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Bu testte 80 soru vardr.

Cevaplama sresi 180 dakikadr.
Cevaplamaya istedi iniz sorudan ba layabilirsiniz.
Sayfalar zerindeki bo yerleri msvedde iin kullanabilirsiniz.


0 222 233 99 66

Di er sayfaya geiniz.


Bu testte cevaplayaca nz soru says 80dir.
nerilen cevaplama sresi 180 dakikadr.
1-21. Sorularda bo braklan yere uygun
d en ifadeyi bulunuz.
1. For the chemists of the 18th and 19th
centuries, an understanding of the
chemical nature of food was a major
____ .
A) objective
B) agreement
C) submission
D) significance
E) estimation

2. The green button on the far left of the

machine ____ the volume.
A) interferes
B) discloses
C) regulates
D) allows
E) arises

3. You should have attended that lecture on

durability testing of fibres; it really was
most ____ .

His forecast turned out to be ____

accurate considering how little
information he had to work on.



0 222 233 99 66

The new engineer is highly knowledgeable,

but can we ____ him to lead the team


run on
put on
make off
take up
rely on


Many of the lesser developed countries find

it hard to ____ the more developed ones, due
to the rapid advances in technology there.


make up for
keep up with
look out for
turn upon
run through


Many experiments ____ blood composition

are carried out in this laboratory.
related to
led from
followed through
contained in
denied by






This is not a new theory; quite a lot of

scientists ____ on it for several decades.
would have worked
had worked
have been working
would work
have to work

Di er sayfaya geiniz.


14. ____ the semester is over, Dr. Baines

will supervise the sinking of the shaft as
it seems likely that they'll strike oil.

If the equipment ____ us on time, we

____ the bridge by now.
would have reached / could complete
reached / had completed
reaches / will have completed
will reach / can complete
had reached / could have completed


10. Unfortunately there was an electricity

cut just as we ____ the new computer.
A) are installing
B) would install
C) have installed
D) were installing
E) will install

15. It took him several months to set ____

the experiment, but results are
beginning to come ____ now.

11. It is recommended that you wear a

helmet in this part of the plant, but it's
up to you; you ____ .



17. An honorary degree will be conferred

upon the physicist ____ contributions to
energy studies have proved the most
A) which
B) who
C) whose
D) that
E) whom

13. ____ he was aware of the dangers of

this kind of research, he still continued
with the project.
Even though
So that

0 222 233 99 66

up / in
off / over
in / up
over / out
back / through

16. Obviously, during the second World

War, many scientists were involved ____
the development of new weapons.

have got to
will have to
t have
need to
t have to

12. ____ a piece of metal is denser than

water, it sinks in water.
A) Because of
B) While
C) Since
D) Despite
E) Therefore


In order that
As a result
If only
In case

18. Is that the professor ____ received the

Nobel Prize in chemistry?
A) whom
B) whose
C) where
D) which
E) who

Di er sayfaya geiniz.

23. One reason why supercomputers can
achieve such high speeds is that they
can do several calculations
A) Sper bilgisayarlarn bu kadar yksek hza
ula abilmelerinin bir nedeni, birka i lemi
ayn anda yapabilmeleridir.

19. Diary farming has received a lot of

coverage in the media lately, ____ on
account of the dry season ____ because
of the radiation scare.
A) both / more than
B) more / even so
C) only / also
D) not only / but also
E) such / as well as
20. Thanks to improvements in car design,
____ of the power produced is wasted in
friction ____ was formerly the case.

far less / than

as much / as
a little / than
little / than
more / as

21. As regards the decision to modernize

the mines in the region, here is a report
which contains ____ relevant
A) another
B) any
C) many
D) a
E) some





Ayn anda birka i lem yapabilmeleri iin

sper bilgisayarn ok yksek bir hzla
al malar sa lanm tr.


Sper bilgisayarlarn ok tercih edilmesinin

bir nedeni, ok farkl i lemleri ayn anda
yapma zelli ine sahip olmalardr.


Bu kadar yksek bir hzla sper bilgisayar

retilmesinin nedenlerinden biri, ayn anda
yaplabilen i lemlerin artm olmasdr.




22. Robert Boyle, who was a leading

English scientist in the seventeenth
century, had a great influence on the
development of science in Europe.


Sper bilgisayarlarn bu kadar ok i lemi

ksa srede yapmalarnn bir nedeni, ok
hzl al malardr.

24. Crop yields per acre are declining in

some parts of the world because of air
pollution as well as the build-up of salt
and other chemicals.

22-26 sorularda, verilen ngilizce cmlenin

Trke dengini bulunuz.




nl ngiliz bilim adam Robert Boyle, on

yedinci yzylda Avrupa'
da bilimsel
ara trmalarn ba lamasna nemli katkda
bulunmu tur.
On yedinci yzylda nde gelen bir ngiliz
bilim adam olan Robert Boyle'
da bilimin geli mesinde byk bir
etkisi olmu tur.
On yedinci yzyl ngiltere'
sinin en nl
bilim adam olan Robert Boyle, Avrupa'
bilimsel ara trmalar zerinde ok etkili
olmu tur.
daki bilimsel al malara katklar
olan Robert Boyle, on yedinci yzylda
de ok nl bir bilim adamyd.


Hava kirlili i sonucu dnyann baz

blgelerinde tuz va kimyasal madde
orannn artmas, ekinde dnm ba na
verimi azaltyor.
Dnyann baz blgelerinde ekinlerde
grlen bozulmann yan sra tuz ve
kimyasal madde birikimi de hava kirlili ine
ba lanyor.
Dnyann baz blgelerindeki hava kirlili i,
ekin e itlerinde azalma yannda, tuz ve
kimyasal madde birikimine yol ayor.
Dnyann baz blgelerinde verimli tarm
alanlarnn azalmasnn nedeni, havadaki
kirlenmeyle birlikte tuz ve kimyasal madde
orannn artmasdr.
Hava kirlili inin yan sra, tuz ve di er
kimyasal maddelerin birikimi yznden,
dnyann baz blgelerinde dnm ba na
rn verimi d yor.

da bilimin geli mesine katkda
bulunan on yedinci yzyln nde gelen
ngiliz bilim adamlarndan biri de Robert

0 222 233 99 66

Di er sayfaya geiniz.

25. Plutonium is also produced in all
nuclear reactors fuelled by uranium,
including those built for generating
electric power.
A) Yakt olarak uranyum kullanlan nkleer
reaktrlerde elektrik enerjisinin yan sra
pltonyum da retilir.

Elektrik enerjisi retmek iin kurulan

reaktrler arasnda yakt olarak uranyum
kullanlanlarda pltonyum retimi de yaplr.


Elektrik enerjisi retmek amacyla

kurulanlar da dahil, pltonyum reten tm
nkleer reaktrlerde yakt olarak uranyum
da kullanlr.
Elektrik enerjisi elde etmek amacyla
kurulmu olanlar da dahil, yakt olarak
uranyum kullanlan tm nkleer
reaktrlerde pltonyum da retilir.
Yakt olarak uranyum kullanlanlar dahil,
elektrik retmek iin kurulmu nkleer
reaktrlerde pltonyum da retilir.



27-31 sorularda, verilen Trke

cmlenin ngilizce dengini bulunuz.
27. Joseph Henry, tpk manyetik bir alanda
bir arkn dnmesinin elektrik
retebilece i gibi, elektri in de bir ark
dndrebilece ini gsterdi.
A) Joseph Henry discovered that, in the
presence of a magnetic field, electricity can
both be generated by turning wheels and
cause wheels to turn.
B) Joseph Henry showed that, in the presence
of a magnetic field, just as the turning a
wheel can generate electricity, so electricity
can turn a wheel.


26. The geometry of the straight line and the
circle goes back to the ancient
Egyptians and Babylonians, but it was
only with the ancient Greeks that
geometry was developed as a logically
organised field of study.
A) Do ru ve ember geometrisi eski Msrllara
ve Babillilere kadar gider, fakat geometrinin
mantkla birlikte ele alnmas eski
Yunanllarda olmu tur.
B) Eski Msrllar ve Babilliler zamannda
ba layan do ru ve ember geometrisi, eski
Yunanllar tarafndan geli tirilerek mantk
gibi dzenli bir al ma alan haline
gelmi tir.
C) Do ru ve ember geometrisi eski Msrllara
ve Babillilere kadar uzanr, fakat
geometrinin mantksal biimde
dzenlenmi bir al ma lan olarak
geli mesi ancak eski Yunanllarla olmu tur.
D) Do ru ve ember geometrisi eski Msrllar
ve Babilliler'
den ok eski Yunanllar
tarafndan mantksal bir al ma alan
olarak dzenlenmi tir.
E) Eski Msrllar ve Babilliler do ru ve ember
geometrisinde olduka geriydiler, ancak
eski yunanllar bunu mantksal bir al ma
alan olarak dzenlemi ve geli tirmi lerdir.

0 222 233 99 66


zafiyet kuramnn ortaya koydu u bir

di er nemli gerek, ktlenin enerjiye
dn ebilmesidir.


The relativity theory is mainly concerned

with the conversion of mass into energy.
More important is the fact that the relativity
theory relates speed to energy.
According to the relativity theory, there is a
close relationship between speed, mass
and energy.
One other important fact demonstrated by
the relativity theory is that mass can be
converted into energy.



Joseph Henry discovered that, in the

presence of a magnetic field, electricity
could both turn wheels and be generated
by the turning of these wheels.
Joseph Henry proved that the electricity
produced by a turning wheel in the
presence of a magnetic field could be
immediately used to turn the wheel.
Joseph Henry showed that, in the presence
of a magnetic field, electricity is generated
by turning a wheel and at the same time
causes the wheel to turn.

Until the discovery of the relativity theory,

little was known about mass and energy.

Di er sayfaya geiniz.

29. Yerkrenin i yaps, depremlerin veya
byk patlamalarn neden oldu u ok
dalgalar kullanlarak ara trlabilir.

The internal structure of the earth can be

investigated using shock waves caused by
earthquakes or large explosions.


Shock waves which cause earthquakes

and various massive explosions can be
used to investigate the internal structure of
the earth.
Our knowledge of the internal structure of
the earth derives from the investigation of
shock waves caused by earthquakes and
Earthquakes and large-scale explosions
produce shock wave which, in turn, give us
information concerning the internal
structure of the earth.
The shock waves that accompany
earthquakes and violent explosions
increase the problems of examining the
internal structure of the earth.




32-41 sorularda, verilen cmleyi uygun

ekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
32. If energy could be produced efficiently
by clean methods, ____ .
A) oil prices were expected to rise again
B) the production of food had to be reduced
C) these would naturally be preferred
D) most governments would have invested in
E) a lot of firms might have been expected to
contribute generously

33. They consulted several geologists ____

A) why the coal miners are in Zonguldak
B) before they began constructing the dam
C) if they are employed by North Sea Oil
D) that new oil fields will have to be opened
E) unless the region turned out to be on
earthquake zone

30. Uzun vadede, do al afetlerin hibiri lke

iin orman yangnlar kadar zararl
de ildir.
A) It is a long time since any natural disaster
has caused so much harm as this forest
B) In the future no natural disaster will prove
as harmful as a forest fire.
C) From time to time forest fires are more
harmful to the country than other natural
D) It took a long time for the country to recover
from the harmful effects of forest fires and
other natural disasters.

34. ____ , the annual rainfall has a profound

influence on the success or failure of

In the long run, none of the natural

disasters are as harmful to a country as
forest fires.


31. Galaksinin bir ba ka nemli zelli i de

zayf fakat son derece yaygn bir
manyetik alana sahip olmasdr.


35. Recently scientists have been working

on substitutes for fossil fuels ____ .
A) though Japan had strongly objected to the
B) whether they could have been used in the
car industry
C) if the problems of environmental pollution
had not prevented this
D) unless more money is poured into research
on the subject
E) as the oil reserves in the world are
diminishing rapidly

The galaxy is also important because its

wide magnetic field is very strong.
Another important feature of the galaxy is
that it has a weak but enormously
extensive magnetic field.
The other important fact about the galaxy is
that its magnetic field is actually very weak.
Another special feature of the galaxy is the
fact that its magnetic field is very weak.
Another important feature of the magnetic
field of the galaxy is that, though weak, it is
extremely extensive.

0 222 233 99 66

As has been emphasised in a relevant

Given the fact that population growth in
most countries has become one of the top
Whatever decision the government may
have taken about food exports
Until all the data concerning the world
climate are gathered and processed
Even though groundwater resources were
fully exploited

Di er sayfaya geiniz.

36. ____ , they still haven't chosen the team
of engineers.
A) Since the bridge had already been planned
B) When they start work on the dam next
C) Whoever made the designs for this block of
D) Although work on the project should have
started last week
E) As soon as the new model becomes

40. ____ which expands when heated.


A thermometer contains mercury

This is a characteristic of all metals
The atmosphere contains various gases
Parts of the floor remain unexplored
The hole in the ozone layer is becoming
more and more dangerous

41. Since the buildings on the north side

had been well-constructed ____ .
A) the landslide cannot be presented
B) the architect has received more than his
share of praise
C) the town-council will be reluctant to give a
D) they were unaffected by the earthquake
E) the mayor of the city is absolutely opposed
to the project

37. While the captain was working on that

film about underwater life, ____ .
A) a whole new fascinating world has opened
up for him
B) his team of divers are taken ill
C) he accidentally discovered the wreck of an
old ship
D) he had been attacked by sharks
E) his boat will be in danger of drifting ashore

42-46 sorularda, parada bo braklan

yere uygun d en ifadeyi bulunuz.
38. ____ even though it was obviously very
limited in scope.
A) The experiment he has recently been
engaged in has produced some interesting
B) His paper aroused considerable interest
C) The research project will be assigned to a
team of specialists
D) The hypothesis will finally be put to the test
E) His intention will, an all likelihood, be

42. Most mysterious, perhaps, of all

substances in the sea is iodine. In sea
water it is one of the least common of
the non-metals, difficult to detect and
resisting exact analysis. ____ . Sponges,
corals and certain seaweeds, in
particular, accumulate vast quantities of
A) The ocean is the earth'
s greatest
storehouse of minerals.
B) In the human body, iodine functions as a
regulator of the basal metabolism.
C) Yet it is found in almost every marine plant
and animal.
D) The plants and animals of the sea are very
much better chemists than men.
E) Iodine deficiency in the body causes certain
metabolic disorders.

39. ____ that the sun had not illuminated

the earth for more than one hundred
million years.

s studies concentrated on the
dissipation of energy
Thomson is just one of several physicists
who were awarded the Nobel Prize
Thomson, through his experiments on heat
and energy, showed conclusively
Thomson was to gain universal recognition
as are of the greatest physicists of his time
One of Thomson'
s earlier research projects
was concerned with the age of the earth

0 222 233 99 66

Di er sayfaya geiniz.

43. Bridges are among the most important,
and often the most spectacular, of all
civil engineering works. ____ . Without
them it would be impossible to imagine
how traffic in Istanbul could circulate.
Moreover, they are the symbolic link of
two continents.
A) A further aspect of civil engineering is the
suitable choice of a suitable site
B) The bridges across the Bosphorus are a
case in point
C) One of the major problems posed by long
bridges is that of maintenance
D) The construction of bridges requires a
number of engineering skills
E) Historically there has always been a dream
to construct a bridge across Bosphorus

46. ____ . He was one of the earliest to

argue that the interior of the earth was
not solid but that it consisted of a
condensed, though highly heated, fluid
or gas. He also argued that on its
exterior the earth had a relatively thin
shell of matter.
A) The great achievements of Benjamin
Franklin in natural science should not blind
us to the fact that he was a great
B) When Benjamin Franklin was a young man,
he moved from Boston to Philadelphia
where he spent the rest of his life studying
political science.
C) In the eighteenth century, Benjamin
Franklin made remarkable contributions to
the field of electricity.

44. When scientists are trying to

understand a particular set of
phenomena, hey often make use of a
model: A model, in the scientist's sense,
is a kind of analogy or mental image of
the phenomena in terms of something
we are familiar with. ____ . We cannot
see waves of light as we can see water
waves; but it is valuable to think of light
as if it were made up of waves because
experiments indicate that light behaves
in many respects as water waves do.
A) Other natural laws have been discovered
over centuries
B) The atomic model of matter has gone
through many refinements
C) Models often lead to important theories
D) One example is the wave model of light
E) This is the obvious difference between a
theory and a model.


47-51 sorularda, anlam bakmndan

hangi cmlenin paraya uymad n
47. (I) When rainfall occurs regularly, the
moisture of surface soil is maintained in
a constant condition. (II) In some
countries irrigation can be costly. (III)
This is made possible by the downward
movement of water through the soil. (IV)
However, during periods of drought the
surface soil becomes very dry, its
moisture having evaporated into the air.
(V) On the whole this is not harmful
since within two or three inches of the
surface moist soil can still be found.
A) I
E) V

45. Evaporation can be described as the

process by which liquid is changed into
vapour by heat. ____ . The higher the
temperature, the quicker the process.
Obviously, evaporation is a fundamental
process in nature.
A) Desalination depends upon the process of
B) Whenever a liquid is exposed to heat,
evaporation takes place
C) The average annual temperature in the
arctic region is far below that in the
D) The human body can easily adapt to a
humid climate.
E) Some plants are more affected by
evaporation than others.

0 222 233 99 66

Benjamin Franklin played an important part

in the early development of American
political thought.
Benjamin Franklin had many original and
penetrating ideas on geology.

Di er sayfaya geiniz.

51. (I) In the universe, hydrogen is
apparently the most abundant of all the
elements. (II For instance, analysis of
the light emitted by stars indicates that
most stars are predominantly hydrogen.
(III) Molecular hydrogen is the lightest of
all gases. (IV) Similarly, of the sun's
mass, approximately 90 % is hydrogen.
(V) However, hydrogen is much less
abundant on the earth.
A) I
E) V

48. (I) Biologists have made various studies

of living organisms. (II) First of all, they
have classified them on the basis of
their structure. (III) They have divided
them into two classes, the single-celled
organisms and the many-celled
organisms. (IV) In almost all plants and
animals, the individual cells have
different functions. (V) For instance,
bacteria and algae are single-celled,
while insects, fish and flowering plants
are many-celled.
A) I
E) V

52-56 sorularda, anlam bakmndan

hangi cmlenin paraya uymad n

49. (I) Cyclones are constantly recurring

fact of life in Bangladesh. (II) But the
one that hit the country on 29 April 1991
was the worst for a decade. (III)
However, controlling the flow of water
can reduce the risks of floods. (IV)
Within hours, 130.000 people were dead
and four million people were homeless.
(V) Conditions were so bad that, only a
week after the cyclone, many felt that
the dead, not the living, were the
fortunate ones.
A) I
E) V

52. Mary: What's in that bottle?

Paul: Sulphuric acid.
Mary: ____
Paul: Yes, I'm sorry. I'll do it straight
A) Don'
t you know that all dangerous
substances have to be properly labelled?
B) Do you mind if I use some of it in my
C) Do you know where all the acids and other
dangerous substances are kept?
D) Then what is it doing here?
E) You haven'
t been burned, have you?

53. Roger: Where will the new bridge be?

Bill: Five miles downstream.
Roger: ____
Bill: No, the rock formation isn't suitable
A) People living there won'
t be pleased, will
B) Have the engineers submitted their plans?
C) Couldn'
t they build it nearer here?
D) But the river is very wide there.
E) There'
s already a good road there.

50. (I) It is common for a liquid to turn into a

vapour when heated. (II) It is less
common for a solid substance to turn
directly into a vapour without ever going
through a liquid stage. (III) The best
known example of this latter process is
solid carbondioxide, which has the
appearance of cloudy ice. (IV) When this
is heated, it doesn't turn into liquid but
to gas. (V) Indeed, nuclear reactions
involving certain substances are highly
complex and unpredictable.
A) I
E) V

0 222 233 99 66

Di er sayfaya geiniz.

54. David: I thought there was an
abundance of aluminium in the earth's
Peter: There is.
David: ____
Peter: Because most of it is not in a
form that can be removed and
processed at a profit.
A) Then what'
s special about bauxite?
B) Is it really necessary to import so much?
C) Where are the major deposits in France?
D) Then why is it short supply?
E) Are processing costs still going up?

57-59 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

We are warm-blooded animals. The
temperature inside us is generally
higher than the temperature outside us.
It follows from this fact that, just as a
kettle of hot water cools as it loses heat
to the air around it, so the human body
is continuously losing heat. But, unlike
the kettle, it does not cool down, for all
the time fresh quantities of heat are
being generated inside. The body is
both making heat and losing some of it
at the same time. The loss of heat is
controlled by a very delicate
mechanism. The body resembles a
thermostat heater in that while it gives
off heat, it manages to remain at the
same temperature.

55. Seyfi: What's the first item on the

Sait: Rubbish disposal and recycling of
Seyfi: ____
Sait: I know it is. But no one takes it
seriously. One day we'll have to, though!
A) It just can'
t be done under these
B) But we discussed that last week
C) Then what follows?
D) Who'
s brought this subject up?
E) That'
s always on the agenda.

57. In this passage, the body is likened to a

thermostat because ____ .
A) the loss of heat would cause serious
B) the temperature of the body is always equal
to the outside temperature
C) the control of the body heat is unimportant
D) the temperature remains constant in spite
of heat loss
E) the body heat is influenced by the outside

56. Farmer: What can I do to increase the

Expert: Well, there are a number of ways
I can suggest. One is irrigation.
Farmer: ____
Expert: Quite a lot, I'm afraid.
A) Yes, but how much expense will that
B) You mean a modern irrigation method?
C) Are you trained in irrigation engineering?
D) Do you think there is plenty of underground
E) The rainfall in this region is adequate, isn'

0 222 233 99 66

58. It is pointed out in the passage that the

body's loss of heat ____ .
A) means man is not warm-blooded
B) should be regarded as a danger signal
C) cannot be controlled easily
D) can only be affected by the environment
E) is compensated for by the generation of
fresh heat
59. The passage describes the mechanism
____ .
A) which keeps the body at the same
B) which prevents loss of heat in detail
C) concerned with the generation of surplus
D) which regulates the temperature of the
water in a kettle
E) by which the temperature of the air remains


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

60-62 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

63-65 sorular, a a daki paraya gre


Genetics is the study of mechanisms of

the hereditary process. Modern genetics
began with the experiments of Gregor
Mendel in 1865. He studied the
inheritance of different factors in peas,
and found that some traits were
"dominant" and some "recessive", the
"dominant" appearing in a ratio of very
nearly three to one. Mendels results
were ignored for many years until their
discovery at the beginning of the
twentieth century .

Geologists are especially interested in

the mineral content of rocks. All rocks
consist of one or more minerals, many
of which are needed as raw materials for
industry or have properties which make
them valuable or useful. Gold, for
example, is valuable. Diamonds are both
valuable and useful. Coal is also found
in rocks, usually underground and it is
vitally important as fuel in modern life.
Britain is rich in coal because it was
covered in dense forests more than 300
million years ago. Coal is formed from
the remains of trees, and other plants
which have gradually been compressed
and hardened in the rock structure of
the earth.

60. According to the passage ____ .

A) the results of Mendel'
s experiments were
immediately put into practise
B) the purpose of Mendel'
s experiments was
primarily agricultural
C) genetics is essentially concerned with
D) modern genetics owes very little to
s experiments
E) the mechanisms of heredity were known
prior to Mendel

63. In all types of rocks ____ .

A) we can find the hardened remains of trees
B) a wide variety of mineral deposits is to be
C) at least one type of mineral is to be found
D) one is likely to find fuel deposits
E) there are seemingly useless deposits

61. Clearly, in the field of genetics, ____ .

A) certain traits have been given too much
B) the 20 century has contributed very little
C) Mendel'
s experiments have received and
used attention
D) Mendel is the pioneer
E) new dominant and recessive traits are
constantly being discovered


65. According to the passage, one of the

major interests of geologists is to ____ .
A) determine the coal reserves in the earth
B) produce diamonds in coal deposits
C) explore mineral deposits in rocks
D) study the properties of valuable minerals
E) decide which raw materials are useful in

62. Mendel discovered that ____ .


recessive traits exceeded the dominant

in peas, dominant traits appear in a ratio of
three to one
in peas, nearly one-third of the traits were
by 1865 the theory of heredity had been
convincingly formulated
genetics was becoming a popular science

0 222 233 99 66

It is pointed out that coal ____ .

is usually found in thickly-forested regions
has lost its importance as a fuel
is one of Britain'
s major exports
takes millions of years to form
is the most indispensable material for


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

66-68 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

69-71 sorular, a a daki paraya gre


There are about forty distinct kinds of

wild cats known to inhabit the earth
today. They range in size from the
mighty Siberian tiger to several little
spotted species about the size of the
average domestic cat. The cats are the
most efficient land predators left on
earth. They combine power, speed,
patience, camouflage, and considerable
individual skill. All swim well, most
climb with great agility, and at least for
short distances, most can move with
amazing swiftness. The African lion can
reach a speed of almost forty miles per
hour when it charges.

Civil engineering offers a particular

challenge because almost every
structure of system that is designed and
built by civil engineers is unique. One
structure rarely duplicates another
exactly. Even when structures seem to
be identical, site requirements or other
factors generally result in modifications.
Large structures like dams, bridges, or
tunnels may differ substantially from
previous structures. The civil engineer
must, therefore, always be ready and
willing to meet new challenges.
69. It is argued in the passage that virtually
no civil engineering work ____
A) is substantially different from the other
B) can be completed without benefit of other
branches of engineering
C) can be as complicated as the construction
of a dam
D) is exactly the same as any another
E) is affected by site requirements

66. It is stressed in the passage that wild

cats in the world today ____
A) show a remarkable range and variety
B) are completely confined to the African
C) are rapidly on the decline due to the
environmental changes
D) are now only to be located in Siberia and
the rest of Asia
E) seem to be losing the ability to climb trees

70. According to the passage , since every

site will have different requirements
A) modifications of all types should be avoided
B) almost every bridge or dam will be different
from every other
C) the work of a civil engineering is likely to be
D) site requirements are not important
E) this does not pose a challenge

67. According to the passage, wild cats are

noted for a number of distinct qualities
A) of which their great strength is the most
B) which together make them physically
superior to all other animals regardless of
C) but their sense of smell is poor
D) of which their ability to hide from the enemy
is of first importance
E) including the unmatchable efficiency in

71. One can understand from the passage

that the civil engineer ____
A) can rarely be persuaded to modify a design
B) always keeps to traditional designs
C) confines his interests to dams, bridges or
D) is less open to new ideas in construction
than other engineers
E) is likely to have to modify the original
design of a structure to suit the site

68. It is pointed out in the passage that the

speed with which most wild cats can
move ____
A) compensates for their lack of efficient sight
B) has never been measured
C) is truly remarkable
D) doesn'
t exceed that of the average
domestic cat
E) helps them to survive in a hostile

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

72-74 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

75-77 sorular, a a daki paraya gre


All our sources of power are "natural";

we have found that matter can be turned
into energy and energy into matter, but
that nothing can be created. We can
convert one into the other with relative
ease, but all our power is based upon
the control of natural sources, in the
sense that the energy or fuel is never
man-made. It already exists as in the
wind and in rivers; or it may be stored
up as in oil or coal.

To astronomers, the great

accomplishment of the flights to the
moon was the bringing back of rocks
from the lunar surface. It was the first
extraterrestrial material ever to reach
Earth, with the exception of meteorites.
The lunar rocks seemed to show that
the moon was virtually free of water and
of organic material and was, therefore, a
world utterly without life. In fact, this
had been suspected by astronomers,
since 1660s; but there had been some
hope of traces of air and water that
might have made possible very primitive
life at the bacterial level, if nothing

72. One important point emphasised in the

passage is that ____.
A) nature is the only source of energy
B) man-made energy is more economical
C) energy sources have been used wastefully
in recent decades
D) the world'
s oil reserves ought to be used
more carefully
E) coal production should be increased to
bridge the energy gap

75. As the author explains, the study of

lunar rocks has confirmed that ____
A) no life whatsoever exists on the moon
B) only a very primitive form of life could have
existed on the moon
C) the moon is actually a large meteorite
D) some of them contain bacterial remains
E) the moon has traces of extraterrestrial life

73. According to the passage, the

conversion of matter into energy and
vice versa ____.
A) will no longer be necessary as new energy
sources are found
B) has been possible only in our century
C) is a fairly easy process
D) is possible only in the case of solid matter
E) depends to a great extent on new

76. According to the passage, it was once

hoped that ____
A) there was a large variety of rocks on the
B) the moon was capable of supporting
primitive life
C) the amount of water on the moon was
D) there were higher forms of life on the moon
than the bacterial ones
E) the lunar surface was similar to that of the

74. It is obvious from the passage that

energy ____.
A) should be consumed more considerately
B) cannot be stored for long
C) can readily be created by man
D) is stored more abundantly in oil and coal
than in wind and water
E) is derived from many different sources in

0 222 233 99 66

77. It seems from the passage that, from the

seventeenth century onwards, ____
A) man has ceased to be interested in the
B) interest in the moon has been confined to
the study of rocks
C) astronomers have had a reasonably correct
understanding of the moon
D) the existence of life on the moon has been
accepted as a fact
E) a large amount of extraterrestrial material,
excluding meteorites, has reached the


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

80. According to the passage, electricity
was discovered ____
A) after observing the immense power of water
in natural waterfalls
B) long before man learned to generate
hydroelectric power
C) soon after the first dams were built
D) because of the need to create artificial light
E) as soon as he realised how much power
there was in water

78-80 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

Long after the discovery of electricity,
man found that he could use the great
power of water to produce it. At first, he
used natural waterfalls. Later, man
began to build dams to generate
hydroelectric power. Dams are immense
structures which hold back the water of
a river and form a lake behind. The
water is let through under control and
allowed to fall through pipes to the
turbines below. The rushing water
drives the turbines, and as they revolve,
they spin electro-magnets; these
magnets generate electricity.

According to the passage, dams ____

are primarily used to form lakes
can be used to prevent flooding
date back to very early times
were in use well before electricity was
are important for the production of
hydroelectric power

79. When electro-magnets are set in motion

by turbines, ____
A) electricity is generated
B) the water is allowed to fall through the
C) the water has to be held back
D) the speed is immediately reduced
E) the water power becomes uncontrollable

Test Bitti...

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.


Bu testte cevaplayaca nz soru says 80dir.
nerilen cevaplama sresi 180 dakikadr.

1-21. Sorularda bo braklan yere uygun

d en ifadeyi bulunuz.

5. From the evidence, it seems pretty obvious

that someone _____ the office sometime
during the night.

1. Air pollution is obviously one of the major

_____ of city life.
A) references
B) disadvantages
C) attempts
D) definitions
E) expressions


6. It has become a fashion among film stars to

use some of their money to _____ needy

2. The lawyer submitted to the court several

documents to _____ his point of view.
A) support
B) overcome
C) refrain
D) improve
E) alienate


8. If I _____ a similar kind of research, I _____ on

just two decades.
A) will do / concentrate
B) had done / concentrated
C) have done / would have concentrated
D) were doing / would concentrate
E) did / will concentrate

4. On Tuesday, I'll be able to let you know

_____ how many people will be attending
the conference.

0 222 233 99 66

do with
make up
go without
put up with
provide for

7. If it rains, the football match will be _____

until next week.
A) given out
B) put off
C) turned off
D) run through
E) taken on

3. The latest figures concerning the

company's sales are certainly very _____.
A) determined
B) intensive
C) emphatic
D) reluctant
E) disturbing


found out
took after
broke into
made out
ran up


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

9. The committee _____ the question for
nearly an hour, and still hasn't come to a
A) has been discussing
B) had discussed
C) will discuss
D) is discussing
E) would discuss

14. The next meeting will be held _____

February, probably _____ the second
Tuesday of the month.

10. Towards the end of the 15th century,

many political and social changes _____
in Europe which _____ all countries
A) had been occurring / had affected
B) were occurring / have affected
C) have occurred / will affect
D) had occurred / would affect
E) occurred / affected

15. Venice is joined to the mainland _____

road and railway viaducts.
A) from
B) over
C) by
D) on
E) off

16. The conference was a great

disappointment; in fact, it was quite
_____ I have ever attended.

11. Before I read Freud, I _____ dreams were

of so much significance.
A) haven'
t thought
t think
B) wouldn'
C) didn'
t think
D) don'
t think
t have thought
E) wouldn'



13. It is thought to be basically a Hittite

settlement _____ there are some traces
of earlier civilisations.


18. In advertising it is important to decide

_____ you are aiming to attract.
A) by whom
B) whoever
C) who
D) which
E) whose

in spite of
even so
even though
in case

0 222 233 99 66

the worst
as bad as
worse than
so bad
the worse

17. The Sumerian King Ur - Engur was a

great ruler _____ dominions extended
from the Gulf to the Mediterranean.

12. _____ the critics, the film is almost as

good as the novel itself.
A) With regard to
B) According to
C) Owing to
D) Concerning
E) In comparison to


in / on
in / at
at / in
on / at
at / on


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

19. I told him that the ultimate responsibility
for solving the problem was not _____
but _____ .
A) us / theirs
B) his / me
C) her / yours
D) him / ours
E) mine / his

23. As a matter of fact one of the most

important aims of education must be to
produce individuals who can think and
act independently.
A) Bir e itim sistemi zgrce d nebilen
bireyler yeti tiriyorsa en nemli amacn
gerekle tirmi demektir.
B) E itim zgrce hareket edebilen ve
d nebilen ki iler yeti tiremiyorsa en
nemli amalarndan birini yerine getirmiyor
C) Esas olarak zgr d nce ve davran
retmeyi hedef alan bir e itim sistemi,
retken ki iler yeti tirebilir.

20. He said he would apply for the job

immediately after he returned, _____?
A) did he
B) didn'
t he
C) would he
D) hadn'
t he
E) wouldn'
t he

D) Aslnda, e itimin nemli hedeflerinden biri

zgrce d nebilen ve davranabilen
bireyler yeti tirmek olmaldr.
E) zgr d nen ve hareket eden ki iler
yeti tirmenin e itimde nemli bir hedef
oldu u bilinen bir gerektir.

21. The last exhibition I went to was _____

crowded that I could hardly see anything
A) as
B) too
C) more
D) so
E) very

24. Most sociologists maintain that the most

significant element of culture that we
must learn are values, norms of conduct
and social roles.
A) Pek ok sosyolo a gre, kltrn en nemli
gelerinden biri herkesin rendi i de erler,
davran normlar ve toplumsal rollerdir.

22-26 sorularda, verilen ngilizce cmlenin

Trke dengini bulunuz.

B) o u sosyolog, renmemiz gereken en

nemli kltr gelerinin de erler, davran
normlar ve toplumsal roller oldu unu ileri
C) Sosyologlar o unlukla kltrel de erler ve
davran normlarnn toplumsal rollerle
birlikte renilebildi ini savunurlar.

22. Anyone who wishes to begin selling

industrial goods in a foreign country
must first carry out market research.
A) Yabanc bir lkede sanayi mallar satmaya
ba lamak isteyen herkes nce Pazar
ara trmas yapmaldr.

D) Sosyologlarn tm, de erler, davran

normlar ve toplumsal roller d nda
renmemiz gereken baz ok nemli
kltrel geler oldu unu belirtmektedir.

B) steyen herkes, Pazar ara trmas yaptktan

sonra yabanc bir lkede sanayi mallar
C) Hi kimse pazar ara trmas yapmadan
ba ka bir lkeye sanayi rnleri satmaya
giri memelidir.
D) Yabanc bir lkede Pazar ara trmas
yapmak isteyen herkes, nce sanayi mallar
pazarndan ba lamaldr.

E) Kltrn bize retti i belli ba l gelerin

de erler, davran normlar ve toplumsal
roller oldu u sosyologlarn o u tarafndan

E) Sanayi mallar satmaya ba lamadan nce

yaplacak pazar ara trmas yabanc lkeleri
de kapsamaldr.

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

25. Some art historians argue that, as in the
Middle Ages so in the Renaissance, art
served the purposes of faith.

27-31 sorularda, verilen Trke cmlenin

ngilizce dengini bulunuz.

A) Baz sanat tarihileri, sanatn Ortaa '

oldu u gibi Rnesans'
ta da dinin amalarna
hizmet etti ini ileri srmektedir.

27. Ekonomik geli menin ba lca

amalarndan biri, lkedeki btn
insanlarn hayat standardn
A) Importance must be given to economic
development in order to raise the people'
living standars.

B) Baz sanat tarihilerine gre, sanat, gerek

Ortaa '
da gerek Rnesans'
ta tamamen
dinsel amalara ynelik olarak geli mi tir.
C) Sanat tarihilerinin bir ksm, Rnesans'
sanatn, Ortaa '
dakinden farkl olarak, dinin
amalarna hizmet etti i gr ndedir.

B) The living standards of the people can'

t be
raised unless more emphasis is given to
economic development.

D) Sanat tarihileri arasnda, Ortaa '

da ve
ta sanatn dinin amalarna
hizmet edip etmedi i konusunda gr
ayrl vardr.
E) Sanat tarihilerinin bir ksm, Ortaa '
oldu u kadar Rnesans'
ta da din
adamlarnn sanata hizmet etti ini kabul

C) One of the major aims of economic

development is to raise the living standards
of all the people in the country.
D) The aim of most people in the country is to
raise their living standard in line with
economic development.
E) The economic development of the country is
essential for the improvement of the living
standards of all the people.

26. Psychoanalysis has brought about a

radical change in the study of human
behaviour and in the concepts of
A) nsan davran larnn psikoanalizle
incelenmesi, psikolojiye bir ok kavram
kazandrm tr.
B) Psikoanaliz, insan davran larnn
incelenmesinde ve psikoloji kavramlarnda
kkl bir de i ikli e neden olmu tur.

28. Mzi i halk tarafndan ok be enilmesine

ra men, besteci Hugo Wolf hayatnn
o unu yoksulluk iinde geirdi.
A) This composer was Hugo Wolf whose music
was much admired by the public though he
lived in poverty.

C) Psikoanalizin getirdi i en nemli de i iklik,

insan davran larnn ara trlmasnda ve
baz psikoloji kavramlarnn tanmnda
D) Psikoanalizde, insan davran lar ve psikoloji
kavramlar ok farkl bir biimde ele alnr.
E) nsan davran larna yakla m ok farkl
olan psikoanaliz, psikolojideki baz
kavramlar kknden de i timi tir.

0 222 233 99 66


B) The music of composer Hugo Wolf only

attracted the attention of the public after he
had died in poverty.
C) The composer Hugo Wolf lived in poverty,
but his best music was much liked by people
at the time.
D) Though his music greatly admired by the
public, the composer Hugo Wolf lived most
of his life in poverty.
E) The music of Hugo Wolf reflects the life of
this composer which was spent mostly alone
and in poverty.

Di er sayfaya geiniz.

29. Hatrlanaca gibi, Japon medeni kanunu,
tpk e itim sistemi gibi temel olarak
Franszlardan alnm tr.

32-41 sorularda, verilen cmleyi uygun

ekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

A) It should be recalled that the civil code of

Japan and the educational system, were
both taken from that of the French.

32. After Muhammed Ali had won a gold

medal in the Olympics, _____.
A) he turned professional
B) the newspapers are not aware of it
C) there will be other fights in Europe
D) he'
d claim to be the best in the world
E) he is still well-known

B) One should remember that the Japanese

civil code, like the education system, is in
some ways similar to the French.
C) It will be remebered that the Japanese civil
code, just like the education system,
resembles the French one quite closely.
D) One should recall that Japann fashioned her
civil code, and even more her educational
system, on the example of France.

33. _____ whose genius was recognised in

his own life time.
A) The great Turkish architect Sinan built many
B) Sinan is one of the few architects
C) Sinan'
s major works must be studied from
various angles
D) Some of Sinan'
s bridges were of strategic
E) Sleyman the Magnificent greatly respected
Sinan and admired his works

E) As one may remember, the Japanese civil

code, just like the education system, was
basicaly adopted from that of the French.

30. Annda tercmenin, bir uzman iin bile ne

kadar zor oldu unun ok az ki i
A) For the expert, simultaneous translation is
not as difficult as most people imagine.
B) Simultaneous translation, even for an
expert, is extremely diffucult as everyone
C) Very few people realise how difficult
simultaneous translation is, even for an
D) Most people cannot realise that
simultaneous translation is diffucult for all
but the expert.
E) The difficulties of simultaneous translation
are only appreciated by a very few experts.

34. _____ that Victoria was a remarkable

A) It was impossible to avoid asking the
B) I was introduced to a historian
C) Dr. Robertson has been wondering
D) This is an article on the British royal family
E) It is generally agreed

35. _____ if the government had given

priority to the problem of pollution.
A) Meteorologists are extremely worried
B) As far as the research centre is concerned
C) It would have been better
D) A group of ecologists have complained
E) Urbanisation is under attack

31. Anadolu'da kurulan ilk byk uygarlk

M 2000 yllarndaki Hitit Uygarl dr.
A) The major period of the Hittite civilisation in
Anatolia was around 2000 B.C.
B) The Hittites were the first civilised people to
settle in Anatolia around 2000 B.C.
C) Well before 2000 B.C. Anatolia had come
under the influence of Hittite civilisation.
D) The major civilisations established in
Anatolia around 2000 B.C. ncluded the
Hittite one.
E) The first major civilisation established in
Anatolia was that of the Hittites around 2000

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

36. _____ while the mother is there to
provide security.
A) The child had reached school age
B) Most young children will confidently explore
a strange environment
C) The children of a large family feel they have
more advantages than those of smaller
D) Those children found it harder to make
social contacts
E) The children liked to get away on their own

40. After taking a degree in archaeology, he

went to the States _____.
A) which is what he is still hoping to do
B) as he is being offered a two year scholarship
C) when any further study there is out of the
D) where he specialised in Roman sculpture
E) unless he had been appointed as a lecturer
in his own department

41. Many critics have wondered _____.

A) although the audience enjoyed the
performance immensely.
B) because it was a best seller
C) why his plays have not been more popular
D) so long as the young novelists follow this
E) that his novels are so powerful

37. Let's allow the students a break in the

middle of each term _____
A) unless they ask for it
B) if the courses were being revised
C) however beneficial this could have proved
D) as it was hoped they would come back
E) as this will, certainly, improve efficiency

42-46 sorularda, parada bo braklan yere

uygun d en ifadeyi bulunuz.
42. Wages and salaries are usually paid in
regular weekly or monthly instalments.
However, one's expenses are normally
much less regular. Bills often arrive
irregularly and are usually to be paid
immediately. ____ .
A) It is dangerous to spend more than one
B) Similarly, preparing an annual budget has a
number of disadvantages.
C) Of course, much of this expenditure was
almost unavoidable.
D) Therefore, some form of financial planning is
E) Unfortunately, many people are unable to
make a decent living.

38. To increase productivity, it is essential

that the workers receive further training
_____ .
A) even if they had been gratified by wage
B) so that the factory had to undergo
considerable reorganisation
C) in order to keep up with new developments
in technology
D) whether they wanted it or not
E) unless the government lifts restrictions on
imports in general

39. I am reading that article on maritime law

A) which has caused so much controversy
B) if I can find it
C) while it was highly recommended
D) that I can'
t explain it
E) so that you lend it to me

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

43. Ballet dancers work within a tradition.
They have generations of knowledge and
experience behind them. ____ . For theirs
is a hard world, but at least they have the
example of the past to turn to when they
need it.
A) It originated in the French court.
B) Originality can be overrated.
C) It is this that supports them.
D) Art should appear effortless.
E) It is possible to improve one'
s sense of

46. Deserts are vast , barren, rocky and

sandy wastes where there is almost no
rainfall and little or no vegetation. ____ .
In fact, Europe is the only continent
without a desert. Among the most
famous deserts in the world as the
Sahara, the Gobi and the Kalahari.
A) Such regions are found in the interior of
Africa, Asia, North America and Australia.
B) Another major problem is the sand storm.
C) Moreover, many people have lost their lives
trying to cross the desert.
D) It is, of course, very costly to reclaim desert
land in this bay.
E) The United Nations has financed various
projects for the irrigation of deserts.

44. In 1746 a group of London publishers

commissioned Samuel Johnson to
compile an English dictionary. Johnson
was pleased wit the commission and
hoped to finish it within three years. ____
. For a work of such quality, however,
nine years was not really very long,
especially when we remember how much
of the work was his alone.
A) It didn'
t take him as long as this.
B) Actually, though, it took him nine years.
C) There were six people to help him.
D) Another dictionary was published in the next
E) Many words have changed in meaning since
s day.

47-51 sorularda, anlam bakmndan hangi

cmlenin paraya uymad n bulunuz.
47. (I) Some people are against the English
system of trial by jury. (II) They argue
that only people trained in the law can
understand properly all the evidence
given at a trial. (III) At the end of a trial all
the evidence is summed up by the judge.
(IV) Until I served on a jury last month, I
used to think this way myself. (V) But
now I understand the advantages of the
jury system.
A) I
E) V

45. Michelangelo did not like to delegate

work to the students in his studio,
though at that time the studios of the
great masters of one age were the
training ground for those of the next.
____ . Another was that Michelangelo left
a lot of unfinished works.
A) One of his biographers has criticised.
B) It has been suggested that Michelangelo
was jealous of talent in others.
C) Michelangelo was ambitious, and was
satisfied with nothing short of perfection.
D) Michelangelo enjoyed enormous prestige
even in his own day.
E) One result of this practice of his was that no
great artist emerged from Michelangelo'

0 222 233 99 66

48. (I) The declaration of Human Rights gives

great emphasis to education. (II) After all,
the declaration shows how near the
world is to being ideal. (III) This is natural
as advances in the cause of freedom and
of social rights depend very largely on
education. (IV) Indeed, educators must
accept a major share of the responsibility
for shaping a society's attitudes towards
Human Rights. (V) If they do not do so,
the document will remain ineffective.



Di er sayfaya geiniz.

49. (I) A potential weakness of committees is
their tendency to make compromise
decisions. (II) Their plans, too, are often
middle-of-the-road plans. (III)
Nevertheless, most high-level decisions
are now being taken by individuals. (IV)
In other words, these are the sort of
plans that nobody actually opposes. (V)
Nobody really believes in them either, so
actually they are not much use.

52-56 sorularda, anlam bakmndan hangi

cmlenin paraya uymad n bulunuz.
52. Bank Manager : Good Morning, Mr.
Hepper. What can I do for you?
Mr. Hepper : I wanted to discuss the
possibilities of a loan.
Bank Manager : ____
Mr. Hepper : Thank you, I will.


50. (I) Symbolism is the bridge between

Romanticism and Modernism and its use
provides a basis of continuity. (II)
Romantic writers mostly used symbols
drawn from nature or from mythology.
(III) Modern writers tend to use less
obvious symbols. (IV) Rhyme is rarely
used in modern poetry. (V) In one
modern novel a bar of soap, for instance,
has great symbolic force.
A) I
E) V

53. Seyfi : I hear you went to the opening of

Jame's art exhibition last night; how was
Sait: Quite good, I suppose. But I prefer
his earlier, more concrete style.
Seyfi : ____
Sait: Yes, he is. I suppose an artist has to
try out different styles.

51. Many people find that libraries provide an

excellent environment for serious study.
(II) Even so the young in particular find
background music is essential. (III) They
offer the necessary quietness and the
right atmosphere. (IV) The presence of
others working there is also a bonus
psychologically. (V) Their main drawback
is that they close at fixed hours.

Were people buying them?

How about the colours?
Is he painting abstract pictures now?
I used to like his animal pictures best.
I will look in on the exhibition later in the

54. Librarian : You know you should have

returned the art book today.
Robert : ____
Librarian : I'm afraid I can't do that.
There's someone else wanting to borrow
Robert : Then I'll rush back home and
bring it here before closing time.
A) Please let me keep it for one more day. I
have only one chapter left.
B) It seems I have borrowed the wrong book.
May I see the one by W. Peter?
C) Nobody would want that book anyway. I
thought I could keep it as long as I wished.
D) Yes, I know. But I can only return it on
E) Oh, I thought I had two more days. I'
ll bring
it back and borrow it again later.


0 222 233 99 66

Then let'
s do so over a cup of tea.
m afraid we can give no loans at present.
How much do you require?
Then sit down and tell me about it.
You could have asked me earlier.


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

55. Peter : Are you going to the opening of
that ceramics' exhibition?
Mavis : ____
Peter : I want to; but I don't want to go by
Mavis : In that case, I'll join you.

57-59 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

Any criminal justice system is an apparatus
that society uses to enforce the standards of
conduct necessary to protect individuals and
the community. It operates by apprehending,
prosecuting , convicting, sentencing these
members of the community who violate the
basic rules of group existence. The action
taken against lawbreakers is designed to
serve three purposes beyond the
immediately punitive one. It removes
dangerous people from the community; it
deters others from criminal behaviour and it
gives society an oppurtunity to attempt to
transform lawbreakers into law-abiding

A) No, I'
m not. I'
m flying to Rome for a
conference this evening.
B) Well, I wasn'
t intending to. Are you?
C) I didn'
t know you were interested in
D) There'
s been a lot in the newspapers about
ve heard nothing about it.
E) What exhibition? I'

57. We understand from the passage that the

basic aim of criminal justice is ____
A) the protection of society and its individuals.
B) to define socially acceptable behaviour.
C) to educate lawbreakers.
D) the violation of the law.
E) to renew, as necessary, the traditions and
customs of society.

56. Philip : What did he lecture on?

Claude : The civilisation of ancient Egypt.
Philip : ____
Claude : I really don't know. I couldn't
understand a thing.
A) Was he any good?
B) How long have you been interested in
ancient Egypt?
C) He'
s written a book on the subject, hasn'
D) I wish I could have been there.
E) That'
s one of your special topics, isn'
t it?

58. According to the passage, prosecution is

A) a process which follows conviction.
B) concerned with the transformation of criminal
C) not to be considered a vital part of the criminal
justice system.
D) actually the removal of lawbreakers from the
E) one of the stages in the operation of criminal
59. It is pointed out in the passage that one of
the effects of the criminal justice system is to
A) give guidelines for group existence
B) discourage crime
C) prevent the enforcement of capital punishment
D) take immediate action against the community
E) investigate the reasons behind criminal

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

60-62 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

63-65 sorular, a a daki paraya gre


Chronic psychological stress depends

much more on the person than on what
happens to him. Someone promoted
above his abilities will probably be under
constant stress but some personalities
may not be aware of the pressure, or of
not being up to the job. On the other
hand, someone in a position well within
his abilities may still find everything a
strain. Perhaps it is because he does not
realise he can do it easily or because he
wants to win promotion; or simply
because that is his way of going about

In a competitive economy, the consumer

usually has the choice of several different
brands of the same product. Yet underneath
their labels, these products are often nearly
identical. One manufacturer's toothpaste
tends to differ very little from another
manufacturer's. Two different brands of
shampoo may vary only in scent and colour.
And the tobacco in two different brands of
cigarettes frequently come from the same
fields. This close similarity means that a
shopper has little reason to choose one
brand over another. Thus, manufacturers are
confronted with a problem: how to keep
sales high enough to stay in business.
Manufacturers solve this problem by

60. The main argument of the passage is that

A) chronic stress may lead to serious
B) stress results from difficult environmental
C) some people work better under stress
D) people of high ability cope better with stress
E) stress is more related to personality than to
external conditions

63. According to the passage, the average

consumer ____
A) always buys the same brands
B) realises that brand names are unimportant
C) thinks he is faced with a wide choice but he is
D) is well-protected by law against deception
E) cannot be fooled by advertising

61. According to the passage, some people

A) misunderstand the term "stress"
B) are afraid of being promoted.
C) work well when they are promoted above
their ability.
D) do not notice how much pressure they'
under in their work.
E) take on any work they happen to find.

64. The author suggests that ____

A) you should read the label on every product
B) one should realise that with many products, one
brand is almost the same as another.
C) you should always make your purchases at the
same shop .
D) one should find out where certain products, like
tobacco, have been produced.
E) the colour of a special brand of shampoo is a
sign of its quality.

62. A person often experiences tension in

his work ____
A) because he deserves promotion
B) until he has been properly trained
C) if he is particularly easy-going
D) if there isn'
t adequate competition
E) when he is promoted above his capabilities.

0 222 233 99 66

65. It is understood from the passage that a

manufacturer's chief concern is to ____
A) adopt scientific approach
B) make one product look the same as another
C) produce different brands of the same product.
D) know what the potential buyer wants.
E) convince customers that his product is special.


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

66-68 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

69-71 sorular, a a daki paraya gre


A great deal of archaeological evidence

has revealed the importance of water
supply systems in the ancient world.
Probably the most impressive system
were built by the Romans, whose
aqueducts still stand in modern Italy,
Spain, France and Turkey. Rome itself
had a water supply estimated at 50
million gallons a day, or about 50 gallons
a day for each resident of the city. The
water has delivered to fountains where
people collected it in pots and then
carried it to their homes; only a few
buildings and residences had
connections to the main pipelines.

The literature of any society reveals the

values, the conflicts and the experiences,
both past and present of its members.
Through the literature of a people it is
possible to gain some insight into their
attitudes, beliefs and problems. Much of
human experience is similiar because
basically all men have similiar needs, and the
reader may find his own concern voiced by a
character in a novel written centuries before.
69. It is pointed out in the passage that through
literature we can ____
A) gain considerable information about a given
B) forget our own problems for a while.
C) gain insight into the beliefs and problems of
D) learn how to change the values and attitudes of
our friends.
E) realise how different we are from the people of
the past.

66. According to the passage, there is

considerable archaeological evidence
A) concerning ancient water supply systems.
B) showing that water supply systems were
almost unknown in ancient times.
C) to explain why some countries had better
water delivery systems than others.
D) to show that ancient peoples, too, suffered
from water shortages.
E) to suggest that the ancient water supply
systems of Italy and Turkey fell into disuse.

70. The passage mainly concerned with ____

A) the literature of the past.
B) the contrast between a man'
s past experience
and his present beliefs.
C) the need to build on one'
s experience of
D) the relationship between literature and life.
E) the differences between literature and real life.

67. According to the passage, some of the

waterways built by the Romans, ____
A) were more impressive than their other
B) were inferior to those of earlier civilisations.
C) are still in existence in several countries.
D) were insufficient to meet the demands of the
public they served.
E) are still in use in modern Europe.

71. It's implied in the passage that human

experience ____

differs because everyone has different needs.

varies from society to society .
is not reflected in literature.
is actually quite unlike anything we find in a
E) often varies little over the centuries.

68. Most people in Rome ____

A) had running water in their houses.
B) had residences with connections to several
C) helped to build the aqueducts.
D) did not have enough water for their needs.
E) got their water from public fountains.

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

72-74 sorular, a a daki paraya gre
The emergence of new processes for
producing goods and services that
provide better quality at lower cost them.
Mass production has transformed the
nature of work. This is a fundamental
change in economic life. People perform
a much more central role in the new
production system. There is now more
democracy in the workplace. A reduction
of business hierarchies, the creation of
production teams, more worker
participation in decision making and
employee ownership are some of the
indicators of this economic democracy.
The heart of this process is not
technology; it's a new set of social
relations in the workplace which means
that most workers now enjoy more work
72. One can infer from the passage that with
the introduction of new working process
A) the manufacturing of goods has became
more costly
B) the role of workers in the work place has
diminished noticeably
C) the work place now offer employees more
satisfaction than it used to be in the past
D) companies feel they really own their
E) the importance of teamwork has been totally
73. According to the passage, the new
production system ____.
A) continues to make of the methods and
techniques of mass production
B) is characterised by the growing importance
of the human element in the workplace
C) is basically contrary to the principles of
D) rests solely upon the will and initiative of
E) has been the result of considerable
technologic advance
74. According to the author, two of the major
assets of the new production ____.

75-77 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

The urge to dance is one of the most
powerful of human instincts. Nearly all
dances from antiquity to the 19th century ,
had one important common characteristic.
They alternated between collective
movements and solo twins, in which every
dancer or couple in succession would
become the centre of attention and then
merge back into the crowd. Thus dancing
expressed both the communal and the
individualistic impulse of humanity, holding
the two in delicate balance to the benefit of a
healthy society.
75. The passage emphasises that dancing ____.
A) is generously regarded as a professional
B) has always been a most powerful urge for a
C) only goes back to the nineteenth century
D) has always been a group activity
E) has changed dramatically over the centuries

76. According to the passage, through most of

the history of dancing ____.
A) it has been individual talent which has inspired
new models
B) there has been surprisingly little in the way of
C) this art has attracted very little attention
D) it is the female solo dancer who has attracted all
the attention
E) collective and solo movement have
characteristically alternated with each other

77. The passage deals with ____.

A) man'
s desire to dance, and the character and the
effect of dancing
B) the differences between dancing now and in the
C) the changing art of dancing since antiquity.
D) the main components of a healthy society
E) the advantages of collective dancing over solo

A) are an improvement in the quality of goods

and services and reduction in the costs
B) are competition and increased marketing
C) have been highly overrated
D) are also characteristic of mass production
E) play a remarkable role in the services
industry but not in the manufacturing

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

80. The author argues that the term "Third
World" ____
A) refers only to he Asian countries.
B) is synonymous with extreme poverty.
C) satisfactorily describes the poor nations of
the world.
D) is not adequately descriptive.
E) ought to be more widely used.

78-80 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

The term "Third World" is used to denote
the poor nations of Africa, Asia and Latin
America as opposed to the "Second
World" of communist developed nations.
The terminology is far from satisfactory,
as there is a great social and political
variation within the "Third World".
Indeed, there are some countries where
extreme poverty prevails, and these
could be regarded as a "fourth" group.
78. The terms "First", "Second", and "Third
World" point to ____
A) the different social institution of East and
B) the political systems in the western world.
C) political and economic groupings among
D) distinctions covering one quarter of the
E) differences in educational standards
throughout the world.

79. According to the author, ____

A) the "Second World" includes all the poor
nations of the world.
B) the distinction between "First World" and
"Second World" is political.
C) there is a strong resemblance between the
countries of the "First World" ant the "Third
D) only the "First World" countries are
E) extreme poverty is to be found in all these
four groups.

0 222 233 99 66

Test Bitti...


Di er sayfaya geiniz.


Bu testte cevaplayaca nz soru says 80dir.
nerilen cevaplama sresi 180 dakikadr.

5. I don't know how the nurse ____ the

constant demands of that elderly patient.

1-21. Sorularda bo braklan yere uygun

d en ifadeyi bulunuz.


1. In the past, too, people relied on plant

substances to ____ a wide range of
A) recover
B) undermine
C) infect
D) cure
E) restrain

2. He was discharged from hospital but was

advised to return after a month for
further ____ .


6. As he has taken those antibiotics, it will

be very difficult to ____ just what the
problem is.
A) turn up
B) give up
C) put down
D) find out
E) look up

7. The brain and spinal cord ____ the

central nervous system.

3. Some women are ____ troubled with

backache as they get older.
A) relevantly
B) consecutively
C) continually
D) sufficiently
E) reluctantly

stand for
turn down
make up
get on
count on

8. Before Alexander Fleming ____

penicillin, a great many people ____ of
A) has discovered / would die
B) discovered / died
C) will discover / have died
D) would discover / died
E) was discovering / were dying

4. A poorly-planned vegetarian diet will

typically be ____ in iron, zinc and
A) unhealthy
B) deficient
C) varied
D) nutritious
E) essential

0 222 233 99 66

thinks over
changes over
turns on
wakes up
puts up with


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

14. ____ she gave up smoking, she has
enjoyed the best of health.
A) Although
B) If
C) Since
D) For
E) When

9. When the new hospital ____ in March,

you ____ one of the first patients to be
A) opened / have been
B) will open / will be
C) has opened / can have been
D) is opening / are
E) opens / will be

15. Millions of children in these third world

countries will suffer and die ____ these
infectious diseases remain uncontrolled.
A) if
B) unless
C) as soon as
D) however
E) so as

10. Don't take him into the operating room

until the anaesthetist ____ you to.
A) tells
B) will tell
C) tell
D) can tell
E) told

11. Of all the medicines we have tested, this

is obviously ____ effective.
A) Much
B) More
C) less
D) a little
E) the most

16. He was advised not to discontinue this

medicine ____ this might bring a
recurrence of the complaint.
A) so that
B) despite
C) until
D) as
E) due to

12. The nurse claimed that it wasn't ____

responsibility but the doctor's.
A) hers
B) herself
C) theirs
D) her
E) himself

17. The patient was not satisfied ____ the

treatment he received.
A) on
B) for
C) of
D) from
E) with

13. If you had followed the doctor's advice,

you ____ a complete recovery by this
A) would make
B) would have made
C) had made
D) will make
E) were making

0 222 233 99 66

18. Be sure ____ take a look ____ the article

on infant mortality rates.
A) in / of
B) to / at
C) of / for
D) for / up
E) by / from


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

19. AIDS is a disease ____ has given rise to
much speculation.
A) whom
B) whose
C) what
D) which
E) who

23. While modern practice in patient care is the

central theme of the education programme,
considerable stress is placed on research
and teaching in all fields related to health.

A) E itim programnn ana konusu hasta

bakmnda modern uygulama oldu u halde
sa lkla ilgili tm alanlarda ara trma ve
retime de gerek vardr.
B) Hasta bakmnda e itim programnn ana
konusunu modern uygulama olu turmasna
ra men, sa lkla ilgili her alanda ara trma
ve retime de yer verilmektedir.
C) E itim programnn ana konusu hasta bakmnda

20. A lot of people want to become surgeons

but ____ make the grade.
A) few
B) not much
C) very little
D) any
E) all

modern uygulama olmakla birlikte, ara trmaya

da olduka nem verilmekte ve sa lkla ilgili her
alanda retim srdrlmektedir.

D) Bir yandan e itim programnn ana konusu

olarak hasta bakmnda modern uygulama
srdrlrken, te yandan sa lkla ilgili tm
alanlarda ara trma ve retimin nemi de
yerine gre gere ince vurgulanmaktadr.
E) E itim programnn ana konusu hasta
bakmnda modern uygulama olmakla
birlikte sa lkla ilgili her alanda ara trma ve
retime olduka nem verilmektedir.
24. With the aid of advanced technology, forensic

21. A drug of this kind is ____ dangerous to

be sold without a prescription.
A) as
B) just
C) too
D) so
E) enough

medicine is now contributing greatly to crime


A) Gnmzde adli tp,ileri teknolojinin

yardmyla, sularn belirlenmesinde byk
katk sa lamaktadr.
B) Bugn adli tpta, ileri teknolojiden
yararlanld iin, sularn belirlenmesinde
byk ba ar sa lanabilmektedir.
C) leri teknolojiden yararlanan adli tp
gnmzdeki su trlerine ili kin nemli
veriler sa lamaktadr.
D) Adli tp, sularn belirlenmesinde sa lad
byk geli meyi bugnn ileri teknolojisine
E) Adli tbbn sular belirlemede sa lad
ba arda gnmzdekiileri teknolojinin
katks byktr.
25. When there are outbreaks of cholera or

22-26 sorularda, verilen ngilizce cmlenin

Trke dengini bulunuz.
22. Nobody really knows very much about
the causes of sleeplessness, but
everyone knows how necessary sleep is.
A) Uykusuzlu un ne oldu unu bilenlerin says
ok olmasa da herkes buna kar ne
yapmak gerekti ini bilir.
B) Uykusuzlu un nedenlerini bilen pek fazla
kimse yoktur, ancak bunlar bilmek herkes
iin gereklidir.
C) Uykusuzlu un nedenleri hakknda kimse
aslnda fazla bir ey bilmez, ama herkes
uykunun ne kadar gerekli oldu unu bilir.
D) Uykusuzlu un asl nedenini bilenlerin says
ok olmasa da herkes buna kar bir eyler
yapmak gerekti ini bilir.
E) Uykusuzlu un nedenlerini kimse fazla
ara trmad halde, herkes uykunun gerekli
oldu unu sanyor.

0 222 233 99 66

typhoid, it is necessary to take such

precautions as the boiling of drinking water.

A) Kolera ve tifo salgnlarn nlemek iin

alnacak en iyi nlem ime suyunu
B) Tifo ve kolera gibi salgnlarda, suyu
kaynatarak imek alnmas gereken bir
C) me suyunu kaynatmak, kolera ve tifo
salgnlarnda alnmas gereken ilk
nlemlerden biridir.
D) Kolera ve tifo salgnlarna kar alnmas
gereken ilk nlem, ime suyunun
kaynatlarak iilmesidir.
E) Kolera ve tifo salgnlar oldu unda, ime
suyunun kaynatlmas gibi nlemler alnmas


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

26. Experts also argue that children born to
older women risk having weaker immune
A) Uzmanlar bu arada, ileri ya taki kadnlardan
do an ouklarda ba klk sisteminin zayf
olmas eklinde bir riskin bulunmad n ne
B) Uzmanlarn tart tklar konulardan biri de
ba klk sistemi zayf kadnlarn ocuk
do urmalarnn riskli olup olmad dr.
C) Uzmanlar ayrca, ileri ya taki kadnlardan
do an ocuklarn daha zayf ba klk
sistemine sahip olma riskiyle kar kar ya
oldu unu ne sryorlar.
D) Uzmanlar ayrca, ba klk sistemleri zayf
olmadka ya l kadnlarn ocuk
do urmalarnn riskli olmad gr ndeler.
E) Uzmanlar bunun d nda, ya landka
kadnlarn ba klk sistemlerinin
zayflad n ve ocuk do urmalarnn daha
riskli oldu unu ne sryorlar.

29. al malar gsteriyor ki insanlar ne

kadar ok protein alrlarsa, idrarlarnda o
kadar ok kalsiyum atlyor.
A) Research shows that the lack of protein in
the diet leads to the over-excretion of
B) Studies show that the more protein people
take in, the more calcium is excreted in the
C) The project is designed to show that there is
a relationship between the amount of
protein eaten and the amount of calcium in
the urine.
D) Research has shown that people are eating
more protein and excreting more calcium.
E) According to the study, more people are
taking in protein to increase the amount of
calcium in the urine.
30. Tiroit bezi en nemli organlardan biri
oldu u halde, o u kimse onun vcudun
neresinde oldu unu bilmez.

27-31 sorularda, verilen Trke cmlenin

ngilizce dengini bulunuz.
27. Kusursuz di lere sahip olmann
gerekten ok byk bir ayrcalk
oldu unu hi d ndnz m?

A) Although the thyroid gland is one of the

most important organs, most people dont
know in which part of the body it is.
B) Even though the thyroid gland is such an
important organ in the body, most people
dont know what it does.
C) Since most people dont realise how
important the thyroid gland is, they dont
know where it is.
D) Many people dont seem to understand that
the thyroid gland in their body is an organ of
great importance.
E) Despite the importance of the thyroid gland
in the working of the body, many people
dont even realise that they have one.

A) Have you ever happened to meet anyone

with really perfect teeth?
B) Would you agree that it is a really great
pleasure to have perfect teeth?
C) Do you realise how lucky you are to have
such perfect teeth?
D) Has it ever occurred to you that it is really a
great privilege to have perfect teeth?
E) Do you think that people with perfect teeth
actually realise how fortunate they are?
28. A r kesici ve ate d rc
niteliklerinden dolay yaygn olarak
kullanlan aspirin bile mide ve ince
ba rsaklarda kanamaya neden olabilir.
A) The widespread use of aspirin for its pain
relieving and fever reducing qualities has
led to an increase of cases of bleeding in
the stomach and small intestine.
B) Even though aspirin can cause bleeding in
the stomach and small intestine, it is still
widely used for the relief of pain and for
bringing down the temperature.
C) Since aspirin causes bleeding in the
stomach and small intestine, it is being used
less to control pain and fever.
D) Aspirin is widely used to relieve pain and
bring down fewer even though it may cause
bleeding in the stomach and small intestine.
E) Even aspirin, widely used for its pain
relieving and fever reducing qualities, can
cause bleeding in the stomach and small
0 222 233 99 66

31. Yksek ate , her zaman durumun ciddi

oldu u anlamna gelmez, ama yine de bir
hekime ba vurmaldr.
A) It is not necessary to consult a doctor every
time there is a high temperature but no
other symptoms.
B) A high temperature invariably suggests that
something is seriously wrong and that a
doctor should be called.
C) A high temperature does not always mean
that the situation is serious but still a doctor
should be consulted.
D) A high temperature usually indicates a
serious condition and the advisability of
consulting a doctor.
E) The doctor advised us to call him at once if
the temperature rose indicating something


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

37. After he had lost five kilos ____.
A) he looked and felt much better
B) he tends to discontinue his diet after a short
C) this is the most effective diet he has come
D) he had started to go a fitness centre
E) he will have achieved his goal

32-41 sorularda, verilen cmleyi uygun

ekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

Dr. Hall's secretary wanted to know ____

unless the pain got worse
if I had an appointment
that he is feeling better
so the medicine was having bad side-effects
whether I will take another course of

38. However qualified the young surgeon

may be ____.
A) his appointment was approved by the Board
B) they have already promoted him
C) his colleagues always admire him greatly
D) he will have to be on probation for some
E) he had carried out his studies at a top
medical school

33. Dr. Martin took his students to see the

patient ____
A) if he had an open heart operation
B) that he was coughing badly
C) who had made such a good recovery
D) unless he was given the right medicine
E) whoever he is treating

39. ____ whether or not the patient will

respond to his treatment.
A) The only advice I can give you is
B) Naturally the doctors have diagnosed
C) It is still too early to say
D) Various forms of therapy have been
E) It is felt that an injection should have been

34. There was no one but the anaesthetist

there ____
A) unless the operation was cancelled
B) if the surgeon required more
C) and so were the nurses
D) though it'
s already nine o'
E) when we arrived

35. Dr Douglas won't operate until tomorrow

A) unless the case proves to be particularly
B) so that he is seriously ill
C) if some help him
D) that he has made an appointment
E) when he would talk to him privately


40. ____ whose diagnosis turned out to be

A) There'
s still no information
B) That'
s the doctor
C) Several doctors are of the same opinion
D) Their advice seems to be the best
E) There'
s still a question

They didn't operate on him ____

unless they have to
until they had got the results of the tests
if they think it'
s necessary
so he was 7 years old
while his blood pressure has been so high

0 222 233 99 66

41. ____ as soon as they get him into the

A) We were still waiting for the news of him
B) It was your job to find out
C) His condition deteriorated rapidly
D) Be sure to give me a call
E) The situation has proved urgent


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

45. ____. But most psychothrerapists would
say that such depression stems from
buried grief or pain. For example
someone who has been unhappy as a
child may become depressed as an
A) One should not let oneself get depressed.
B) People who are depressed aren'
t good
C) Sometimes one may be deppressed for no
apparent reason.
D) During the last two decades problems
pertaining to mental health have steadily
E) Newspapers are full of depressing stories of
human behaviour.

42-46 sorularda, parada bo braklan yere

uygun d en ifadeyi bulunuz.
42. Developments in the field of anaesthesia
have been remarkably rapid. Now it is
sometimes possible to grant the patient
his choice as to type of anaesthesia.
Often, however, a certain kind of
anesthesia better suited to a particular
operation ______.
A) In such cases the actual choice of technique
should be left to the anaesthetist and the
B) As anaesthesia is complicated field of study
it requires a full knowledge of medicine.
C) Without anaesthesia it would be impossible
for a surgeon to operate successfully.
D) However, there is still a great shortage of
trained anaesthetists, especially in
developing countries.
E) In the past, anaesthesia was not regarded
as a field of medical study.

46. The cause of tooth decay in human

beings is a bacterium that feeds on the
sugar in our food. ____. The acid then
dissolves the enamel, the outer coating
of the teeth, and finally attacks the living
nerve within. The result is the agonising
pain we know as toothache.
A) In that case one must follow the advice of a
reliable dentist.
B) So we should brush our teeth after every
C) In most animals, dental decay is a rarely
encountered problem.
D) Sugar is known to have a harmful effect
upon the teeth.
E) It digests the sugar more easily by
converting it into an acid.

43. Many patients need special diets. _____.

In their diet, vegetables and dairy
products should be given preference.
Only very small quantities of fat, sugar
and salt are permitted.
A) Patients with heart disease, however, can
eat everything.
B) For instance, people with diabetes have to
be very careful about what they eat.
C) However, very few patients keep their diets.
D) The elderly are one big exception.
E) Most hospitals take special care of their

47-51 sorularda, anlam bakmndan hangi

cmlenin paraya uymad n bulunuz.
47. (I) The population of the world continues
to increase at an alarming rate. (II)
During the last decade health services
have improved greatly in the West. (III)
This is causing two major problems. (IV)
There obvious one is the problem of
what man is going to eat. (V) But equally
important is that of where he is going to
A) I
E) V

44. Although doctors do not know all the

causes of high blood pressure, they
know that overweight people and people
with a family history of hypertension
often suffer from this problem. ____.
Therefore, it is advisable to have regular
periods of relaxation, and avoid
A) The usual treatment for mild cases is a
change of diet.
B) It can be correctly treated to avoid
rheumatic fever.
C) In severe cases of high blood pressure a
specialist should ce consulted.
D) High blood pressure can never be brought
under control.
E) Emotional stress and worry can also cause
the blood pressure to rise.
0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

48. (I) It is claimed that in certain conditions,
the presence of resevoirs is actually
harmful to human health. (II) This is
because the surfaces provide an ideal
place for mosquitoes to breed. (III) The
internal disease known as bilnarzia is
another illness that is said to be
encouraged by the presence of
manmade lakes and canals. (IV) In some
dams the disease carrying mosquitoes
are so numerous that measures to
control them are proving very costly. (V)
But, costly or not, it is vital that we do
control them.
A) I
E) V

51. (I) The treatment of a burn depends, to a

large extent, on how deep it goes. (II)
Unfortunately current techniques to
judge the depth of a burn rely heavly on
personal judgement. (III) Assesment is
made by looking for characteristic
colours and textures. (IV) A shallow burn
will heal itself in time. (V) But in up to 40
per cent of cases doctors fail to judge
the depth of a burn correctly.

52-56 sorularda, anlam bakmndan hangi

cmlenin paraya uymad n bulunuz.
52. Doctor: When did you first realise Tim
had a temperature?
Mrs.Foster: ____
Doctor: Did you give him anything?
Mrs.Foster: Yes, two aspirins.

49. (I) People keep animals for various

reasons. (II) Sometimes it is simply
because they love them. (III) But many
people keep pets because they want
companionship. (IV) This is especially
true for elderly people and the lonely. (V)
Equally, pets cause problems when you
go on holiday.
A) I
E) V

A) I put him to bed straight away.

B) Last night he looked alright.
C) His temperature was quite normal again this
D) He left school early because he was ill.
E) Last night when he was going to bed.

53. Doctor: Is Mark your only child?

Mrs.Walker: ____
Doctor: Do they have similar symptoms?
Mrs.Walker: No, they are both quite well.
A) No, there are two others.
B) Yes, thats right.
C) Yes, he is only fourteen.
D) No, he has a younger brother.
E) Yes, he is used to playing by himself.

50. (I) For most people, spring, with all the

flowers it brings, is a very welcome
season. (II) For some, however, spring
means pollen, which brings on fits of
sneezing and watering eyes. (III)
Actually, most people are allergic to
something or another. (IV) These
reactions to pollen are caused by an
allergy. (V) Medical treatment can usually
bring some relief but rarerly a cure.
A) I
E) V

0 222 233 99 66



Di er sayfaya geiniz.

54. Dr.Morgan: Has Dr.Peters seen these Xrays?
Dr.Green: Yes, he has.
Dr.Morgan: ____
Dr.Green: His diagnosis was the same as

57-59 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

Feeling the pulse is part of the doctors'
routing in examining a patient in hospitals.
The nurse counts the pulse night and
morning. The pulse gives the doctor useful
information about his patient's condition, so
helping him to diagnose the trouble. The
cause of the pulse is the beating of the heart.
At each heart beat from four to six ounces of
blood are pumped into the main artery of
thebody, and in consequence a wave of
pressure goes along the arteries all over the
body. It is this wave which is the pulse the
doctor feels at the wrist. A beat of the heart is
responsible for each wave.

A) Hes known the patient for sometime, hasnt

B) What other tests did he want?
C) When did he see the patient?
D) What was his opinion?
E) Has treatment started?

55. Patient: The pain in my stomach still

hasnt gone away.
Doctor: ____
Patient: Well, I did for a day or two. But it
didnt seem to help.

57. As is pointed out in the passage, when a

doctor examines a patient, he ____ .
A) is primarily interested in diagnosing heart
B) is often assisted by a nurse.
C) frequently recommends a blood test.
D) gives little importance to the heart beats.
E) will, as a matter of course, check the pulse.

A) It will, in time. Dont worry.

B) Have you been taking the medicine as I
C) In that case Ill give you some more
D) How long has this been going on?
E) I should have come to see you earlier.

58. The passage points out that, by feeling a

pulse ____.
A) a doctor is able to get data which will help
B) a doctor can only gain a very superficial
impression of the patient'
s condition
C) it is possible for a nurse to understand a patient'
heart condition
D) it'
s always possible to understand whether one
has heart trouble
E) one can guess how much blood is being pumped
into the brain

56. Seyfi: I hear your mother is in hospital.

Im sorry.
Sait: Actually, its hardly necessary for
her to be in hospital; but she didnt feel
comfortable at home alone.
Seyfi: ____
Sait: Only four. And they enjoy each
others company.
A) Do you give her my very best wishes when
you see her.
B) Thats not surprising. And you work long
hours, dont you?
C) Shell get good treatment there.
D) Thats understandable. How many people
are there in her ward?
E) How sensible of her! I wish my mother
would admit that she cant cope.

0 222 233 99 66

59. It is explained in the passage that with each

beat of the heart, ____.
A) the arteries throughout the body contract
B) the amount of blood pumped into the main artery
is about five ounces
C) the blood pressure in the body decreases
D) the rhythm of the pulse changes suddenly
E) a number of waves occur in the arteries


Di er sayfaya geiniz.


60-62 sorular, a a daki paraya gre


63-65 sorular, a a daki paraya gre


Nobody should be ashamed of being

depressed. It is either a natural aspect of
grief, or an illness which is treatable. It is
normal to be depressed after a divorce or
the death of a loved one. But, in todays
rushing society, people may feel they
should recover from depression faster
than is really natural. Recovery from
mourning should be expected to be a
matter of many months, not weeks, and
nobody should be afraid to let this
depression run its natural course. In fact,
trying to rush the pace or brighten up
with antidepressants is seldom the best
route to a full recovery.

Studies show that more than two cups of

coffee a day can cause unpleasant
symptoms such as nervousness, irritability,
stomach pain and insomnia. Thus, although
many people build up a certain tolerance for
the stimulant experiments indicate that
caffeine users take longer to fall asleep than
non-users and they also wake up more often.
The effects of caffeine are similar in persons
of all ages, but certain groups are
particularly sensitive to the drug, including
the elderly, children, pregnant women, and
those suffering from heart disease,
hypertension, and emotional illness.
63. We learn from the passage that ____.

60. It is pointed out in the passage that

depression, in certain circumstances,
A) soon leads to many other serious types of
B) should be regarded as a very normal and
natural condition
C) does not respond to any clinical treatment
D) has always been regarded as an illness
E) is a hereditary illness which can seldom be

A) children are particularly sensitive to all types of

B) the effects of caffeine are deadly for all age
C) coffee drinkers must sleep less
D) caffeine is only cause of nervousness
E) most people can tolerate a moderate amount of
coffee each day

64. It is stated in the passage that ____.

A) caffeine help us to sleep better
B) the elderly are more sensitive to caffeine than
any other age group
C) caffeine in more than moderate quantities has a
harmful effect on our health
D) heart patients can tolerate fairly large amounts of
E) the more caffeine one takes, the earlier one gets

61. The author points out that in order to

recover from depression, ____.
A) it is better to let nature take its course rather
than turn to antidepressants
B) one must change ones working habits
C) it is advisable to take tranquillisers until one
fully recovers
D) you must do everything possible to forget
your grief
E) it is best to ignore other peoples problems

65. The author emphasizes ____.

A) that certain people should be particularly careful
about their daily caffeine intake
B) how useful coffee is in our everyday life
C) the need for many people to watch their health in
old age
D) how serious some bodily disorders are
E) the need to determine an individuals tolerance
to various drugs

62. It is explained in the passage that those

who try to speed up the process of
recovery from depression ____.

are actually afraid of seeking medical help

are the people who have lost a loved one
almost always succeed in their aim
are not doing the right thing
usually end up with a divorce

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.


66-68 sorular, a a daki paraya gre


69-71 sorular, a a daki paraya gre


The presence of fever in a patient does

not necessarily prove that he is suffering
from an infection. An accurate clinical
diagnosis will depend on several
important factors the age and the sex
of the patient, the clinical history and any
physical signs which point to a focus of
infection. Whatever may be the
underlying cause of fever, the important
thing is to keep the patient as
comfortable as possible. This will
include keeping the temperature down.
Further, good nursing in clean
surroundings with frequent bed-bathing
will add greatly to the patients wellbeing and may even prove life-saving.

A bruise is caused by damage to the tissues

under the skin, which leads to bleeding. The
common everyday bruise is due to the
tearing of some small blood vessels and to
the escape of blood beneath the surface: it
usually causes no more than a slight bluish
discoloration and clears up without
treatment. A severe blow, however, may
cause bruising in the muscles, usually
accompanied by tears in the fibres of the
muscle: the pool of blood that results may
lead to a large and painful swelling.
69. It is explained in the passage that ____.
A) all kinds bleeding in the body are the result of
B) bruises are all of the same kind
C) bruising is always followed by swelling
D) the discoloration known as bruising is caused by
bleeding under the skin
E) even a light blow usually causes a tear in the

66. It is point out in the passage that fever in

a patient ____.

may be due to a variety of factors

is very rarely the sign of infection
is independent of age and sex
is very often underestimated
seldom responds to good nursing

70. It is clear from the passage that cases of

slight bruising ____.
67. According to passage, the well-being of
a patient with fever ____.


A) reflects the accuracy of clinical diagnosis

B) depends to a large extent, on the quality of
the nursing
C) is related to the type of infection
D) is of little concern in the nursing profession
E) is more important than the type of treatment

71. We understand from the passage that if the

muscle fibres are torn, ____.

68. It is to be inferred from the passage that,

in some cases, good nursing techniques
A) do not necessarily take the patients comfort
into consideration
B) basically mean physical cleanness
C) are essential for the success of diagnosis
D) are only beneficial in cases of infection
E) may, in themselves, be sufficient to save a
patients life

0 222 233 99 66

require no treatment and are unimportant

cause heavy bleeding in the muscles
require immediate treatment
have no connection with under-skin bleeding
often lead to serious complications


a bruise is not likely to result

there may be very little bleeding
there will probably be a noticeable swelling
there will be no sign of it on the skin surface
there will be a swelling but no pain

Di er sayfaya geiniz.

72-74 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

75-77 sorular, a a daki paraya gre


Tooth decay is dealt with by drilling out

the decayed matter and filling up the
resulting cavity. All decay and weakened
areas must be removed, otherwise decay
will continue beneath the filling. The
cavity should be prepared so that the
filling will stay in securely and withstand
pressure from chewing. High speed
electric drills are now usual and so is the
use of an injection of a local anaesthetic
to make the procedure painless. A lining
of chemical element is put into the
prepared cavity to protect the pulp from
heat and chemicals. The filling, placed
on top of this, is usually an amalgam of
silver, tin, copper, zinc alloy and

Colour blindness is a genetically transmitted

condition in which a person cannot detect all
colours. The detect is more common in men
than in women. Most colour blind people can
see only two basic colours, and they tend to
confuse other colours, especially red with
green. This impairment can bring about
problems because many colour blind people
do not realise that their eyesight is defective.
They have learned to use the colour terms
that everyone else uses, and they are not
aware that thay do not see what others see.
There is a risk that their condition might
place them in danger.
75. It is pointed out in the passage that colour
blindness ____.

72. In drilling a cavity in a decayed tooth, it

is important that ____.
A) a high speed electric drill is never used as it
is more painful
B) the tooth should not be drilled too deeply as
this may cause it to break
C) the process is completed without any
D) the shape of the cavity be such that it will
hold the filling firmly
E) weak areas should remain untouched

76. In the passsage, attention is drawn to the fact

that most people who are colour blind ____.
A) see everything as either red or green
B) are not aware of the fact
C) have poor eyesight in general
D) are very self-conscious of the condition
E) have no sense of colour whatsoever

73. Unless the decayed parts of a tooth are

entirely removed, ____.
A) an amalgam of several metals is not
B) a lining of chemical cement should not be
C) the filling will be of no benefit to the tooth
D) the pulp will be exposed to heat and
E) the shape of the cavity will not be suitable
for filling

77. It is stressed in the passage that being

colour blind ____

74. Before the filling itself is put into the

tooth, ____.
A) care must be taken to completely remove
the pulp
B) a further injection of anaesthetic is usually
C) the amalgam of silver and other metals must
be removed
D) the patient should be consulted as to the
type of filling
E) the cavity should first be lined with chemical
0 222 233 99 66

is a hereditary defect
can easily be treated
occurs equally in men and women
leads to the confusion of all the shapes
does not run in a family


is almost as serious as being blind

is a disease which gradually gets worse
is a condition which improves with age
may have certain unavoidable drawbacks
does not interfere with the normal pattern of
s life

Di er sayfaya geiniz.

80. According to the passage, research has
established the fact that ____.

78-80 sorular, a a daki paraya gre


A) vitamin consumption is no longer popular in

the West
B) excessive amounts of vitamins should not
be consumed by the elderly
C) healthy people do not need vitamin
D) the consumption of minerals is more
necessary than that of vitamins
E) the problems of vitamin consumption never
receive attention in health journals

Excessive vitamin consumption is a

potential problem. Some people take
unnecessarily large quantities of
vitamins and minerals for years,
assuming that if a little is good for them,
a lot must be better. There is no evidence
to support their convictions. In fact, a
study released last month in a public
health journal says that people who take
supplements are not healthier and do not
live longer. According to researchers
almost no one needs to take them.
Vitamin deficiencies are almost nonexistent in the West except for among
some elderly people whose diets do not
usually include sufficent fresh fruit and
78. The writer maintains that a higher level
of vitamin consumption ____.
A) makes one live much longer
B) is vital for a healthy life
C) should be avoided by the elderly
D) has been proved, scientifically, to be
beneficial for health
E) does not lead to better health

79. It is pointed out in the passage that

Western societies ____.
A) are fully informed as to the dangers of
excessive vitamin consumption
B) have to rely heavily on vitamins to
supplement their diet
C) do not generally suffer from any serious
vitamin deficiency
D) do not have adequate fruit and vegetables
in their diet
E) disregard the health problems of the elderly
Test Bitti...

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.


Bu testte cevaplayaca nz soru says 80dir.
nerilen cevaplama sresi 180 dakikadr.
5. The suggestions put forward by the
research team were immediately ____ by
management and will shortly go into

1-21. Sorularda bo braklan yere uygun

d en ifadeyi bulunuz.
1. Quartz is one of the most abundant rockforming minerals and the most ____ to



6. Various treaties and conferences have

____ the prohibition of chemical _____

2. When she referred in her paper to biocomplexity, many in the audience

scratched their heads and ____ what that
word meant.







0 222 233 99 66

put out of
brought up to
made up for
played down to
shown up to

8. Whats left of the worlds forest ____ at

such a rate that the remaining tropical
rainforests ____ by the middle of the

4. No model is ever perfect, and scientists

are ____ trying to refine their models.

looked down
put up with
turned off
filled in
dealt with

7. Over two million corn farmers in Mexico

have been ____ business following the
import of heavily subsidised corn from
the US.

3. Pollution could one day endanger the

worlds ____ of oxygen.

made out
taken up
ruled out
put off
turned back


has been logged / is destroyed

will be logged / would have been destroyed
is being logged / will have been destroyed
was being logged / is being destroyed
would be logged / were being destroyed

Di er sayfaya geiniz.

9. The controversy ____ in 1924 by Edwin
P. Hubble who ____ that the great spiral
nebula in Andromeda contained Cepheid

14. The prohibition ____ exporting animals

and plants prevents workers ____
collecting any thing by any means.

was being settled / has found

has been settled / finds
had been settled / found
was settled / found
would be settled / will find

15. ____ what extent does his article deal

____ the problem of water pollution?

10. If space weather forecasters ____ timely

warnings of storms, telecommunications
companies ____ to take steps to protect
their satellites.


could have provided / had been able

could have provided / should be able
can be providing / will be able
can provide / will have been able
could provide / would be able

11. Even now at this late date,

oceanographers ____ seafloor mountains
they ____ existed.

were finding / dont know

have found / havent known
are finding / didnt know
will find / wouldnt know
will have found / hadnt known

to be connected
to have connected
to connect
having connected


about / over
of / on
for / with
for / after
over / from

even / just as
not / unless
not only / but also
as much / as if
most / that

18. The world chemical industry developed

very rapidly from 1935 ____ particularly
in the organic sector of the industry.

didnt he
wouldnt he
hadnt he
wasnt it
wouldnt it

0 222 233 99 66

16. There is talk ____ sending a practically

engineered vehicle to digest atomic
wastes ____ space missions to Mars.


13. If he had realised just how potentially

dangerous his discovery was, he would
surely have suppressed it, ____?

To / with
On / to
With / about
For / in
At / by

17. The scientists endeavours ____ to

produce power as efficiently and cheaply
as possible, ____ to apply it

12. The Eric Canal was the first of the US

artificial waterways built ____ the Great
Lakes with the sea.

over / over
in / to
of / by
from / through
on / from



Di er sayfaya geiniz.

19. ____ mechanical impact, certain
chemical impurities would make such
explosives unstable if they were stored in
warm conditions.

23. The computer age is producing robotmachines which are directed by

electronic brains and replace human
labour in industrial operations.
A) Bilgisayar a , elektronik beyinler
tarafndan ynlendirilen robot-makinelerin
endstride insan gcnn yerine gemesini
sa lam tr.
B) Bilgisayar a nda elektronik beyinlerin
ynlendirdi i robot-makineler, endstriyel
retimde insan gcnn yerini almaktadr.

In case
Contrary to
Even without

C) Bilgisayar a ,elektronic beyinler tarafndan

ynlendirilen ve endstriyel i lemlerde insan
gcnn yerini alan robot-makineler
D) Endstriyel i lemlerde insan gcnn yerini
alan ve bilgisayar a nn rn olan robotmakineler, elektronik beyinler tarafndan
E) Elektronik beyinlerin ynetti i robotmakineler, bilgisayar a nda, endstriyel
i lemlerde insan gcnn yerini alm tr.

20. ____ simply transmitting voice, the Joint

Tactical Radio System, JTRS as the
Pentagon refers to it, will also
simultaneously carry video and data

Rather than
According to
Due to
In contrast to
In spite of

21. Communication is perhaps the most

important of the numerous tasks ____
engineers are responsible in time of war.

24. The geological investigations of B.

Pallisy, inspired by his work with
ceramics, are one of the best examples
of art influencing science.

by which
for which
for whom

A) Sanatn bilim zerindaki etkisine B.

Pallisynin seramik al malarna dayanarak
yapt jeolojik ara trmalar rnek vereiliriz.
B) B. Pallisynin kendi seramik
al malarnnilham verdi i jeolojik
ara trmalar, sanatn bilimi etkilemesinin en
iyi rneklerinden biridir.
C) B. Pallisynin seramik al malarndan ilham
alnarak yaplan jeolojik ara trmalar,
sanatn bilim zerindeki etkisine iyi bir
D) Seramikle ilgili al malardan ilham alan B.
Pallisy, jeolojik ara trmalaryla sanatn bilim
zerindeki etkisine iyi bir rnek vermi tir.

22-26 sorularda, verilen ngilizce cmlenin

Trke dengini bulunuz.
22. Although the Japanese Government is
seeking to make farming more efficient,
much of Japanese rice-farming is still on
a small scale.
A) Japon hkmetinin tarm ok daha verimli
hale getirme abalarna kar n Japonyadaki
pirin tarm giderek klmektedir.

E) B. Pallisynin jeolojik ara trmalar ve

seramik al malar arasndaki ili ki, sanatla
bilim arasndaki etkile imin iyi rneklerinden

B) Japonya da pirin tarm ok kk lekli

olsa da Japon hkmeti pirin tarmn
verimli hale getirmek iin byk aba
C) Japon hkmetinin tarm verimli bir hale
getirmesine kar n, Japonyadaki pirin
tarm ok kk lekte kalm tr.
D) Japon hkmetinin tarm daha verimli hale
getirmenin yollarn aramasna kar n,
Japonyadaki pirin tarmnn o u hala
kk leklidir.
E) Japonyada ok kk lekte olan pirin
tarm Japon hkmeti tarafndan verimli
hale getirilmeye al lyor.
0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

25. The vast majority of scientists have
accepted the theory of relativity as an
accurate description of nature.

27-31 sorularda, verilen Trke cmlenin

ngilizce dengini bulunuz.

A) Bilim adamlarnn byk o unlu u

grecelik kuramn, do ann do ru bir tarifi
olarak kabul etmektedir.

27. Birka ay nce Yeni Zelandal bilim

adamlar, Antarktika ozon tabakasndaki
deli in, ilk kez, gney ilinin bir
blmn kaplad n bildirdiler.

B) Do ann tam tarifi olan grecelik kuram,

bilim adamlarnn o undan kabul
C) Bilim adamlarnn o u do ann tarifi olan
grecelik kuramnn byk bir blmn
kabul etmektedir.

A) New Zealand scientists noticed only a few

months ago, that parts of southern Chile
were once more affected by the hole in the
Antarctic ozone layer.
B) Scientists in New Zealand realised a few
months ago that a hole in the Antarctic
ozone layer had, for the first time, spread
over parts of southern Chile.

D) Bilim adamlarnn byk o unlu unun

kabul etti i grecelik kuram, do ay ok
do ru bir biimde tarif etmektedir.
E) Grecelik kuram, do ay do ru bir biimde
tarif etti i iin, bilim adamlarnn o u
tarafndan kabul edilmektedir.

C) A few months ago scientists from New

Zealand reported that the hole in the
Antarctic ozone layer had, for the first time,
stretched over a part of southern Chile.
D) According to scientists in New Zealand the
hole in the Antarctic ozone layer had only a
few months previously, stretched over parts
southern Chile.
E) New Zealand scientists discovered only a
few months ago, that the hole in the
Antarctic ozone layer was affecting large
parts of southern Chile.

26. Early work in electricity that led to the

discovery of the electric battery and
electric current was done by a
physiologist, Luigi Galvani, in the
eighteenth century.
A) lk olarak fizyolog Luigi Galvani tarafndan
yaplan al malar, 18. Yzylda elektrik
pilinin ve elektrik akmnn bulunmasn
sa lam tr.
B) Elektrik pilinin ve elektrik akmn
bulunmasn sa layan elektrik zerine ilk
al malar, 18. Yzylda fizyolog Luigi
Galvani tarafndan yaplm tr.

28. Dnya, Gne sisteminde di erlerine

oranla kk bir gezegen olmasna
ra men, ok geni demir ekirde i
nedeniyle a r derecede a rdr.

C) 18. Yzylda elektrik zerine ilk al malar

yapmasyla tannan fizyolog Luigi Galvani,
elektrik pilinin ve elektrik akmnn
bulunmasna ortam hazrlam tr.

A) Although Earth is a comparatively small

planet in the solar system, it is extremely
heavy due to its large iron core.

D) Elektrik pilinin ve elektrik akmnn

bulunmas, 18. Yzylda fizyolog Luigi
Galvaninin elektrik zerine yapt
al malar sayesinde gerekle mi tir.
E) 18. Yzylda elektrik zerine yaplan ilk
al malar, fizyolog Luigi Galvaninin elektrik
pilini ve elektrik akmn bulmasyla
sonulanm tr.

0 222 233 99 66

B) Earth is one of the smaller planets in the

solar system but, as it has a large iron core
it is extremely heavy.
C) Since Earth has a massive iron core, it is
one of the heaviest of the planets in the
solar system but one of the smallest.
D) It is the large iron core of Earth that
accounts for its weight, for it is
comparatively one of the smaller planets of
the solar system.
E) Even if earth is a comparatively small planet
in the solar system, it is extremely heavy on
account of its huge iron core.


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

29. Kresel snma hzlandka ve enerji
gereksinimlerimiz artmaya devam ettike,
bizim daha temiz ve daha srekli enerji
kaynaklarna sahip olmamz gerekir.

32-41 sorularda, verilen cmleyi uygun

ekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
32. ____ if heat energy is being passed on
from one molecule to the next.
A) They decided not to use aluminium
B) Silver and copper were the metals chosen
C) The transmission of heat by convection
proved equally dangerous
D) Conduction caused the fire to spread with
alarming speed
E) We say heat is transmitted by conduction

A) Cleaner and more reliable sources of energy

must be found or global warning will accelerate,

and it will be impossible to meet energy
B) As the process of global warning speeds up and
demands for energy use, we need to find cleaner
and more sustainable sources of energy.

C) If global warning continues and the demands for

energy increase, we shall be forced to seek

cleaner and more sustainable sources of energy.

33. X-rays are generated ____.

D) The demand for cleaner and more reliable

A) if the sun is the main source of energy.

B) when electrical charges are accelerated or
C) after the target had been bombarded by
D) until the circuit gave off practically pure
direct current.
E) because the radiation was being emitted at
a tangent

sources of energy will increase if global warning

continues and energy requirements increase.

E) As global warning accelerates and our energy

demands continue to rise, we have to have

cleaner and more sustainable sources of energy.

30. Galilei bilime yakla m bakmndan, o u

kez, a da bilimin babas olarak
adlandrlm tr.
A) Galilei is known as the father of modern science

34. A chief defect of wire ropes is fatigue

A) that stress is set up by these vibrations.
B) as if there has been a gradual development
of transverse cracks.
C) which is induced by the vibrations set up in
hoisting or lowering loads.
D) even though the elastic limit of wire ropes
declined with use
E) if the maximum load had been exceeded.

in spite of his approach to science.

B) Galilei is often called the father of modern

science because of his approach to science.

C) The term, father of modern science is used for

Galilei because of his great contributions to

D) By his contributions to scientific method, Galilei

has earned the title of father of modern science.

E) The influence of Galilei on science earned him

the name of father of modern science.

35. Since the bismar, which is the simplest

weighing instrument known, is not
capable of accuracy, ____.

31. Hidroelektrik g evreyi kirletmez, fakat

bu gcn retimi mevcut olan suyla
A) As there is not an adequate supply of water,
hydroelectric power cannot be produced
even though it does not pollute the
B) Hydroelectric power does not pollute the
environment but it can only be produced
when plenty of water is available.

A) spring balances have been more successful

B) a heavy load could be weighed at a short
distance from the fulcrum
C) various technical improvements were soon
D) weighing continued to be a laborious
E) its use is illegal in England

C) Hydroelectric power does not pollute the

environment, but the production of this
power is limited by the availability of water.

36. Unless there is adequate foam to

completely cover the burning material
A) there is little hope of extinguishing the fire
B) the starvation principle hasnt been effective
C) an alternative method would be demolish
nearby buildings and create a fire stop
D) it is something that works by limiting oxygen
E) there is no fear of further combustion

D) Even though hydroelectric power does not

pollute the environment it cannot be
produced as there is not sufficient water
E) As there is only a limited amount of water
available, hydroelectric power, which does
not pollute the environment, cannot be

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

37. The management wishes to get the solid
mounted engine and handlebar into
production ____.

42-46 sorularda, parada bo braklan yere

uygun d en ifadeyi bulunuz.

A) whether electronic fuel injection had proved

efficient or not
B) though the new braking system was still on
C) since it contributes greatly to ease of
D) unless the balance shaft reduced primary
E) if it were mounted with sufficient rigidity

42. Scientists are only just beginning to

explore the seabed. Remote-controlled
submarines are bringing up sediment
from an apparently lifeless sea floor
____. Indeed, so many new species are
being identified that the deep seabed
may turn out to support a greater biodiversity than the rainforests.
A) There are trenches in the seabed that are 11
km deep.
B) But under the microscope this sediment
teems with life.
C) By means of echo sounding much can be
learned about the surface of the seabed.
D) Sedimentation is slow process of creating
land masses.
E) There, ocean-floor magma vents support an
ecology independent of sunlight.

38. ____, the Earths crust is actually in a

state of continual flux.
A) If only they had been better prepared
B) Whenever there are sudden changes in
C) However unreliable the method has proved
D) When such an event is least expected
E) Though it may not appear to be so
39. Unmanned planes are presently being
developed for missions, ____.
A) since they would be capable of exceedingly
high-speed manoeuvres
B) if they can fly entire missions upside down
C) so that submarines can be used as aircraft
D) that are regarded as too dangerous for pilots
to be sent on
E) though the risks to civilians on the ground
would have been minimised
40. ____ that it will cut emissions of
greenhouse by about 65 million tones per
year over the next five years.
A) Scientists are engaged in research
B) The Canadian government has announced
C) A group of scientists at the conference
D) The council on Environment Protection is
E) The government had objected

43. The power loom was invented by Dr

Edmund Lartwright in the early 19th
century. However, many improvements
were necessary before it came into
common use. Gradually its range was
extended to include all fibres and types
of cloth. ____ . At the same time, speed
and precision were increased.
A) Recently, the craft of hand-loom weaving
has gained in popularity.
B) The running speeds of looms vary according
to various factors, including width, and type
of cloth.
C) In fact, by about 1850, it had superseded the
hand loom almost entirely.
D) The warp threads are kept taut by iron
E) Since about 1900, automatic looms have
been progressively introduced.

41. Though Kenya had been self-sufficient

until the 1980s, ____.
A) the same problem faces small farmers in all
parts of the world
B) the situation in developing countries is
becoming critical
C) the economic interests of small farmers
have been disregarded
D) wheat prices there are dropping fast
E) it now imports 80 percent of its food
0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

44. Some years ago, measurements on ice
cores showed that the concentration of
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was lower
during Ice ages than it is today. ____. Some
researchers have sought an explanation by
suggesting that the whole-ocean reservoir of
algal nutrients was larger during gincial times
than it is now it is now. Others proposed that
the biological pump was more efficient then.

47-51 sorularda, anlam bakmndan hangi

cmlenin paraya uymad n bulunuz.
47. (I)Deserts are dry areas found in both
temperate and tropical regions. (II) The
low water content of the desert
atmosphere leads to daily temperature
extremes of heat and cold. (III) Not
surprisingly, the flowers of many desert
plants are extremely beautiful. (IV)
Deserts vary greatly depending on the
amount of precipitation they receive. (V)
Some are so dry that virtually no plant
life occurs on them.
A) I
E) V

A) So far no one has ever tried to solve this

B) As yet there is no broadly accepted
explanation for this difference
C) The reason for this was soon obvious
D) There have been large cyclic variations in
climate and glaciation during the past two
million years.
E) The experiment focuses on the open ocean
surrounding Antarctica
45. The science of how fire spreads is simple
enough. ____ . This means that in a typical
house fire, the flames and fumes move
upwards until they meet an obstruction, such
as a ceiling, where they mushroom out
laterally until they reach a wall.
A) The openning of a door requires great
caution as it may cause a violent outbreak of
B) Today fire-fighters begin their basic training
with physics
C) One of the most skilled techniques
employed by fire-fighters is ventilation
D) Ventilation helps to reduce the risk of
explosion resulting from the build-up of hot
E) Once air is heated, it becomes lighter, rises
and seeks to escape through any opennings
that may be available

48. (I)Far from being a sinister pest, bats are

actually a good friend to humankind. (II)
For a start, they eat huge quantities of
insects. (III) They are sometimes
described as mice with wings, but this
is totally untrue. (IV) The little brown bat,
for instance, is capable of catching and
eating 1200 small insects in an hour. (V)
They also play an important role in
pollinating flowers.
A) I
E) V
49. (I)So far, no one has managed to
complete a solo crossing of the Arctic.
(II) This is primarily because of the
extremely harsh natural conditions.(III)
To start with, there are the bitterly cold
temperatures to be endured. (IV) The
attempt has been made several times,
but has never met with success. (V) But
that is not all; the explorer has also to
battle against the strong tidal pull on the
A) I
E) V

46. Concrete is strong in compression but it's

relatively weak in tension. That means it is
strong when pushed together, but a
continuous flat stab will not stretch well and
might crumble. ____ . Steel is generally used
for this purpose as it improves the elasticity
of concrete.
A) To overcome this weakness and control
cracking, concrete has to be reinforced
B) The base materials of concrete are sand,
cement and aggregate
C) Different percentages of the base
ingredients are used depending on the
strength required
D) Signs of corrosion and cracking sometimes
appear soon after constructing
E) Nevertheless, concrete is not as popular a
building material as previously
0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

50. (I)Leaves are the main photosynthetic
organs of most plants. (II) Because
leaves have such a large surface area
water loss by evaporation is inevitable.
(III) Their structure is superbly adapted
for its primary function of
photosynthesis. (IV) Most leaves are thin
and flat to allow them maximum
absorption of light energy. (V) Further,
their ordered arrangement on the stem
makes them efficient at catching the
suns rays.
A) I
E) V

53. Mark: What is traffic physics?

Peter: Oh, everyone is talking about it
these days in Germany.
Mark: ____
Peter: Yes it is. For instance one method
treats cars on a highway as molecules in
a gas that want to move in one direction
at certain velocity.
A) Perhaps they are doing something similar on
Dutch roads.
B) Well, tell me about it.
C) It sounds rather improbable to me. What do
you think of it?
D) Why in Germany? Has it originated there?
E) But what is it? Is it really scientific?

51. (I)The terms velocity and speed are often

used interchangeably in ordinary
language. (II) But in physics we make a
distinction between the two.(III) An
aircraft travelling faster than the speed of
sound breaks the sound barrier. (IV) Most
importantly the term velocity is used to
signify both the magnitude of movement
and the direction in which an object is
moving. (V) Speed, on the other hand,
relates to magnitude only.
A) I
E) V

54. Seyfi: The subjects of whether there are

any civilisations other than that of Earth
seems to be back in favour.


52-56. sorularda, kar lkl konu mann bo

braklan ksmnda sylenmi olabilecek
sz bulunuz.

55. Jennifer: I like to buy clothes made from

natural fibres.
Polly: But why? Man-made fibres have
certain advantages you know.
Jennifer: ____
Polly: The man-made ones are usually
harder wearing and easier to wash and
A) What about their disadvantages?
B) Such as what?
C) No. Im going to change my mind.
D) And what about natural fibres?
E) But the jacket you are wearing is made from
a natural fibre.

52. Researcher: We were using an

instrument that measures the optical
clarity of water.
Interviewer: ____
Researcher: Its very simple, really. It
shines a light from point A to point B.
And if there is less light at the end, its
because there are particles in the water.
A) And how does it work?
B) How long have you been using it?
C) Yes, Ive heard about them. They arent very
accurate, are they?
D) What were you hoping to learn?
E) How accurate can such an instrument be?

0 222 233 99 66

Sait: Yes. It rather got forgotten after

Fermls famous question.
Seyfi: ____
Sait: He simply asked if extra terrestrials
are commonplace, where are they?
But a lot of people seem pretty sure that
there are a lot of earth-like planets.
He was a nuclear physicist, wasnt he?
No one has so far managed to detect radio
transmissions from other planets.
What was that? Ive forgotten all about it.
Yes, except by the writers of science fiction.


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

56. Andrew: Do you happen to know
anything about the NYE Committee?
Colin: Yes, it was appointed in 1934 to
investigate the munitions industry
following allegations that armament firms
were working against the cause of peace.


58. We learn from the passage that the

danger of Ignition by friction or impact is
greatly increased ______.

Andrew: ____
Colin: The allegations were found to be
true and therefore, the industry was
What were the results of their
What a world we live in?
How is it you know all this?
I wonder just how much money these people
make out of armaments.
How long did these investigations take

57-59 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

An explosives factory can be separated into
two zones: the "non-danger" and "danger"
areas. The main function of the non-danger
area lies in the manufacture of nitric and
sulphuric acids for the nitration processes,
including the recovery of these acids from the
waste products of nitration. Other raw
materials are also prepared in the non-danger
area. The actual manufacture of explosives
and their mixing and packing are carried out
in the danger area, which requires careful
safety measures. The main danger in
manufacture is starting a fire by spark,
friction or impact, the latter two being
especially hazardous if the explosive is
allowed to become contaminated with gritty
material. Naked lights, steel tools or anything
which might produce spark or flame are,
therefore, forbidden in the dangers buildings.
Each building has a "clean" floor which may
be approached only in specially cleaned
shoes, while the workers are provided with
factory clothing to ensure that grit is not
carried into the plant.

A) while the waste products of nitration are

being extracted
B) if the explosive is contaminated with nitric
C) after the explosives have been packaged
D) if the manufacturing process is carried out in
artificial light
E) if grit is present

59. It is pointed out in the passage that one

of the mainly measures taken in an
explosives factory is ____.
A) the regular washing of the factory floors to
keep them sterile.
B) the education of the workers in fire fighting
C) the provision of special factory clothing for
the workers in the danger area
D) to keep the manufacturing processes
separate from the packaging and storing
E) the immediate removal of the explosives
after packaging

57. We learn from the passage that in the

non danger zone of a typical explosives
factory _____.
A) nitric and sulphuric acids are produced and
various other raw materials are got ready.
B) the workers are provided with heavy factory
clothing .
C) the explosives are packaged and stored.
D) nothing that might produce a spark or a
flame is permitted
E) the main waste products are the nitric and
sulphuric acids
0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

60-62 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

63-65 sorular, a a daki paraya gre


Aeroplane landing-wheel brakes are fitted to

all sizes of aircraft for arresting motion after
landing, for steering during taxing by
differential control of port and starboard
brakes, and to keep the aircraft stationary as
the engine is warmed-up or tested. Small
aeroplanes have simple two-shoe internal
expanding brakes manually operated and
very similar to the standard road-vehicle
brake but the larger machines require poweroperated brakes using compressed air or
hydraulic pressure from compressors or
pumps driven by the inline. Landing-wheel
brakes have to be as light and compact as
possible and they must remain effective and
balanced during very high rates of energy
dissipation due to the great weight of the
aeroplane and the very high landing speeds.

Strictly speaking, the term "avalanche" should be

restricted to falls of snow and ice in mountainous
regions. However, popular usage has extended its
meaning to cover rock falls and landslips in all
environments. The period of greatest danger from
avalanches proper is during a thaw, when meltwater makes a good lubricant for the snow and
ice banked steeply against rock faces. The rising
cloud of white dust, the vertical grooves and
patches of bare rock formed by the scouring
action and the dull roar of the avalanche are all
common features of mountains above the
permanent snow line. Rock fragments may also
be carried down, for the recurrent freezing and
melting ice lodged in joints and crevices of the
rock forms a powerful agent of disintegration. The
action is the same as that which leads to burst
pipes. Freezing causes expansion of the water in
the spaces of a joint and produces a pressure
sufficient to break the rock.

60. It is clear from the passage that one of

the functions of an aircrafts landingwheel brakes is to ____.

63. The writer points out that most true

avalanches ____.
A) consist of falling rock, not of snow or ice
B) occur when the snow has started to melt
C) occur when the snow has melted a little and then
frozen hard again
D) cause considerable disintegration of the rock
surfaces they come in contact with.
E) rarely leave behind them a bare rock surface

A) act as a substitute steering aid

B) prevent the craft from moving during engine
C) keep the aircraft steady after touch-down
D) assist in the dissipation of energy on landing
E) prevent the aircraft from landing at very high
61. We understand from the passage that the
high landing speed of a large aircraft
A) has been one of the determining factors in
the design of brakes for large craft
B) is directly related to its weight
C) only becomes a problem on poor runways
D) has occasionally led to wheel-locking
E) opened the way to a more scientific study of

64. We learn from the passage that during an

avalanche ____.
A) pieces of rock are likely to be carried down with
the falling snow
B) the falling snow and ice soon start to melt
C) there is absolute silence
D) the falling snow is immediately followed by
extensive rock falls
E) falling snow banks up steeply against the nearest
rock face

62. According to the passage, the braking

system of small aircraft ____.
A) differs little from that of larger aircraft
B) is not very different from that of ordinary
cars and buses
C) is both power-operated and manual
D) is specially designed for coping with highspeed landings
E) cannot be used to steer the craft after

0 222 233 99 66

65. The writer points out that the constant

freezing and thawing of water in rock
crevices ____.


is what causes an avalanche

is an unimportant detail
produces a smooth rock surface
causes a build-up of snow
will cause the rock to break up

Di er sayfaya geiniz.

66-68 sorular, a a daki paraya gre
The greatest advantage of electrification on
railways is that it is both pleasant and
efficient. It brings the removal of a smoke
nuisance from tunnels and from the vicinity
of larger cities. Moreover, owing to high
acceleration, it is possible to provide a more
frequent and faster service on densely
populated suburban lines. The track capacity
is improved by electrification on mountainous
lines because of increase of speed both up
and down the gradient, generally using
electric forms of braking in the latter case.
Some of the major electrification schemes of
the world, for example those in Switzerland
and Sweden, have been emerged owing to the
desire to operate the railway system without
dependence upon imported fuel.
66. As is pointed out in the passage, the
benefits of electric railway traction ____ .
A) include a cleaner environment and an
improved performance
B) can best be seen in Sweden and
C) do not outweigh the problems involved
D) have only recently become apparent
E) are confined to mountainous conditions

69. The writer points out that weeds lead to

considerable financial loss ____ .
A) because they appear where they are not wanted
B) because very little effort is made to control them
C) as all weedkillers destroy the crops as well as
the weeds
D) as they are all aggressive and able to resist
s efforts to control them
E) as the control of them is expensive and if they
are left uncontrolled they harm crops

67. The author points out that on

mountainous lines the track capacity is
improved by electrification ____ .

70. We understand from the passage that one

reason why some weeds can be particularly
troublesome is ____ .

A) but the safety aspect is causing much

B) but upkeep expenses are high
C) because it enables trains to go faster both
up and down the line
D) though this is not the case in other locations
E) unless electric forms of braking are applied

A) because they produce large quantities of seeds

several times a year
B) that they develop a resistance to chemical
C) because new plants can grow out of the
damaged parts of a plant
D) that they can become dormant when weedkillers
are applied
E) because it is impossible to kill them

68. Sweden and Switzerland, as we are told,

have some of the world's major
electrified railway systems ____ .
A) since they have small populations and the
electrified system seemed adequate
B) as they were determined to keep their
mountain air unpolluted
C) as other railway systems were not practical
in high altitudes
D) because they wanted to develop a railway
system that did not rely on imported fuel
E) because the only safe braking system on a
steep gradient is an electric one

0 222 233 99 66

69-71 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

Weeds are plants out of place, either as the wrong
plant in cultivated ground, or as any plant where
none should be. Weeds can cause considerable
financial loss through the cost of their control and
the damage they do to crops. Plants which
become really troublesome as weeds are those
which persist despite farmers efforts to control
them. Such persistency is due to several factors
of which perhaps the most important are prolific
seed production coupled with the often
remarkably long inactive periods of the seed, and
the ability of vegetative part of some plants to
survive mechanical damage and adverse
conditions and to set up new plants. Weeds may
be controlled by hand, by cultivator and other
mechanical means, by biological means and by
chemical weed killers. Chemical weed killers are
widely used, either to kill totally and suppress all
vegetation or to control weeds selectively in

71. It is clear from the passage that some

chemical weedkillers have been specially
designed ____ .
A) to rid the soil of all unwanted seed
B) to prevent weeds from producing seeds
C) to destroy a weed'
s capacity to produce seeds
that can lie dormant over long periods of time
D) to destroy only unwanted vegetation
E) to sterilise the earth and prevent all forms of
vegetation from appearing

Di er sayfaya geiniz.

73. The author points out that there is a
close link between exploration and
botanical gardens ____.

72-74 sorular, a a daki paraya gre


A) as few native British plants are of use

medicinally and many people now prefer
natural medicines to chemical ones

Botanic gardens may be regarded as having a

threefold function; to please and educate the
public; to carry out investigations regarding
the economic value of native and foreign
plant products and acclimatization of plants;
and to act as centres of information scientific
investigation in various fields of botany, such
as anatomy, morphology and physiology, for
which museum, libraries and laboratories are
also need. The search for drugs and spices
particularly has tempted men from early
times to explore all parts of the world and this
has promoted a close link between
exploration and botanic gardens. One wellknown botanic garden is the Royal Botanic
Garden at Edinburgh, which was founded in
1670 by Robert Sibbald for the cultivation of
medical plants. Since that date it has been
removed to several different sites. It is now
one of the major botanic gardens in Britain
with an area of over 60 acres.

B) as many people are curious about the

medicinal properties of various plants
C) because the desire to find new drugs and
spices has long been a reason behind many
exploratory expeditions
D) since plants from foreign parts will only grow
in the special conditions they are used to
E) though this is still a very new development

74. In this passage about botanical gardens,

____ .
A) they are presented as a very pleasant luxury
B) the historical aspect is completely ignored
C) the problems of financing them are carefully
D) it is the functional aspect that is emphasized
E) the focus is on the rarer plants of foreign

72. We learn from the passage that one of

the main functions of a botanic garden is
to ____ .
A) send out explorers in search of new spices
B) provide scientists with the means for
carrying out investigations into botanical
C) make more and more land suitable for
D) encourage the production of natural
medicines to replace chemical ones which
sometimes have serious side-effects
E) be economically self-supporting and
encourage young people to take an interest
in gardens

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

75-77 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

78-80 sorular, a a daki paraya gre


The culmination of the classic age of the

machine tool was the work of Joseph
Whitworth. His pre-eminence lay not so much
in any far- reaching innovations as in the
quality and accuracy of the workmanship he
was able to obtain. It was Whitworth who
introduced the standard screw thread which
was used in British engineering until 1948,
and it was he who revolutionised standards
of measurement. Indeed, the 19th century,
though increasing the facility, did not greatly
increase the accuracy Whitworth had
attained. At the Great Exhibition or 1851 his
planning, slotting, shaping, drilling, punching
and shearing machines made him the
outstanding machine-tool maker of the age.

Just as railway bridges were the great structural

symbols of the 19th century , highway bridges
became the engineering emblems of the 20th
century. The invention of the automobile created
an irresistible demand for paved roads and
vehicular bridges throughout the developed
world. The type of bridge fundamentally different
for that needed for locomotives. Most highway
bridges carry lighter roads than railway bridges
do, and their roadways can be sharply curved or
steeply sloping. To meet these needs, many turnof-the-century bridge designers began working
with a new building material: reinforced concrete,
which has steel bars embedded in it, and the
master of this new material was Swiss structural
engineer Robert Maillart, who designed some of
the most original and influential bridges of the
modem era.

75. We understand from the passage that

Joseph Whitworth ____ .
A) will be remembered for the improvements he
made to the first standard screw thread
B) was the most versatile and gifted machinetool maker of his age
C) had only a few machine tools ready in time
for the Great Exhibition of 1851
D) had brilliant ideas but was not a practical
E) invented nothing of lasting importance
76. The author points out that the machine
tools Joseph Whitworth produced ____ .
A) were soon replaced by new and better
B) were all unnecessarily complicated
C) were remarkable for their quality and
D) went unappreciated
E) have received more attention than they


are in constant use

can have quiet a sharp incline
have to carry heavier loads
must be quiet straight
are comparatively short

79. We understand from the passage that,

around the beginning of the 2Oth century,
bridge designers ____ .
A) were equally involved in the building of roads
B) followed Robert Maillart'
s lead and concentrated
on highway bridges
C) made highway bridges on the same design as
railway .bridges
D) made some of the most spectacular bridges of
the modern era
E) began to use a new building material, known as
reinforced concrete
80. We understand from the passage that there
was a great demand for highway bridges in
the 20th century ____ .

77. We understand from the passage that, in

the field of measurement, ____ .
A) British engineers were slow to appreciate
B) Whitworth'
s work was soon to be surpassed
by far better quality tools
C) No new advances would made until the
middle of the 20th century
D) Whitworth achieved a remarkable degree of
E) Whitworth'
s innovations attracted little
0 222 233 99 66

78. According to the passage, one important way

in which highway bridges differ from railway
bridges is that they ____ .

A) as more and more cars came into use

B) so many bridges were turned into highways
C) even though the designing and building of them
was uninteresting work
D) but railway bridges continued to attract the best
E) and structural .engineers found they could not
produce enough bridges


Di er Test


Bu testte cevaplayaca nz soru says 80dir.
nerilen cevaplama sresi 180 dakikadr.

1-21. Sorularda bo braklan yere

uygun d en ifadeyi bulunuz.



When Shakespeare died in Stratford in

1616, no collected ____ of his plays had
been published.

In his fiction, William Faulkner uses a

complex literary style that seems to ____
his intricate themes of good and evil.




fit in with
put up with
clear out
make out
take after



British supermarkets have more political

influence than ____ any other corporate
sector in Britain.

The government has ____ a set of new

policies and measures which are
designed to combat violence in the big
got off
found out
let down
taken down
worked out




Reflex behaviour is ____ ; it arises

automatically in response to an
appropriate stimulus.




To increase its exports, the company is

____ highly motivated professionals with
experience in international trade.





0 222 233 99 66


The judge quickly ____ his notes before

sentencing the accused.
took over
made up
looked through
put off
found out
Practically every philosopher since Plato
____ the relationship between humour
and laughter, but Sigmund Freud ____
the first to put forward a conclusive
has considered / was
considered / would be
was considering / is
would consider / has been
has been considering / had been

Di er sayfaya geiniz.



When I accidentally broke Mr. Parker's

antique Chinese vase, I felt as if I ____ a


am being
have been
am being
had been

14. It is almost impossible to find two people

____ opinions on ths matter are the
A) which
B) who
C) that
D) whose
E) what

10. Actually, the position of the small farmer

____ only slightly even if all these
changes ____ .
A) has improved / had been introduced
B) would improve / were introduced
C) will improve / would be introduced
D) improved / have been introduced
E) would have improved / will be introduced

15. Meanwhile, unemployment ____ a vast

scale hit basic industries, and a series of
strikes emphasized the contrast ____
Labour ideals and post-war facts.

11. The authorities in India ____ that the

country's highly qualified young
researchers _____ by multinational
companies as cheap labour.
A) were worried / have been used
B) are worrying / were used
C) are worried / are being used
D) worry / had been used
E) have worried / will have been used

16. The Janissaries were mainly recruited

____ conquered Christian lands and
gained great power ____ Sleyman the
Magnificient in the 16th century.

12. Geoffrey Chaucer is often called the

father of English poetry, although, as we
____ , there ____ many English poets
before him.
A) know / were
B) have known / had been
C) knew / have been
D) had known / are
E) might have known / would have been

across / after
from / over
within / by
in / under
over / before

17. The Union of Great Britain and Ireland

finally came ____ force ____ 1, January,
A) by / until
B) at / at
C) into / on
D) with / through
E) on / in

13. Several people made same very relevant

suggestions, but ____ of Dr. Fairbank's
were met with ____ approval.

through / through
in / over
to / among
over / under
on / between

some / all
those / everyone'
any / his
most / ours
which / nobody'

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

18. In the States, a person travelling 10 miles
to work every day by train instead of by a
car saves ____ 314 galons of petrol per
A) as much as
B) the most
C) so much more
D) equal to
E) even more

22-26 sorularda, verilen ngilizce

cmlenin Trke dengini bulunuz.
22. In the 1980's Margaret Thatcher attracted
great interest, not only because she was
the first woman Prime Minister of a
Western State, but also because of the
radical policies she put into effect.

19. The organisation ____ advises industrial

firms on their day-to-day psychological
problems, ____ gives vocational advice
to school leavers.

both / but
thus / also
more / and
even / so
not only / but also

Batl bir devletin ilk kadn ba bakan olmas

kadar, ortaya koydu u radikal polikalar
sonucu, Margaret Thatcher, 1980'
herkesten byk ilgi grm tr .


Margaret Thatcher'
n batl bir devletin ilk
kadn ba bakan olmas kadar, uygulad
radikal politikalar da herkesin dikkatini
ekmi tir.
Hem batl bir devletin ilk kadn ba bakan
oldu u hem de radikal politikalar uygulad
iin, Margaret Thatcher 1980'
li yllarda
herkesin ilgisini ekmi tir .
lerde, batl bir devletin ilk kadn
ba bakan olan Margaret Thatcher'
uygulad radikal politikalar byk dikkat
ekmi tir.
Margaret Thatcher, 1980'
lerde, sadece batl
bir devletin ilk kadn ba bakan oldu u iin
de il, ayn zamanda, uygulad radikal
politikalar nedeniyle byk ilgi ekmi tir.




20. ____ business plans are failing to

materialize, while ____ are progressing at
an outstanding pace.


Those / each
Some / others
All / either
Each / another
Any / none

23. The name "Protestant" was first given to

those who favoured the cause of Martin
Luther and who protested against the
cruel decisions of the Catholic Church.

21. ____ coping with the bitterly cold

temperatures, any explorer attempting to
cross the Arctic has ____ to battle with
strong tidal pull in the ice.


Besides / also
As well as / even so
In spite of / as much
including / moreover
Contrary to / nevertheless




0 222 233 99 66


Martin Luther '

in d ncesini benimseyerek
Katolik Kilisesi '
nin acmasz uygulamalarna
tepki gsterenlere, ba langta, "Protestan"
ad verilmi ti.
"Protestan" ad, ilk kez, Martin Luther'
davasn destekleyen ve Katolik Kilisesi'
acmasz kararlarna kar kanlara
verilmi tir.
Martin Luther '
in gor n ilk Kabul
edenlere ve Katolik Kilisesi '
nin acmasz
yaptrmlarna kar koyanlara "Protestan"
ad veriliyordu.
"Protestan" ad verilen ilk ki iler, Martin
in hareketini benimsiyor ve Katolik
nin kat uygulamalarna kar
Gerek Martin Luther'
in davasna arka
kanlara gerekse Katolik Kilisesi '
acmasz kararlarn ele tiren ki ilere
nceleri "Protestan" ad veriliyordu.

Di er sayfaya geiniz.

24. In his controversial book The
Breakdown of Climate: Towards a Global
disaster Peter Bunyard maintains that
severe man-made climate changes could
occur much sooner than previously
A) Peter Bunyard, insandan kaynaklanan ciddi
iklim de i ikliklerinin daha once tahmin
edilenden de hzl olu abilece ini gr n,
klim De i ikli i: Kresel bir Felaket mi? adl,
ok tart lan kitabnda dile getirmi tir.

ok tutulan klim De i ikli i: Kresel bir

Felaket mi? adl kitabnda Peter Bunyard,
insann neden oldu u byk iklim
de i ikliklerinin, daha once tahmin edilenin
tersine, hemen olabilece ini vurgulamaktadr.


klim De i ikli i: Kresel bir Felaket mi? adl,

tart mal kitabnda Peter Bunyard, insann
neden oldu u ciddi iklim de i ikliklerinin, daha
nceden tahmin edilenden ok daha erken
meydana gelebilecegini ileri srmektedir.



26. In Ancient Greece, in opposition to

Heraclitus who claimed that nothing is
permanent, Xenophanes asserted that
the universe is solid, immovable mass
forever the same.
A) A) Hibir ey ebedi de ildir diyen
a kar karak, evrenin ebedi,
hareketsiz ve kat bir ktle oldu unu
savunan Ksenofanes eski Yunan
d nrlerinden biridir.
B) Eski Yunanda, Heraklitos hibir eyin sabit
olmad n iddia etmi sede Ksenofanes
buna kar km ve everenin ebediyen
hareketsiz, kat bir ktle oldu unu ileri
srm tr.
C) Eski Yunanda, hibir eyin daimi olmad n
iddia eden Heraklitos'
a kar Ksenofanes,
evrenin ebediyen ayn kalan hareketsiz kat
bir ktle oldu unu ileri srm tr.

ok tepki eken, klim De i ikli i: Kresel bir

Felaket mi? kitabnda Peter Bunyard, insann
yol at ciddi iklim de i ikliklerinin, daha
nce de tahmin edildi i gibi hzla olu maya
ba lad n belirtmektedir.
Peter Bunyard'
n klim De i ikli i: Kresel bir
Felaket mi? adl ok konu ulan kitabnda
savundu u ve insandan kaynaklanan ciddi
iklim de i ikliklerinin tahmin edildiginden daha
erken meydana gelecegi youndaki gr ,
tart malara yol am tr.





in bat yakasndaki Msr Piramitleri, gizli
odalar, yer alt giri leri ve esrarengiz geitler
ieren, byk ta veya tu la yaplardr.


Eski Yunanda, her ne kadar Heraklitos,

hibir eyin srekli olmad n ileri
srm sede, Ksenofanes, buna kar
karak,evrenin, her zaman hareketsiz, kat
bir ktle oldu unu ifade etmi tir.

27. Ba ka lkelerde evre yasalarn

i neyen okuluslu irketleri dava etmek
iin ABD mahkemelerine ba vurulmas,
son yllarda daha sk gorlmektedir.


in batsnda yer alan Msr Piramitleri,
gizli odalar, yeraltnda esrarengiz giri ler ve
geitlerden olu an, ok byk ta veya tu la
Ta veya tu ladan yaplm muazzam
eserler olan ve gizli odalar, yer alt giri leri,
karma k koridorlar bulunan Msr
Piramitleri, Nil'
in bat tarafinda yer alr.


in bat kysnda bulunan Msr Piramitleri,
ta veya tu ladan yaplm muhte em
antlardr ve gizli odalar, yer alt giri leri ve
esrarengiz geitleri ierir.
Ta ve tu ladan in a edilmi byk yaplar
olan ve Nil'
in bat tarafinda bulunan Msr
Piramitleri, gizli odalardan, yer alt
giri lerinden ve esrarengiz geitlerden
meydana gelmi tir.

0 222 233 99 66

Eski Yunanda, hibir ey kalc de ildir

gr nde olan Heraklitos'
a kar kan
Ksenofanes evrenin ebediyen hareketsiz,
kat bir ktle oldu unu ortaya koymu tur.

27-31 sorularda, verilen Trke cmlenin

ngilizce dengini bulunuz.

25. The pyramids of Egypt, on the west bank

of the Nile, are vast structures of stone or
brick, which contain hidden chambers,
subterranean entrances and mysterious



In recent years, people have frequently gone

to the USA courts to sue multinational
corporations that violate environmental laws
in other countries.
Application to the USA courts to sue
multinational corporations that violate
environmental laws in other countries has
been noticed more frequently in recent
Application to the USA courts to take action
against the violation of environmental laws
in other countries has become very common
over the last few years.


The USA courts have recently sued various

international corporations for their violation
of environmental laws in other countries.


In recent years, many multinational

corporations have often been condemned by
the USA courts because of violating
environmental laws

Di er sayfaya geiniz.

28. Dnya Ticaret Orgt'nn, mal ve
hizmetlerini d pazarlarda satan her
iftiye ve irkete yarar sa lad aklda
A) One should not overlook the fact that it
would be to the benefit of the World Trade
Organization if every farmer and every
business sold goods and services to foreign
B) One must ignore the fact that the World
Trade Organization benefits every farmer
and every business selling goods and
services to foreign markets.

30. Bir kitab okurken i aretlemeniz,

esasnda yazarla gr birli inizin
ifadesinden ba ka bir ey de ildir.


It should be remembered that the World

Trade Organization benefits whenever a
farmer or a business sells goods or services
to foreign markets.


One must bear in mind that the World Trade

Organization benefits every farmer and
every business that sells goods and services
to foreign markets.


The World Trade Organization is very well

aware of the fact that every farmer and
every business benefits when goods and
services are sold to foreign markets.

Though ancient Greek and Egyptian art

belong to the past, they are just as alive
today as they were then.


The ancient arts of Greece and Egypt

continue to live now just as vitally as they
did then.
In ancient times the Greeks and the
Egyptians produced works of art that have
never been surpassed in liveliness.




When reading a book it is normal to mark it

to show where your opinion differs or agrees
with that of the author.


There is no real reason for marking a book

as you read it unless you want to remind
yourself of where you agree or disagree with
the writer.
When reading a book it is essential to mark
the places where you agree or disagree with
the ideas of the author.



Eugen A. Nida has recently published a

book called Learning a Foreign Language in
which he discusses the language learning,
speaking, reading and writing.


In his recently published book Learning a

Foreign Language, Eugene A. Nida
discusses the language learning process
which consists of the listening, speaking,
reading and writing skills.
Eugene A. Nida has just published a book
entitled Learning A Foreign Language in
which he divides the language learning
process into the listening, speaking, reading
and writing skills.
Eugen A. Nida has recently published a
book called Learning a Foreign Language,
which studies the learning process of a
language under the headings listening,
speaking, reading and writing.



Ancient Greek and Egyptian works of art are

now admired more for their vitality than they
were in the past.

0 222 233 99 66

Marking a book while you read is essentially

nothing but an expression of your
differences, or agreements of opinion, with
the author.

31. Yakn zamanda yaymlanm olan Bir

Yabanc Dili renme adl kitabnda
Eugene A. Nida, dinleme, konu ma,
okuma ve yazma becerilerinden olu an
dil renme srecini tart maktadr .

Ancient Greek and Egyptian art do not

belong to the past; they are even more alive
today than they were yesterday.


There is no need to mark a book you read

unless your opinions are strongly opposed
to those of the writer.


29. Eski Yunan ve Msr sanat gemi e ait

degildir; bugn, dn oldu undan daha
ok canldr .



According to Eugene A. Nida in his recently

published book entitled, which studies the
learning process of a language under the
headings listening, speaking, reading and

Di er sayfaya geiniz.

35. ____ that financial growth is
"development" and that this
"development" is good for the
underdeveloped countries.
A) Multinational companies often have negative
environmental effects
B) The great increase, in recent years, of
corporate profits is never taken into account
C) Over the years, magazines like the
Economist have promoted the idea
D) Globalization and free trade have
undermined the socio-economic structure of
the non-industrialized countries

32-41 sorularda, verilen cmleyi uygun

ekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
32. Novels often deal with character and
actions that give readers an illusion of
reality ____ .
A) while they were experiencing things that
actually happened
B) in case it includes, among other things, a
plot or story and a setting
C) whether Dicken'
s novels are mostly social
novels, depicting life and society in Victorian
D) though some of them are predominantly
fanciful or fantastic
E) If Jane Austin had based her novels on the
people and places with which she was


36. ____ he would have to face a great deal

of criticism from his own party.
A) Until people started to forget this rather
scandalous affair
B) However trivial the matter clearly seemed to
C) Unless he decides to make a public apology
for the way he was behaved
D) If he were to object these amendments to
the Housing Bill
E) As no one'
s attention is presently centred
upon the budget

33. Many linguists advise mastering a

vocabulary of two or three thousand
words in Chinese ____ .

before beginning the difficult task of learning

the language'
s symbols
when we hear words and expressions from
a native speaker
that one ought to try to write sentences on
the basis of the grammar rules
so a knowledge of reading and writing may
have been acquired
unless one had developed an adequate
conversational ability for simple situations

37. While man has been learning to control

his own environment, ____ .
A) they continue to blame each other in much
the same way as their fathers had before
B) there would have been as many volunteers
as were needed
C) such adverse conditions will have to be
D) this can only be achieved by the destruction
of other environments and this is to be
E) his activities have often upset the balance of
natural comunities of animals and plants

34. Bach brought the art of polyphony to the

highest pitch of mastery ____ .
A) unless his music rose above technical
brilliance to achieve intense emotional
B) why Handel'
s working life was mostly spent
in England where his operas were widely
C) as his instrumental music contains many of
his deeper thoughts
D) though, like him, Handel began looking for a
new style
E) that has ever been achieved or is ever likely
to be achieved

0 222 233 99 66

Self-interest is not the only value for global

economic activities


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

38. ____ which is the media of the national
A) A majority of these people are probably of
non-Welsh origin
B) Welsh people are deeply attached to their
native tounge
C) The welsh system of education closely
resembles that of England
D) The Welsh are a people of quick intelligence
E) In 1955 Cardiff was recognised as the
capital of Wales

41. ____ it is equally true that he cannot live

without it.
A) Since a large percentage of the human race
still lives in very small peasant communities
B) While it is true that man cannot live by bread
C) Although a worker has the right to go on
D) However loyal he had been to us
E) In case every survivor needs urgent medical
42-46 sorularda, parada bo braklan
yere uygun d en ifadeyi bulunuz.

39. If an industry is made up of perhaps 10

or 20 firms which agree to restrict
competition between themselves, ____ .

42. "Art Deco" is the name given by modern

collectors to the decorative style system
of the 1920s and 1930s. ____ . The style
of Art Deco is not austere but gay,
elegant and even frivolous. It is related
superficially to Cubism, using squares,
circles and triangles in interesting
combinations for ornament.
A) The main stream of art in the eighteenth
century had been orderly and polished
B) In recent decades some critics have argued
that art, science and technology, which
should cooperate to improve the
environment of cities
C) On the other hand, impressionism ultimately
led to the anti-naturalist, movement of PostImpressionism

in most countries they are now subject to

legal control
many of these practices have been declared
such trade practices have been a common
feature of the business world
then we have a monopoly situation
it might be interesting to look at some of the
practices followed in the West

40. Though the British painter Turner had a

profound influence on the French
impressionists and the German
expressionists, ____ .

this is because his works are exhibited in a

few galleries in Britain
in output he would have been the most
prolific of all painters
his work remains for the most part little
known by the world at large
it is because he loved and interpreted
certain themes from classical mythology
another great landscape- painter is


Cubism. for example, with its attention to

form, is classical, whereas Surrealism, with
its attention to content, is romantic


The term is derived from the long official

name of the Paris Exhibition of 1925, which
concentrated on the decorative arts

43. Christopher Wren will always be

remembered as a great architect, and
London abounds in examples of his
architecture. ____ . Later he turned to
secular buildings including Hampton
Court and Kensington Palace.

0 222 233 99 66


s architectural abilities actually
developed late
The great fire of London meant that there
was a great need for new buildings
It was a visit to Paris that brought Wren'
interests in architecture to the fore
His earlier buildings were nearly all
ecclesiastical ones
At one time he was professor of
Mathematics at Gresham'
s College in
Di er sayfaya geiniz.

44. Over the past hundred years or so,
glaciers in the Alps have changed almost
beyond recognition. In this the Alps are
not unique. ____ . What is special about
the glaciers of the Alps is that the very
small changes in them have been
recorded over a very long period of time.


47-51 sorularda, anlam bakmndan hangi

cmlenin paraya uymad n bulunuz.
47. (I) The semi-settled tribal Penan people
of Sarawak have been fighting logging
companies for more than twenty years.
(II) To them, their timber- rich forest is
more than a home; it is a life support
system upon which their very lives and
existence depend. (III) Now the loggers
are carving roads deeper and deeper into
forest. (IV) One side effect of the logging
is soil erosion. (V) As a result, the Penan,
though basically a peace loving
community, are starting to erect
barricades in effort to obstruct the
activities of logging companies.

From the Andes to the Himalayas the story

is the same
The melting of mountain ice is more than
just an aesthetic concern
Without the water from the melting snow
throughout the summer agriculture would
become nearly impossible
There has been a two-degree rise minimum
temperatures in the Alpine region
The Alps feed Europe'
s major rivers, and
river levels are starting to sink


45. ____ . Indeed, productivity- driven

deflation, in which costs and prices are
pushed down by technological advances,
is beneficial. This is because lower
prices lift real incomes and hence
spending power.
A) Deflation only becomes acceptable when it
is unavoidable
B) People rightly fear deflation, but it is a
condition that has to be faced
C) Deflation is not necessarily a bad thing
D) The risk of outright deflation has clearly
E) Deflation is particularly dangerous for
countries that have a large corporate debt
like Japan

48. (I) There are several reasons why the

Industrial Revolution started in Great
Britain rather than in France. (II) In the
first place, Britain had the money
necessary to finance the larger
enterprises. (Ill) The Industrial Revolution
brought about radial changes in not only
the economic arena but also the social
life. (IV) Further, England's supremacy on
the seas had encouraged commerce and
thus, indirectly, industry. (V) Moreover,
there was a new rich class in England, a
merchant class, which was ready to
devote itself to industry.

46. The Whispering Gallery is a circular

gallery immediately under the dome in St.
Paul's Cathedral, London. Here, a mere
whisper can be heard with startling
distinctness all the way round the
circumference. ____ . Others suggest
that the mechanism may be more
A) Some have tried to explain the phenomenon
on the basis of successive reflections round
the wall
B) People enjoy listening to each other'
whispers in the cathedral
C) So far, nobody has managed to give a
logical explanation of why this happens
D) In a church in Newburyport there is a similar
E) This phenomenon naturally gives an added
charm to the cathedral
0 222 233 99 66



Di er sayfaya geiniz.

49. (I) The bicycle is grossly unappreciated.
(II) It takes us where we want to go, and
makes streets great places to be in,
rather than to drive through. (III) There is
a constant call to get youth off the
streets- but that's exactly where they
should be. (IV) Following the popularity
of mountain bikes, there is now a wide
range of city bikes on the markets. (V) In
fact, it's where we all should be enjoying
our streets and communities; and not
hiding away alone in our homes
A) I
E) V

52-56 sorularda, anlam bakmndan hangi

cmlenin paraya uymad n bulunuz.
52. Patrick: I hear you are spending your
holiday in Whitby.
Brenda: Yes, that's right. I've never been
there before so I'm looking forward to
Patrick: ____
Brenda: Yes, everyone tells me that.
Especially on the cliffs when the wind
A) You'
ll enjoy it there. It'
s a picturesque resort;
but it can be very cold.
B) We go quiet often. I like to walk on the
beach there.
C) I much prefer it to Scarborough which more
or less adjoins it.
D) Whitby was quiet important historically, you
E) There'
s lovely sand there, and you'
ll enjoy
exploring the coastline.

50. (I) The word 'Utopia' is taken from a

Greek word meaning 'nowhere'. (II) It was
first used in 1516 by Sir Thomas More as
the title of a book he wrote about an
imaginary country. (III) In it he described
an ideal society with the aim of directing
public attention to the corruption in his
own country. (IV) Since then, the term
has been used of any idealized society.
(V) Actually, More wrote his Utopia in
Latin as this was still the language of
serious writing in Europe.
A) I
E) V

51. (I) Yoga is back in fashion in the West. (II)

There is evidence everywhere of its
return to prominence. (III) In New York,
for instance, classes in yoga studies
have sprung up all over the metropolitan
area. (IV) The origins of yoga can be
traced back to ancient Hindu theistic
philosophy. (V) One company also retails
CDs, videos and books and sends a yoga
accessories catalogue out to 800,000
customers every year.
A) I
E) V

53. Seyfi: It says here that Gertrude Stein

was one of the century's most publicized
but least read authors.
Sait: I find that very sad. If one writes,
one must want to be read.
Seyfi: ____
Sait: Right. And just look who listened to
her- Hemingway, Thornton Wilder and
even Picasso!

0 222 233 99 66


In fact, Picasso painted her portrait.

Yes. But she had the satisfaction of knowing
that people visited her to listen to her talking.
She actually spent more of her life in Paris
than in America.
Though she spent very little time there she
actually understood America very well.
It wasn'
t very wise of her to stay in France
during the German occupation for she was
Di er sayfaya geiniz.

56. Hillary: Were you able to watch that film
last night?
Pauline: ____
Hillary: Oh! Was it really so bad?
Pauline: Yes it was! I loved the novel and
wasn't going to let film spoil it for me.
A) Yes, Some parts were well done, but I didn'
like the leading actress.
B) Yes I did. But I can'
t say I enjoyed it.
C) No. I was late, home and only managed to
watch the last scene.
D) Yes, some of it. But we had visitors so we
turned the TV off.
E) Well I watched it for a very short time and
then turned the TV off.

54. Gerald: Well, all three candidates seemed

pretty good to me.
Mary: ____
Gerald: Why?
Mary: He has both the academic
qualifications and the organizing ability
we are looking for.

m not sure that any of them could work
under pressure.
The first one, though, didn'
t really impress
Agreed. But, the last one we interviewed is
the one I favor.
The young one seemed to me too immature
for this post and lacking in experience.
Right. There'
s not much to judge between

55. Pam: Why it's Mrs. Robinson! I haven't

seen you around for a long time.
Mrs. Robinson: Well, I tend to stay
indoors when the weather is cold and
Pam: ____
Mrs. Robinson: When I was at your age
and working, I couldn't either.
A) Then what do you do all day? Read or watch
B) That'
s the best thing to do. I wish my mother
C) Don'
t you get too bored, sitting at home
alone all day?
D) That'
s very sensible of you. I'
m sure I would,
if I could; but as I'
m working I can'
E) Lucky you! When I stop working I shall do
the same,

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

58. The author points out that, historically,
women ____ .
A) have played a pioneering role in the growth
of industrialization
B) have been involved in domestic activities but
not in outdoor ones
C) have never been regarded as economically
D) have never been expected to do hard
physical work art
E) have always played an important part in the
s working activities

57-59 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

If the term employment is used in its wider
sense as meaning work which is of economic
value not only to the family but to the
community, women have at all times been
thus employed. In primitive societies and in
agricultural communities women shared in
the productive work on the land, in the
workshops and the home; they took part in
trade and they cared for the old, the sick and
the infirm at a tie when there were no health
and welfare services in the modem sense.
Indeed, in any society in which the
productivity of labour is low, women's active
participation in the daily work is
indispensable. To this day, women work in
the fields in all agricultural communities; they
spin and weave, do building work and various
other kinds of hard physical labour in many
parts of the world which have not yet reached
the threshold of industrialization.

59. The passage points out that, in this

present age, in many underdeveloped
countries, ____ .

57. According to the passage, if we use the

word "employment" in its general
meaning ____ .
A) we are referring to early domestic industries
B) it refers almost wholly to the activities of
C) it signifies any kind of work which
contributes economically to society
D) it primarily signifies, low paid or unpaid
working activities
E) it stands for all kinds of work in an
agricultural society

0 222 233 99 66



health care and other social services are

starting to be more effective
women are still being used in physically
demanding jobs
it is still the women'
s responsibility to carry
on trading activities
spinning and weaving are the only major
economic activities
child labour is no longer practiced

Di er sayfaya geiniz.

61. We can understand from the passage
that the rock paintings in Pedra Furada
____ .
A) depict a wide variety of activity in
prehistorical Brazil
B) are far older than any of the other
archeological trophies there
C) have been blackened by the smoke from
primeval bonfires
D) are in a bad state of repair owing to the dry
E) are of less interest than the early stone tools
found there

60-62 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

If you wish to glimpse the ancient trophies of
Pedro Furada, in a difficult, mountainous area
of northeastern Brazil, you must be prepared
to face intense dry heat, treacherous rocky
ground, sudden flooding, boulders from
cliffs, aggressive snakes and swarms of
mosquitoes. It's worth it, though, for the
archeological treasures to be found there are
exceptionally ancient. Rock paintings- vivid
depictions of prehistoric ways of life,
including dancing, hunting, war and sex
rituals -have been dated at more than 12,000
years old, while curious pebble structures,
primeval bonfires and early stone tools are
up to 50,000 years old. The discovery of the
remains had a profound effect on our
knowledge of American prehistory, for they
suggested that the first people in the New
World arrived not via a bridge of ice from
Siberia but by sea from Africa or possibly
even Australia.

62. We can understand from the passage

that, before the ancient trophies of Pedra
Furada came to light, ____ .

60. It is pointed out in the passage that

Pedra Furada, ____ .
A) is jealously guarded and few people are
allowed to see its treasures
B) is situated in an extremely hostile
C) is just one of many archeological sites in
northeastern Brazil
D) has rock paintings depicting activities of
50,000 years ago
E) is easily accessible, especially during the
summer months

0 222 233 99 66


people presumed that northeastern Brazil

had never been inhabited
people believed that the first inhabitants of
the American continents came either from
Africa or from Australia


it had always been assumed that the first

people in the New World came from Siberia
over a bridge of ice


this area was already attracting tourists

no one even suspected that the rituals or
dancing and hunting went back to 12,000

Di er sayfaya geiniz.

64. It is pointed in the passage that, as the
ice melted towards the end of the last ice
age, ____ .

63-65 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

New evidence suggests that Noah's flood
really did happen. A recent expedition has
confirmed that a huge flood occurred 7000
years ago in the Black Sea. The theory was
first put forward last year by marine
geologists William Ryan and Walter Pitman.
In their book Noah's Flood, they argue that
the great flood resulted from the last ice age,
which peaked 12,000 years ago. When the
poles froze, ocean levels dropped and cut off
the Mediterranean from the Black Sea, which
dropped 150 m. to become a lake with fertile
shores. When the ice thawed, the
Mediterranean rose back up and broke
through what is now known as the Bosphorus
with a force equal to 200 Niagara Falls for a
period of two years. The Black Sea rose,
consuming a mile of shore a day. Those who
had settled there fled, spreading their stories
of the flood.

63. According to the passage, the poles

froze during the last ice age which
caused ocean levels to drop and ____ .


the waters of the Mediterranean rose and

forced a way through to the Black Sea
the people living along the Bosphorus
moved inland to avoid flooding
several new seas came into being including
the Mediterranean and the Black Sea
the Mediterranean and the Black Sea once
more became a unified ocean
there was considerable flooding though it
was no on the scale of that known as Noah'

65. It is suggested in the passage that the

Black Sea flooded the land around it ____
A) when it was cut off from the Mediterranean
B) and so the Bosphorus was formed
C) until all the ice at the poles had thawed
D) when the last ice age peaked 12,000 years
E) at the rate of a mile a day

remain low for the next 7000 years

the Mediterranean become a lake only 150
m deep
and they never again returned to normal
so no further flooding on such a scale is
the Mediterranean was separated from the
Black Sea

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

66-68 sorular, a a daki paraya gre
Mr. Melon senior was a Croesus whose
golden touch gave him a grip on much of
American industry, including power, mining,
civil engineering and insurance. His son, Paul
Mellon, was a very different sort of person but
no less remarkable. His achievement was that
he managed to dispose of more money and
goods than any other American of his time,
but did it in an unobtrusive and well-regarded
way. The great capitalists of the 19'h century,
particularly Andrew Carnegie and John
Rockefeller, pioneered American
philanthropy. Carnegie said the same
aggressive energy that had made a capitalist
rich should be employed to return his profits
to society. The man who died rich, died
disgraced, Carnegie thundered. Without
necessarily agreeing with such strictures,
Paul Mellon set out to redistribute some of
his wealth. Both men thought that what
America needed was culture. Carnegie had
favored public libraries. Mr. Mellon went for
public art galleries.

66. The writer makes the point that Mellon

senior made the money and that Mellon
junior disposed of it, ____ .

67. As we understand from the passage,

Carnegie passionately believed that ____
A) his father ought to have been more
B) the capitalistic system was wrong
C) the best expression of a nation'
s culture was
its art galleries
D) the same energy that makes a man rich
should be used for the benefit of society
E) Rockefeller was the first and the greatest of
the American philanthropists

68. The writer admires Paul Mellon because

he used his father's money ____ .
A) in a discrete manner, for the benefit of the
American people at large
B) and he had the same business skills as his
father but refused to use them
C) to make those who had worked for his father
D) to set up new businesses and increase his
E) rather more extravagantly than even
Carnegie had ever done

so it is Mellon senior who is to be admired

but that the achievement of each was
equally great
which accounts for the tension between the
two men
but that both men were primarily interested
ill culture
he is therefore very critical of Mellon junior'

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

69-71 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

72-74 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

Radical changes in the life of western society
were brought about by the new technical
inventions of the 18th and 19th centuries,
which resulted in a gradual but complete
reorganization of the productive process.
This is generally known as "the Industrial
Revolution". The outstanding feature of this
industrial revolution was the increasing
specialization of labour and, with it, the
removal of more and more industries from the
home to the factory .At the same time, a
growing number of activities such as baking,
soap making and dressmaking were taken
over by industry. These changes profoundly
affected the lives of women. Many of them
worked in the new factories for very low
wages and for excessively long hours, others
worked at home for manufacturers.

Venice is famous for its both architecture and

paintings. Venetian architecture reflects the
Byzantine influence, though Gothic became
the main style in the 14 century and the first
Renaissance building dates from the second
half of the 15th century. The Venetian school
of painters was established firstly in the 15
century. The best known of this school are
Gentile and Giovanni Bellini, Titan, Tintoretto
and Veronese. The centre of Venetian life is
St. Mark's square which is surrounded with
marble pavements. Round this and the
adjoining Piazzetta are grouped buildings of
great beauty and interest. At the eastern end
of the square is the basilica of St Mark, a
fitting cathedral for the patriarch of Venice.

72. According to the passage, the 18th and

19th centuries in the West ____ .
A) were a time when working conditions were
greatly improved
B) domestic industry developed alongside the
reorganisation of industry
C) experienced a great economic and industrial
D) saw great technical advances which led to
radical changes in the production process
E) gave priority to domestic industries

69. The author points out that Venetian

architecture ____ .
A) makes use of marble as the main building
B) is best represented by the basilica of St
C) actually reflects two different architectural
styles prior to the Renaissance
D) has remained almost unchanged since the
15th century
E) has been an important source of inspiration
for Venetian painters

73. It is pointed in the passage that one of

the most important changes introduced
by the Industrial Revolution was ____ .

70. We understand from the passage that

prior to the 15th century, Venice ____ .
A) could show no examples of buildings in the
Gothic style
B) was not influenced in any way by Byzantine
C) was already famous for its great painters
and architects
D) was already proud of Renaissance buildings
E) hardly produced any painters of importance


74. The writer makes the point that the

Industrial Revolution ____ .
A) had a totally destructive effect upon the
social structure
B) had a great effect on the way of life in the
C) encouraged domestic activities, in particular
D) led to the building of very many factories just
for women workers
E) had little effect '
on traditional production

71. It is stressed in the passage that St

Mark's square in Venice ____ .
A) stands next to the Piazetta which
architecturally has been neglected
B) is dominated by buildings in the Gothic style
C) was frequently painted by the Venetian
school of painters
D) is both the cultural and the social center of
the city
E) is surrounded by buildings which house the
works of Titian and other great Venetian
0 222 233 99 66

the development of such domestic skills as

baking and soap making
the improvement of the position of women in
the gradual rise of specialized labor
the reorganization of working conditions for
an unprecedented increase in wages


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

76. The author explains that, in early times
Winchester ____ .
A) depended solely on the wool trade for her
B) was a royal city for the Kings of England
C) was hardly less important, in some respects,
than either London or Salisbury
D) sold most of her wool to London and
E) had a small population compared with
surrounding areas

75-77 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

Winchester is known as a cathedral city in
England. Once a royal city and residence of
the kings of Wessex, Winchester competed
with London to be capital of England and
rivalled Salisbury as an important centre of
learning. The increasing agricultural use of
the land and the rise in the population of the
nearby towns and villages gave prosperity to
Winchester and turned it into a major
economic centre. Wool was an important
local product, and its collection and
distribution formed part of the city's
economy. Under King Alfred, whose statue
stands in the city, the cultural and
ecclesiastical life of Winchester became
firmly established.

77. According to the passage, it was King

Alfred ____ .
A) who encouraged the growth of towns and
villages in the Winchester region
B) himself who had his statue set up in
C) who made Winchester the capital of England
D) who first had the idea of building a great
cathedral in Winchester
E) who turned Winchester into a cultural and
ecclesiastical centre

75. The passage puts emphasis on ____ .


the cultural and economic importance of

Winchester in its early history
King Alfred and how he made Winchester
his capital
s supremacy over Winchester
The architectural excellence of Winchester'
The lives and deeds of the ancient kings of

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

79. According to the passage, Vancouver's
exploration of the northwest coast of
America ____ .

78-80 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

George Vancouver was a British naval
explorer who served as a seaman on Captain
Cook's second voyage round the world (17721775) and as a midshipman on his third
voyage (1776-80). He then saw service in the
West Indies. In 1791 he was placed in charge
of an expedition to the northwest coast of
North America to seek for a passage to the
interior of the continent, which was rumored
to exist in those parts. On the outward
voyage by the Cape of Good Hope, a portion
of the southwest coastline of Australia was
'examined, and Tasmania, New Zealand and
Hawaii were visited. Vancouver spent three
years in carefully surveying portions of the
west coast of North America. He was the first
to circumnavigate Vancouver Island, to which
his name was given by the Spaniards to
commemorate his achievement. The standard
of his survey was exceptionally high and
worthy of his old captain, James Cook; and
his voyage practically disproved the
existence of a water-passage to the interior
along these coasts.


caused the Spaniards to give up their claims

to North America
was greatly admired by English sailors who
named Vancouver Island after him
brought to a successful end the explorations
initiated by Captain Cook
more or less established that there was no
water-passage into the interior
was more successful than any expedition he
had taken part in

80. It is pointed out in the passage that

Vancouver ____ .
A) made a thorough survey of the western
shore of North America
B) wanted to be recognised as a greater
explorer than Captain Cook
C) was clearly feared by Spanish sailors
D) was only interested in the exploration of
North America and paid no attention to other
E) bought supplies for his ship and crew in
Australia on his voyage home

78. According to the passage, by the time

George Vancouver was sent to explore
the northwest coast of North America,
____ .
A) he had led an exploratory expedition to the
West Indies
B) he had already had considerable experience
at sea
C) Captain Cook had already instructed him on
what to look for
D) He had already acquired a basic knowledge
to the area with Captain Cook
E) Others had tried to find a sea passage into
the interior but had failed

Test Bitti...

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.


Bu testte cevaplayaca nz soru says 80dir.
nerilen cevaplama sresi 180 dakikadr.
1-21. Sorularda bo braklan yere uygun
d en ifadeyi bulunuz.



During the worldwide malaria epidemic of

1992, it was observed that the disease
had developed a ____ to certain drugs
that had once been effective.





The body ____ most of the carbohydrates

we eat either into glucose or into


Moderate amounts of sugar are usually

not harmful but, taken in excess, sugar
can be ____ to health.




The doctors are ____ pleased with the

progress he is making, and he can leave
hospital tomorrow.




Fat can be ____ for energy only by

aerobic metabolism.
brought up
cut out
put down
broken down
turned on


0 222 233 99 66

We will ____ this treatment for a further

week by which time recovery should be
take down
bring in
run out
put through
keep to


The main focus of the research to be

____ by a multidisciplinary team will be
the study of the genes and proteins of
organisms in the context of their
informational pathways or networks.


looked after
carried out
made out
settled down
brought about


Some observers estimate that all the

African wildlife will be ____ danger of
extinction within forty years if numbers
diminish ____ this rate.


in / at
by / in
within / from
under / for
at / through


Miners who inhale large quantities ____

manganese dust ____ prolonged periods,
may show symptoms of a brain disease.


out of / in
from / during
by / after
of / over
through / under

10. Malaria is caused ____ a single-celled

parasite that invades the red blood cells
____ its host.


through / from
from / in
of / to
out of / around
by / of

Di er sayfaya geiniz.

11. Japan, which is the world's second
largest market for mobile phones, plans
to limit their use ____ growing concern
about the impact of electromagnetic
radiation on the brain.
A) in case of
B) as a result of
C) in spite of
D) by means of
E) in terms of

16. All cells, whether they come from

animals, plants or bacteria, contain ____
elements in very nearly ____ proportions.

17. In his book "Beyond Laughter", the

psychiatrist Martin Grotjohn claims that
____ an infant begins to smile and laugh,
____ intelligent he is likely to prove.

12. ____ two-thirds of the energy the average

person spends in a day supports the
body's metabolic activities.


At least
Such as

neither / but
as / as
such / as
some / just as
both / and

19. The use of sweeteners in food

manufacturing ____ steadily over the
past two decades and ____ no signs of
A) would rise / will show
B) had risen / would show
C) has risen / shows
D) would have risen / had shown
E) rose / will show

14. At room temperature, unsaturated fats,

such as those found in oil, are usually
liquid, ____ saturated fats, such as those
found in butter, are solid.

so far as

20. As long as he ____ reasonable care of

himself he has every chance of ____ a
complete recovery.

15. Compared with their body size, mammals

and birds have much larger brains than
____ .
A) are other vertebrates
B) that other vertebrates have
C) other vertebrates do
D) other vertebrates are
E) another vertebrate would

0 222 233 99 66

the earlier / the more

the earliest / the most
earlier / more
as early / as much
as early as / the more

18. If there ____ any delay in getting him to

hospital, the outcome ____ fatal.
A) had been / could have proved
B) is / would have proved
C) were / will have proved
D) has been / is proved
E) will be / would prove

13. Recommendations to reduce

cardiovascular disease risk include ____
screening ____ intervention.

more / all
some / more
any / the most
the same / the same
the other / some

will take / being made

took / having made
has taken / having been made
takes / making
was taking / having to make

21. A new book ____ which ____ to give the

interested layman an overall picture of
modern medicine.


is being published / will have been designed

has been published / is designed
had been published / had designed
would have been published / was designed
will have been published / is being designed

Di er sayfaya geiniz.

25. Cramps may follow a severe loss of body
fluid and minerals as, for example, with
severe diarrhoea, vomiting or sweating.

22-26 sorularda, verilen ngilizce

cmlenin Trke dengini bulunuz.
22. Rabies is a very frightening disease
because once symptoms develop, it is
absolutely fatal.
A) Kuduz yok korku verici bir hastalktr, nk
bir kez belirtileri ortaya knca kesinlikle
B) Kuduz, ancak belirtileri kesinlik kazandktan
sonra ldrc olan bir hastalktr.
C) Kuduz, korku verici bir hastalktr, nk
belirtileri ortaya kar kmaz ldrc olur.
D) Belirtileri grldkten sonra ldrc bir hal
alan kuduz, korku verici bir hastalktr.
E) Korku verici bir hastalk olan kuduz, belirtileri
grlr grlmez ldrcdr.






iddetli ishal, kusma ve terleme

rneklerinde oldu u gibi a r vcut svs ve
mineral kayb kramplara yol aabilir.


rne in iddetli ishal, kusma ye terleme

sonucu grlen vcut svsnn ve
minerallerin kayb, kramplarn skla masna
yol aabilir.
Kramplar, iddetli ishal, kusma ye
terlemelerden dolay vcudun sv ve
mineral kaybetmesi sonucu ortaya kabilir.


rne in, iddetli ishal, kusma veya

terlemede oldu u gibi, vcut svsnn ve
minerallerin a r kaybn kramplar izleyebilir.

26. In cases of drowning it is not right to tip

the patient up to drain the water out of
his lungs.
A) Bo ulma vakalarnda, hastann
akci erlerindeki suyu almak iin hastay yan
yatrmak uygun de ildir.

Son yllarda, pek ok lkede, cinsel yolla

geen hastalk vakalarnda ok byk bir
art olmu tur.
Son yllarda, cinsel yolla geen hastalklarda
grlen byk art nedeniyle pek ok
lkede e itli nlemler alnm tr.
Pek ok lkede, son yllarda gzlenen en
byk art cinsel yolla geen hastalklarda
olmu tur.
Pek ok lkede, cinsel hastalklarn bula ma
hznda son yllarda byk bir art vardr.

24. There are several types of malaria which

vary in frequency from one part of the
world to another.

Kramplar, rne in, iddetli ishal, kusma

veya terlemenin neden oldu u sv ve
mineral kayplarn izleyebilir.


23. In most countries, there has been a very

great increase in recent years in the
incidence of sexually transmitted
A) Cinsel yolla geen hastalk saysnn son
yllarda byk bir art gstermesi, btn
lkelerde gzlenen bir olgudur.



Bo ulma vakalarnda, akci erlerinden suyu

bo altmak iin hastay ba a a tutmak
do ru de ildir.


Bo ulma esnasnda hastann ci erlerindeki

suyu bo altmak iin onu ba a a evirerek
silkelemek yararl de ildir.


Bo ulma durumunda, akci erleri dolduran

suyu bo altmak amacyla hastay hareket
ettirmek do ru de ildir.


Bo ulmalarda, hastann akci erlerindeki

suyu atmak iyin onu srekli sallamak
kesinlikle yanl tr.

Dnyada, bir blgeden di erine farkllk

gsteren pek ok stma tr vardr.
Dnyann her blgesinde, farkl ekillerde
ortaya kan de i ik stma trleri
Dnyann e itli blgelerinde birbirinden
farkllk gsteren stma trlerine
Sklk bakmndan dnyann bir blgesinden
tekine farkllk gsteren de i ik stma trleri
Stmann de i ik trleri dnyann her
blgesinde farkl bir sklkla ortaya

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

29. Gemi te kan zehirlenmesinin tedavisi
hemen hemen olanakszd; ancak bugn,
tedavi oran yzde doksann izerindedir.

27-31 sorularda, verilen Trke cmlenin

ngilizce dengini bulunuz.
27. Sa lk Bakanl nca retim ruhsat
verilmedike hibir yeni ila, reeteyle
veya reetesiz satlamaz.


In the past, septicaemia could not be

effectively treated, but the rate of cure now
has reached over ninety percent.



Formerly, septicaemia was quite incurable,

but nowadays almost ninety percent of all
cases are cured.


Septicaemia was, in the past, always

regarded as fatal, but now the rate of cure is
over ninety percent.


In the past, septicaemia used to be almost

incurable, but today the rate of cure is over
ninety percent.


It was virtually impossible, but nowadays

over ninety percent of cases are curable.


Unless there is a prescription for them, new

drugs cannot be sold though they have
received a production licence from the
Ministry of Health
Until the Ministry of Health grants a
production licence these new drugs can not
be sold even with a prescription


No new drug can be sold, with or without a

prescription unless it has been granted a
production licence by the Ministry of Health


No new drugs can go into production or be

prescribed unless they receive a licence
from the Ministry of Health


With or without a prescription, new drugs

can not be sold until a production licence
has been approved by the Ministry of Health

30. Mikroplar vcuda girdi inde, vcudun

tm savunma mekanizmalar harekete
geirilir ve hzlandrlr.

28. Omurga kesinlikle tek bir kemik olmayp

omur olarak bilinen kk kemiklerden
olu ur.
A) The backbone is definitely not a single bone,
but is made up of small bones known as
B) The backbone is not a single bone at all, but
a series of small bones and vertebrae
C) Though the backbone seems like a single
bone it is not so; it is made up of a series of
small bones called vertebrae

Actually the backbone is not a single bone

but a series of small bones known
collectively as vertebrae


The small bones that make up the complex

backbone are collectively know as vertebrae


The defence system of the body quickly

goes into action whenever germs enter the
The defence mechanism of the body is
activated and speeded up to deal with
entering germs.
The body has a defence system which goes
into action rapidly when germs enter.

31. Ara trmalar dzenli st tketiminin

kemik sa l n korumaya ve
osteoporozu nlemeye yardm etti ini
gstermektedir .
A) Studies have indicated that the drinking milk
habitually helps to strengthen bones and
overcome osteoporosis.


0 222 233 99 66

As soon as germs enter the body, a defence

system is built up at great speed.
When germs enter the body, all the body'
defence mechanisms are mobilised and
speeded up.


Studies have suggested that the

consumption of milk at regular intervals
helps to maintain healthy bones and cure
Studies have shown that, by consuming milk
regularly, one can ensure bone health and
avoid osteoporosis.


Studies have proved that if the consumption

of milk is habitual, it helps to protect bone
health and prevent osteoporosis.


Studies have shown that the regular

consumption of milk helps to maintain bone
health and prevent osteoporosis.
Di er sayfaya geiniz.

37. Some people may be obese ____ .

32-41 sorularda, verilen cmleyi uygun

ekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.


32. If this problem is caught in time, ____ .


one must sincerely hope that the war of

hunger will be won
several types of treatment had proved
these patients were three times less likey to
have heart attacks
dysentery had further depleted the store of
nutrients in the body
the life of a starving child may be saved by
careful nutrition therapy

38. The results of these experiments suggest

____ .
A) that such a serious heart condition has
responded to treatment
B) that genetics does not play an important role
in determining a person'
s susceptibility to
C) whether the body can adapt itself to such a
drastic change
D) if all such fat gains were followed by
corresponding losses
E) where the adverse reactions are certainly
quiet minor

33. Though it is important to clear the whole

area of cancer, ____ .
A) as much healthy tissue as possible must be
left behind
B) more cancerous cells could have been
C) the brain tumor was the major exception
D) with the laser, a breakthrough in treatment
seems likely
E) statistically, the chances of recovery seem
to be the same

39. In this chart, each group has been

colour-coded, ____ .
A) though these aren'
t the major sources for
the data
B) that are listed at the head of each page
C) as if there will have been several different
D) which makes it easier to find individual items
E) which would have helped to converse space

34. Even if broccoli doesn't protect one from

colon cancer, ____ .
A) some authorities continued to argue that it
B) one cannot enjoy it more than twice a week
C) several other vegetables were found to be
equally rich in vitamins
D) it certainly has other beneficial functions
E) it might also increase the risk of heart

40. His temperature has returned to normal

____ .
A) until he goes off to another football match
B) if he stays quietly at home for a day or two
C) that he will make two more aspirins in the
D) why we are all worried so much about him
E) so there is no need to call a doctor

35. ____ that active people need more

protein than do sedentary people.
A) They ignored the essential aim of the project
B) The evidence we'
ve gathered through our
research suggest
C) Long-distance runners are exceptional
D) The reference is to athletes in training
E) Activities of all kinds are encouraged

41. Some studies report greater weight

losses ____ .
A) as if motivation can be taken into account
B) which had already been confirmed
C) when people eat or drink artificially
sweetened product
D) because the last meal of the day would be
light one
E) though there is a "sugar-free" label on the

36. As he is very advanced in age, ____ .


the others scarcely seemed worried by it

I wished I could have sent for his daughter
they will operate on him only in the last
one will be prepared for such an event
Any other patient would have complained

0 222 233 99 66

that the real cause is under-activity

although they eat far too much
because they spend too little energy
if this would jeopardise health
as often as they go on a new diet


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

42-46 sorularda, parada bo braklan
yere uygun d en ifadeyi bulunuz.
42. Broken bones in themselves are not the
most serious consequences of injuries
causing fractures. ____ . The First Aid
treatment of immobilising the part, before
transporting the casualty, is designed to
avoid this.

Sometimes nearby tissues or organs can be

damaged by the broken ends of the bones,
and this is far more serious.


A simple or closed fracture is where only

the bone is broken without damage to
surrounding tissues.


Then there are compound fractures, and the

danger here is that the bone may become
A greenstick fracture is quite common in
A bone infection does not yield easily to
treatment with antibiotics


43. The real benefit of using sugar alcohols

is that they do not contribute to dental
problems. ____ . They are, therefore,
valuable in chewing gums breath mints
and other products that people keep in
their mouths for awhile.
A) Provided they are not given to children, they
will cause no harm.
B) Bacteria in the mouth cannot metabolise
sugar alcohols as rapidly as sugar
C) As well as sugar alcohols there are artificial
sweeteners and, of course sugar itself
D) They are used as an alternative to sugar by
people with diabetes
E) Their side effects make them less attractive
than artificial sweeteners.

46. Industrial work lasts for a good many

hours everyday and inevitably causes a
certain amount of fatigue, but a good
night's rest can lead to complete
recovery and enable the worker to be
quite fit to start on his work next day.
____ .This state is liable to be cumulative
over successive days and weeks, and
tends to impair his health and lower his
efficiency of production.
A) If not, he is probably suffering from the
beginnings of over-fatigue
B) Boredom is another related condition
C) Thus, the weekend rest is not a luxury, it is a
D) In the long run, excessive working hours
lead to a fall of output
E) The fatigue produced naturally varies very
greatly with the nature of the work

44. Except for people with Phenyl Keton uria,

aspartame is safe. Some individuals may
exhibit vague, but not dangerous
symptoms due to unusual sensitivity to
aspartame. ____ .Indeed, like saccharine,
aspartame has been approved for use in
more than 100 countries.
A) Methyl alcohol, a potentially toxic
compound, is momentarily produced
B) Some people are still worried about the
products aspartame yields in the body
C) Nevertheless, it is generally regarded as
D) Long-term studies using animals have
directly tested this product
E) Clearly more tests are called for

0 222 233 99 66

45. The vitamins are powerful substances as

their absence proves. Vitamin A
deficiency can cause blindness, and lack
of Vitamin D can retard bone growth.
____ .In particular one should not put too
much trust in vitamin supplements as
they do not offer the many benefits that
come from vitamin rich foods.
A) A well- balanced diet is far more important
B) A diet that includes plenty of vegetables,
fruits and grain products is low in fat and rich
in vitamins
C) The role of vitamins in supporting a strong
immune system should not be
D) Vitamins are organic and so they can easily
be destroyed
E) Even so, vitamins should not be regarded as
a cure for all kinds of health problems.


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

49. (I) The philosophical and scientific
approach of the British Cancer
Establishment is frighteningly narrow. (II)
Its interest in researching environmental
or chemical causes of cancer appears
negligible. (III) There are over 600 cancer
charities in the U.K. and they make up a
multi-million pound industry. (IV) The
great weight of its research is concerned
with the unravelling of the human
genome in the hope that this will provide
the solution to all human illnesses,
cancer included. (V) They seem to forget
the fact that no more than five percent of
cancers are considered to be hereditary.

47-51 sorularda, anlam bakmndan hangi

cmlenin paraya uymad n bulunuz.
47. (I) Caffeine occurs in several plants
including the familiar coffee bean, the tea
leaf and cocoa bean. (II) Most human
societies use cafeine regularly, most
often in beverages for its stimulant and
flavour. (III) Caffeine contents of
beverages vary depending on the plants
they are made from, the grind or cut size
and the method and duration of brewing.
(IV) In developed countries drug
industries use caffeine in many kinds of
drugs. (V) In general a cup of coffee
contains the most caffeine, a cup of tea
less than half as much, and cocoa is less
A) I
E) V


48. (I) Some athletes believe that by taking

vitamin or mineral supplements directly
before a competition, they will enhance
their performance. (II) In general, active
people who eat well-balanced meals need
no vitamins in supplement form. (III)
These beliefs are contrary to scientific
reality. (IV) Most vitamins and minerals
function as small parts of larger working
units. (V) After entering the blood, they
have to be combined with their
appropriate other parts, and this takes
A) I
E) V

50. (I) Imagine your brain as a house filled

with lights. (II) There is evidence to
suggest that high fat diets also include
the risk of Alzheimer's disease. (III) Now
imagine someone turning off the lights
one by one. (IV) That's what Alzheimer's
disease does. (V) It turns off the lights so
that the flow of ideas, emotions and
memories from one room to the next
slows and eventually ceases.



51. Bacteria are important pathogens in man

(II) A wide variety of them normally
inhabit various parts of the human body,
including the throat and the intestine. (III)
Most of these residents are harmless
bacteria and often prevent harmful micro
organisms from flourishing. (IV)
Pathogens can enter the body in food or
air or through damaged skin. (V) Some,
however, are opportunist pathogens and
can cause disease when, for instance,
one's immune system is compromised.

0 222 233 99 66



Di er sayfaya geiniz.

55. Emily: Whatever are you doing?
Tony: ____
Emily: Well, that won't help! Bend the
foot up at the ankle and straighten the

52-56 sorularda, anlam bakmndan hangi

cmlenin paraya uymad n bulunuz.
52. Father: Well, what did the doctor say
about Sally?
Mother: He was pleased. He says she is
making a good recovery.
Father: ____
Mother: Yes, but mornings only and
gradually we reduce the amount.


Well, that'
s good news. But she doesn'
t look
too good to me.
Can she go back to school then?
But she'
s lost weight. You'
d better start
feeding her up!
And the medicine? Does she continue to
take that?
Did they give her another blood test?


56. Jennifer: You've lost a lot of weight! How

have you done it?
Amanda: Well, I've done it gradually, over
a period of six months or so.
Jennifer: _____
Amanda: No, nothing drastic like that;
but I do try to eat only a moderate
amount of everything,

53. Mary: I have been visiting my father who

is still in hospital after six weeks.
Jack: ____
Mary: No, I suppose not. But he feels a
fair amount of discomfort.
Jack: Yes. I suppose that is inevitable.

Just doing my daily exercises.

m changing the plaster on my foot.
m trying to get rid of a terribly bad cramp in
my calf.
Warming up. I'
m getting ready for the 100yard sprint.
m trying out my new sports shoes.


And you'
re not looking too good yourself.
I had no idea. Has he undergone surgery?
How is he doing now? Is he still in much
If I can call in next week, will that be alright?
s a long time. When is he expected to


I can'
t keep to what they all a healthy diet;
s so dull and tasteless.
Well, tell me your secret.
Well, you certainly look a lot healthier and
happier, too.
I enjoy my food far too much to go on a diet!
I suppose you. ye cut out fat and sugar

54. Seyfi: I don't know why, but these days, I

always feel exhausted.
Sait: I do wish you'd go and see your
Seyfi: I don't think it is necessary. Except
for this tiredness, I'm fine.
Sait: ____

I certainly hope you are. But you may have a

thyroid disorder.
Of course, you are. You look very healthy.
Have you checked your blood pressure
I prefer to have a medical check-up once a
Well, you should know. Perhaps you'
re just

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

57-59 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

60-62 sorular, a a daki paraya gre


Aspirin used to be regarded as a safe cured

for numerous ills, and was widely used both
in its soluble and insoluble form. Now,
however, it is not so well thought of. It is
useful for the relief of headache or other
pains mid it will reduce a fever for 2 or 3
hours and so make a patient feel more
comfortable, but except in very rare cases it
will cure nothing. Moreover there have been
some very serious cases of poisoning as a
result of aspirin. This is why children's
aspirins are not recommended, for they are
often nicely flavoured, so the children are
tempted to eat them like sweets. For small
children, suitably small quantities of ordinary
adult soluble aspirin should be used after
having checked the dose with the doctor.

Some underweight people enjoy an active,

healthy life, but others are underweight
because of smoking habits or poor health. An
underweight person, especially an older
adult, may be unable to preserve lean tissue
during the fight against a wasting disease
such as cancer or a digestive disorder,
especially when accompanied by
malnutrition. Without adequate nutrient and
energy reserves, an underweight person will
have a particularly tough battle against such
medical stresses. In fact, many people with
cancer die, not from the cancer itself, but
from malnutrition. Underweight women may
become infertile. Exactly how infertility
develops is unclear, but contributing factors
include not only body weight, but also
restricted energy and fat intake and depleted
body fat stores.

57. We learn from the passage that aspirin is

a medicine which ____ .
A) can safely be given, in quite large amounts,
to all patients including children
B) is indispensable in the treatment of many
serious illnesses
C) is used not to provide a cure but to give
D) should only be give in very special cases
E) is particularly disliked by small children.

60. The writer points out that infertility in

women ____ .
A) may be due to underweight
B) can always be effective treated with a
balanced diet
C) follows a distinct pattern as it develops
D) can lead to a variety of wasting diseases
E) undermines the body'
s energy reserves
61. The point is made in the passage that an
underweight person ____ .
A) is most probably suffering from cancer
B) is not necessarily unhealthy
C) is likely to be a heavy smoker
D) obviously has poor eating habit
E) easily develops some form of digestive

58. It is argued in the passage that children's

aspirins ____ .
A) are the safest for children
B) have proved dangerous
C) are usually of the insoluble type
D) are especially designed to relieve
E) have a long-lasting effect upon the patient'

62. We learn from the passage that

underweight coupled with malnutrition
____ .
A) is rarely found among old people
B) has a fatal effect among heavy smokers
C) means that the body finds it difficult to resist
a wasting disease
D) is best treated with a generous intake of fat
E) has no damaging effect on the body'
energy reserves

59. The author suggests that children ____ .


can be given adult aspirin upon the advice

of a doctor
prefer soluble aspirin to flavoured aspirin
frequently suffer from bad headaches
should not be given any medicines including
aspirin except in an emergency
recover from a fever more easily than adults

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

63-65 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

66-68 sorular, a a daki paraya gre


For many years whooping cough has been

regarded merely as a bother to the patient
and a nuisance to others; as, in fact, a trivial
disease. Unfortunately this is not so: because
statistics show that is this caused more
deaths than polio, diphtheria, scarlet fever,
and measles put together. Whooping cough
begins in a child as an ordinary cold with
cough and slight fever, and this stage lasts
for a week or ten days. Then begins a series
of coughs following in rapid succession,
during which time, the patient is unable to
breath. The "whoop" is caused by the noisy
indrawing of breath when the fit stop. The
face may become blue and conested.
Bronchitis is usually present, and
bronchopneumonia may result as a
complication, so inoculation of all children
before the disease has a chance to strike
them is most important.

Thalidomide was unique. In every animal test

used in the late 1950s, it had a clean bill of
health. It was chemically related to other
drugs which had been in use for a long time.
Over dosage with thalidomide was unlikely to
prove fatal. It was marketed in Europe and in
Britain as a "safe sedative". The tragic results
that followed its use by women in the early
weeks of pregnancy are now well known.
Babies were born with sever deformities of
limbs, internal organs or both. That effect
could not have been foretold from any animal
tests in use at that time. Since that date new
drugs have been subjected to strict testing in
various animal species to check the effect on
foetal development, along with the older tests
for toxicity which had always been
undertaken by well-known drug companies.
66. We understand from the passage that
when thalidomide was first developed in
the late 1950s it looked safe ____ .

63. The writer points out that formerly

whooping cough ____ .
A) was take more seriously than scarlet fever
B) was far more wide-spread than any of the
other infectious diseases
C) could be treated but not prevented
D) rarely lasted for more than ten days
E) was considered to be an unimportant
children's disease


64. We understand from the passage that the

main immediate problem caused by
whooping cough in a patient is ____ .

67. We understand from the passage that the

tragic thalidomide experience ____ .
A) has forced drug companies to make drug
testing even more rigorous
B) has turned people against drug testing on
C) was solely confined to Britain
D) actually affected very few people indeed
E) put many well-known drug companies out of

the lasting damage it causes in the lungs

a dangerously high temperature
the inevitable development of
its adverse effect on breathing
that it results in physical weakness which
expose the patient to other diseases

65. The important point made by the writer in

this passage is that ____ .
A) the cause of whooping cough has only
recently been fully understood
B) inoculation is vital for the prevention of
whooping cough
C) such diseases as polio and measles always
used to case more deaths than whooping
D) bronchitis can also be controlled through
E) basically healthy children rarely catch
infectious diseases
0 222 233 99 66

so there was no need for extensive animal

even though the testing results were
so long as it was used in reasonable
except in the case of pregnant women
because chemically it was very similar to
drugs already long in use

68. The passage in effect if saying that the

testing to thalidomide on animals ____ .
A) showed that it could cause physical defects
B) was carried out by incompetent people
C) produced controversial results
D) included its effect on foetal development
E) misled people into believing it was a
perfectly safe drug


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

70. The passage gives a detailed account of
____ .
A) how to determine who the carriers are in an
outbreak of diphtheria
B) the special advantages of active
prophylactic immunisation
C) an immunisation programme specially
designed to deal with an outbreak of
diphtheria in a school
D) the various symptoms of diphtheria and the
treatment called for at different stages of the

69-71 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

Combined active and passive prophylactic
immunisation is designed to obtain both the
immediate but temporary benefit of
protection afforded by serum and the more
remote but lasting benefit afforded by
vaccine injection. It has been used chiefly in
diphtheria. If, for example, this disease
breaks out in a school, a small dose of
serum, such as 500 antitoxic units, may be
injected at once into all the children, and a
first dose of diphtheria prophylactic vaccine
given simultaneously. A second dose of
vaccine is administered four weeks later. The
serum confers passive protection during the
time that active immunity is developing.
Since the main effect of the serum passes off
in 3-4 weeks and active immunity is not
established for 5-6 weeks, there may be a
short intermediate period of relative
susceptibility, but it has been found in
practise that, provided the children are
protected from infection by temporary
segregation of carriers, there is very little risk
of diphtheria breaking out again. An outbreak
can thus be brought to an abrupt end.


71. The author suggests that, in an outbreak

of diphtheria in a school, it is wise to
keep carriers away from the other
children ____ .
A) since this will make the treatment more
B) even if there are few of them
C) even if this means closing the school
D) otherwise they will all become re-infected
E) especially in the period just before active
immunity commences

69. We understand from the passage that the

protection afforded by serum injection
____ .
A) should only be considered in exceptional
B) is immediately effective but short-termed
C) is unreliable and can have an adverse effect
on the patient
D) lasts long and is entirely safe
E) has generally proved unsuccessful except
during diphtheria epidemics

0 222 233 99 66

the stages through which diphtheria

develops into an epidemic


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

72-74 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

75-77 sorular, a a daki paraya gre


Worms are intestinal parasites, but the only

common types found in Britain are
threadworms, the tiny thread-like worms
which cause irritability and itching in the skin
of children less often in adults, Then there
are round-worms, somewhat resembling the
ordinary garden earthworm, which seldom
lead to symptoms. Finally, the third group is
the tape worms which may reach a length of 3
or even 6 m. Many parasitic worms lead a
double life, they spend part of their life in the
human intestine and the other part in the
muscles of another animal. The tapeworm, for
example, while in the human intestine, lays
eggs which pass out of the body in the
excreta, and are then swallowed by various
animals, especially in those parts of the world
where human excreta are used as manure in
the fields

Typhus used to be known as 'jail fever"

because it was frequent in prisons; but
overcrowding, poverty, and bad hygienic
surroundings anywhere are suitable
conditions for epidemics of typhus. Improved
conditions in industrialised countries have
made it unusual, since typhus is carried from
one person to another by infected body lice.
Typhus comes on suddenly with a rise in
temperature to about 39 C, but within four
days it may be as high as 42 C. There may,
or may not, be a rash at this time, and in the
second week, when the temperature is at its
highest, there is delirium, physical weakness,
and a weak pulse.
75. According to the passage, typhus is
commonly found ____ .

72. This passage is largely concerned with

____ .
A) how people in Britain get infected with
parasitic worms
B) the measures that should be taken to get rid
of parasitic worms in British children
C) the harmful effects parasitic worms have on
people in Britain
D) the life cycle of several parasitic worms
commonly found in Britain
E) the three common kinds of parasitic worms
found in Britain, and their characteristics

76. The author points out that once typhus

has started, ____ .
A) it is very difficult to avoid an epidemic
B) the body is immediately covered in a rash
C) the non-hygienic conditions of prisons
receive the blame
D) it develops very fast
E) the working conditions in factories nave to
be improved immediately

73. We learn from the passage that the eggs

of the tapeworm ____ .
A) are laid in the muscles of various animals
B) are the cause of itching in children
C) lead a double life in the human intestine
D) leave the human body by way of the excreta
E) quickly develop into 6m worms

77. As is pointed out in the passage, when

the fever reaches a peak, ____ .

74. The author explains that of the three

main kinds of parasitic worms in Britain,
the round-worm ____ .


is often found in gardens

usually goes undetected in the body
grows in human excreta when it is used as
is more commonly found in adults than in
is the one that most often causes irritability
in the body

0 222 233 99 66

in overcrowded, dirty places

in contemporary industrialised countries
among school children
in the neighbourhoods close to prisons
in areas where the population is on the



the weight of the patient has to be carefully

one of the effects is that the patient'
s pulse
becomes very slow
the patient will usually be confused and his
speech disordered
the danger of the illness being passed on
the rash on the patient'
s body usually begins
to disappear

Di er sayfaya geiniz.

79. The author emphasises the fact that the
provision of adequate toilet facilities will
not prevent cholera, ____ .

78-80 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

Basic sanitary facilities are absent in many
parts of the tropics, particularly in rural areas,
and this state of affairs is responsible for the
prevalence of preventable diseases such as
hookworm infection, dysentery and cholera.
The solution lies in the provision of toilet
facilities which are suitable for the local
conditions, and the villagers must be
educated to use them and to appreciate their
value to the community. In view of the need
to improve the fertility of the soil, local
authorities are becoming increasingly
interested in simple methods of composting
village waste, in this way invigorating the soil
with valuable humus without the risks of
infection involved in the old practices of
direct application.


78. We understand from the passage that

such diseases as dysentery and cholera
are common in many parts of the tropic
____ .
A) though the villagers have been taught how
to deal with epidemics
B) as these are examples of diseases that can
not be prevented
C) even though excellent sanitary facilities have
been supplied
D) but more in the towns than in rural areas
E) because of the lack of basic sanitary

unless the villagers can be made to

understand how valuable they are to the
unless the general health of the community
while the children, in particular, remain
as the real problem is inadequate supplies
of safe water
as this is not one of the diseases that can be

80. As it is pointed out in the passage, if

village waste could be composted before
being added to the soil ____ .

the risks of infection would be halved

this would improve the composition of the
soil but would provide a health hazard
the risk of infecting water supplies would
hardly be lessened
this would increase the soil'
s fertility in a
safe manner
this would be beneficial, but the process is a
long and complicated one

Test Bitti...

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.



Bu Testte cevaplayaca nz soru says 80dir.

nerilen cevaplama sresi 180 dakikadr
6. The subject of statics is ___ the
calculation of the forces acting on and
within structures that are in equilibrium.

1-21. sorularda bo braklan yere uygun

d en ifadeyi bulunuz.
1. Acetic acid is used as a food ___ and
flavoring material, and also in the
manufacture of white lead.



7. Radioactivity was discovered in 1896 by

Becquerel, who noticed that salts
containing uranium ___ radiations.

2. Atoms are ___ of electrons and a

nucleus containing protons and neutrons.



got off
held up
sent off
came up with
turned away

8. Researchers disagree ___ whether a

large ocean ever existed on Mars, but one
thing is certain : Martian geology is turning
___ to be strange and complex.

3. Visibility depends ___ upon the

concentration of water or dust particles in
the air.

taken care of
turned up
kept off
given rise to
concerned with



of / round
in / over
for / up
on / out
about / in

4. This magazine is designed to help

satellite equipment buyers make more ___
purchasing decisions and keep ahead of
new developments.

9. Species become endangered and even

extinct ____ a variety of reasons, many of
which are related ___ human activities.




within / of
for / to
with / for
in / with
over / through

5. Science requires the testing of its ideas

or theories to see if its predictions are ___
by experiment.

10. The advance of the steel industry has

been marked ___ a progressive increase in
the size and complexity of the plant used
and a fall ___ labour costs.



made up
borne out
closed in
put off
sorted out

0 222 233 99 66


off / through
with / from
up / with
by / in
in / of

Di er sayfaya geiniz.

11. Some scientists ___ us that the
thermal blanket around the globe ___ the
average temperature of the earth to rise.

16. ___ many diverse animal forms exist

___ exceptions can be found to almost any
definition of an animal.



were warning / has caused

have been warning / was causing
have warned / may cause
had warmed / caused
warn / will have caused

So / as
As / as
Whether / so
So / that
Neither / nor

17. Products ___ diverse ___ rubber,

tobacco, coffee, chocolate and aromatic
oils for perfumes come from flowering

12. A theory ___ only when a hypothesis

___ by consistent results from many
observations or experiments.
A) may have been developed / was being
B) can be developed / has been supported
C) will be developed / was supported
D) has been developed / had been supported
E) had been developed / might have been


as / as
too / than
both / than
either / or
not only / but also

13. If transport costs ___ into

consideration at the outset, the plant ___
far from its present site.

18. The writers of this article seem to

assume the nuclear plants conform with
safety requirements ___ the fact that
vialotions are constantly being reported



will be taken / are being built

were taken / had been built
have been taken / have been built
were being taken / will be built
had been taken / would have been built

19. Pile foundations are costly and

normally economic only ___ commercial
structures on valuable sites.

14. The first laser ___ in 1960 by Maiman

almost half a century after the publication
in 1916 of Einstein's theory of radiation
which ___ the possibility of laser operation.


has been demonstrated / had shown

had been demonstrated / showed
was demonstrated / showed
demonstrates / was shown
was being demonstrated / shows


has not halted / are being built

did not halt / are built
would not halt / will be built
will not halt / were being built
had not halted / would be built

0 222 233 99 66

in the manner of
in the case of
in place of
in fulfilment of
in accordance with

20. The South African government has

committed a further sum of money to the
Southern African Large Telescope (SLT) ,
___ enables the construction of this giant
telescope to commence next year.

15. The advent of nuclear power___ the

trend to use water-power on a large scale,
and hydroelectric installations ___ in all
industrial countries with water power

in case


by which
for whom

Di er sayfaya geiniz.

21. Heat is transferred from ___ object ___
by conductions, convection and radiation.

24. Acid rain can mark fruit and leaves,

and adversely affect soil, but its main effect
is on the ecosystems especially in regions
with thin soils and granite rocks.

either / to others
each / from the rest
any / with another
some / through others
one / to another

A) Asit ya muru meyve ve yapraklarda leke

yapabilir ve topra ok zarar verebilir, ancak
asl etkisi, ince toprak ve granit kayalardan
olu an blgelerin ekosistemleri zerinde
B) Meyve ve yapraklarda leke yapan asit
ya muru, asl etkisini toprakta, zellikle de
nce toprak ve granit kaya tabakalar ile kapl
blgelerin ekosistemleri zerinde gsterir.
C) Toprakte nemli tahribat yapan ve
meyvelerle yapraklar zeride leke brakan asit
ya muru, zellile, ince toprak ve granit
kayalrala kapl blgelerin ekosestemlerini
D) Asl etkisini ince toprakl ve granit kayal
blgelerin ekosistmeleri zerinde gsteren asit
ya muru, meyve ve yapraklarda leke yapmakla
kalmaz, toprakta da byk tahribata yol aar.
E) Asit ya muru meyve ve yapraklarda leke
yapabilir ve topra olumsuz olarak
etkileyebilir; ancak asl etkisi, zellikle de ince
toprakl ve granit kayal blgelerdeki
ekosistemler zerindedir.

22-26 sorularda, verilen ngilizce cmlenin

Trke dengini bulunuz.
22. Asteroids are relatively small objects,
which move in orbits mainly between the
orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
A) Asteroidler, yrngeleri genellikle Mars ve
in yrngeleri arasna s acak kadar
kk olan nesnelerdir.
B) Asteroidler, genellikle Mars ve Jpiter'
yrngeleri arasnda yer olan yrngelerde
hareket eden nispeten kk nesnelerdir.
C) Olduka kck nesneler olan asteroidler,
o unlukla Mars ve Jpiter arasndaki
yrngelerde hareket ederler.
D) Nispeten kk nesneler olar asteroidlerin
o unun yrngesi Mars ve Jpiter'
yrngeleri arasndadr.
E) Srekli olarak Mars ve Jpiterin
yrngeleri arasndaki bo lukta hareket eden
asteroidler, aslnda son derece kk

25. The diagnostic use of ultrasound in

medicine is a complicated and very
interesting application of physical
A) Fizik ilkelerinin olduka karma k ve ok
ilgin bir uygulamas olan ultrason, tpta tan
amacyla kullanlmaktadr.
B) Ultrasonon tpta tan iin kullanm, fizik
ilkelerin karma k ve ok ilgin bir
C) Tpta tan amacyla kullanlan ultrason,
karma k fizik ilkelerin olduka ilgin bir
D) Karma k fizik ilkelerinin tptaki ilgin
uygulamalarndan biri de tan iin kullanlan
E) Olduka karma k ve son derece ilgin
fizik ilkelerini uygulayan ultrason, topta te his
amal olarak kullanlr.

23. One of the important consequences of

the theory of relativity is that time is no
longer regarded as an absolute quantity.
A) Grecelik kuram, zamann artk mutlak bir
nicelik olarak kabul edilmemesi gerekti in
kesin olarak gstermektedir.
B) Grecelik kuramnn en nemli iddias,
zamann tart masz bir nicelik olma zelli ini
C) Grecelik kuramnn nemli sonularndan
biri, zamann artk mutlak bir nicelik olarak
D) Zamann artk mutlak niceliklerden biri
olarak kabul edilmemesi, grecelik kuramyla
ortaya kan nemli geli meler arasndadr.
E) Grecelik kuramnn nemli sonular,
zamann tart masz bir nicelik saylmamasn

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

D) Towards the end of World War I, bombing
aircraft were becoming more specialized and
were divided into two subclasses, light and
E) As bombing aircraft were becoming more
specialized towards the end of World War I,
they had to be divided into two subclasses,
heavy and light.

26. Many plants, particularly those in arid

regions, possess storage roots adapted to
store water.
A) Birok bitki, zellikle de kurak
blgelerdekiler, su depolamaya uyum sa lam
depo kklere sahiptir.
B) zellikle kurak blgelerde bulunan pek ok
bitkinin su depolamaya uygun kkleri vardr.
C) Su depolamaya uygun kklere sahip olan
bitkilerin o u kurak blgelerde bulunur.
D) Kurak blgelerdeki bitkilerin o u, su
depolamaya uyum sa lam yaplara, zellikle
de depo kklere sahiptir.
E) Birok bitkinin, zellikle de kurak
blgelerdekilerin kkleri, ayn zamanda birer su
deposu i levi grebilir.

29. Snger ok hcreli olmasna kar n,

hcreleri birbirine gev ek bir ekilde
ba ldr ve belirgn doku olu turmaz.
A) The cells of the multicellular sponge are so
loosely connected that they do not form
definite tissues.
B) The sponge is obviously multicellular, but
the cells are clearly too loosely connected to
form tissues.
C) Although the sponge is multicellular, its
cells are loosely connected and do not form
specific tissues.
D) Because the cells of the multicellular
sponge are loosely connected, they do not
form specific tissues.
E) The tissues of the multicellular sponge
definitely evolve from the loosely connected

27-31 sorularda, verilen Trke cmlenin

ngilizce dengini bulunuz.
27. Ku davran nn en byleyici
ynlerinden biri, pek dk trn yapt yllk
A) Bird behaviour is quite fascinating,
especially the annual migration of many of the
B) One of the most fascinating aspects of bir
behaviour is the annual migration made by
many species.
C) The annual migration of many species of
birds is just one of the fascinating aspects of
their behaviour.
D) Many species of birds have fascinating
behaviour patterns, particularly as regards
annual migration.
E) In relation to their annual migration, the
behaviour patterns of many bird species are
quite fascinating.

30. Have ta macl , temelde ulusal itibar,

ticaret ve savunma nedenleriyle, ilk
gnlerden beri hkmetler iin yakn ilgi
konusu olmu tur.
A) Since its earliest days, air transport has
been a matter of close concern to
governments, primarily for reasons of national
prestige, trade and defence.
B) Right from the beginning, governments
have recognized the importance of air
transport largely for reasons of national
prestige, trade and defence.
C) Even at the start, air transport has been
closely supported by governments as it affects
a country'
s prestige, trade and defence.
D) Governments were immediately aware of
the importance of air transport largely on
account of its affect on a country'
s prestige,
trade and security.
E) It is primarily because air transport can
affect a country'
s prestige, trade and security
that governments everywhere have started to
treat it seriously.

28. Birinci Dnya Sava 'nn sonlarna

do ru, bombardman uaklar daha
ihtisasla m duruma gelmekteydi ve hafif
ve a r olmak zere iki snfa ayrlm t.
A) The subclasses, heavy and light, were only
introduced for bombing aircraft towards the
end of World War I when they had become
more specialized.
B) As World War I was drawing to a close,
bombing aircraft had become so specialized
that they had to be divided into two new
subclasses, heavy and light.
C) Bombing aircraft had become so much
more specialized by the end of World War I
that two new subclasses were recognized, light
and heavy.

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

31. l topra , bitki rtsnn seyrek
olu unun bir sonucu olarak organik madde
bakmndan fakirdir; fakan buna kar n,
o u kez mineral bakmndan zengindir.

34. Insect-eating plants have devices ___.

A) from which stickiness an insect can never
make its escape
B) so that they are able to live in most parts of
the world but chiefly in warm regions
C) if their prey is to be enticed into the trap.
D) which enable them to catch insects and
digest them with the aid of enzymes.
E) of which the pitcher plant that produces
pepsin is an example.

A) The lack of humus in desert soil, which is

the result of the meagre vegetation, is offset by
the rich mineral deposits.
B) Desert soil is poor in organic material
because there is little vegetation, but there is
usually an abundance of minerals.
C) Owing to the lack of vegetation, desert soil
has virtually no humus, but it does have vast
mineral deposits.
D) As a result of sparse vegetation, desert
soil is poor in organic material but,
nevertheless, it is often rich in minerals.
E) Though desert soil has rich mineral
deposits, the meagre vegetation means it is
completely lacking in organic material.

35. For a small planet, the Earth is

extremely heavy ___.

32-41 sorularda, verilen cmleyi uygun

ekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

A) whether the liquid iron creates a powerful

magnetic field
B) that two thirds of it are covered with ocean
C) since its iron core is very large
D) that the atmosphere screens the sun'
E) if the atmosphere were not rich in oxygen.

32. In many industrial processes, human

operators can be replaced by control
systems ___ .

36. Helium, the lightest of the inert gases,

was discovered in 1868 ___.

A) which can be used , or instance, to monitor

and control pressure, temperature and motor
B) that the error sensor is a basic component.
C) that they have the ability to control
physical variables
D) by whom the difference between the actual
and desired value cam be reduced to zero
E) which had been capable of fulfilling a
number of functions

A) until its importance was recognised in

scientific research at low temperatures
B) as liquid helium has many remarkable
qualities which are only imperfectly understood
C) when spectrographic investigations
disclosed an unknown yellow line in the
chromospheres of the sun
D) before studies into atomic structure would
be realised
E) though two of its stable isotopes exist as
liquids right down to the absolute zero

33. The old system of flood irrigation has

fallen into disrepute ___.

37. As soon as slender steel columns

began to replace massive piers in building
construction ___ .

A) unless short canals could have enabled

the compartments to be filled in an orderly
B) though the flood waters had been
controlled to cover so much land
C) as the height of the flood was variable so
was the area flooded
D) after several weeks the water would be
drained back into the river
E) because it only produces one crop a year

0 222 233 99 66

A) inflammable materials would not be used

again in high-rise buildings
B) a new school of architecture could never
have developed without the challenge of these
and the other new building materials
C) this new group of promising architects had
as yet attracted very little attention.
D) new conceptions of both the practical and
aesthetic use of space came into being
E) their ideas indicated a rejection of machine


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

38. ___, where the gas is ionized and, in
consequence, electrically conducting.

41. ___ when heat resistant materials are


A) In 1924, direct measurements of the height

and density of the ionosphere were first made
in Britain
B) The ionization is almost entirely produced
by ultra-violet light and X-radiation
C) The ionization density had already
increased to a maximum at a height of around
150 miles
D) In 1880, the existence of a conducting
layer in the high atmosphere had not been
E) The ionosphere is the upper region of the
s atmosphere

A) Engineers often use ceramics

B) There are two main types of metal, ferrous
and non-ferrous
C) With the addition of chromium, the steel'
ability to resist corrosion was increased
D) Both bronze and brass have been used
E) Cutting tools are made from high-speed
42-46 sorularda, parada bo braklan yere
uygun d en ifadeyi bulunuz.
42. The object of the air traffic control
officers is to achieve the highest densities
in all parts of the controlled air space that
is consistent with safety and the
elimination of collision risks.____. The
amounts of the separation are partly
dependent upon the means available for
determining accurately the position and
course of the various aircraft.

39. ___, we cannot infer from this that

extraterrestrial civilizations do not exist.
A) Though researchers have made no
positive detentions of extraterrestrial signals
B) Until radio transmissions from other
civilizations were picked up
C) Since a number of sophisticated searchers
are presently underway at the Radio
Astronomy Observatory
D) Whenever the possibility of extraterrestrial
civilizations comes to the fore
E) After they began to search for extra
terrestrial civilizations by means of radio

A) For purposes of air traffic control, air space

is divided and then subdivided.
B) Military aviation originally held itself
outside any air traffic control but for a long time
no this has not been practicable.
C) They, therefore direct the captains of
aircraft so as to maintain adequate vertical and
horizontal separation between aircraft.
D) As these are within controlled air space a
pilot intending to fly along them must file a
flight plan.
E) The "flight progress strip" gives an
indication of what is happening to any aircraft
in the area.

40. Until science develops ways of

predicting natural disasters earlier and
more accurately, ___.
A) prevention, unfortunately, usually eludes
B) flooding regularly takes a heavy tool of
human life.
C) modern technology cannot shield us from
the destructive force of a hurricane
D) they will continue to cause untold suffering
throughout the world
E) the lethal release of natural carbon dioxide
is entirely preventable

43. The Winkle engine has many

advantages over the reciprocating piston
engine. Fewer moving parts are necessary
because it produces a rotary movement
without using a connecting rod and a
crankshaft. ____. In addition, it has no
valves and it is smaller and lighter than
conventional engines of the same power.
A) Though there are advantages, there are
also disadvantages.
B) Because of this rotary movement it has no
C) A fresh charge is then induced into the
D) The Wankel piston is triangular with curved
E) Fuel enters the cylinder through the inlet

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

C) There is a staff to advise on methods of
increasing the efficiency of the use of fuel in
D) it is well known that the probable resources
of coal are very extensive.
E) Fuel technology is now a recognized and
even an essential profession.

44. Thermal insulation is concerned with

the problem of reducing the transfer of heat
from one place to another and depends
upon the thermal resistance of the
insulating medium.____. However this is
not very satisfactory in an ordinary air
space because radiation is also involved in
the transfer of heat.

47-51 sorularda, anlam bakmndan hangi

cmlenin paraya uymad n bulunuz.

A) Since air is a very poor conductor, an air

gap narrow enough to minimize convection,
may be used for insulation
B) Thermal conductivity is a term that is only
strictly applicable to homogeneous materials.
C) In general, the lighter the material per unit
volume, the greater its insulating value per unit
D) The vertical air spaces used in insulating
buildings are actually only about one third as
E) The optimum thickness must also be
chosen to avoid condensation of moisture
inside the walls.

47. (I) Industrialization came late to Italy.

(II) Most of the industry is in the north
along the Po Valley and particularly around
Turin, Genoa and Milan. (III) This was partly
due to political reasons and partly to the
lack of basic raw materials. (IV) it was the
availability of hydroelectric power and a
labour force capable of acquiring the
necessary skills, which together brought
about the rapid development in the 20th
century. (V) Indeed, the industrial progress
in Italy during the 1950s has been
described as "miraculous".

45. Germination is the initiation of growth

in a newly formed plant-structure, or the
resumption of growth after a period of rest
as in fungus and bacterial spores, but
exemplified most vividly in seeds.____.
Growth is stopped and respiration is
extremely slow. At germination,
development is resumed and there is a
spectacular acceleration of function.

A) I



E) V

48. (I) The simplest type of engine

classification is doubtless by reference to
the kind of fuel used. (II) Nevertheless
reciprocating engines may be divided more
fundamentally into those running on the
otto cycle (spark ignition) and those
running on Akroyd's and Diesel's cycles
(compression ignition) . (III) The former are
usually used for small scale power
generation. (IV) The latter which burn
heavy oil are of to types, slow speed for
ships and high speed for for motor
vehicles. (V) Subsequently, improvements
in engine design appeared at an amazing

A) The essential point about germination is the

sudden change from a resting state to one of
intense activity.
B) The development of the new plant starts at
C) Before full physiological activity can be
resumed the dehydrated tissues must become
fully turgid with water.
D) as the embryo swells it ruptures the seed
E) In the resting condition the life processes
are slowed down to a minimum.

A) I




E) V

49. (I) The industrial revolution should be

seen as a still continuing process. (II) It
has now, however taken a new turn. (III) at
used to be concerned largely with the
making of machines to replace human
labour. (IV) The underlying mathematical
theory for the handling of information is
"information theory." (V) The emphasis
now is on developing machines and
instruments to take over certain mental
tasks, in particular, the handling of all
forms of data.

46. Improved efficiency of the use of fuel is

a theme to which more attention has been
given as the cost of fuel has
increased.____. The processing or raw fuel
into the form in which it is to be used is
A) The efficient and economical use of fuels is
indeed one of the chief aspects of the work of
the fuel technologist.
B) Each type of fuel and each process
naturally has its own problems.

0 222 233 99 66


A) I





E) V

Di er sayfaya geiniz.

A) Actually, I would too if only to see the flora.
B) Whatever for? Just to be doing something
C) So would I. We see the polar bears and the
seals on TV, but it would be marvellous to see
them in reality.
D) Well, yes if it weren'
t for the cold
E) I couldn'
t afford it. And I'
ll be surprised if
you can.

50. (I) Most of our knowledge regarding the

structure of the earth has been from the
study of rocks. (II) Nevertheless the deeper
parts of the earth's crust have a a higher
temperature than the surface. (III) Surface
rocks have been studied as have those
which can be reached in mines and through
borings. (IV) Recent techniques have made
it possible to carry bore-holes down to
depths of several miles. (V) in general
however, these borings only reveal rocks
comparable in age and character to those
found at the surface of the ground.
A) I




54. James: What to you know about the uses

of hydrogen peroxide?
Gary: It'
s a bleach, isn'
t it ? And rather a harsh
one at that.
James: ____
Gary: Oh! I certainly didn'
t know all that!

E) V

51. (I) It is hard to imagine a better means

of preservation than entombment in amber.
(II) Indeed, amber or hardened tree resin
has preserved organisms ranging from
bacteria to mammals for millions of years.
(III) It is clear that spiders for instance had
their fair share of specialized enemies, then
as now. (IV) It surpasses even the finest
grain sediments in its ability to retain
details (V) Deposits are found round the
world, but amber from Hispaniola is
especially fossil rich.
A) I

A) That'
s right. It is incompatible with most
common metals and so is usually stored in
aluminium containers.
B) But it has a great many other uses. Would
you like me to list them all for you?
C) Some say the Germans used it in the jet
propulsion unit of the M.E. 163 plane.
D) Strengths higher than 90% are obtained by
refrigeration techniques.
E) Yes. But it has a lot more uses. For
instance it'
s used in anti-shrink treatments in
textiles and as a germicide in cosmetic

52-56 sorularda, kar lkl konu may

tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

55. Peter: I can'

t understand why aluminium is
so important in industry it'
s so light.
Robert: But that'
s one of it'
s great advantages.
Peter: ____
Robert: Its resistant to corrosion by, among
other things chemicals and foodstuffs.

52. Seyfi: The new developments in

advertising techniques are really very
Seyfi: Well, here is one of the big petrol
companies flaunting its commitment to
environmental considerations.
Sait: Yes, that certainly is a new approach.


A) Give me an example.
B) I make a point of never believing an
C) The techniques may have changed, but
have the aims?
D) The aim of every advertisement is to
E) Perhaps. But how much are they costing

56. Mrs.Fenton: The sewing machine needs

oiling. Will any oil do?
Mr.Fenton No. Any oil will not do.
Mrs.Fenton: ____
Mr.Fenton:You are quite wrong. The selection
of the correct lubricant is extremely important
and depends on many factors.
A) I used the baby'
s oil last time too.
B) Well, you'
d better do the job yourself.
C) People are always talking about them, but
do they do any good?
D) So what oil will do?
E) But why not? Surely oil is oil!

53. Chris: You know I'

d love to spend a
holiday in the Arctic.
Brian: ____
Chris: No, certainly not. I'
d go in the summer
season. And I'
m sure there would be lots to
Brian: True. But I prefer to see it all on the TV.

0 222 233 99 66

What are some of its uses?

But why is it an advantage?
But is it strong enough?
Really? What'
s another?
Costwise, is it economical?


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

58. It is clear from the passage that as in
the case of "the problem of longitude", the
Royal Society ____.

57-59 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

The Royal Society is the national academy
of science for Great Britain and Northern
Ireland but, unlike other national
academies, is and always has been
independent of state control; it is not
maintained by grants from public funds and
manages its own affairs. Since its
foundation however, kings statesmen and
government departments have regularly
sought its advice on scientific matters; it
has never hesitated to assist governments
when convinced that the national interest
called for official scientific action. Within
ten years of its foundation the society at
the invitation of Charles II and his ministers
grappled with problems of national food
supply, arboriculture naval architecture and
navigation. Throughout the 18th century it
worked with the admiralty on what was then
called "the problem of the longitude" in the
solution of which are associated the names
of the astronomers Edmond Halley and
Neville Maskelyne, the chronometer maker
John Harrison and the navigator James
Cook It found a cure for jail-fever and
advised on the protection of ships of war
against lightning; it organized a geodetic
survey of the British isles and appointed
scientific personnel to several arctic and
antarctic expeditions.

A) was obliged to advise the admiralty on

procedures for the tests it was making
B) can command specific knowledge from a
variety of fields to assist in the solution of multi
disciplinary problems
C) often failed to come up with a solution to a
specific problem
D) would only accept short-term commissions
as it felt that long-term ones threatened its
E) avoided whenever it was at all possible to
do so, involvement in schemes of national

57. According to the passage the Royal

Society though it is a national

59. We understand from the passage that a

great many of the activities of the Royal
Society ____.

A) is not dependent on the state for funds and

so is free to act independently
B) is only partly financed by grants from public
C) has never worked directly for kings or
government departments
D) is mainly concerned with navigation and
indeed all naval matters
E) has often refused to act for the government
in a advisory capacity

A) are money-making schemes so that it can

maintain its independence
B) are purely theoretical and have no practical
C) are actually forced upon it by king or
parliament though the members themselves do
not like to admit this
D) are truly national in character being
designed to benefit the people whether directly
or indirectly
E) amount to nothing more than
recommending suitable people for specific

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

61. It's clear from the passage that one
reason why Britain grew so competent in
anti-aircraft tactics was ____.

60-62 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

The first flight by a power driven manned
aeroplane took place in 1903 and its
subsequent development as a military
weapon was so rapid that all the
belligerents entered World War I totally
unprepared to defend themselves against
it. The first bombing raids, however,
compelled the consideration of anti aircraft
measures and Britain in particular attacked
by Zeppelin airships and Gotha aircraft was
forced to develop a range of specialized
anti-aircraft equipment which came to
include guns searchlights sound-locators
and predictors, giving it a qualitative
ascendance in this field retained until the
end of World War II. Indeed, the first night
attack on London caused such public
consternation that its gun defences had to
be doubled within forty-eight hours and
though they hit few planes their presence
was of great psychological value.

A) the fact that prior to the war she already

had the ascendancy in this field
B) the absolute necessity of defending herself
from bombing raids
C) because scientists realized that they had to
keep ahead in this field or the country'
s moral
would drop
D) that a great deal of research into predictors
had already been carried out
E) that the noise made by the german
zeppelins was easy to recognize and locate

62. The passage emphasizes that, after the

first night attack on London.____.

60. We understand from the passage that

the development of aircraft as a weapon of
war was so rapid that at the start of World
War I____.

A) enemy aircraft were continually being shot

B) the moral of the people there remained
C) the value of manned aircraft in time of war
was finally admitted
D) the city'
s defence system was increased
twofold within a couple of days
E) it became increasingly difficult for enemy
bombers to reach their targets

A) most cities had already been equipped with

B) anti-aircraft procedures had already been
C) no country had prepared itself to combat an
air attack
D) britain had enough specialized anti-aircraft
equipment to see her through to the end of the
E) it was only in germany that measures had
been taken to combat air attacks

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

64. We understand from the passage that
biotechnology has produced a tomato that
stays fresh and firm much longer than the
normal tomato.____.

63-65 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

Scientists can now speed up the process of
genetic change through biotechnology.
Farmers need no tonger wait patiently for
breeding to yield improved crops and
anilmals nor must they even respect natural
lines of reproduction among species.
Laboratory scientistss can now select
desirable traits from any of a number of
species and insert those traits into the
genetic material of crops and animals.
Among the new products of biotechnology
are tomatoes that stay fresh much longer
than the usual ones and so promise less
waste and higher profits. Normally,
tomatoes produce a protein that softens
them after they have been picked.
Scientists introduce into a tomato plant a
gene that is a mirror image of the one that
codes for the softening enzyme. This gene
fastens itself to the RNA of the native gene
and blokcks its action. A vine-ripe tomato
with this special gene rots more slowly
than a normal tomato, allowing growers to
harvest at the most flavourful and
nutritious red stage. The tomatoes will still
last much longer during shipping and
marketing than regular tomatoes harvested
when green.

A) and can be left on the vine almost

B) but is far more expensive to produce
C) because the "softening" enzyme of the
normal tomato has been removed by genetic
D) especially if it is harvested when it is green
E) by introducing a special gene that prevents
the "softening" enzyme from functioning

63. As the passage points out genetic

change is not a new phenomenon but.

65. One of the important advantages of the

genetically engineered tomatoes as
described in the passage is that.____.

A) formerly it was only achieved by careful

breeding and was a long slow process
B) it has only recently been applied to plants
C) farmers have only just started to take an
interest in it
D) but its advantages have only just become
obvious to farmers
E) but the success-rate of inserting a desired
trait is not very high

A) they contain a larger proportion of protein

than the usual tomato
B) they are far more nutritious than the normal
ones even when picked at the green stage
C) they can be picked when ripe and at their
tastiest and won'
t spoil in transport
D) the gene used to prevent rotting is perfectly
E) their appearance is far more attractive than
that of other tomatoes

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

66-68 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

67. According to the passage solar energy

is not presently used on a large scale.____.

To obtain power from the sun's rays is to

use nuclear power developed at no
expense in a laboratory 93 million miles
away. For the radian energy of the sun is
maintained by nuclear transformation of
chemical elements occurring in the sun's
interior at temperatures of many million
degrees, and at pressures of many million
atmospheres. The resources of solar power
are enormous. If 100 per cent efficiency
could be secured in the transformation of
radiant solar energy into mechanical work a
horsepower per square yard of ground
surface of collecting solar energy still
prevents its competition with the usual
power sources. Yet unless the vague
promise of safe thermonuclear power from
oceans becomes realized, solar power must
supply the enormous and growing
requirements of posterity within two
centuries. Because the ground sources
(coal, oil and uranium) as they hear
exhaustion will become more costly than
solar power.

A) since it could constitute a threat to the

B) as even on cloudless days it cannot be
made to yield a great deal of power
C) even though it can be harnessed with 100
per cent efficiency
D) since the harnessing of thermonuclear
power from the oceans is felt to be more
E) because the expense of harnessing it is not
economically viable

66. The writer of the passage regards the

sun. ____.

68. The passage contains a warning


A) as both the largest and the cheapest

source of power
B) as an inefficient source of energy as cloud
prevents it from being effective
C) as offering little more in the way of energy
for the future than thermonuclear power
D) as a far distant laboratory that produces
nuclear power
E) as a source of power too vast and
dangerous to be tampered with or used

A) such ground sources of energy as coal and

oil will be used up by the next generation
B) solar energy could prove dangerous as it is
a form of nuclear energy
C) future ages may have no option but the
s rays to meet their energy requirements
D) thermonuclear power from oceans could
prove even more costly than solar power
E) the costs of harnessing solar power are not
likely to be reduced

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

69-71 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

70. We understand from the passage that

the size of a ship.____.

The design of ships is governed by

scientific principles and economic
considerations but in practice it has many
of the qualities of an art. The designer may
be supplied with the precise and detailed
requirements of an owner or he may
receive only the barest outline of
requirements such as the weight of cargo
to be carried and the speed. The
dimensions chosen and the main
characteristics of the ship are governed by
the trade in which the vessel is to compete.
High-density cargoes such as iron ore
require little cubic capacity low-density
cargoes such as bananas require vast
cubic capacity. The ports which the vessel
must enter may impose restriction on
length and draught. Passage through
canals may restrict both draught and
breadth. The nature of the cargo may
determine the size of cargo holds and of
the hatchways through which the cargo is
loaded and unloaded. available facilities at
the ports to be entered affect the loading
and unloading apparatus to be installed in
the vessel.

A) needs to be large if it is to have highdensity cargoes

B) will reflect the type of goods to be carried
C) is unimportant so long as it does not have
to pass through canals
D) has relatively little bearing upon its cost
E) affects the system of loading and unloading
of the cargo

69. It is clear from the passage that when a

ship is being ordered, the designer is often
given a lot of freedom in the type of design
but he will expect to be told.____.

71. According to the passage a great many

factors have to be considered in the design
of a ship.____.
A) of which economic matters are the least
B) and no designer is prepared to accept just
a simple outline of requirements
C) but one of the least important is the cubic
capacity needed for the cargo
D) including regulations and conditions in the
ports it will call in at
E) in particular the relationship between length
and breadth

A) something about what it is to carry and how

fast it is to travel
B) the type of loading and unloading
apparatus to install
C) something about the route it will normally
D) the exact dimensions that are required
E) exactly how big the cargo holds should be

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

72-74 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

73. The definition of erosion given in this


Erosion is regarded not merely as the

physical removal of soil by water and wind
but rather as the deterioration of all the
component parts of the habitat in which
man and his crops and livestock have to
exist. Since there is no conclusive evidence
for any major climatic change in historic
times to explain this the total environment
has been due primarily to thoughtless
destruction of the vegetative cover. This
has led to deterioration of the microclimate
above and below the surface generally in
the direction of a general drying out of the
soil which has exposed it to erosive action
of wind and rainfall of high intensity of
frequency and to the loss of organic matter
in the soil thus reducing its capacity to
resist erosion by conserving the water that
falls on the surface if everything possible is
done within the total environment to
conserve the naturally planted or cultivated
vegetation, this will also ensure optimal
conservation of soil and water.


72. It is argued in the passage that the

impoverishment of the world's habitat.____.

74. It is pointed out in the passage that the

loss of organic matter in the soil.____.

A) is first and foremost due to man'

irresponsible abuse of the vegetable cover of
the earth
B) is largely due to gradual changes in climate
over long years
C) became inevitable as soon as agricultural
and animal husbandry developed
D) cannot be remedied
E) has been needlessly exaggerated

A) led to the destruction of the world'

vegetative cover
B) is a direct result of insufficient rain
C) is an irreversible process
D) has made the soil more susceptible to
E) came about through overplanting which
robbed the soil of nutrients

0 222 233 99 66


is a strictly regional one

disregards man'
s role in it
concentrates on flooding
assumes that the process is inevitable
is a broad one

Di er sayfaya geiniz.

76. As it is pointed out in the passage
many experts are of the opinion that
radioactive waste.____.

75-77 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

The world's nuclear plants have
accumulated vast stocks of highly
radioactive waste. Worldwide high-level
waste is currently stored above ground and
no government has a clear policy on its
eventual disposal. While most experts
believe that burying the waste is the safest
bet in the long term the problem is finding
sites that everyone can agree are
geologically stable. Decaying radioactive
isotopes release heat. AS a result high-level
waste must be constantly cooled other wise
it becomes dangerously above ground until
it has decayed and is cool enough to be
stored safely in sealed repositories several
hundreds of metres below ground.
According to one recent theory however,
waste should be lowered down boreholes
drilled to 4 kilometres. The trick is to
exploit heat generated by the waste to fuse
the surrounding rock and contain any
leaking radioactivity.

A) should never be stored underground as it

can not then be monitored
B) should not be stored underground while the
radioactive isotopes continue to let off
substantial amounts of heat
C) does not require to be cooled when stored
above ground
D) cannot be safely disposed of anywhere and
the problem of what to do with it intensifies as
the amount increases
E) can be safely left to cool down underground
in sealed repositories

77. The passage describes a new method

still only a theoretical one for the disposal
of radioactive waste.____.

75. It is clear from the passage that the

safe disposal of radioactive waste.____.
A) has been satisfactorily dealt with by
scientists in conjunction with governments
B) is a problem that each government must
decide on for its own country
C) remains a global problem of great
D) is a problem that has not attracted enough
E) will in all likelihood soon be resolved and a
clear policy agreed on by concerned

0 222 233 99 66

A) which uses bore holes so that all sites are

B) at a dept considerably less than that normal
recommended but the chosen site must meet
certain geological requirements
C) which unfortunately increases the time
needed for cooling the waste before final
D) in which the radioactive isotopes are
prevented from releasing heat
E) whereby the heat produced by that waste
will serve to seal it safely into the rock under
which it has been buried


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

78-80 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

79. It is emphasized in the passage that

until the 20th century.____.

Sounds produced by continuous vibration

tones are spread as waves of compression
through the air . Where there is a solid
boundary such as the walls of a room the
sound waves are reflected so that the room
the sound waves are reflected so that the
sounds within the room are prolonged
beyond what they would be in the open.
The sounds produced by the voice or by a
musical instrument then reverberate
through the room after the actual tone
production has ceased. When the sound
waves strike the walls some of the sound
energy travels on and is either absorbed in
the material or may penetrate to the other
side but with the usual hard unyielding
walls of which most buildings are made
more than 90% of the sound energy is
reflected back into the room at each impact
so that some time must elapse before all is
spent. it is this reverberation which in its
excess, is the prime cause of the faulty
acoustics of many pre-20th-century

A) the sounds produced by musical

instruments could not be property controlled
B) there was among scientists a great deal of
controversy as regards the importance of
C) there was an unaccountable deficiency of
reverberation in every major building
D) good acoustics were absent in the majority
of buildings
E) acoustics were a primary concern in the
design of all buildings

78. We understand from the passage that


80. It is explained in the passage that only

a very small percentage of the sound

A) is never taken into account in questions of

B) is less obvious in an enclosed space
C) occurs within an enclosed space such as a
D) is of equally short duration both indoors
and outdoors
E) has a duration equal to that of the tone
production that causes it

A) can pass through a wall made of firm and

resistant material
B) does actually travel back towards its source
at each impact
C) can be accurately measured for acoustic
D) has a damaging effect upon the acoustics
of a room
E) can last longer than the actual toneproduction itself

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.



Bu Testte cevaplayaca nz soru says 80dir.

nerilen cevaplama sresi 180 dakikadr.
6. He admits that he has not yet fully ___
the true implications or the logical
conclusions of his startling discovery.

1-21. Sorularda bo braklan yere uygun

d en ifadeyi bulunuz.
1. The first great theorist of dramatic art
was Aristotle, whose ___ of tragedy in The
Poetics has dominated critical thought ever



7. Almost all the villages in New Guinea are

surrounded by shrubby zones where
people have ___ the original rain forest and
planted gardens.

2. Few would ___ that corporations,

especially the multinational ones, are
enormously powerful.

given back
thought out
played down
taken over
backed out



kept out
wrapped up
made up
cleared away
sealed off

3. No ___ authority has the right to dictate

whether a state shall adopt a socialist or a
capitalist economic policy.

8. The name Adonis was given ___ a

stream rising in Mount Lebanon which runs
red ___ the soil of the hills after a sudden
fall of rain.




4. Russia has a fleet of 250 nuclear

submarines, 170 of which are ___ out of

9. In the Franco-Prussian war, balloons

were used to maintain the city's contacts
___ the outside world ___ the siege of



5. Their state assets were ___ to foreign

capital at bargain prices.

in / by
for / in
at / from
to / with
by / over

from / over
for / at
through / in
out of / under
with / during

paid off
brought up
auctioned off
put through
closed down

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

16. In the works of many twentieth-century
dramatists it is possible to see ___ the
individual writer's ideas and experience ___
some of the social and political
developments of his period.

10. The sustaining role of the family may

go unappreciated ___ the younger
members, but the older ones are fully aware
___ its value.

for / from
by / of
from / off
to / by
with / into


11. If he___ the conditions of the insurance

policy careful, he ___ that it did not cover
such eventualities.

17. ___ Henri Toulouse-Lautrec, a French

painter who was happy to design posters
and to illustrate books, many modern
artists have found it necessary to
supplement their incomes in various ways.

has read / realized

reads / has realized
is reading / realize
were reading / had realized
had read / would have realized


12. Ever since the advent of

industrialization, social scientists ___ the
term "the masses" to "the people".

as much / as
not only / but also
only / such as
more / than
whether / or

have preferred
had preferred
will have preferred
would have preferred
would preferred

Due to
In case of

18. The occupational psychologist is often

regarded by industrialists as being ___
academic to serve any practical purpose.

13. In the 1960's, the modernist idea that

there ___ only one authentic style for the
modern age ___ in favour of the idea of the
plurality of styles.



19. Wellington's abandonment of an

attempt to make a Tory government was
not ___ due to threats of civil war ___ to
Peel's refusal to join Tory government.

could be / will have been rejected

can be / is rejected
could have been / is bent rejected
could be / was rejected
can be / would be rejected


14. When photography first appeared,

some people predicted that it ___ the death
of painting.

will have caused

will cause
would have caused
would cause


t expected / to spread
t expect / to have spread
t expecting / spreading
t been expecting / having spread
t expect / to be spreading

0 222 233 99 66

so far / as if
as / as
as much / than
so much / as
even / more

20. Income tax can be fitted more closely

to the individual taxpayer's ability to pay
than ___ tax.

15. In the end he admitted that he ___ the

fire ___ at such a speed.

too much
as much


any other
one another

Di er sayfaya geiniz.

21. Many of the company's shareholders
felt that such a drastic change in policy was
quite unnecessary, and___.

24. The plots of classical Greek tragedies

were based on legends with which the
audiences of the time were more or less

I would, too
neither did I
I didn'
t, either
so did I
I don'
t, either

A) Dnemin seyircileri klasik Yunan

trajedyalarnn konusunu olu turan efsanelere
ok a inaydlar.
B) Klasik Yunan trajedyalarnn konularn,
seyircilerin az ok a ina oldu u efsaneler,
olu turuyordu.
C) Klasik Yunan trajedyalarnn konular,
dnemin seyircilerinin az ok a ina oldu u
efsanelere dayanyordu.
D) Klasik Yunan trajedyalarnn dayand
efsanelerin konularna, dnemin btn
seyircileri a inaydlar.
E) Klasik Yunan trajedyalarnn konular,
dnemin seyircilerinin ok a ina oldu u
efsanelerden olu uyordu.

22-26 sorularda, verilen ngilizce cmlenin

Trke dengini bulunuz.
22. In Muslim architecture the dome is a
striking feature and is used to form a
contrast with the graceful minarets.
A) slam Mimarisi'
nde kubbe arpc bir
zelliktir ve zarif minarelerle bir tezat
olu turmak iin kullanlr.
B) slam Mimarisi'
nde arpc bir zellik olan
kubbe, zarif minarelerle bir tezat olu turur.
C) slam Mimarisi'
nde kullanlan zarif
minareler, kubbelerle arpc bir tezat olu turur.
D) Zarif minarelerle bir tezat olu turan kubbe,
slam Mimarisi'
nin arpc bir zelli idir.
E) Kubbe slam Mimarisi'
nin arpc bir
zelli idir ve zarif minarelerle bir tezat
olu turmak zere kullanld sylenir.

25. A successful transition by Russia, from

a communist monopoly on power to
political pluralism, has been an enormous
boast to the stability of the new
democracies throughout Eastern Europe.
A) Komnist iktidar tekelinden siyasi
o ulculu a ba arl bir gei yapan Rusya,
Do u Avrupa'
daki yeni demokrasilerin
istikrarna nemli katklar sa lam tr.
B) Rusya'
nn komnist bir iktidar tekelinden
siyasi o ulculu a ba arl gei i, tm Do u
daki yeni demokrasilerin istikrar iin
muazzam bir destek mu tur.
C) Rusya, komnist iktidar tekelinden o ulcu
siyasete ba arl bir gei yapmakla, Do u
daki yeni demokrasilerin istikrar iin
onlara ok byk bir destek vermi tir.
D) Komnist iktidar tekelinden o ulcu
siyasete ba arl bir gei yaparak, Rusya,
Do u Avrupa'
daki yeni demokrasilerin istikrara
kavu masnda da etkili olmu tur.
E) Rusya'
nn komnist bir iktidar tekelinden
siyasi o ulculu a ba arl gei yapmas,
Do u Avrupa'
daki yeni demokrasilerin istikrara
kavu masnda onlara muhte em bir rnek
olu turmu tur..

23. Population growth in both China and

India in the next five years is expected by
the World Bank to be under two per cent.
A) Hem in'
de hem de Hindistan'
da gelecek
be yldaki nfus art nn yzde iki dolaynda
olmas, Dnya Bankas'
nn bir beklentisidir.
B) Dnya Bankas, in ve Hindistan'
nfus art nn gelecek be yl iinde yzde
ikinin altna d rlmesini istemektedir.
C) Dnya Bankas'
nca gelecek be yl iinde
hem in'
de hem de Hindistan'
da yzde iki
dolaynda nfus art olmas ngrlmektedir.
D) Dnya Bankas, in ve Hindistan'
gelecek be yldaki nfus art nn yzde ikinin
altnda olaca n tahmin etmektedir.
E) Dnya Bankas'
nca, gerek in gerek
daki nfus art nn gelecek be ylda
yzde ikinin altnda olmas beklenmektedir..

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

26. Twentieth-century experience
frequently shows that democracies don't
attack each other and that nations that
respect their citizens' rights also respect
their neighbours' rights.

28. Bu kitabn byk bir blm, ilkel

ma ara resimlerinden gnmz akmlarna
kadar dnya sanatnda grlen de i iklikler
ve yenilikler ile ilgilidir.
A) This book is largely concerned with the
changes and innovations that have appeared
in the worlds art including primitive cave
drawings and contemporary movements.
B) A large part of this book is concerned with
the changes and innovations observed in the
s art from primitive cave drawings to
contemporary movements.
C) The main aim of the book is to trace the
changes and developments of the world of art
from primitive cave drawings to contemporary
D) Much of the book comments on innovation
and change in the world'
s art from the cave
drawings of primitive times through to
contemporary developments.
E) The innovations and developments of art
worldwide are the main content of this book
which starts with primitive cave drawings and
moves forward to contemporary movements.

A) Yirminci yzyldaki tecrbeler her zaman

gstermi tir ki demokrasilerin birbirlerine saldr
olmaz ve kendi halknn haklarna sayg
gsteren uluslar, kom ularnn haklarna da
saygl davranr.
B) Yirminci yzyldaki tecrbeler,
demokrasilerin birbirlerine saldrmad n ve
uluslarn vatanda larnn haklar kadar,
kom ularnn da haklarna saygl oldu unu
gstermi tir.
C) Yirminci yzyl tecrbesi sklkla
gstermi tir ki demokrasiler birbirlerine
saldrmazlar ve kendi vatanda larnn
haklarna sayg gsteren uluslar kom ularnn
da haklarna sayg gsterirler.
D) Yirminci yzyla ili kin tecrbelerin de
gsterdi i gibi, demokrasiler birbirlerine
saldrda bulunamazlar ve kendi insanlarnn
haklarna saygl olan uluslar kom ularnn
haklarna da saygl olmay bilirler.
E) Yirminci yzyldaki tecrbeler,
demokrasilerin birbirlerine saldramayaca ve
uluslarn hem kendi vatanda larnn hem de
kom ularnn haklarna sayg gstermesi
gerekti ini gsteriyor.

29. 1992 ylnda Clint Eastwood, ynetti i

ve rol ald Unforgiven filmi iin
Oscar ile dllendirildi.

27-31 sorularda, verilen Trke cmlenin

ngilizce dengini bulunuz.

A) Clint Eastwood directed and also acted in

the film Unforgiven and received three
Oscars for it in 1992.
B) In 1992, the film Unforgiven which Clint
Eastwood directed and acted in was awarded
three Oscars.
C) In 1992, Clint Eastwood was awarded three
Oscars for the film Unforgiven which he
directed and acted in.
D) The film Unforgiven, which Clint
Eastwood directed and in which he played a
role, received three Oscars in 1992.
E) The film Unforgiven, that received three
Oscars in 1992 was directed by Clint Eastwood
and he also played a role in it.

27. Hemingway'in "Bir Gnlk Bekleyi "

adl yks ok ksadr ve ilk okuyu ta
basit bir olaydan ba ka bir ey de ilmi
gibi grnebilir, ancak bu yk ciddi bir
tema iermektedir.
A) The theme of Hemingway'
s story "A Day'
Wait" is actually a very serious one though one
tends to overlook the fact as on a first reading
the story is such a short and trivial one.
B) The story "A day'
s Wait", by Hemingway, is
very short and appears very trivial, at least on
a first reading, but its theme is a serious one.
C) Actually the theme of Hemingway'
s "A
s Wait" is quite serious bat on a first
reading the story appears to be no more than a
simple incident.
D) Hemingway'
s short story "A Day'
s Wait"
t appear to have anything to offer on a
first reading, but actually the theme is a very
serious one.
E) Hemingway'
s story, called "A Day'
s Wait",
is very short and might appear on a first
reading to be nothing more than a simple
incident, but it contains a serious theme.

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

30. Bugn tm dnyada, Pazar ve
teknolojik stnlk iin rekabet, eski
ideolojik farkllklarn yerini alm ve uluslar
aras ili kilerde k nem kazanm tr.

32-41 sorularda, verilen cmleyi uygun

ekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
32. The Victorian father was very much the
autocrat in his home, ___.

A) Today, throughout the world, competition

for markets and technological supremacy has
replaced old ideological differences and gained
much importance in international relations.
B) Today everywhere in the world, competition
or markets and technological supremacy is
replacing old ideological differences and badly
affecting international relations.
C) From now on, everywhere in the world it is
competition for markets and technological
supremacy rather than ideological differences
that are having the greatest impact on
international relations.
D) Everywhere in the world today, ideological
differences are losing importance in
international relations, and the struggle for
markets and technological supremacy is
rapidly gaining importance.
E) Throughout the world today, there is now
keen competition for markets and for
technological supremacy, and these are the
factors, not ideological differences, that are
affecting international relations.

A) though his wife was supreme in her own

B) that has been the subject of may films of
the age
C) even if his children have behaved as they
liked elsewhere
D) even if there is a queen or the throne
E) so daughters in particular know what is
permissible and what is not
33. The story of the Trojan War is told in
Homer's Iliad, ___.
A) whereas the position of Troy was of vital
importance for the control of sea traffic
between the Aegean and the Sea of Marmara.
B) whereby the war was ended through the
trick of the Wooden Horse
C) while, according to others, Troy was
destroyed by fire
D) so that in in the late 3rd millennium B.C.,
Troy became a prosperous trading centre
E) where Achilles is the major hero of the
Greeks, and Hector of the Trojans

31. Amerika'daki son ba kanlk

kampanyas srasnda her iki adayn da
aka vurgulad gibi, d ve i politika
arsndaki geleneksel ayrlk giderek

34. As Haring's short but intensely active

career shows, ___.
A) so that fine artists could reach a broader
B) it is still possible for original artists to attract
the attention of a wide public
C) in addition to what had been achieved so
D) unless these artists wanted to reach a
wider public
E) if only he hasn'
t committed himself to
commercial interests

A) Both the presidential candidates in the

recent campaign in America strongly affirmed
that the traditional distinction between foreign
and domestic policy was on the decline.
B) During the last presidential campaign in
America, both candidates openly admitted that
the traditional distinction between foreign and
domestic policy was disappearing.
C) As both candidates explicitly stressed
during the last presidential campaign in
America, the traditional distinction between
foreign and domestic policy is gradually
D) Both candidates in the last presidential
campaign openly admitted that it was no longer
expedient to make a distinction between
foreign and domestic policy.
E) The traditional distinction made between
foreign and domestic policy, as both
presidential candidates in the last campaign in
America were quick to note, is rapidly
becoming absolute.

0 222 233 99 66

35. ___, unless they are put into force

effectively and immediately.
A) The company shows every sign of going
B) That isn'
t the way to stop drug abuse
C) It'
s not enough simply to catch criminals
and put them on trial
D) These new measures won'
t have any
significant effect upon the economy
E) The answer is not simply to increase the
fines for traffic offences


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

40. ___, he was succeeded by Dr David
Owen, who at the age of 37, was the
youngest person to hold this office over the
past forty years.

36. If only he'd sought the advice of an

expert ___.
A) the whole family had been spared a great
deal of worry
B) his financial position has already started to
C) his business affairs wouldn'
t be in such a
terrible state now
D) the legal charges have obviously been
needlessly excessive
E) the situation hadn'
t got completely out of

A) Apart from the fact that Anthony Crosland

had influenced the Prime Minister.
B) However opposed to the European Union
Anthony Crosland and some of his colleagues
may have been
C) When Britain'
s Foreign Secretary Anthony
Crosland died in February 1977
D) Unless Anthony Crosland had a landslide
victory in the elections
E) If Anthony Crosland had reached an
agreement with some African leaders on
further trade concessions

37. ___, they will know how to cope even in

such a desperate situation.
A) If the firemen had been trained to meet any
B) Since they are experienced Red Cross
C) Though relief supplies came too late
D) As soon as the medical supplies came
E) Even before anyone capable of supervising
the work appeared

41. Until people got into the habit of

collecting and arranging documents ___.
A) the best type of history is, after all, social
and personal
B) it was virtually impossible to record history
with any degree of accuracy
C) the present preferred style of history had
already come into being
D) the archaeological evidence would have
been adequate
E) our attitude to modern trends may have
been mistaken

38. Since worrying never puts anything

right, ____ ?
A) what is the point of worrying
B) were they really convinced of the feasibility
of the plan
C) hadn'
t the time come to reach a final
D) has the money still not been accounted for
E) why are his worries so irrational

42-46 sorularda, parada bo braklan yere

uygun d en ifadeyi bulunuz.
42. Wars are fought by soldiers but
organized by governments. Most conflicts,
therefore, tend to increase the power of the
state, at least temporarily. ____ . In the two
weeks following September 11th, the
country has seen a sharp increase in the
role of the federal government.

39. ___, the landscape is rich with autumn


Before we have begun to appreciate it

As poets love to sing of
Even until the snow came
Where you look
If he hasn'
t realized it

0 222 233 99 66

A) America'
s war against terrorism is no
B) This may be why some people are always
opposed to war
C) The coalition that America has assembled
has caused considerable speculation
D) Defence is the area in which freedoms are
most often restricted
E) Democracy is, after all, another of the
values that the terrorists have sought to


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

A) It is true to say that the Renaissance style
of building has continued from Brunelleschi'
days down to our own.
B) It is not always easy to give a date to a
work of art
C) The fact is that from the Renaissance
onwards, almost up to our own time, architects
have used the same basic forms
D) The history of art is sometimes presented
as the story of a succession of various styles
E) The period around 1700 sax the
culmination of the Baroque movement in

43. President George W. Bush announced

various measures to stop the financing of
terrorism. He ordered the freezing of assets
belonging to various organizations and
individuals. ____ . In addition he wanted a
task force to be set up to combat the
A) There was no military retaliation for nearly
a month.
B) He also announced that action would be
taken against foreign banks that did not
cooperate with anti-terrorist measures.
C) The United States has so far detained over
350 suspects in relation to the terrorist attacks
of September 11th
D) For him, the attack on America was "an
attack on freedom"
E) It is obvious that America will be fighting a
war on several fronts.

46. It can be argued that Henry Benson is

the most feared photographer in the world.
____ . So do royalty Fellow photographers
are jealous, but still they stand in awe of
him. Editors know his value and pay the
high fees he asks.
A) The famous and infamous alike, know only
too well his ability to capture them off-guard
B) He earns his living by recording scandal
C) Even so, newspapers of any standing do
not print his photographs
D) Presumably, he has a large group of
"advisers" who tell him where to go and when
E) The only job satisfaction he enjoys must
surely be the money he receives for his

44. The story of this ballet is largely

inspired by Evliya elebi's account of his
travels in and around the Ottoman Empire.
____ . Indeed, he combines the mental,
inner journey of man and his physical
outward journey with commendable artistic
skill and insight.
A) His well-known book, Seyahatname, gives
a detailed and lively account of these travels
and so it is also an important historical
B) Actually elebi spent more than forty years
of his life travelling around the Ottoman
C) The choreographer, however, is also
deeply interested in why man travels
D) The music underlies the duality of the
E) As one has come to expect in a a ballet,
music, movement and light blend

47-51 sorularda, anlam bakmndan hangi

cmlenin paraya uymad n bulunuz.
47. (I) The importance of Amsterdam as a
trading and banking centre belongs almost
entirely to modern history. (II) The city
contains buildings of especial interest to
students of architecture. (III) Starting as a
fishing village held by the lords of Amstel
from the bishop of Utrecht, it passed into
the hands of the counts of Holland in 1296
and received its first charter four years
later. (IV) It shared in the general
backwardness of the northern as compared
with the southern Netherlands at this
period. (V) In fact, it was not till the
balance of prosperity began to shift from
south to north in the 15th and 16th
centuries that its fortunes began to look up.

45. ____ . We are told how the

Romanesque style of the twelfth century
with its round arches was succeeded by the
Gothic style with the pointed arch; how the
Gothic style was supplanted by the
Renaissance, which had its beginnings in
Italy in the early fifteenth century and
slowly gained ground in all the countries of
Europe. The style which followed the
Renaissance is usually called Baroque.

0 222 233 99 66

A) I




D) IV E) V

Di er sayfaya geiniz.

48. (I) In 1954, a hydrogen bomb was
tested on the island of Bikini. (II) The
explosion produced the expected radioactive fall-out on a number of Pacific island,
and also scattered debris over thousands
of square miles of sea. (III) As a result,
dangerous radioactive materials appeared
on the surface of the sea and finally
infected the tuna fish which are an
important article of diet in Japan. (V) It is
hardly surprising, then, that a number of
Japanese ingested quantities of radioactive
A) I



51. (I) If you ever walk on one of Carl

Ande's metal ground sculptures, you will
begin to grasp the unique qualities of his
work. (II) Andre, in fact, encourages
viewers to walk on his pieces. (III)
Actually, the prices are not excessive if one
takes into consideration this careful
attention to detail. (IV) Over the years, the
footsteps have served to burnish the metal
in the same way as a moving train
burnishes the train tracks. (V) In viewers
to actively contribute to his art.
A) I

D) IV E) V



D) IV E) V

52-56 sorularda, kar lkl konu may

tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
49. (I) In China the T'ang dynasty (618-907)
re-established a strong government and
extended commerce with India and the
West. (II) In this period the arts, too,
showed great vitality. (III) T'ang pottery,
for instance, was of particularly high quality
and impressively decorated. (IV) Some of
the earthenware tomb-figures that have
been found are over a meter high. (V)
Indeed, it was so popular that it was
exported as far afield as Egypt and
A) I



52. Paul: Katleen'

s still not her cheerful self.
Brenda: ____
Paul: By the way, has the man been caught?
Brenda: Oh, yes. And the trial is next week.
When that'
s over, she'
ll probably start to forget
all about it.
A) That'
s understandable. Her husband'
operation turned out to be far more serious
than they had expected.
B) Well, what do you expect? It'
s not very
pleasant to find a burglar in the house when
you get home
C) Well, she'
s had a nasty shock. She still
t understand why she fell down those
D) Oh, but she is improving. When did you last
see her?
E) She'
s been having a really hard time lately;
no wonder she'
s depressed.

D) IV E) V

50. (I) Coffee is another beverage that

tends to be prepared and served differently
in different countries. (II) The continuing
slump in the price of raw coffee is causing
hardship for growers on a scale unseen for
decades. (III) The suffering is the worst in
Central America, where the drop in coffee
prices has coincided with drought. (IV) In,
Nicaragua, coffee farmers with
malnourished children are begging for food
by the roadsides. (V) In Peru, some
families have abandoned their land, while
others have turned to growing drug crops
in their search for money.
A) I



53. Molly: I hear Jane'

s moving into a flat in
one of those high-rise buildings. I hope she
t regret it.
Ann: ____
Molly: Won'
t she?
Ann: Oh, no. She plans to go off her cottage in
the country every Friday evening and spend
the weekend there.

D) IV E) V

A) Why should she? She won'

t be spending
much time there anyway.
B) I worry about that too. But it'
s her decision.
C) I shouldn'
t think so. She used to feel
nervous in that big house, you know.
D) Well, after all, she goes out nearly every
E) At least she won'
t be short of money any

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

54. Pam: I spent the afternoon at the
s Women exhibition.
Jane: I'
d wondered about going. Did you really
enjoy seeing so many portraits of women?
Pam: ____
Jane: So I was quite an interesting experience.
d better go.
A) You know, I'
ve always thought his portraits
of men are superior to those of his women.
B) I worried about that too before I went.
Perhaps a little more variety was desirable.
C) Oh I never ever miss a chance of seeing
any of Rembrant'
s paintings.
D) Actually I did. With no distractions one
began to see them in a subtly different way.
E) Nevertheless, it'
s quite a popular exhibition;
certainly it was crowded when I went.

55. Seyfi: I hear you went to see Rigoletto at

the opera.
Sait: Yes I did. It was a superb production.
Seyfi: ____
Sait: I know they did, but I can'
t think why. In
my opinion, it was ideally suited to the
A) There was a huge supporting cast, I
believe, including a lot of actors.
B) Of course, Rigoletto himself was brilliant, I
C) What about the stage setting? Some critics
attacked it quite vehemently.
D) Some people considered the orchestra the
best part of all.
E) The reviews of it have all been full of

56. Jill: What sort of people made up the

Bloomsbury Group? I thought there were only
James: ____
Jill: Even economists and so on?
James: Oh, certainly, Clive Bell, for instance,
was a well-known economist in the group.
A) Actually, some writers disliked the group
B) There were a lot of writers; Virginia Woolf,
for instance.
C) They took their name from the area in
London where some of them lived.
D) Well, the majority probably were writers.
But the group included intellectuals of all kinds.
E) I suppose Virginia Woolf and her sister
Vanessa founded the group.

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

58. It is pointed out in the passage that
Palladio's book on classical architecture

57-59 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

No eighteenth century king of England
could have raised the vast sums needed to
build a Versailles, and no English nobleman
would have cared to compete with the
German princelings in luxury an
extravagance. Still, it is true that the
building craze did reach England. The most
striking example is Marlborough's
Blenheim Palace, which is on a massive
scale. But this is an exception. The ideal of
the English eighteenth century was not the
castle but the country house. The
architects of these country houses usually
rejected the extravagances of the Baroque
style. It was their ambition not to break any
rule of what they considered "good taste",
and so they were anxious to keep as
closely as possible to the real or pretended
laws of classical architecture. Architects of
the Italian Renaissance who had studied
and measured the ruins of classical
buildings with scientific care had published
their findings in text-books to provide
buildings and craftsmen with patterns. The
most famous of these books was written by
Andrea Palladio. This book of Palladio's
came to be considered as the ultimate
authority on all rules of taste in architecture
in eighteenth -century England. To build
one's villa in the Palladio manner was
considered the last word in fashion.

A) was primarily concerned with the Baroque

style in eighteenth-century Europe
B) had a powerful influence on architectural
taste in eighteenth-century England
C) is a text book dealing with a variety of
buildings in the classical style of the eighteenth
D) is merely descriptive and has no scientific
E) was the most famous text published in the
eighteenth century

59. As we understand from the passage,

for the England of the eighteenth century,
good taste in architecture ___ .

57. It is clear that the aim of the opening

sentence in this passage is to ___.
A) underline the extravagance of European
architecture to bring into relief the restrain of
the English
B) point out how much importance English
kings had always given to their residencies
C) criticize the extravagant and immoral
behaviour of the German princelings
D) emphasize the envy that the eighteenthcentury English kings felt for Versailles and the
palaces of Germany
E) draw attention to the economic crisis
England went through during the eighteenth

0 222 233 99 66

A) was best reflected in Blenheim and so this

palace was often copied
B) was understood to be simplicity and beauty
C) meant strict imitation of the most
extravagant classical buildings
D) meant the construction of palaces on the
scale of Versailles
E) meat faithfully observing the principles
followed by classical architects


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

60-62 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

61. One can conclude from the passage

that modern music ___.

Throughout the history of music,

composers have always sought to find new
and original means of expression. Without
this urge no progress could have been
made. In our modern age, the desire to
experiment is stronger than it ever was
before. This is partly because the instability
of world affairs has given rise to a feeling of
unrest and insecurity, and partly because
more people are being better educated and
concerned with culture. The arts are now,
as a result, more sophisticated, even more
artificial. In the past, the idea was the
natural and spontaneous expression of
beauty, but it no longer is. In order to avoid
the obvious and the commonplace, some
composers have, perhaps, moved too far
from the main stream of music, and this
has sometimes led to eccentricity. But
there is a positive side to all this: there is a
healthy lack of complacency.

A) has been adversely affected by the present

prevailing intellectual atmosphere
B) owes much of its appeal to the spontaneity
and simplicity of its expression
C) has been less affected by the spread of
education and culture than the other arts
D) has isolated itself from the realities and the
developments of our time
E) is to a greater extent than ever before both
experimental and sophisticated

60. The main point made in the passage is

that, if there is to be any progress in music,

62. The writer suggests that the desire of

some composers to avoid the traditional
forms of music ___.

A) a wide variety of taste must be taken into

B) the traditional modes of expression must be
C) efforts must be made to please all sections
of society
D) new and innovative ways of expression
must be searched for
E) a composer must seek the natural and
spontaneous expression of beauty

A) has resulted in their growing complacency

B) has been the key to their unprecedented
C) may have had a harmful effect upon some
of their works
D) has been misunderstood by the better
educated people
E) has been far more harmful than beneficial

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

64. We understand from the passage that
one of the advantages of a peace treaty is
that __ .

63-65 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

A state of war may be brought to an end in
one of four ways. In the first place, one
belligerent may completely overrun the
territory of its enemy, whose armies and
government are in consequence entirely
disrupted. This state of affairs, known as
debellatio, came to pass in the case of
Germany in World War II. Secondly, states
may drift from a state to one peace without
any formalities to mark the transition. Such
was the case in the war between Poland
and Sweden in 1716. Thirdly, formal
declarations of peace may be made by one
or both of the belligerents. An example of
this is seen in the joint resolution of the
United States Congress of 1920 by which
the war with Germany was terminated.
Lastly, there remains the most common
method of ending a state of war, namely, by
making a treaty of peace. By this means
belligerents can define with precision the
exact terms upon which they have ended
the conflict.

A) the conditions for the termination of a state

of war are clearly set down and agreed upon
by both sides
B) the armies of the warring sides are
temporarily disbanded
C) it takes effect as soon as it has been
signed by at least one of the sides
D) the likelihood of renewed aggression is
relatively reduced
E) it doesn'
t require the approval of the
government of either side, that of the military
being sufficient

63. According to the passage, the term

"debellatio" ___.

65. As it pointed out in the passage, a war


A) refers to the occupation of Germany by its

enemies following Word War II
B) refers solely to the destruction of the
s armed forces
C) is only ever used with reference to
Germany at the end of World War II
D) involves the signing of a peace treaty by
the belligerents after the armies of both sides
are unable to carry on fighting
E) signifies the complete defeat of one country
by another, resulting in a state of utter
powerlessness there

A) often drags on despite the desire on both

sides to end it
B) can sometimes come to an end of its own
accord without any formal action being taken
by either side
C) rarely ends without the complete
destruction of the armies of one side
D) can be brought to an end through the
intervention of outside powers
E) is likely to continue until both sides are so
exhausted and impoverished it is impossible
for them to continue

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

67. As it is pointed out in this passage
about Africa, it was on account of its
mineral resources that ___.

66-68 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

By the 1950s Africa was among the least
developed of the continents and, according
to United Nations estimates, as much as
70% of its resources of land and labour
were devoted to subsistence production
and only about 5% of its total population
was engaged in wage-earning employment.
But even with agriculture there was
increasing production for export: cocoa in
Ghana, groundnuts and oil-palm products
in Nigeria, cotton in Uganda, coffee in
Kenya, and maize and sheep-rearing in
southern Africa were outstanding
examples. Minerals were particularly
important in bringing about opening up of
the interior of Africa. For centuries some
parts, like the Gold Coast (Now Ghana)
had produced gold, and during the 19th
century first diamonds and then gold were
discovered in South Africa, and since than
numerous other minerals have been
exploited including copper and cobalt.

A) the interior parts of this continent were

opened up
B) industry developed fast here
C) the agricultural potential was not
recognised for a long time
D) the practice of sheep-rearing quickly died
E) this continent had developed a strong
economy by 1950

66. According to the passage, the interior

Africa ___.

68. It is stated in the passage that, prior to

1950, in Africa, ___ .

A) was one of the first parts of the continent to

be developed
B) was agriculturally one of the most fertile
parts of Africa
C) could barely supports subsistence forming
some fifty years ago
D) became better known following the
discovery of rich mineral deposits there
E) had, by the nineteenth century , been fully

A) subsistence farming was rapidly becoming

a thing of the past
B) the country'
s mineral wealth was only just
being discovered
C) very few people had any paid work
D) the interior was quite densely populated
E) agricultural activities were extremely limited

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

69-71 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

70. We learn from the passage that an

advertising agency ____.

Most large firms have marketing or

adverstising departments that work in
sonjunction with their advertising agencies.
Only one part of the company's sales
budget will be spent through the
advertising agency. Companies have their
own sales force for calling on wholesale
and retail organizations. In many cases,
they also produce a proportion of their
sales literature and shop display material.
But with the larger companies sales
promotion efforts are usually combined
under a single marketing policy, which is
often worked out by the company itself in
conjunctiion with its advertising agency.
The adverstising agercy may also be
comsulted over packaging systems and the
distributing of new products that are being
put on the market.

A) Cannot work profitably except with major

B) Is not usually regarded as being costeffective except by very large companies.
C) Is not interested in the question of how new
products are packaged.
D) May be consulted about the ways by which
new products can best be distributed.
E) Always prefers to work independently of a
s own advertising department.

69. It is pointed our in the passage that a

major firm will usually ____.

71. According to the passage, companies


A) Use an advertising agency in addition to its

own advertising department.
B) Prefer to keep changing its marketing
C) Allocate its sales budget to a single
advertising agency.
D) Seek to dominate the market through
intensive advertising.
E) Aim to meet the needs of its traditional

A) Sometimes feel that their own advertising

departments are scarcely viable.
B) Usually leave their display materials
completely to the discretion of advertising
C) Often find their wholesale sales are more
profitable than their retail ones.
D) Are not fully convinced of the advantages
of using an advertising agency.
E) Generally distribute their goods through
their own sales network.

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

72-74 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

73. In this passage, a sharp distinction is

drawn between ___.

The term intelligence is often used by

biologists as synonymous with the capacity
to learn. An animal that learns to adapt
itself to a wide range of situations is said to
be more intelligent than one whose
behaviour is largely governed by instinct. In
psychology, on the other hand, so wide a
definition is not satisfactory. The simpler
forms of learning, at leas, can scarcely be
said to manifest intelligence in any sense
remotely consistent with the ordinary
meaning of the term. It is customary,
therefore, to distinguish between learning
of a more or less repetitive and mechanical
type and the solving of genuinely new
problems by creative means. It is the latter
rather than the former that we ordinarily
ascribe to intelligence and most
psychologists allow their definition of this
term to be guided by popular usage.

A) intelligence and the ability to learn as

regards the animal world
B) the term "intelligence" as the ordinary
people use it and as most psychologists use
C) the repetitive and the mechanical types of
D) learning that is repetitive and mechanical
and that which is creative and original
E) the less intelligent animal species and the
more intelligent ones

72. This passage emphasizes the fact that

the term "intelligence" ___.

74. According to the passage, in the animal

kingdom, the less intelligent animals ___.

A) should not be applied to any animals as

they are motivated by instincts
B) is used by biologists to describe the ability
of animals to adapt to a given situation and so
C) is frequently wrong used and should
therefore be avoided altogether
D) should be avoided by psychologists as
there is so much disagreement about its
E) must be applied to all forms of learning
from the simplest to the most complicated

A) learn to adapt to new situations more

quickly than the more intelligent ones
B) are stimulated when they face an new
C) are those whose actions are mainly
controlled by their instincts
D) are more suited to mechanical type
learning than to other types
E) have many advantages over the more
intelligent ones

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

75-77 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

76. As the passage points out, Raleigh

attracted a great deal of attention, ___.

Sir Walter Raleigh entered court under the

protection of the Earl of Leicester, and was
soon in high favour with Queen Elizabeth.
Fuller's often quoted story of how Raleigh
threw down his plush cloak on a muddy
road for the queen to walk on, lacks
authority, but it is in keeping with his
faculty for quick decision and characteristic
of the romantic sentimentality pervading
the Elizabeth court. He owed his
advancement to good looks, a plausible
tongue, and ingenious wit and magnificent
clothes. But he was proud, naughty and
impatient, and everywhere except in his
native Devon he made numerous bitter
enemies. He was consulted confidentially
on Irish affairs but at no time was he one of
the Queen's official advisers, possibly
because Elizabeth, despite her affection for
him, saw through his ambitions and
doubled his wisdom. But she was lavish in
her favours, and in a few years raised him
to affluence.

A) which was often hostile in nature

B) but he was ignored in his native Devon
C) but the Queen Elizabeth always treated
him coldly
D) as a man who could make a plan and carry
it through
E) through there were many at the court at the
time who were more able and more interesting
than he was

75. According to the passage, the wellknown story of how Raleigh threw down his
cloak for the Queen to walk on ___.

77. We understand from the passage that

though Elizabeth lavished her favours upon
Raleigh, ___.

A) has almost certainly no basis in truth

B) is generally considered to be the main
reason why Elizabeth was attracted to Raleigh
C) gains in detail with each new retelling
D) is typical of the officious way in which
Raleigh sought to attract the Queen'
s attention
E) may not be true but it suitably reflects the
excess of emotion and exaggeration that
characterized the court of Elizabeth

A) she believed his ambitious nature might

constitute a threat to herself
B) he was never as popular with her as the
Earl of Leicester was
C) she was frequently angered by his clever
wit and naughty manners
D) his views on Irish affairs were contrary to
her own
E) she never really trusted his judgement and
he never became one of her official advisers.

0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

79. It is clear from the passage that Peel
wished to emphasize the non-military
nature of the "new police" ___.

78-80 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

Sir Robert Peel will always be remembered
as the one who created the Metropolitan
police force but first he set about reducing
the savagery of the criminal law and he also
introduced various prison reforms. Such
changes could not be risked without an
efficient police force. So in 1829 he set
about creating just that. The original
characteristics of the new police were that
they were to be an organized non-military
force of paid constables (with officers)
under two magistrates, as joint
commissioners, responsible to the home
secretary, an office like that of Minister of
the Interior. To emphasize their civilian
character, they wore as uniform a dark blue
high-collared swallow-tail coat and a heavy
chimney-pot hat (not to be superseded by
the tunic and helmet until about 1865) , and
carried no arms but only a truncheon. Until
1885 they had no whistle, only a rattle for
summoning assistance. Their earliest
instructions were prefaced with the
following words which still appear in the
forefront of their standing orders: the
primary object of an efficient police force is
the prevention of crime is committed... The
protection of life and property, the
preservation of public tranquillity, and the
absence of crime, will alone prove whether
the objects for which the police were
appointed have been attained.

A) although the force was organized on

military lines
B) and this is apparent in their uniform and in
the fact that they carried no gun
C) but nevertheless most of them had a
military background
D) so its aims and objectives were vague and
E) but this prevented it from being efficient
and did not contribute to its popularity

80. We learn from the passage that, in the

opinion of Peel ___ .

78. We understand from the passage that

in addition to reforming the police force,
Peel also ___.

A) the truncheon was not an adequate

weapon for the protection of the police
B) the major aim of the police is to catch
criminals and see that they are punished
C) the introduction of prison reform was too
risky a procedure to be considered
D) the police force should be directly
responsible to the home secretary
E) the most important duty of a police force is
to achieve an absence of crime

A) tried to deter criminals by greatly increasing

the punishments for various crimes
B) arranged for several new prisons to be built
C) made the systems of criminal law more
D) published several articles on the
preservation of public tranquilly
E) was extremely active himself in the
detention of criminal offences


0 222 233 99 66


Di er sayfaya geiniz.



Bu Testte cevaplayaca nz soru says 80dir.

nerilen cevaplama sresi 180 dakikadr

1-21. Sorularda bo braklan yere uygun

d en ifadeyi bulunuz.

6. Osteoclasts are cells that ____ bone in

the normal course of bone replenishment.

1. The relationship between smoking and

lung cancer has been heatedly discussed
for many years, but until recently the
evidence about it has been both ____ and



7. Patients seeking to ____ scars have

several options, depending on the depth of
the scar.



2. The whole of society may suffer if its

government is attacked; ____ the entire
body is harmed if the brain is damaged.
A) otherwise
B) similarly
C) on the other hand
D) nevertheless
E) however

get rid of
sort out
take back
get along with
fold over

8. The recent rise in drug addiction ____

young people has been given publicity in
the media ____ all proportion to the size of
the problem.

3. Scientists are ____ biotechnology to

develop highly effective drugs in the fight
against currently incurable diseases.

show off
pull through
break down
put out
cut off



with / through
for / over
in / above
among / out of
between / from

4. The findings indicate that there is a

lower ____ of cancer among vegetarians.

9. The mentally handicapped have

difficulty in coping ____ tasks that are well
____ the capabilities of the average person.




under / over
to / beyond
with / within
through into
along / above

5. Medical science is advancing at such a

pace that it is virtually impossible to ____
all the latest developments even within
one's own specialist field.

10. By the end of the week he ____ the first

stage of the treatment, and we'll know then
if he ____ well to it.



take up
keep up with
carry out
pull out of
look down on


would have completed / responded

has completed / was responding
will have completed / is responding
is completing / has responded
will complete / will respond

Di er sayfaya geiniz.

11. The successful education of children
with speech defects involves ____ all
means of approach.

16. Poisoning ____ drug overdose is a

frequent and still increasing cause of
admission to hospital.



to explore
having explored
having been explored
to have explored

according to
due to
on behalf of
in excess of
in spite of

12. If they ____ the child to the hospital a

little earlier, these complications ____ .

17. Dizziness is a distressing symptom in

advanced old age, and alarms relatives
____ the patient.



would have brought / wouldn'

t develop
would bring / won'
t develop
have brought / haven'
t developed
brought / hadn'
t developed
had brought / would not have developed

18. Bacteria are ____ small that they can

____ be seen under a microscope.

13. Pure carbolic acid on a suspected

rabies ____ wound the incubation period
which probably won't kill all the viruses; so
its use ____ into general disfavour among

no less than
as little as
in accordance with
consequent on
in case of


may prolong / has fallen

might prolong / had fallen
might have prolonged / might have fallen
will prolong / fell
would prolong / would have fallen

very / rather
too / hardly
as / thus
so / only
much / just

19. The brain is a part of the body ____

very little is known and even less is

14. The healthy individual possesses

means of arresting minor haemorrhages; if
this ____ so, trivial cuts ____ to a fatal loss
of blood.



20. The remedies they use in the East are

very different from those we use in the
West; ____ rely more on the natural
properties of herbs and plants while ____
are more chemically orientated.

was not / have led

were not / would lead
is not / led
will not be / would have led
would not be / had led


15. In recent years the trend in the study of

child development has been an increased
emphasis on the processes underlying the
changes, ____ simple descriptions of age

from what
of whose
about which

to them / to us
they / us
their / we
theirs / ours
themselves / ourselves

21. In hay fever, the symptoms vary from

one patient ____ , and treatment will also

as if
just as
rather than
even so
such as


and to others
to the other
and to another
to another
to others
Di er sayfaya geiniz.

24. In most Western countries, the average
diet contains about 700 milligrams of
cholesterol each day, whereas only about
300 milligrams is the recommended

22-26 sorularda, verilen ngilizce cmlenin

Trke dengini bulunuz.
22. In Alzheimers disease, cells are lost in
certain parts of the brain, including the
areas that are important in thinking and

A) e itli Bat lkelerinde ortalama beslenme

her gn iin 700 miligram dolaynda kolesterol
ierir, ancak nerilen en yksek miktar sadece
300 miligramdr.
B) Pek ok Bat lkesindeki gnlk ortalama
beslenmenin ierdi i kolesterol 700 miligram
kadardr, ancak nerilen miktar ise 300
miligram civarndadr.
C) Ancak sadece 300 miligram kadar
ngrlm olmasna ra men Bat lkelerinin
o unda gnlk ortalama beslenmenin ierdi i
kolesterol 700 miligram kadardr.
D) o u Bat lkelerinde ortalama beslenme
her gn 700 miligram civarnda kolesterol ierir
ancak sadece 300 miligram kadar tavsiye
edilen en yksek miktardr.
E) e itli Bat lkelerindeki ortalama
beslenme gnlk 700 miligram kolesterol
iermektedir ancak uygun grlen miktar
sadece ve sadece 300 miligramdr.

A) Alzheimer hastal nda, d nme ve

hatrlama iin nemli olan alanlar dahil, beynin
belli kesimlerinde hcreler kayba u rar.
B) Alzheimer hastal nda, beynin belli
blgelerinde, zellikle d nme ve hatrlama
bakmndan nemli olan kesimlerde, hcreler
kayba u rar
C) Alzheimer hastal nda hcrelerin kayba
u ramas, beynin belirli blmlerinde, zellikle
d nme ve hatrlama iin nemli saylan
alanlarda meydana gelir.
D) D nme ve hatrlama bakmndan nemli
saylan alanlar dahil, beynin belirli
blmlerinde hcre kayb Alzheimer
hastal nda olur.
E) Alzheimer hastal nda meydana gelen
hcre kayb, zellikle d nme ve hatrlama
iin nemli olan blgeler dahil, beynin tm
kesimlerinde olu ur.

23. Even when we are not moving, our

muscles are in a state of partial contraction
known as "muscle tone'.

25. When energy output is greater than

energy input in the body, stored fat is
utilized, and body weight decreases.

A) Kaslarmzn ksmen kaslmas olarak

bilinen kas tonu, ancak hareket etmedi imiz
zaman olu ur.
B) Hareket etmesek bile, baz kaslarmz, kas
tonu, olarak tanmlanabilen belirli bir kaslma
durumuna geebilir.
C) Kas tonu, hareket etmedi imiz zaman
kaslarmzn belirli bir kaslma durumuna
gemesi olarak tanmlanabilir.
D) Kas tonu, olarak bilinen durum, hareket
etmedi imiz zaman kaslarmzn kaslma
E) Hareket etmedi imiz zaman bile,
kaslarmz, kas tonu olarak bilinen ksmi
kaslma durumunda bulunur.

A) Vcudun enerji kayb, enerji kazanmndan

daha fazla oldu unda, depolanm ya
kullanlarak vcudun a rl nn azalmasna
neden olabilir.
B) Vcuttaki enerji k enerji giri inden daha
bykse, depolanm ya kullanlr ve vcut
a rl azalr.
C) Vcudun enerji harcamas, elde edilen
enerjiden daha ok ise depolanm ya
kullanlmaya ba lanr ve bu da vcut a rl nn
azalmasn do urur.
D) Vcuttaki enerji kayb, elde edilen enerjiden
ok daha yksek ise depolanm ya
kullanlarak vcudun a rl azaltlr.
E) Vcudun kaybetti i enerji kazand
enerjiden ok daha bykse, depolanm ya
kullanlarak vcudun a rl d rlr.


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

26. Breast-feeding promotes a close bond
between mother and child, and provides
milk tailored to the nutritional needs of the

29. Adn Zaire'deki bir nehirden alan

ebola" ldrc bir hastal a neden olan
uzam tek bkml bir RNA virsdr.
A) "Ebola" is the name given to an elongated
single-stranded R"NA virus which abounds in a
river of the same name in Zaire and causes a
fatal disease.
B) The word "ebola comes from a river in
Zaire and refers to an elongated, singlestranded RNA virus that causes a fatal
C) "Ebola" is a fatal disease caused by an
elongated, single-stranded RNA virus
associated with a river in Zaire of that name.
D) An elongated, single-stranded RNA virus is
the cause of the fatal disease known as
"ebola which is also the name of a river in
E) Named after a river in Zaire, "ebola" is an
elongated, single-stranded RNA virus that
causes a fatal disease.

A) Emzirme, anne ile ocuk arasnda yakn bir

ba geli tirir ve bebe in beslenme
gereksinimlerine uygun olan st sa lar.
B) Anne ile ocuk arasnda sk bir ba
olu turan emzirme, bebe in gereksinim
duyabilece i beslenmeye uygun st sa lar.
C) Emzirme, bir yandan anne ile ocuk
arasnda iten bir ba n olu masn arttrrken,
te yandan bebek iin gerekli olan beslenmeye
uygun st sa lar.
D) Emzirme, anne ile ocuk arasnda yakn bir
ba olu turur ve ayrca bebe in beslenmesi
iin gerekli olan st sa lar.
E) Emzirme, bir yandan bebek iin gerekli olan
beslenmeye uygun st sa larken, te yandan
anne ile ocuk arasnda iten bir ba n
olu masna yardm eder.
27-31 sorularda, verilen Trke cmlenin
ngilizce dengini bulunuz.
27. Baz kaslar bir eklemden geerler ve
eklemi olu turan kemiklere
tutturulmu lardr.
A) Muscles which are attached to the bones of
a joint pass across the joint.
B) Some muscles pass across a joint and are
attached to the bones that form the joint.
C) Some muscles, which pass across the
joint, are attached to some of the bones that
make up the joint.
D) The muscles that are attached to the bones
that make up a joint work the joint.
E) Some of the muscles that pass over a joint
may, be attached to the bones of that joint.

30. Ola anst aklayc gc olan bir

modeli, DNA'nn yaps iin ilk nerenler
James Watson ve Francis Crick olmu tur.
A) The next model for DNA'
s structure which
was to prove so illuminating, was produced by
James Watson and Francis Crick.
B) James Watson and Francis Crick were the
next to propose a model for DNA'
s structure
and this was to prove immensely enlightening.
C) It was James Watson and Francis Crick
who first proposed a model for DNA'
s structure
that had extraordinary explanatory power.
D) James Watson and Francis Crick were the
first to realize how great a breakthrough was
entailed in a model for DNA'
s structure.
E) A model for DNA'
s structure was indeed a
remarkable breakthrough as James Watson
and Francis Crick were the first to claim,

28. Evrim, bir canl trnde zamanla

meydana gelen genetik de i iklikler olarak
A) Over time, in the course of evolution,
certain genetic changes occur in a type of
B) By evolution we mean the genetic changes
that occur in some species of organism over a
period of time.
C) The process of genetic change that comes
about in a group of organisms in a period of
time is known as evolution.
D) Evolution can be defined as genetic
changes occurring over time in a species of
E) Evolution is the word used to define the
genetic changes that occur in time in a species
of organism.


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

31. Proteinler, her molekl tipinin emsalsiz
zelliklere sahip olmasn sa layan pek ok
farkl bile imlerdeki 20'den fazla de i ik tr
amino asitlerden olu maktadr.

34. ____ if they are to remain effective.

A) Mass vaccination programmes may lead to
a false sense of security
B) Before the vaccines were dispatched
refrigeration facilities in the disaster area were
C) The vaccination policy to be adopted
should have been decided at a national level
D) The vaccination campaigns are of prime
importance in any predisaster plan
E) Most vaccines require refrigeration and
careful handling

A) Proteins are constituted of 20 or more

different kinds of amino acids, in a variety of
combinations, and this is effected by the
distinct properties of the molecules.
B) Proteins are made up of more than 20
different kinds of amino acids in many different
combinations, allowing each type of molecule
to have unique properties.
C) As there are more than 20 different kinds of
amino acids in a variety of combinations in tile
proteins, each type of molecule has unique
D) Though more Ulan 20 different kinds of
amino acids are present in proteins in different
combinations, each type of molecule is distinct
in itself.
E) Since each kind of molecule has distinct
properties, there are 20 or more different kinds
of amino acids. in varying combinations, that
make up the proteins.

35. Though frustration is a patent factor in

eliciting aggressive behaviour, ____

32-41 sorularda, verilen cmleyi uygun

ekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

A) these implications could never be

satisfactorily discarded
B) the intensity of the reaction would have
been accurately predicted
C) both the availability and influence of
aggressive models had been taken into
D) some children do not react aggressively to
blocking and deprivation
E) the intention has always been to cause
injury to others

32. As long as the victims are dry and

reasonably well clothed, ____

36. Until a child is at least three years old


A) even natural disasters in cold countries

could have been avoided
B) the health hazards of having no place to
shelter after an earthquake are small
C) the need to provide emergency shelter
after a disaster naturally varied greatly
D) food shortages in the immediate aftermath
of a disaster are almost unavoidable
E) the distribution systems may seriously
reduce the absolute amount of food available
after a flood

A) the amount of milk consumed has usually

B) thumb-sucking could have been overcome
with humour and patience
C) it is hardly surprising if they need an
afternoon sleep
D) the usual immunization programme will
have been followed
E) bed-wetting should not be regarded as a
37. Tiredness, unlike exhaustion, is a
condition ____ .

33. When the body has been without

adequate food for a long time, ____

A) which naturally follows a period of unduly

hard or intensive work
B) that young children would apparently never
have experienced
C) that it debilitates young and old alike
D) so that a good night'
s sleep is all that is
E) as if the body had sent out a warning

A) the digestive system suffers in the same

way as an unused muscle
B) herbs will be prescribed in order to increase
the appetite
C) this was a serious condition known as
D) the process of food absorption could not be
E) an urgent condition was developing calling
for a thorough medical investigation


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

38. Obstructive sleep, that is, apnoea, can
lead to excessive sleepiness during the day

42-46 sorularda, parada bo braklan yere

uygun d en ifadeyi bulunuz.
42. No drug, old or new, is completely safe,
if by "safe" we mean having absolutely no
potential for harm. ____ . Clearly, in any
one case, the doctor must weigh up the
advantages and disadvantages of this or
that drug before prescribing.

A) why oxygen levels in the blood tall

B) so that victims are unaware of the disturbed
sleep pattern
C) which makes sufferers more accidentprone
D) whether snoring is actually a serious health
E) since there are several physical factors
contributing to sleep difficulties

A) Some drugs can produce very dangerous

side effects but even so, in certain
circumstances, it would be wrong to withhold
B) Then there are the new drugs which have
created a revolution in psychiatry
C) Penicillin is practically non-poisonous but
some people are allergic to it
D) It is also possible to estimate the toxicity of
a drug for man by testing it on certain animal
E) Tests for toxicity have always been
undertaken by reputable drug companies, but
of course, mistakes can still happen

39. ____ water-borne diseases such as

cholera will never be stamped out.
A) Though there has always been an
abundant supply of water in these parts
B) So long as the natives are educated in the
ways of hygiene
C) Until their understanding of hygiene had
beer reinforced
D) Unless there is a safe water supply
E) If the mere boiling of water were adequate
40. Some thirty years ago a group of
doctors working on diabetics began to
suspect ____

43. In England, special educational

arrangements are made for children with
IQs of between 50 and 70 or 75. Provision
for dull and backward children in ordinary
schools usually consists, in urban areas, of
classes with specially adapted curricula
and teaching methods. ____ . In rural areas,
it is difficult, sometimes impossible, to offer
adequate provision for backward children.

A) since there had been a relationship

between sugar intake and aging
B) that sugar affects how the body ages
C) whether their patients aged unduly rapidly
D) even though sugars are an indispensable
source of energy
E) since it was likely to delay the inevitable
process of growing old

A) The causes of retardation are usually

several in anyone case
B) Teachers who have, to some extent,
specialized in this work are employed
C) In choosing between a day-school and a
residential school such factors as temperament
and character are taken into consideration
D) Sometimes a child'
s disability may be
environmentally determined rather than the
result of intellectual defect
E) It is thought that roughly 10 per cent of the
school population needs special help

41. There is nearly always some evidence

of vitamin deficiency. especially among the
elderly, ____
A) which increased their nutritional
requirements, making their usual diet
B) even if patients had not developed a
nutritional disorder
C) however well nourished the community as
a whole may appear to be
D) while energy expenditure could vary
enormously from person to person
E) as official recommendations were being
blatantly disregarded


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

46. Arising from these health statistics, it
has been suggested that people in the US
should adopt Mediterranean eating habits
and begin indulging in olive oil and wine.
____ . In the first place, diet is not the only
factor implicated in disease causation.
Further, the differences in life-styles
between Mediterranean peoples and
Americans could account for differences in
life expectancy.

44. The main health services provided free

in Britain by local authorities include those
of home nurses, health visitors and
midwives. ____ . The provision of domestic
help during illness or old age is an optional
service differing slightly from the ones
above as the recipient pays according to
his means.
A) Some of these voluntary services work in
close accord with the local authorities
B) Despite the provision made by the state,
voluntary services, often funded by charities,
C) There are also special health services
catering to the needs of mothers and young
D) Clubs for adolescents are also felt to be
E) Actually about one child in twelve gets free
meals, the rest pay about half the cost

A) Actually, this would not really be

appropriate for at least two reasons
B) It would be very useful to put this into
C) The method has been tried and has failed
D) People have to eat what is most readily
E) It is not easy to change one'
s eating habits
47-51 sorularda, anlam bakmndan hangi
cmlenin paraya uymad n bulunuz.
47. (I) Headaches may occur at all ages.
(II) They are, however, less common in the
very young and in the aged. (III) Certain
persons seem to possess a constitutional
immunity to headaches. (IV) Unfortunately,
many of the analgesic drugs are potentially
drugs of addiction. (V) At the other
extreme, there are persons who suffer from
headaches on quite trivial provocation.

45. A person's water needs vary,

depending primarily on diet, activity,
environmental temperature and humidity.
____ . Recommendations for adults are
expressed in proportion to the amount of
energy expended under average
environmental conditions. A person who
expends 2000 calories a day needs 2 to 3
liters of water.

A) I

A) This is why beverages containing caffeine

are not good substitutes for water
B) The body must excrete a minimum of about
500 milliliters of water each day as urine
C) Moreover, water is lost from the lungs as
vapour and from the skin as sweat
D) In fact, most fruits and vegetables contain
up to 90 per cent water
E) Accordingly, a general'water requirement
is difficult to establish



D) IV E) V

48. (I) Asthma is a troublesome complaint.

(II) Much is known about it, but the
practical application of this knowledge is
difficult. (III) Nevertheless, in asthma, a
family history of this sort is by no means
invariable. (IV) There is a clear relation
between asthma and certain other
disorders all of which are allergic. (V)
These include hay fever, urticaria and
A) I




D) IV E) V

Di er sayfaya geiniz.

49. (I) The safe vitamin C intake ranges
from an absolute minimum of 10 milligrams
a day to a maximum of around 300
milligrams, (II) In normal conditions the
average diet in the West furnishes us with a
more than adequate supply of vitamin C.
(III) A cup of orange juice at breakfast, a
salad for lunch, and broccoli and a tomato
at dinner alone provide more than 300
milligrams. (IV) Clearly, a person making
such food choices needs no vitamin C pills.
(V) A variation of vitamin C is often used
to preserve food products, especially cured
A) I



52-56 sorularda, kar lkl konu may

tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
52. Frank: I see they are holding a conference
on the effects of too little sleep.
Brian: Yes. It might be interesting. I reckon it
must have a harmful effect on one physically.
Frank: ____
Brian: I know it hasn'
t. But studies show that
mental alertness is badly affected by it.
A) Rubbish! If a person has 6 hours sleep a
night, that'
s plenty.
B) That surely depends on how hard you are
working and on how much you are eating.
C) A leading cause of traffic accidents is of
course drowsiness.
D) So do I. But it hasn'
t been conclusively
proved yet.
E) I know it does on me.

D) IV E) V

50. (I) Before a child is adopted its mental

and physical potential should be roughly
assessed. (II) This is in order that the
tragedy of unintentionally adopting a
mentally subnormal or physically
handicapped child can be avoided (III)
Such an assessment can be made with a
fair degree of accuracy in the first few
months. (IV) This is an instance of
emotional deprivation which retards all
aspects of development. (V) Occasionally,
of course, mistakes can occur for some
babies are "late starters".
A) I



53. Roger: You clearly found that article

interesting. What is it about?
David: ____
Roger: Yes, that is interesting. But is it
David: In a way it is or, at least, might be. The
phenomenon has given rise to a series of
experiments testing people'
s memory while
lightly sedated with propofol.

D) IV E) V

A) It'
s about sedatives, in particular diazem
and incidon.
B) It'
s about the unconscious, and why people
lose consciousness.
C) About learning. Some people reckon that
the trauma caused by tissue damage could
induce learning.
D) Adrenaline. Especially the amount released
in response to pre-operative anxiety.
E) Its about anaesthetics. Apparently a few
people remember something about their
operation when they come round from a
general anaesthetic.

51. (I) Basal-cell carcinomas typically

occur in fair-skinned people beyond the
age of forty. (II) These tumours are rarely
lethal. (III) Normal skin cells are thus
transformed into basal-cell carcinomas. (IV)
This is because they grow slowly and do
not migrate from the skin to internal
organs. (V) But they do invade
surrounding tissues, and treatment by
surgery can lead to disfigurement.
A) I



D) IV E) V


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

54. Molly: People seem to forget that the
potato provides us with a large per cent of our
vitamin C intake.
Fred: I know they do. I imagine it'
s because it'
such a basic, ordinary vegetable.
Molly: Could be. But the amount of vitamin C it
provides is very important. Did you know that
scurvy was unknown in Ireland up to the time
of the potato blight of the 1840s ?
Fred: ____
A) After the tragedy of the potato blight in
Ireland, new varieties were introduced.
B) No I didn'
t. But I'
m not surprised as the
potato was then, as it is now, the staple diet of
the Irish.
C) Yes; during the potato blight the potatoes
rotted in the fields, and the smell was
absolutely horrible.
D) Why not? It was during that time that large
numbers of Irish people emigrated to America
because there was no food for them in Ireland.
E) True. The Irish have never forgiven the
English for being so lacking in sympathy for all
those starving people.

55. Secretary: I was just calling to find out

how Mr Marshall is.
Mrs Marshall: Well, he'
s following the doctor'
advice and resting for a couple of days.
Secretary: ____
Mrs Marshall: I know he has. But, even so,
ll be back at work again on Monday.
A) Good. As you know he'
s been under a lot
of pressure lately.
B) When will he be back at work?
C) He really needs to take things a bit easier.
D) So there'
s nothing really seriously wrong
with him.
E) I'
m pleased to hear that. He'
s not been
really well for ages.

56. Mother: There'

s still no sign of
improvement that I can see.
Doctor: But the tests today show that he is
beginning to respond to the treatment.
Mother: ____
Doctor: Oh yes. A very good sign indeed.

Are you quite sure about that?

Does that mean he'
s started to recover?
What does that signify?
WeIl, that'
s a good sign, isn'
t it?
How long does the treatment usually last?


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

57-59 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

58. It is pointed out in the passage that

malaria could spread again In Europe ____

Europe faces a serious risk of an

uncontrollable resurgence of malaria",
warns the WHO in a new report. Drainage,
drugs and insecticides had eradicated
malaria from the whole of Europe by the
1960s. Now civil disorder and irrigation
threaten to bring it back unless controls are
stepped up, the report says. It seems that
more European travellers are bringing
malaria back from countries where it is
endemic, and the big fear is that local
mosquitoes could acquire the parasite from
such travellers and re-establish a local
chain of transmission. Three recent cases
in Luxembourg and two in New York have
fuelled concern over air travel as a means
of reintroduction. The cases in Luxembourg
all occurred within a few kilo metres of the
country's international airport, and were
probably caused by mosquitoes stowing
away on aircraft coming in from the tropics.

A) as mosquitoes have built up an immunity to

the insecticides
B) because European travellers are returning
from their travels out of Europe, with malaria
C) unless a stronger form of insecticide is
D) but the danger of it reappearing in the
States is negligible
E) and so people should be discouraged from
travelling to the tropics

57. According to the passage, by the 1960s


59. We learn from the passage that several

recent cases of malaria in the West have
aroused much concern ____

A) Europe was completely free of malaria

B) Europe was already waging a war on
malaria with insecticides and improved
C) civil disorder had broken out. and largescale irrigation schemes were abandoned
D) European countries had grown careless
about taking precautions against malaria
E) strict measures had come into force to
prevent the reappearance of malaria in Europe

A) because Western doctors were unfamiliar

with the disease and, not surprisingly, failed to
recognize it
B) as there is absolutely no way of explaining
row they have occurred
C) largely because the patients responded
very slowly to the drugs prescribed for them
D) since they have occurred near international
airports which suggests that infected
mosquitoes have been brought over in aircraft
E) and could result in stricter controls being
put on people who have been in the tropics,
even though a lot of people will object to such

Di er sayfaya geiniz.

60-62 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

61. It is pointed out in the passage that the

meninges ____

Headache, like backache, is one of the

commonest types of pain with which
mankind is afflicted. It may arise under a
diversity of circumstances. A blow to the
head causes pain, and after a severe head
injury with concussion, headaches may
continue for weeks or months. The
coverings of the brain, or meninges, are
sensitive structures and, when inflamed, as
in cases of meningitis, or irritated (as with
meningeal haemorrhage), headache may be
a prominent feature. The arteries of the
brain are also sensitive, and many kinds of
headache are referable to arterial disease,
more especially to influences which distend
the lumen of the arteries, or which distend
and then contract the arterial walls. But the
brain itself is insensitive and lacerations or
gun-shot wounds of the cerebral substance
may produce headache only in so far as the
bony skull and the meninges are at the
same time damaged. Tumours of the brain
produce headache, not because the brain
tissue is involved, but because the raised
intracranial tension alters the diameter of
the intracranial arteries.

A) are not easily irritated except by a severe

head injury
B) are the primary immediate cause of all the
headaches mankind suffers
C) are sensitive, and they may be the reason
why we experience a headache
D) prevent the brain from receiving any
E) cannot become inflamed unless the skull is
seriously damaged

60. According to the passage, a headache

A) often occurs without any reason at all
B) is a common type of pain and, as such,
need not be taken seriously
C) is never a symptom of a brain tumour
D) is a prevalent complaint but not as
prevalent as backache
E) can be caused by a wide variety of
situations or conditions

62. It is stressed in the passage that the

headache caused by a brain tumour ____
A) is by far the worst type of headache known
to man
B) is a sign that the skull has also been
C) arises from lacerations of the brain tissue
D) bears no relation to any change in the
diameter of the intercranial arteries
E) does not proceed from the brain itself


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

63-65 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

64. We understand from the passage that

proteins might be used to ____

People infected with tuberculosis are

difficult to treat because the bacteria can lie
dormant in the body. In this state, they are
unaffected by antibiotics and do not spark
an immune response. But they can
reactivate and cause disease when the
body's immune system is compromised.
Some people believe that proteins that
deliver a wake-up call to dormant bacteria
could be used to fight tuberculosis. There
are two ways wake-up proteins might be
used therapeutically. One is to trick the
bacteria out of dormancy so that they can
be zapped with antibiotics. The other is to
use the proteins as vaccines. An injection
of wake-up proteins might prime the body
to notice a subsequent infection earlier
than would otherwise be the case and
attack the bacteria as they activate.

A) make dormant tuberculosis bacteria create

an immune response
B) force tuberculosis bacteria to remain
dormant while the body'
s immune system is
C) identify the state of dormant tuberculosis
D) force dormant tuberculosis bacteria to
become active
E) help us monitor the progress of
tuberculosis from the outset

63. It is pointed out in the passage that, so

long as the bacteria that cause tuberculosis
are dormant, ____

65. We understand from the passage that it

may be possible to use wake-up proteins as
tuberculosis vaccines ____

A) there is no point in administering antibiotics

B) it is unwise to try to do anything about them
C) there is no need to worry about them as
they almost never activate again
D) the body'
s immune system will function well
E) a tuberculosis vaccine can be effective

A) while antibiotics are attacking the bacteria

B) once the bacteria are no longer in a state of
C) as they would stimulate the body to attack
the bacteria as soon as they start to become
active again
D) even more effectively when the body'
immune system has been compromised
E) though a lot of people are opposed to this
because they think it might be dangerous


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

66-68 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

67. It is pointed out in the passage that it is


Physical activity deserves attention in any

program to reduce coronary heart disease
(CHD) risk. Some evidence suggests that
weight training can raise high-density
lipoprotein (HDL) if undertaken regularly,
but frequent and sustained aerobic activity
may be more effective in lowering lowdensity lipoproteins (LDL) and raising
HDL. Furthermore, aerobic endurance-type
activities, such as brisk walking,
undertaken faithfully for 30 minutes or
more as a daily or every-other-day routine
can strengthen the heart and blood
vessels: alter body composition in favour
of lean over fat tissue: expand the volume
of oxygen the heart can deliver to the
tissues at each beat and so reduce the
heart's workload; change the hormonal
climate in which the body does its work in
such a way as to lower blood pressure; and
bring about a redistribution of body water
that eases the transit of blood through the
peripheral arteries. These changes are so
beneficial that some experts believe that
physical activity should be the primary
focus of cardiovascular disease prevention

A) useful for us to do aerobic exercises so as

to increase LOL and lower HOL
B) advisable for people with CHO to avoid any
type of physical activity
C) highly beneficial for us to undertake
regular, daily, physical exercise in order to
strengthen the heart
D) good for the blood vessels if we can
achieve a lower HDL
E) important for us to maintain a constant
blood pressure which is best achieved by
regular physical exercise

66. The basic aim of the passage is to ____

68. As we understand from the passage,

one of the benefits of an endurance-type
activity ____

A) warn us of the dangers of physical activity

with regard to cardiovascular disease
B) impress on us that cardiovascular disease
can frequently be prevented through physical
C) inform us that the benefits of weight
training activities exceed those of aerobic
D) highlight the major causes of CHD
E) stress the significance of anew medical
breakthrough pertaining to the control of CHD

A) has been observed in the constantly

changing levels of LDL and HDL
B) is that it regulates the rate of the heart beat
and, hence, the heart'
s workload
C) is that it dramatically reduces the volume of
water in the body
D) can be demonstrated successfully in weight
E) is that it lowers the ratio of fat tissue to lean
in the body


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

69-71 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

70. According to the passage, it was Louis

Pasteur who ____

The value of heat for the preservation of

food has been known for thousands of
years, but it was not realized until the
nineteenth century that a very mild heat
treatment far below boiling point, made
liquid foods such as milk keep much
longer. The discovery followed the work of
the French scientist Louis Pasteur on wine
and beer. The process, called after him
pasteurization", is a carefully controlled
mild heat treatment. It was found that the
process served two purposes: it delayed
the souring of milk, and it destroyed the
dangerous disease germs which
sometimes occur in this product. These
germs include the bacteria which cause
tuberculosis, undulant fever, typhoid and
paratyphoid fevers, dysentery, diphtheria,
scarlet fever and septic sore throat.

A) first discovered that boiling killed bacteria in

B) gave a scientific basis to the mild heat
treatment of liquid foods
C) realized !hat various dangerous bacteria
were present in sour milk
D) identified what germs were the cause of
typhoid and paratyphoid
E) made the first scientific breakthrough into
the treatment of diphtheria

69. We learn from the passage that the

process of pasteurization ____

71. We understand from the passage that

milk ____

A) involves the gentle heating of liquid foods,

but not the boiling of them
B) is designed to destroy a very limited group
of bacteria often found in wine and beer
C) is not fully effective in eliminating all
disease-causing germs
D) has been practised for centuries throughout
the world
E) was first used in the prevention of the
souring of milk

A) only received dietary recognition in the

nineteenth century
B) can be pasteurized by heating it up to
boiling point
C) that has been pasteurized can still contain
dangerous bacteria
D) has, for centuries, been the most
wholesome liquid food generally available
E) does not always contain the germs which
cause such serious diseases as tuberculosis
and dysentery


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

73. We understand from the passage that
the way a person stands, walks and sits

72-74 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

The brain, like all of the body's organs,
responds to both inherited and
environmental factors that can enhance or
diminish its amazing capacities. One of the
challenges researchers face when studying
the human brain is to distinguish among
normal age-related physiological changes,
changes caused by diseases, and changes
that result from cumulative, extrinsic
factors such as diet. The brain normally
changes in some characteristic ways as it
ages. For one thing, its blood supply
decreases. For another, the number of
neurons, the brain cells that specialize in
transmitting information, diminishes as
people age. When the number of nerve cells
in one part of the cerebral cortex
diminishes, hearing and speech are
affected. Losses of neurons in other parts
of the cortex can impair memory and
cognitive function. When the number of
neurons in the hindbrain diminishes,
balance and posture are affected. Losses of
neurons in other parts of the brain affect
still other functions.

A) is not age-related
B) deteriorates as the nerve cells in the
cerebral cortex become fewer
C) is adversely affected by a loss of neurons
in the hindbrain
D) is largely a matter of habit
E) is dependent on many factors, but is
unrelated to balance

74. According to the passage, the

processing of received data in the brain is

72. It is stressed in the passage that the

brain may undergo change ____
A) only after old age has set in and not even
then in quite a large proportion of the
B) even though its capacities are always on
the increase
C) since the nerve cells are easily impaired by
an unbalanced diet and irregular eating habits
D) because it has been affected by the buildup of adverse outside influences over the
E) especially when there is an obstruction of
the blood supply

A) completed in the hindbrain

B) the function of a special group of brain cells
C) not in any way affected by inherited or
environmental factors
D) one of the functions of the brain that is
least understood
E) unaffected by any loss of neurons


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

76. We understand from the passage that,
when an exceedingly small haemorrhage
occurs ____

75-77 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

Haemorrhage is an escape of blood from
the vessels through which it normally
circulates. The quantity lost may be
microscopic. or may amount to quite a
large quantity; large haemorrhages usually
arise from a large artery or vein, while
bleeding from a capillary may be shown
only by a minute red spot in the skin. Many
haemorrhages are trivial and require no
specific treatment. Examples of these are
such common domestic accidents as cut
fingers and nose bleeds. Others form some
of the major emergencies of medicine. The
principles of treatment are to arrest
haemorrhage, to combat shock by restoring
normal blood volume, and to keep the
patient quiet, comfortable and confident.

A) there is no outward sign of it whatsoever

B) there is a likelihood that a major vein has
C) it is likely to have been caused by a broken
D) this should not be regarded as capillary
E) it should be treated immediately to prevent
an increase in bleeding

77. It is pointed out in the passage that part

of the treatment of a serious haemorrhage

75. It is clear from the passage that serious

haemorrhages ____
A) occur in the arteries, not in the capillaries
B) often follow apparently quite trivial domestic
C) tend to have a long term damaging effect
upon the body'
s blood circulation
D) only rarely need to be regarded as medical
E) are rarely regarded as serious by the
patients themselves

A) involves reassuring the patient and making

him feel at ease
B) is instruction on the prevention of accidents
in the home
C) is to check the level of the blood volume in
the arteries
D) should, ideally, be carried out in an
operating theatre
E) will largely depend upon the general
condition of the patient


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

78-80 sorular, a a daki paraya gre

79. We understand from the passage that

the teaching of a retarded child ____

In America, Britain and several other

countries, the years after World War II were
notable for increased interest in, and
research on, methods of teaching retarded
children. Today no one educational
procedure is generally accepted, but there
is agreement that teaching should so far as
possible be individually orientated.
Obviously, special material must be used,
suitable to the child's chronological age
and general interests, and a variety of ways
have been suggested to stimulate the
apathetic and remedy loss of confidence.
Since inability to analyze spontaneously
and make deductions tends to characterize
the intellectually dull, care must be taken at
all stages of teaching to break down
material and demonstrate each step clearly.

A) does not require specially selected

B) has, for many decades been a major
burden on society
C) is best carried out on a one-to-one basis
D) ignores, as far as possible, the child'
E) has to follow a certain specific method

78. It is clear from the passage that,

following World War II, the education of
retarded children ____

80. According to the passage, one of the

most striking drawbacks a retarded child
faces is ____

A) in special schools was far from satisfactory

B) became a matter of concern for the first
C) was solely considered to be a social issue,
not an academic one
D) received considerably more attention than
it had previously done
E) took place in certain designated centres

A) the increasing apathy he experiences as he

grows older
B) the pressure put on him to cope with a wide
range of material
C) the sense of alienation related to his
chronological age
D) that he finds it painfully difficult to build up
his confidence
E) his failure to grasp meaning readily and
draw conclusions



Di er sayfaya geiniz.



Bu Testte cevaplayaca nz soru says 80dir.

nerilen cevaplama sresi 180 dakikadr.

1- 21. sorularda, cmlede bo braklan

yere uygun d en szck ya da ifadeyi

6. Every community in the world recognizes

certain activities as crimes, and has
developed its own way of them.

1. Syndicalism embodies the idea that

workers, through direct action, a general
strike, should seize control over the means
of production and hence gain political



7. The visitors ware taken to the airport,

and there they were by the assistant



2. Even in developed countries it is not

unusual to see wage and job against

depending on
looking after
breaking into
making for
dealing with

made off
seen off
put through
turned out
looked over

8. economic development projects in

developing countries are carefully thought
out and implemented, they can actually
contribute to environmental deterioration.


3. The origins of stress vary from person to

person, and people differently to
stressful events.



9. Until the time of World War II, it - that

human beings to the requirements of
technological systems with great ease.



4. This hotel certainly offers a high

standard of service at rates.
A) contemporary
B) competitive
C) relative
D) conceivable
E) reliable

is assumed / adapted
has been assumed / were adapting
was assumed / are adapting
had been assumed / could adapt
assumed / have adapted

10. In his acknowledgement, the writer

thanked his wife for the support she him
while he the book.

5. I'm sure the boy is not really backward,

but it is certainly difficult for him to the
other students in his class.

Provided that
So long as


pull up
make up for
keep up with
turn down
take over

had given / was writing

gave / is writing
gives / has been writing
has given / will be writing
was giving / had written

Di er sayfaya geiniz.

11. Since Swedish industrial relationships
so many fundamental changes, it is
hardly surprising that the existence of a
"Swedish model" .

16. The period which Margaret Mae

painted the Amazon flora coincided the
time when the Amazon rain forest was
being destroyed.



were undergoing / will be questioned

underwent / has been questioned
had undergone / had been questioned
are undergoing / was being questioned
have undergone / is being questioned

17. Some delicate fruits and vegetables

need to ripen gradually as they make their
way producer nations to consumer
markets the globe.

12. If it for the severe air pollution of

1952, which was responsible for 4,000
deaths, the UK Clean Air Act of 1956 .

t / hadn'
t been passed
was not / won'
t be passed
t been / wouldn'
t have been passed
t be / hadn'
t been passed
t / was not passed


13. corporations grow in size and

diversity, the difficulty of managing
employee relations increases.

In case
So that


only / but also

both / and
not only / and
as much / than
so / as

19. The term "man-machine system" fell

somewhat into disrepute and was replaced
by "person-machine system" the need to
avoid sexist language.

Only once
For the first time
At the beginning
Up to this time
From the start


15. Multinational companies account for

60 per cent of trade in manufactured goods
in the developed world.

from / around
with / on
through / through

18. The purpose of this bridge project is

to eliminate the cause of such accidents
to keep traffic moving at a steady rate.

14. had so many people complained so

loudly for so little cause.

on / from
in / at
at / on
during / with
for / by

contrary to
in case of
in accordance with
instead of

20. The slavery issue was one reason

the northern and southern states fought
against each other during the US Civil War.
A) on the other hand / which
B) as such / whereas
C) only/why
D) moreover / that
E) thus / in that

so much
rather than
as far as
by no means
no less than


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

21. The United Nations has, on numerous
occasions, tried to assert its authority to
mediate a dispute between nations, has
often been ineffective the nations
involved refused to acknowledge the right
of the United Nations to intervene.

25. if there are no shared activities.

A) It is almost impossible to create a sense of
B) Cultural diversity has many advocates
C) The problem with relativism is that it has
led, almost inevitably, to separatism
D) Too many people failed to recognize the
dangers of diversity
E) This sense of common purpose would have
been undermined

but / because
either / or
therefore / because of
however/ as far as

22. - 31. sorularda, verilen cmleyi uygun

sekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

26. Though many workers apparently

approach the fatigue state by Friday .

22. - when they believe that teachers care

about them personally and educationally.

A) workers in factories are usually classed as

skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled
B) the nature of the work performed cannot be
C) it is generally acknowledged that boredom
and fatigue are interrelated
D) a shorter working week created other
E) they are able to recover during the
weekend rest

A) As a group, these students reached high

levels of achievement
B) The psychological needs of students
cannot be over-estimated
C) The learning context should have received
as much attention as the students
D) Students develop a positive attitude
towards school
E) There has been a remarkable improvement
in student performance

27. The Minister emphasized how

necessary it was .
A) if inflation could have been avoided
B) that all institutions should be willing to work
with the government to bring down inflation
C) as long as private enterprises worked
alongside state institutions to ensure prosperity
D) if privatisation may be desirable and costeffective
E) as, in my opinion, unemployment is the
crucial factor

23. When we stop trying to fit people into a

common mold, .
A) it should be realized that people develop
B) their natural talents as well as their
limitations became apparent
C) people who don'
t fit the mold are regarded
as stupid
D) we'
ll be able to produce brighter, more
effective citizens
E) this should be recognized by educators and
parents alike

28. Much has been written about theories of

knowledge, .
A) that philosophical discussions in general
threaten empirical research and should
therefore be avoided
B) though little attention has been given to
their implications for empirical research
C) unless they can resolve some of the
problems faced by social scientists
D) whether the status of social science is
seriously in doubt
E) in case methodology needs to be critical
and not merely descriptive

24. Although the colonists enjoyed unusual

prosperity at least until 1764, -.
A) Britain would have attempted to tighten
imperial supervision
B) the system did, in fact, fit the needs of the
new country
C) they had, nevertheless, certain economic
D) only the commercial laws have irritated the
E) monetary legislation came in too late


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

D) Pek ok sorunu ortaya koyan i sizlik
istatistikleri hkmet tarafndan aklanm tr
ve bu sorunlardan bazlar tamamen gizli
i sizli e ili kindir.
E) Hkmet tarafndan yaymlanan i sizlik
istatistikleri birok sorun iermektedir ve
bunlarn bazlar gizli i sizlikle ilgilidir.

29. Hungary was founded by peoples of

Finno-Ugrian and Asiatic Turkish origin .
A) who had moved westward in the early
Middle Ages and conquered the native Slavs
B) as they were traditionally called "the
C) so that they could have escaped
persecution by their enemies
D) even though their leader Arpad united them
E) so long as Arpad'
s warriors had been a
community of free and equal men

33. Education in the Middle Ages was

conducted In Latin, and the main goal for
receiving an education was to become a

30. American interest in the African

economy has recently intensified .

A) Ortaa da e itim Latince yrtlyordu ve

e itim almann ba lca amac, rahip olmakt.
B) Ortaa da, Latince verilen bir e itimi
almann temel amac, din adam olmakt.
C) Ortaa da, e itim Latince'
ydi ve bunun
temel nedeni rahipler tarafndan
D) Ortaa da, din adam olmak amacyla
alnan e itim, Latince olarak veriliyordu.
E) Ortaa e itimi tmyle Latince
yrtlyordu ve rahip olmak ancak byle bir
e itimi almakla mmknd.

A) that many American companies had

invested heavily in mining
B) even if the Bush administration fully
supports the American involvement in Africa
C) as a series of articles published in The New
York Times last year gave the issue new
D) because most American multinationals had
recognized that Africa might constitute a threat
E) before the United Nations began carrying
out a survey country by country
31. , there is rarely one simple cause.

34. Sustainable development is

development that meets the needs of the
present without endangering the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs.

A) Though the results of the incident were

B) However closely the boy kept his secret
C) Since so many children witness violence
within their own family
D) When biological factors were also involved
E) When young people manifest serious
emotional problems

A) Gelecek ku aklarn kendi ihtiyalarn

kar lamasn engellemeden, sadece gnmz
ihtiyalarnn tmn kar layan kalknmaya,
srdrlebilir kalknma denir.
B) Srdrlebilir kalknmann gerekle mesi
iin bugnn ihtiyalarnn kar lanmas
yetmez, gelecek ku aklara da kendi
ihtiyalarn kar layabilme olana
sa lanmaldr.
C) Gnmzde ihtiyalarn kar layan
kalknmaya srdrlebilir kalknma denir,
ancak bu, gelecek ku aklarn kendi ihtiyalarn
kar lamasn tehlikeye sokmamaldr.
D) Srdrlebilir kalknma, bugnn
ihtiyalarn, gelecek ku aklarn kendi
ihtiyalarn kar lama gcn tehlikeye
sokmadan kar layan kalknmadr.
E) Gelecek ku aklarn kendi ihtiyalarn
kar lama gcn tehlikeye sokmay ve
bugnn ihtiyalarn kar lamay ama edinen
kalknma, srdrlebilir kalknmadr.

32. - 36. sorularda, verilen ngilizce

cmlenin anlamna en yakn Trke cmleyi
32. The unemployment statistics published
by the government contain a number of
problems, and some of these are related to
hidden unemployment.
A) Hkmete aklanan i sizlik istatistikleri,
bazlar gizli i sizlikten kaynaklanan pek ok
sorunu ortaya koymaktadr.
B) Hkmetin yaymlad i sizlik istatistikleri
pek ok sorun iermektedir ve bunlardan
bazlar do rudan do ruya gizli i sizlikle
ba lantldr.
C) i sizlik istatistikleri hkmete yaymlanm
olup bunlar birok sorunu da ifade etmektedir
ve bu sorunlarn bazlar sadece gizli i sizlik
konusuna ili kindir.


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

35. When the terrorists attacked the World
Trade Center on September 11th, voting was
already under way in the primary election
for New York's new mayor.

37. - 41. sorularda, verilen Trke

cmlenin anlamna en yakn ngilizce
cmleyi bulunuz.
37. Hudson Krfezi her yl tamamen
donmasa da gemi seferlerine ortalama
olarak aydan daha ksa bir sre aktr.

A) 11 Eyll'
de Dnya Ticaret Merkezi
terristlerin saldrsna u raynca, New York'
yeni belediye ba kan iin nseim yaplmas
yoluna gidildi.
B) Terristlerin 11 Eyll'
de Dnya Ticaret
ne saldrmalar zerine, New York'
yeni belediye ba kan iin derhal nseime
C) Terristler 11 Eyll'
de Dnya Ticaret
ne saldrdklarnda, New York'
un yeni
belediye ba kan iin nseimde oy verme
i lemi devam ediyordu.
D) Dnya Ticaret Merkezi 11 Eyll'
terristlerin saldrsna u rad nda, yeni New
York belediye ba kannn nseimi iin oy
verme i lemi ba lamak zereydi.
E) 11 Eyll'
de Dnya Ticaret Merkezi
terristlerce saldrya u rad nda. New
un yeni belediye ba kan iin nseim
oylamas yaplyordu.

A) When Hudson Bay is completely frozen

over, which on average is for less than three
months of the year, it is closed to navigation.
B) On the average, Hudson Bay is open to
navigation for as little as three months each
year though it is only rarely completely frozen
C) Hudson Bay is open to navigation for as
little as three months in an average year even
though it is never completely frozen over.
D) Even though Hudson Bay is not completely
frozen every year, on the average, it is open to
navigation for less than three months.
E) On the average, Hudson Bay is closed to
navigation for less than three months of the
year, which is when it is completely frozen

36. Most Cuban exiles in America believe

that Cuba possesses biological-warfare
technology and is also on friendlier terms
with Iraq than the Pentagon thinks.

38. Okul binalarndaki bakm giderleri hzla

artyor ve bunlar kar layacak fonlarn
sa lanmas giderek zorla yor.
A) As maintenance costs for school buildings
were rising quickly, it was getting harder to find
the necessary funds to meet them.
B) With the rise in maintenance costs for
school buildings it is becoming extremely
difficult to get hold of funds to meet them.
C) Maintenance costs for school buildings are
rising rapidly and funds to meet them are
becoming increasingly difficult to get hold of.
D) The rapid rise in maintenance costs for
school buildings means that funds to meet
them are becoming increasingly difficult to find.
E) It had got increasingly difficult to raise
funds to meet the ever-increasing rise in
school maintenance costs.

A) Amerika'
daki Kbal srgnlerin o u,
nn biyolojik sava teknolojisine sahip
oldu una ve ayrca, Irak'
la Pentagon'
sand ndan daha dosta ili kiler iinde
oldu una inanmaktadr.
B) Amerika'
daki pek ok Kbal srgn,
da biyolojik sava teknolojisinin varl na
ve ayn zamanda Kba'
nn, Irak'
la Pentagon'
d nd nden daha dosta ili kilere sahip
oldu una inanyor.
C) Amerika'
daki o u Kbal srgnn de
inand gibi, Kba'
nn biyolojik sava
teknolojisi vardr ve ayrca, Kba Irak'
un zannetti inden daha dosta
ili kiler srdrmektedir.
D) Amerika'
daki Kbal o u srgnn
inancna gre, Kba, biyolojik sava
teknolojisine sahiptir ve Irak'
la Pentagon'
d nd nden de ileri dzeyde dosta
ili kiler iindedir.
E) Amerika'
daki pek ok Kbal srgn,
un tersine, Kba'
nn biyolojik sava
teknolojisine sahip oldu una ve Irak'
sanld ndan daha dosta ili kiler
srdrd ne inanmaktadr.


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

41. On altnc yzyln sonlarndan itibaren,
hmanizma, klasik gelene e dayal bir
e itim sistemi olarak grlmeye ba lad.

39. Rusya Cumhurba kan Putin,

Afganistan'n Kuzey ittifak glerini
Taliban'a kar mcadelelerinde
destekleyece ini syledi.

A) By the late sixteenth century, humanism

had come to be considered as a system of
education that had its roots in classicism.
B) Towards the end of the sixteenth century,
humanism was being regarded as a system of
education closely following the classical
C) From the late sixteenth century onwards,
humanism began to be perceived as a system
of education, based on the classical tradition.
D) Towards the end of the sixteenth century,
humanism was already being recognized as a
classical-based system of education.
E) The classical-based system of education
derived from humanism, came into being late
in the sixteenth century.

A) The Northern Alliance in Afghanistan is

reportedly being supported by President Putin
of Russia in its struggle against the Taliban.
B) The Russian President, Putin, agreed to
support the armies of Afghanistan'
s Northern
Alliance while they fought the Taliban.
C) The armies of Afghanistan'
s Northern
Alliance sought the help of President Putin of
Russia in their fight against the Taliban.
D) It is reported that Russia'
s president, Putin,
is ready to assist the forces of the Northern
Alliance in Afghanistan in their struggle against
the "Taliban.
E) President Putin of Russia said he would
support the forces of Afghanistan'
s Northern
Alliance in their fight against the Taliban.

42. - 46. sorularda, kar lkl konu mann

bo braklan ksmnda sylenmi
olabilecek sz bulunuz.
40. Hemingway edebiyat kariyerine gazeteci
olarak ba lam tr ve gerekten,
romanlarnn o u kendisinin ok de i ik
deneyimlerine dayanr.

42. Ken :If you go to the Lake District, be sure

to visit the little town of Grasmere. The scenery
there is magnificent.
Mary :: -----Ken :That'
s right. He lived there for nine years
in Dove Cottage and was buried in the
churchyard of St. Oswald.

A) It was as a reporter that Hemingway began

his literary career, which is why so many of his
novels are based upon his own, quite varied,
B) Hemingway began his literary career as a
reporter, and indeed many of his novels are
based upon his own, extremely varied,
C) Many of Hemingway'
s novels and other
literary works are based upon his extremely
varied experiences as a reporter starting on his
literary career.
D) Hemingway'
s various experiences as a
reporter, as he set out on his literary career,
supplied him with the materials for his novels
and other literary works.
E) Hemingway'
s literary career began when
he was a reporter and so his own very
colourful experiences became the core of
many of his novels.

A) Is that on Lake Windermere too?

B) The poet Wordsworth is associated with
Grasmere, isn'
t he?
C) I plan to avoid all tourist centres and head
for the mountains.
D) I'
m told that one walks up the mountains
there; there is no serious climbing.
E) Yes, Wordsworth describes that particular
view in a number of his poems.
43. Clara :Walcome back! When were you last
here? It must be something like 15 years.
Sarah :More even than that. Nearly 20!
Clara :-----Sarah :I certainly have. For one thing,
everywhere is very much greener.
A) Then I'
m sure you must have found
everywhere very changed.
B) How long do you expect to be here this
C) Well, you'
re certainly looking fine. All things
considered, you haven'
t changed very much.
D) It doesn'
t seem that long, but I suppose it
E) Is it really And where have you been in the

Di er sayfaya geiniz.

44. Pat :What is the function of the jury in a
Colin :It has to listen to all the evidence and
decide whether or not the accused person Is
Pat:----Colin :He advises the jury and passes
sentence on the accused if he is found guilty.

47. - 51. sorularda, parada bo braklan

yere uygun d en ifadeyi bulunuz.
47. The precise health and environmental
effects of noise pollution are not fully
known. . Moreover, sounds of high
intensity and long duration can cause
permanent damage to the auditory system.

A) How does the jury know that the accused

really is guilty?
B) Does the jury have a legal training?
C) How are the jury members chosen?
D) What happens if the judge and the jury
E) Well then, what is the duty of the judge?

A) Noises from industrial operations are

usually confined to the plant structure
B) The impact of vehicle noise on a population
usually depends on traffic concentrations
rather than on any individual vehicle
C) Prolonged noise exposure may cause
general personal distress, either singly or in
combination with other stress
D) The other important secondary effect of
noise on human health is noise-induced
E) Noise has the same general effects on
animals as it does on humans

45. Seyfi:Were the Fabians communists?

Sait :-----Seyfi:Can you give me an example?
Sait :Yes. They believed that reform must
come from the enlightened cooperation of all
classes, not from their opposition.
A) Why do you ask? No one remembers them
B) Everyone will give you a different answer to
that question.
C) They weren'
t really a group, you know.
They were a collection of unusual people.
D) Some people reckon they were. But some
of their beliefs were quite different.
E) George Bernard Shaw was the best known
member of the group. And I don'
t think he was
a communist.

48. Everyone in the US has been shocked

by the recent series of high school murders
committed by male students. People are
also extremely puzzled by them. .
Presently, many scientists are even seeking
biological explanations for this not
common but certainly destructive, social

46. Frank : At last I'

ve managed to get a copy
of this month'
s Practical Matters.
Dan :-----Frank :Do you really have one? I thought you
never read magazines, so I never even thought
of asking you.
Dan :I don'
t, usually. But this month I heard
there were a couple of interesting articles in it.

A) In fact, only a relatively small percentage of

adolescents will agree to overlook acts of
B) No one knows where the border between
normal and abnormal is
C) Some people argue that the brain is the
cause of aggression and the cure for it
D) Clearly there is no easy way to eliminate
school violence
E) They want to know why they have

A) Then when you'

ve finished with it pass it on
to me.
B) Why didn'
t you ask me for mine?
C) Good. There are some interesting articles
in it this month.
D) You were lucky then. They are usually all
sold by the 17 of the month.
E) I took out a subscription so mine comes
through the post.


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

51. The troubadours belong to 11'"-century
Franca. They were poet-musicians about
whom we know little as practically none of
their music has survived. . Contemporary
with them in Germany were "the
Minnesingers" but their songs were mostly
similar to ecclesiastical hymns.

49. The arguments for and against

advertising have been complicated by the
difficulty of isolating advertising costs. .
For Instance, the expense involved in
making the yearly style changes in
American cars is put down as a
manufacturing cost, but it could well be
argued that it should be put down as a
selling cost.

A) Not until the 15m century did England begin

to make a significant contribution to the history
of music
B) The earliest history of Western music is
closely bound up with the Church
C) Probably their music was largely secular
and their songs were mostly about love and
D) Meanwhile in 14tn-century Italy a quite
separate form of music was developing
E) indeed, little is known about the history of
secular music

A) It has been claimed that, in some cases,

one cannot distinguish between manufacturing
and selling costs
B) Conversely, it can be argued that
advertising contributes to economies in
C) Nevertheless, the true cost of advertising is
extremely difficult to assess
D) This is because advertising on a mass
scale enables a manufacturer to produce
goods in greater quantities, and therefore more
E) The two main types of advertising are the
informative and the competitive

52. 56. sorularda, cmleler srasyla

okundu unda parann anlam btnl n
bozan cmleyi bulunuz.
52. (I) Advertising by its very nature is
obtrusive and attracts attention to itself as
well as to the goods and services it offers.
(II) This is why everyone has something to
say about it. (Ill) So it is not surprising that
it has become a popular subject of
controversy. (IV) As a matter of fact, in the
long run, products sell on their merits. (V)
Nor is it likely that the arguments that rage
around it will soon be settled one way or
the other.

50. It has been argued that "capitalism"

entails the production of goods or the
provision of services for profit. -. Even
though many of these transactions were
barter exchanges, this does not mean that
profit was entirely absent. It was simply
some form of profitable exchange that did
not involve money.

A) I

A) By capital we mean not just money but

more especially a means of production
B) As it happens, in a capitalist society only a
very small proportion of industrial activity is
under the control of the government, and
sometimes none at all.
C) This notion of private ownership of the
means of production as a central feature of
capitalism should not arouse controversy
D) This, however, will not serve to Identify
capitalism as a distinctive system since goods
and services have at all times been exchanged
with a view to striking a good bargain
E) However, it is necessary to limit the
application of the term "capitalism" to a
discernible pattern of social and economic




E) V

53. (I) In the field of Interior decoration,

glass has coma into high favour in recent
times. (II) There have also been many
innovations in lighting methods allowing
lighting systems to be worked into the
structure of rooms. (Ill) This is largely on
account of its versatility. (IV) It can take
any colour and is capable of a large variety
of surface treatment. (V) The use of a
mirror-wall has also become popular as it
doubles the size of an Interior and gives it
completeness and symmetry.
A) I





E) V

Di er sayfaya geiniz.

54. (I) The education systems of the world
are constantly being criticized. (II) They are
criticized because emphasis is given to
theories Instead of values, to concepts
instead of human beings, to efficiency
rather than conscience. (Ill) Children are
taught to compete. (IV) One might expect
that education would serve as an adequate
barrier to barbarity. (V) But they are not
taught how best to live in a truly
sustainable society.
A) I




E) V

55. (I) The causes of depression differ in

men and women. (II) Research shows that
women usually internalize distress, while
men externalize it. (III) Depressed women
are more likely to talk about their problems
and reach out for help. (IV) Depressed men
often have less tolerance for internal pain
and turn to some action or substance for
relief. (V) Male depression is thus less
obvious than female depression, as the
male, instead of trying to deal with it, seeks
to run away from it.
A) I




E) V

56. (I) Dante's influence on the literature of

his country is unparalleled in literary
history. (II) Especially with his Divine
Comedy, he set the final pattern of literary
Italian. (Ill) His epistles and eclogues owed
a lot to Latin rhetorical writings. (IV) This
great masterpiece is a poetic narrative of a
journey through hell, purgatory, and
heaven in which he passed moral
judgement on early 14 -century Italy. (V)
Already in his lifetime imitations of this
great work were attempted, but he was too
great to be successfully imitated.
A) I




E) V


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

57. - 59. sorulan a a daki paraya gre

58. The writer of this passage offers an

explanation as to why da Vinci .

The art of Leonardo da Vinci, like his

character, is full of conflicting tendencies
and apparent contradictions. His tireless
curiosity, combined with his deep feeling
for all living things, led him as a scientist to
explore the entire range of natural
phenomena, while at the same time a
fantastic creative imagination caused him
as an artist to transform the results of his
scientific researches in a thousand ways.
These two elements of his nature alternated
throughout his life and explain his restless
changes of occupation and the fact that he
never devoted himself exclusively to
painting for very long at a time. Although in
his versatility and scientific interests he is
usually regarded as the quintessence of the
man of the renaissance, yet some of the
products of his tortured imagination are a
direct reminder of the middle ages. Even in
his artistic output conflicting tendencies
are apparent. In the "Last Supper" he
reaches the peak of his renaissance
classicism, whereas in other works, such
as the Anghiari cartoon, his sense of
restless movement clearly foreshadows the
baroque. Finally, in the "Deluge" drawings,
he produces works which are completely
unrelated to European art and suggest that
of the Far East.

A) fills his pictures with so much restless

B) preferred scientific exploration to creative
C) had to keep his scientific activities quite
separate from his creative ones
D) chose to paint the "Last Supper" in the high
renaissance style
E) did not concentrate exclusively on his art
for any long period of time

57. This passage about Leonardo da Vinci

puts the emphasis on .

59. It is clear from this passage that the

writer does not share the commonly held
view that da Vinci .

A) his scientific activities rather than on his

artistic ones
B) his versatility and the apparently conflicting
elements in his works
C) the masterly execution of his "Last Supper"
D) how medieval influences are apparent in all
his paintings
E) how fully representative he was of the
renaissance spirit of Italy in his age

A) was a lonely, isolated figure who did not

share in the activities of his own age
B) was the greatest artist of the renaissance
C) should have devoted himself exclusively to
his artistic activities
D) is the embodiment of the typical
renaissance man
E) had a creative imagination but it was stifled
by his scientific curiosity


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

60. - 62. sorular a a daki paraya gre

61. An interesting point made in the

passage is that ------- .

As one steps out of the busy commercial

streets in front of the station in a Japanese
city and moves on into the side streets, one
often encounters old shops and historic
temples and shrines which hint at the
former character of the city. It is in the side
streets rather than the main roads that the
original face of a city is to be found. But
even in antique-looking houses in side
streets, one can often see that their
interiors may have been rebuilt and their
fittings replaced in an attempt to keep
abreast of the times. This applies in farming
villages as well as cities; old-style houses
and buildings decrease year by year, and in
some cases the changes have been even
more radical than those which have
occurred in the cities. But although
outward appearance and facilities may have
been renovated, there has surely been no
renovation in the sensibilities and attitudes
of the people who live in these new

A) the old history of a Japanese city is to be

found in side streets not in busy commercial
B) the Japanese villages have completely
avoided the city trends of modernization
C) the character of the Japanese is changing
rapidly as a result of modernization
D) Japanese temples and shrines no longer
play a significant role in the Japanese way of
E) in modern Japan more and more people
are moving from farming villages to cities

60. The passage contains a lot about

renovation within the old houses and
buildings -.

62. This passage is primarily concerned

with .
A) the pride that the Japanese people feel for
their great historic heritage
B) the economic importance of activities in the
side streets of Japanese cities
C) the contrast in life-styles between the
villages and the cities of Japan
D) the social importance of Japanese temples
and shrines
E) the blend of old and new in present-day

A) though many of them are being pulled

B) including the decorations of temples and
shrines in the main streets
C) though a large proportion of the interiors
have remained unchanged
D) which are largely situated around the main
E) but the people are basically still traditional


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

64. According to the passage, as new
techniques in advertising evolve In one part
of the world .

63. - 65. sorulan a a daki paraya gre

The advertising techniques and methods
used today were for the most part devised
in Britain, Europe and America, and as a
new technique evolved in one country it
was quickly taken up elsewhere. The
practice continues on a world-wide scale.
The simplification of the words and
illustrations in advertisements has come
about as the result of the skill of
copywriters, artists and photographers
combined with the findings of advertising
research workers. Advertisers have found it
is often more effective to concentrate on
putting across one aspect of their product
than to go into lengthy descriptions. They
have seized on the truth of the saying that a
picture can be worth a thousand words.
Some critics of advertising have argued
that an advertiser should be content to
furnish the public with information about
his product and draw the line at
persuasion, but in practice the dividing line
between informing and persuading is
impossible to draw. Persuasion starts at
the point where information is first
supplied, particularly when, as must
happen for reasons of space and time, the
information given is selective.

A) other parts of the world feel under pressure

to come up with something new
B) they rapidly spread to another
C) the competition for markets is intensified
D) and are copied in another, local differences
E) copywriters start to look for fresh inspiration

65. We understand from the passage that

advertising is generally regarded as serving
the dual functions of informing and
persuading, .

63. As it Is pointed out in the passage,

advertising in this age .
A) has not grown rapidly more effective in
spite of the increased enthusiasm and skill of
copywriters and artists
B) has tended to give more and more detailed
C) tends to concentrate on the arts of
D) seems to have forgotten how effective an
illustration can be
E) has grown more selective and simpler

A) though the information supplied is not

always reliable
B) persuasion, however, is by far the more
C) however, these two functions are actually
D) but the amount of information offered is
restricted by lack of space
E) and this is the reason why advertisements
have grown longer


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

66. - 68. sorular a a daki paraya gre

67. According to the passage one of the

alms of Internal marketing Is to .

In the past decade the term "internal

marketing" has emerged in many
companies to describe the application of
marketing internally within the firm. This
seems to be an area where practice
appears ahead of theory. Despite the
existence of many internal marketing
programmes no books, at least in English,
have been published on internal marketing
and only a handful of articles have
addressed this important and emerging
area. There are two key aspects to this. One
involves the notion of the internal
customer. That is, every person working
within an organization is both a supplier
and a customer. Here we are concerned
with getting staff to recognize that both
individuals and departments have
customers and then determining what can
be done to improve levels of customer
service and quality levels within the
organization. The second aspect is
concerned with making certain that all staff
work together in a manner that is attuned to
the company's mission, strategy and goals.

A) upgrade the quality of a company'

customer service
B) ensure that there is a continual supply of
C) encourage in-service training for all
D) promote a spirit of competition between
E) increase the number of customers through

66. We learn from the passage that as a

term, "internal marketing" .

68. According to the passage, when there is

internal marketing within a firm .

A) refers to the qualifications required of a

s staff
B) has only been in use since the 1990s
C) has been extensively dealt with in
academia publications
D) has as yet no practical application
E) has been in use in marketing strategies for
several decades

A) its activities will be reviewed at regular

intervals and its employees encouraged to
make their suggestions
B) every employee should be instructed as to
the company'
s aims and strategies
C) the employees are invariably seen to be
D) all the employees are expected to work
together in harmony with the company'
E) there are regular meetings between
management and representatives of the

Di er sayfaya geiniz.

69. -71. sorulan a a daki paraya gre

70. It is pointed out in the passage that

French .

The extension of French as a second or

acquired language is particularly striking,
This was to some extent the result of
military and political prestige, but the
virtues of the language itself and French
cultural achievements actually played a
much greater role. The lead which France
took in the 12"1 century in literature and in
other domains made its language a sort of
lingua franca of the cultured classes of
Europe; and in the 17 and 18 centuries
French was cultivated assiduously by the
royal courts and the upper classes of most
European countries and was written by
many non-French authors. But even before
the end of the 181" century French began to
lose ground, and the movement was
accelerated by the revival of national
sentiment in Europe at the turn of the
century and later by the rise of English
under the influence of Britain and America.
Many things, however, have found their
supreme expression in French; and its
precision, beauty and eloquence make it a
classical language in the true sense of the

A) is the ideal language of literature and

culture but lacks the definition necessary for
the conduct of everyday life
B) is a language of great beauty and
eloquence, but that these qualities cannot be
appreciated out of France
C) was the language favoured by many nonin
French writers in Europe in the 17 and 18
D) should not have been replaced by English
E) has scarcely changed at all since it rose to
importance in the 12 century

69. According to the writer of this passage,

French was widely used outside of Franca
A) especially in Britain and America
B) only during the years of France'
s military
and political supremacy
C) though this was not gratifying to the French
D) among all classes of society
E) largely on account of its intrinsic merits and
because France was culturally to the fore

71. It is clear from the passage that the

spread of nationalism in Europe in the
opening years of the 19th century.
A) slowed down the emergence of English as
an international language
B) contributed to the decline in the importance
of French as a foreign language
C) followed the sudden loss of the military
prestige of France
D) was firmly encouraged by a group of nonFrench writers
E) was a sure sign that the period of France'
lead in cultural matters was completely over


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

72. - 74. sorular a a daki paraya gre

73. It is pointed out in the passage that

advances in library technique .

The growth of the importance of libraries in

both the social and the scientific spheres
has led to a great development in library
science and in educational training for the
profession of librarianship. In Germany and
France requirements for admission to the
profession of librarian have been laid down
by the state; in other countries where there
are library schools and professional
examinations, professional qualifications
are usually expected though they are not
necessary for admission to the profession.
The American Library Association, founded
in 1876 was the first such association to be
established in the world, and has been
responsible in no small measure for the
advances in library techniques in America
and elsewhere. Library associations now
exist in most countries; the English Library
Association, founded in 1878, holds
national and local conferences, maintains
an excellent library and information bureau,
promotes facilities for professional
education, conducts examinations
(elementary, intermediate and final) and
maintains a register of qualified librarians.

A) have slowed down and are now almost at a

B) have, to a large extent, been the work of
the American Library Association
C) comprise only a very small part of a
s training
D) are still little known outside of America
E) are of interest only to the professional
librarian and do not affect the general public

72. We understand from the passage that,

as libraries have grown in importance, .

74. It is clear from the passage that the

English Library Association .

A) the state has, in most countries, taken over

their administration
B) it has been necessary to find separate
facilities for scientific subjects
C) the need to train people in librarianship has
been recognized
D) professional qualifications are everywhere
essential for admission to the profession of
librarian even in a very junior capacity
E) library associations have been formed in
most countries to ensure that all libraries are
organized in the same manner

A) plays a very active role in the training of

B) rarely makes any contact with the general
C) is almost an exact replica of the American
Library Association
D) is in many important respects very different
from its counterpart in the States
E) has been responsible for the rapid
development in library science throughout the


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

76. It Is clear from the passage that the
great turning point In Andersen's career
came .

75. - 77. sorulan a a daki paraya gre

Hans C. Andersen, the Danish author, was
born on 2 April at Odense in Fnen. His
father, a poor shoemaker, was devoted to
reading and thinking, but died when Hans
was a child. His mother was a simple,
uneducated woman, who after her second
marriage sank still deeper into poverty and
took to drinking in her old age. Andersen,
who loved her dearly, has told her story in
"She was Worth Nothing". His grandmother
did her best to spoil the boy, who was
given to daydreaming. After a very meagre
education in a pauper-school it was
intended to apprentice him to a tailor, but
as a fortune-teller had foretold that Odense
would one day be illuminated in his honour,
his mother permitted him to go to
Copenhagen, where he tried to become an
actor or a singer, but cut a pitiable figure.
Fortunately, kind people supported him.
Thanks to the support and guardianship of
Jonas Coltin, an influential councillor of
state, Andersen at the age of 17 was sent to
school. In 1828 he matriculated and at once
began to write, mostly plays and poems. In
the 30s he travelled abroad twice. From
1835 his fairy tales began to appear in
instalments, and were soon translated into
almost all the European languages, and
gained for him a world reputation. The full
acknowledgement of his own countrymen,
for which he longed so much, came much
later. But it came at last. He lived to see
Odense, his native town, illuminated in his
honour as prophesied.

A) with the publication of the story "She was

Worth Nothing"
B) when his father died
C) when his first poems were published
D) during his first tour of Europe
E) when, aged 17, Collin sent him to school

77. It is pointed out in the passage that

though Andersen got world acclaim early in
his career .

75. We understand from the passage that

the story of Andersen's own life -.
A) reads like a fairy story
B) is one of continual hardship and
C) lacked intensity and variety
D) provided him with no materials for the
stories he wrote
E) shows how lonely is the life of a gifted

A) this did not make up for the fact that his

own country never recognized him
B) he never set foot outside his own country
C) this only lasted for a short time
D) his own country was slow to recognize his
E) his happiest days were those he had spent
with his family in his childhood


Di er sayfaya geiniz.

78. - 80. sorular a a daki paraya gre

79. It is pointed out in the passage that, in

general, the British people .

In surveys of British public opinion,

journalists typically rank below politicians,
lawyers and used-car salesmen as
trustworthy characters. And yet we depend
upon journalists to guide us through
today's rapidly evolving, information-rich
"media age". The Internet, digital television
and technologies as yet unborn all promise
to revolutionize how we learn about what's
going on, in a world increasingly shaped by
the forces of economic globalization. But
there is surely no substitute for goodquality, probing journalism. After all, it is
the great crusading craft. It is the great
support of democracy. In every society,
authority - whether government, corporate
or pressure group - needs to be constantly
and vigorously challenged by an
independent press. In every society too,
that challenge rarely comes from the right.
Indeed, in theory at least, it should come
from the campaigning, liberal media.

A) do not have much faith in the press

B) are more influenced by what they see on
the television than by what they read in the
C) are indifferent to the forces of economic
D) prefer right-wing to left-wing journalism
E) equate journalism with democracy

78. The important point stressed in this

passage is that -.

80. The writer of this passage is clearly

firmly convinced that the various newsproviding technologies such as the internet
and television .

A) the internet will replace the press unless

the press improves its standards
B) the standard of journalism in Britain is
particularly high
C) journalism has a very important duty to fulfil
D) the importance of the press is very often
E) there is no valid role left for the press in the
"media age"

A) are very liberal in their attitudes towards

human behaviour
B) will presently take over all the functions of
the press
C) already present matters of global
importance in a far more convincing manner
than the press can
D) cannot serve the same purpose as an
independent press
E) are being unfairly criticized by a great many

Di er sayfaya geiniz.



Di er sayfaya geiniz.



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