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h-spice aplac analog insydes

*-Definicion de elementos, nombre, separadores

*-Definicion de barridos, no t,w,T, de componentes
-Como se checan los errores en parmetros
el parmetro de debe definir asi
*-llamada a un particular ( si es que existe) mtodo de integracin?
-Errores en nodos. Autolazo, no connect
*-Como se dan las condiciones iniciales para capacitores en el tiempo?
*-Start point en dc, como se da? Si es que hay manera
De donde arranca mi mtodo interno de hallar el punto de operacin en
voltaje o en corriente

Pag. 35 tutorial

Analog Insydes

Definicion de elementos:
{reference designator, {connectivity list},value field}
The reference designator is a unique name by which a particular circuit element can
be distinguished
from all other elements in the same netlist.
The connectivity list specifies the nodes of the circuit to which the terminals of an
element are
the values of circuit elements need not be purely numerical quantities. Since
Mathematica is capable of performing mathematical calculations symbolically, the
element values may also be any symbolic or mixed symbolic/numeric expressions.

Barridos de elementos
Pag. 282
{symbol, {f1, , fm}}
{symbol, start, stop, incr}

{{symb1->f11, , symbn->f1n}, ,
{symb1->fm1, , symbn->fmn}}

symbol has values f1, , fm
equivalent to {symbol, Range[start,
stop, incr]}
First, symb1 has value f11,
, and
symbn has value f1n, and so forth. In the
last step, symb1 has value fm1, ,
and symbn

has value fmn

combinations of the above sweep
The following example shows valid parameter sweeps:


, sweepm}

{{R1, {100, 1000, 10000}},

{V1, 1, 5, 1},
{{P1 -> 10, P2 -> 20}, {P1 -> 20, P2 -> 10}}}

Condiciones iniciales
Initial conditions
With the InitialCondition option (see Section 3.1.4), you can specify initial currents
and voltages
for the dynamic elements Inductor (Section 4.2.6) and Capacitor (Section 4.2.5),
respectively. If no
initial condition is given explicitly, it will be assumed to be zero (AC analysis) or will
be calculated
automatically from the operating-point data (transient analysis).

{refdes, {nodes}, Value -> value,

Symbolic -> symbolicvalue,
Pattern -> pattern,
Type -> type,
InitialCondition -> initialcondition}
{C1, {2, 0}, Value -> C1, InitialCondition -> V0}

Start point en DC
The option InitialGuess allows for explicitly specifying an initial guess for the
Newton iteration
when computing the operating point. Note that missing variables are set to zero.
The default setting
is InitialGuess -> Automatic, which means that all variables have the initial value
zero. Possible
option values are as follows:

Automatic uses zero values as initial guess

{var1 -> value1,
} uses specified values as initial guess and sets values not
specified to zero
Values for the InitialGuess option.

Cambiar metodo de integracion,analog usa mathematica para sus metodos

que por default es FindRoot
The option NonlinearMethod allows for choosing between different algorithms for

solving nonlinear equation systems. The default setting is NonlinearMethod ->

FindRoot. Valid
option values are as follows:

FindRoot uses Mathematicas numerical equation solver FindRoot

NewtonIteration uses multi-dimensional Newton-Raphson implementation
Values for the NonlinearMethod option.

h-spice aplac analog insydes

*-Definicion de elementos, nombre, separadores
-Definicion de barridos, no t,w,T, de componentes
*-Como se checan los errores en parmetros
el parmetro de debe definir asi
*-llamada a un particular ( si es que existe) mtodo de integracin?
-Errores en nodos. Autolazo, no connect
*-Como se dan las condiciones iniciales para capactiores en el tiempo?
-Start point en dc, como se da? Si es que hay manera
De donde arranca mi mtodo interno de hallar el punto de operacin en
voltaje o en corriente

The basic structure and application of each component, analysis statement or function is
described on a reference page. In this example, some details from the reference page for
Resistor are used.
VCCS, VCVS, CCCS, CCVS, CSource, Res, Cap, and Ind.

Res name n1 n2 value $ The statement name is given, along with arguments
$ Other obligatory parameters may be included, with or without comments

$ Optional parameters are described in a table below

+ [ Optional parameters ]
$ Common parameters that are also used in
$ other statements are described as indicated
+ [ Common model parameters ]
+ [ Global microstrip substrate parameters (Msub) ]
+ [ Global stripline substrate parameters (Ssub) ]
+ [ Global suspended substrate parameters (Sssub) ]
+ [ Analysis parameters ]
+ [ Electrothermal parameters ]

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