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Mississippi Pultrusion

Pultrusion Research Report of The University of Mississippi

Composite Materials Research Group
Fall 2001/Winter 2002
201 Carrier Hall  University, Mississippi 38677  E-Mail:  (662) 915-5378

Recent Publications
Ellen Lackey, Kapil Inamdar, Leah
Worrel, Walid Al-Akhdar, and D. A.
Wostratzky, Demonstration and Development of Filament Winding using
Photoinitiated Resins, RadTech Report, May/June, pp. 36 42, 2001.
Brief Abstract: Photoinitiated resins
offer an alternative to resin systems
utilizing peroxide catalysts that are
typically used with the filament winding process. Results from the filament winding experiments demonstrate that photoinitiated resins are viable materials for use with composites processing. A desired combination of through cure and surface cure
was achieved when a combination of
BAPO and AHK was used.
Ellen Lackey, James G. Vaughan, and
Michael Frazier, Experimental Examination of the Use of Self-Tapping
Screw for Mechanical Attachments,
Revolutionary Materials: Technology
and Economics International
SAMPE Technical Conference Series,
Vol. 32, pp. 484 497, 2000.
Brief Abstract: The major focus of
the study was the use of self-tapping
screws for mechanical attachments to
SCRIMPed FRP sandwich panels
with a balsa core. Evaluation of the
self-tapping screw attachments was
conducted under static uniaxial loading, static shear loading, and combined shear and axial static loading.
Discussion of both failure loads and
failure mechanisms seen for the selftapping screw attachments is presented.
S. U. K.
continued on back page...

CMRG Researchers Team with J. M. Huber

Engineered Materials Division Researchers
to Understand the Effects of Kaolin Clay
Fillers in Pultrusion
Researchers at the Composite mary crystals that occur in the
Materials Research Group form of pseudo-hexagonal plate(CMRG) at the University of Mis- lets. In the selection of a mineral
sissippi (UM) have recently been filler for composite processing,
involved in a research study de- two main characteristics to be consigned to improve the understand- sidered are cost and performance.
ing of the effects that inorganic Differences in physical and chemifillers have in pultrusion. This re- cal properties among different
search is being conducted with re- kaolin clays may affect the persearchers from the Engineer Mate- formance characteristics of the
rials Division of J. M. Huber. materials.
Preliminary work previously perIn this research project,
formed by UM demonstrated that CMRG researchers have confiller materials have a significant ducted pultrusion experiments to
effect on mechanical properties evaluate the effects of various
such as fatigue life; however, a kaolin clays in the pultrusion procmore complete understanding of ess.
Complementing these efwhich specific variables associContinued on back page...
ated with the filler affect the properties of the pultruded composites must be developed.
The goal of this research
project is to increase the understanding of how and why
filler characteristics affect
properties and processing of
pultruded composites. The
initial phase of the research
has focused on kaolin clays.
Kaolin clay is defined
as a rock mass that is composed essentially of the clay
Example of the morphology of a kaolin clay.
mineral kaolinite whose particles are comprised of pri-

CMRG Research Profiles

The Composite Materials Research Group at the University of Mississippi emphasizes an interdisciplinary research approach. Presently, the research is divided into four
main areas structural modeling, static and dynamic mechanical and physical property characterization, thermal and
kinetic modeling, and experimental characterization/
optimization. In this issue of Mississippi Pultrusion, a discussion of continuing research concerning the effect of fillers
on the properties of pultruded composites is presented.

Understanding the Effect of Kaolin Clays

in Pultrusion
Kaolin clays are often utilized as resin filler materials in
the fabrication of pultruded composites. While many members of the pultrusion community consider resin fillers simply to be inexpensive, space-filling materials, inorganic fillers are actually an integral part of the overall composite material. Just as careful consideration is given to the selection
of appropriate fiber reinforcement and matrix material for a
given application, similar consideration should be given to
the selection of appropriate filler materials. The addition of
inorganic fillers to the pultrusion resin system can facilitate
the fabrication of the composite and can influence the properties of these materials. As a follow-up to previous research
that demonstrated the significant influences that fillers can
have on the properties of pultruded composites, this study is
intended to begin to develop a more complete understanding
of which specific variables associated with the mineral fillers
affect the properties of the pultruded composites.
Minerals Examined: This study utilized various commercially available and specially prepared kaolin clay materials for pultrusion processing. The kaolin clays examined

were produced with different mineral processing techniques;

different median particle size, particle size distribution, particle geometry; and different chemical surface treatments. A
brief description of each kaolin clay evaluated in this study is
given in Table 1.
Property Evaluation: Mechanical and physical property testing of the minerals, mixed resin, and pultruded composites was conducted to characterize the materials and
evaluate the effects of the kaolin fillers on the resultant properties and processing of the composites.
The median and mean particle size values of the test
clays, as measured in water with a Cilas Model 920L laser
light-scattering (LLS) particle size analyzer, are summarized
in Table 2. The particle size values, reported in microns,
were determined two different ways: 1) cell disrupted which
employs the use of ultrasonics to aid in the aqueous dispersion and break-up of any clay particle agglomerates; and 2)
non-cell disrupted wherein ultrasonics are not employed.
The differences seen in particle size values obtained by these
two methods are indicative of the ultimate primary particle
size of the clay versus its original agglomerate size before
dispersion. The BET surface area properties of the clays
were determined using a Micromeritics Gemini 2360 unit by
the nitrogen absorption method. Multi-point and Single
Point BET data were collected and are reported in Table 2.
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to obtain micrographs of the kaolin clays. The clay particle size distribution curves were all determined with a Malvern Mastersizer E
laser light-scattering particle size analyzer using aqueous dispersions of the test clays which had been prepared with highshear mixing conditions in combination with a low molecular
weight sodium polyacrylate dispersant. The clay particle aspect ratio values were determined from Sphericity Model
based calculations using experimentally determined surface
area data. The viscosity of the mixed resin was recorded
from the end of final resin mixing through the end of the pul-

Table 1. Kaolin clay fillers examined

Mineral Designation


A (Experimental Clay DP- An ultrafine particle size, low aspect ratio kaolin clay consisting principally of individual clay platelets
that is provided in a finely milled powder form.
kaolin clay having a randomly structured, aggregate particle morphology
B (Polyfil 70)
that is provided in a powder form.
a broad particle size distribution consisting principally of large
C (Polyfil 35)
booklets of clay platelets that is provided in a milled powder form.
A coarse particle size kaolin clay having a somewhat narrower particle size distribution versus Mineral
D (Polyfil 8039)
C consisting principally of large booklets of clay platelets that is provided in a milled powder form.
E (Experimental Clay DP- An intermediate particle size, delaminated kaolin clay consisting principally of individual clay platelets
having a high particle aspect ratio that is provided in a milled powder form.
A fine particle size, intermediate aspect ratio kaolin clay consisting principally of individual clay plate
F (Polyfil X)
lets that is provided in a finely milled powder form.

coarse particle kaolin clay similar to Mineral C.
G (ASP - 400P)

Organically surface treated version of Mineral D.

Organically surface treated version of Mineral E.

ASP is a product of Engelhard Corp.

Polyfil is a product of J. M. Huber Corp.

Table 2. Clay Properties

viously observed in an earlier study.

Non-Cell BET Multi- BET Single Based on these results from two different
Cell disrupted
calcined kaolin clays in two different
resin systems, it is apparent that the use
Median PS
Mean PS Median PS Surface Area Surface Area
of calcined clays should be avoided for
pultruded composites. The lower flexCilas (:m)
Cilas (:m) Cilas (:m)
m /g
m /g
ural strength associated with the use of
Mineral A
calcined kaolin clays is apparently a consequence of its hard and abrasive strucMineral B
ture that tears the glass reinforcement
combined with its randomly structured,
Mineral C
aggregate morphology which lowers its
effective particle aspect ratio.
Mineral D
Pultruded Composite Fatigue
Mineral E
Properties: There is significant variation in fatigue lifetime dependent on the
Mineral F
type of mineral filler used. The range of
lifetime from 17,00 cycles to over
Mineral G
300,000 is considerable. The two longtrusion experiment, and pull force data was recorded during
est fatigue lifetimes are associated with two of the smaller methe pultrusion experiments to characterize the ease of processdian particle size minerals (E and F); however, the clay of fining of each resin system. A Hegman grind gage and a stereo
est particle size, Mineral A, did not show as long of a fatigue
optical microscope were used to examine the particle size of
life. This is likely a consequence of the very high resin visthe clays in the mixed resin. The Hegman fineness of grind
cosity generated by the use of Mineral A, which in turn inhibproperties of the clay filled resin systems, which can be correited its dispersion into the resin. Also, it was observed that
lated to an average filler particle size via the resultant gage
the very large apparent particles associated with Mineral I
readings, were determined using an adaptation of the ASTM
produced an intermediate fatigue life that was considerably retesting procedure D 1210-96. Energy dispersive spectroscopy
duced in duration versus that provided by its untreated analog,
(EDS) was used to identify the particles seen in the samples of
mineral E. Mineral I was organically surface treated, and this
mixed resin. Static 3-point flexural testing, short-beam shear
treatment is the most likely cause for the decreased fatigue
testing, and flexural fatigue testing were conducted to characlife. The particular surface treatment applied in this case apterize the mechanical properties of the pultruded composites.
pears to have inhibited wet-out and dispersion of the clay particles rather than helping it since its resultant particle size in
Pultruded Composite Static Mechanical Properties:
Static short-beam shear testing results for the pultruded comthe resin mix, as determined from Hegman Grind gage techposites do not reveal significant differences in the short-beam
niques, is larger. Correcting this dispersion problem may be a
shear strength of the pultruded composites produced with the
simple matter of adjusting the chemistry and polarity of the
kaolin clays. The exception to the observation that clays have
organic surface treatment and offers an interesting area for
little effect on static flexural properties is the composite matefurther scientific investigation. Also of interest to compare
rial produced using Mineral B, the calcined kaolin clay. Both
are the physical properties of Minerals E and F, which were
the static flexural strength and strain-to-failure for the pulthe best performers and yielded virtually equivalent fatigue
truded composites with mat/unidirectional reinforcement and
life performance. Mineral F is finer in median particle size,
with unidirectional reinforcement that were formulated using
has a very pronounced bimodal particle size distribution, and
Mineral B were lower than any of the other samples produced.
has a significantly smaller particle aspect ratio value versus
When Mineral B was utilized for the composites with only
the delaminated clay, Mineral E. Thus, as seen in our previunidirectional reinforcement, significant fuzzing and tearing
ous studies, the fatigue lifetime of these clay mineral fillers
of the resin-coated glass fiber was seen; this phenomena was
does not directly correlate with their ultimate primary particle
observed for numerous replications of this experiment. It is
size properties (as determined from aqueous dispersion meassuspected that the damage to the reinforcement that occurred
urements) even though there is apparently some relationship.
when Mineral B was utilized is related to the lower flexural
Further exploration of their performance characteristics versus
property data seen for these composites since flexural properactual in use resin particle size properties needs to be conties are fiber-dominated properties. If fiber damage resulting
from the use of Mineral B is a reason for the observed flexural
Additional details concerning these studies are available
property degradation, the use of Mineral B would not be exin the ICE 99 Proceedings of the Society of the Plastics Inpected to significantly affect shear strength, a resin dominated
dustry, the Composites 00 Proceedings of the Composite
property. This was the case for Material B composites, as no
Fabricators Association, and the Composites 01 Proceedings
significant effect on shear property data was seen for the Maof the Composite Fabricators Association.
terial B samples. The lower flexural property data recorded
for Material B agrees with data for another calcined clay pre-

Recent Publications (cont.)

Gadam, J. A. Roux, T. A. McCarty
and J. G. Vaughan, APressure Rise Inside a Cylindrical Pultrusion Die for
Graphite/Epoxy Composites,@ Polymers and Polymer Composites, 8 (4)
231-244, 2000.
Brief Abstract: A three-dimensional,
axisymmetric model based on
Darcys law for resin flow through a
porous fiber bed in cylindrical coordinates, which employs the finite volume solution method, was developed
to predict the pressure rise in a pultrusion die for graphite/epoxy composites. A variable viscosity was employed, and an anisotropic permeability model was used for calculating
the permeability values in the axial
and radial directions. Various process control parameters including preform plate cavity to die cavity area
ratio (compaction ratio), resin viscosity, pull speed, die heating profile,
and fiber volume fraction were varied to investigate their impact on the
die inlet pressure rise in the pultrusion manufacturing of graphite/epoxy

Ellen Lackey, et al, Experimental

Examination of Filament Winding
with BAPO Photoinitiated Resins,
Technical Papers B CFA Composites
2000, CDROM, 2000. (Selected as
Best Processing Paper for Composites 00)
Brief Abstract: In this study, a variety of photoinitiators were screened
for use, and the use of photoinitiated
resins with the filament winding process and the fabrication of chopped
glass laminates was demonstrated.
Based on the results of this screening, it was determined that a combination of bisacylphosphine oxide
(BAPO) and alpha hydroxy ketone
(AHK) in a 1:3 ratio provided an excellent photoinitiator package that
provided both surface and deep
through cure.

Kaolin Clay Fillers (cont.)

forts, the researchers from J. M.
Huber have characterized commercially available kaolin clays
and specially prepared experimental clays. Data from these experiments have been evaluated to
identify any correlation that exists
between physical or chemical
properties of kaolin clays and resulting effects on processing and
final mechanical properties of
pultruded composites.
Results from the present study
support the conclusions shown in
previous studies that 3-point flexural bend tests and short-beam
shear static mechanical properties
are not greatly affected by mineral type with the exception of the
calcined clay. This study showed
that calcined clays are detrimental
to pultruded product mechanical
properties because of the high
hardness and abrasiveness of the
calcined clay that appears to tear
and fuzz the glass fiber combined
with its randomly structured, aggregate morphology which lowers
its effective particle aspect ratio.
The study identified complex

interactions among particle size

distribution, surface area, and
particle aspect ratio of the mineral
that affect fatigue life. As individual parameters, the performance data suggest that smaller
particle size distribution, higher
surface area, and higher particle
aspect ratio are, in general, best
for highest fatigue lifetime, but
these three physical parameters
interact with one another in a
complex manner to affect fatigue
lifetimes. Additional studies are
being conducted to resolve these
mineral property driven performance relationships.
The CMRG is committed to
the development and dissemination of research data concerning
the constituent materials available
to pultruders. Research and development efforts such as this
study offer the opportunity for the
pultrusion industry to continue to
expand its markets and improve
the overall quality of pultruded

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