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Chair yoga offers a safe and controlled approach to increased wellness. This
method of yoga can improve movement patterns, promote breath-awareness,
and increase sitting posture. Likewise, chair yoga can be used as an effective
pain management tool.Theposes below can be incorporated into your daily
routines for exercise and/or relaxation purposes.

1) Intertwine fingers, and extended your arms up to the sky. As you exhale, bring
your arms down to your side. Repeat 5 times.
2) Gaze downwards, and create a C shape with your spine. As you inhale extended
you back, and bring your head forward. Repeat 3 times.
3) As you inhale, bring your arms above your head, then slowly bring your arms to
your side while leaning forward as you exhale. Please insure that you are safely in
your seat. Ask a caregiver to assist you with this pose if you are prone to falling.
4) Use your right hand for balance, and lean to the right side while extending your
left arm. Breath slowly and deeply. After you hold for 15 seconds, switch sides
and repeat steps.
5) Use your right hand to hold onto the back of the chair, and use your left hand to
hold the part of the chair you sit on. Hold for 15 seconds, then switch sides.

6) Use both hands, or a towel to grab under your knee, bring your knee forward then
down 10 times. Repeat on both sides. Inhale as you bring your knee up, exhale as
you bring you knee back down.
7) Bring your right leg forward, and flex and extend your toes, while keeping them
pointed. Do this for 5 times, then switch sides.
8) Similar to pose 6, use a thera-band if you want more of a challenge, bringing your
leg in and out, using the thera-band for added resistance.
9) Cross your left leg and place it on your right thigh. Breathe deeply, and slowly
while you do this. Repeat on your right side. If you are unable to do this, bring
your palms together at the center of your chest and breathe deeply.
For more of a challenge, use a thera-band around your wrists and extend
your arms upward while keeping your arms apart. Make sure that you are sitting
up straight, and are elongating your spine. Hold for 5-10 seconds. Ensure that you
are breathing deeply, and slowly.

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