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School: cls.I-VIII Traian

Teacher: Grigore Mihaela Andreea
Date: October, 29th 2008
Form: VIIth
Topic: Comics
Textbook: High Flyer
Skills involved: speaking, listening, reading, writing
Materials: textbook, blackboard, handouts
Aims: to develop oral and written skills
Interaction: frontal,individual and group work
Lesson objectives:
- to talk about the comics presented in the lesson
- to skim a text for general meaning
- to develop listening and comprehension skills
-to reinforce grammar knowledge about present simple and present continuous
Assumptions: Ss have already learnt present simple and present continuous
Anticipated problems: Because of the Ss low level of knowledge(most of them except
three Ss) some oral commands and tasks wiil be translated into Romanian.
Activity 1
Aim:-to warm Ss up
Interaction: Ss-t,T-S
Procedure: T greets class and inquires about Ss mood.T asks for absentees and
assures that Ss did their homework.
Activity 2
Aim: - to check previous taught knowledge and homework (concerning present tense
simple and continuous)
Interaction: T-Ss,Ss-T
Procedure:Teacher asks Ss to read homework and write the answers on the
blackboard(if necessary)
Activity 3
Aim: - to consolidate Ss knowledge concerning present simple and continuous

Interaction: whole class
Procedure: Ss. are asked to continue the execise on the handout they were given the
class before.It is checked orally and the verb forms are written on the blackboard
Activity 4(lead-in)
Aim:-to introduce the topic concerning comics
Interaction:whole class
Procedure:Ss are asked to have a quick look at page 14 and say what they see.T elicits
the fact that it contains pictures from comics.T also shows Ss a comic(Media kinder
magazine-revista educativa de banda desenata)
Activity 5
Aim: - to match the comics with the names
Timing: 2
Interaction: T-Ss,S-S
Procedure: Ss. have to match the comics and the names(ex. 1 page 14)
Activity 6
Aim: - to get a general idea about the subject matter(skimming the text)
Timing: 5
Interaction:individual work
Procedure: T. asks Ss. To run their eyes quickly down the text and pick out words which
tell them about the content(ex 2)
Activity 7
Aim:- to pre-teach vocabulary
Timing: 3
Interaction: T-Ss
Procedure: T. pre-teaches words like: to collect, comic (magazine), retired, character.Ss
write them in the notebooks.
Activity 8
Aim: - to practice intensive reading

Procedure: Ps. are given time to read out the article. They choose the best title (a-d)ex.3 and give arguments for their choice
Activity 9
Aim:- to have an after reading activity
Procedure: T. gives Ss. To answer some questions concerning the text(ex.4).If time does
not permit ,this ex.can be given as homework
Activity 10 - Optional(as homework,if ex 4 is finished during the class)
Aim:- to improve their abilities to describe a character
Procedure: T. asks Ss to write about their favourite cartoon or comic character

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