baza ununui studiu prospectiv pilot, pe care l-am efectuat anul trecut, la pacieni cu
patologie degenerativ entezo-osteo-articular, predominant la nivelul coloanei vertebrale, oldurilor i
umerilor, am obiectivat statistic ameliorri semnificative ale parametrilor: durere i grad de mobilitate
locale, i respectiv, nivelul de satisfacie al pacienilor n raport cu aceast form de terapie. n plus,
un avantaj important al acestei metode este aplicabilitatea sa pe zone aflate deasupra unor segmente
scheletale cu implanturi metalice.
Avnd n vedere toate calitile expuse, considerm c Deep Oscillation, corect indicat, prescris i
aplicat, este un instrument fizioterapeutic valoros i eficient, a crui extindere a utilizrii o
recomandm clduros.


Senior Physician of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM) and of Gerontology & Geriatrics (GG)
Senior Scientific Researcher of Ist Degree
Head of the M6 Chair, at the (State) University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila", in Bucharest
President of the Romanian Society for Neurorehabilitation (RoSNeRa) - affiliated to the World
Federation for Neurorehabilitation (WFNR) and Member of the Management Committee of WFNR
President of the Romanian Spinal Cord Society (RoSCoS) - affiliated to the International Spinal Cord
Society (ISCoS) and to the European Spinal Cord Injury Federation (ESCIF)
Member of the Romanian Society of Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine's Board
Hospital (ex) RDI Director and Head of the P(neural-muscular)RM Discipline/ Clinic Division - the
National Reference Centre for Neurorehabilitation - and of its RDI Nucleus (at the) Teaching
Emergency Hospital "Bagdasar-Arseni", Berceni Av., No.12, postal code: 041915, 4th Sector,
Bucharest, Romania; Tel: +4021/ 3343025 (6,7)/ 1001; Fax: +4021/ 3347350, or: +4021/ 3343042;
Mobile phone: +40744423342; +40732220108; E-mail:

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