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Spanish Question Words, Interrogatives, Interrogativos

Lesson Plan
This lesson plan includes everything you need to teach the interrogatives
and to make it fun for your students: games, quizzes, Internet activities,
speaking activities, etc. This teaser will show samples of each part of the
lesson plan. Where you see " . . .", it means that this is just part of the
page, not the whole page.
Table of Contents (of Complete Product)
Page 1: Cover Page
Page 2: Table of Contents and Copyright
Page 3: Other Available French and Spanish Lesson Plans
Pages 4-6: Lesson Plans
Page 7: Manos Arriba Game Instructions
Page 8: Manos Arriba Question Words to Cut out for the Game
Page 9: Manos Arriba Questions for Game
Page 10: Homework, Internet Activities
Pages 11-12: Mil Preguntas Game and Game Questions
Page 13: Speaking Rubric
Page 14: 20 Question Game
Page 15: Question Words Quiz
Page 16: Question Words Quiz Answer Key
Pages 17-20: Question Word Signs for Classroom
Lesson Plans
1. Teach students how to ask yes or no questions in Spanish using
intonation. Remind students about the inverted question mark at the
beginning of the question word to help with intonation when reading.
Ex. Eres rubio? Juan Pablo es el hermano de Luisa? etc.
2. Have them practice asking this type of question. They can ask you
questions using Usted.
Ex. Ud. tiene un perro? Ud. habla otras lenguas? Another option is
to think of a celebrity whom your class likes and have them pretend to ask

that person questions. Do this as a full class activity so that you can make
sure they are doing it right. Don't let them use other question words yet (this
activity will make them curious about how to use the question words).
When they can do this fairly well, move on to step 3.
3. Ask the students if they can think of any question words in Spanish.
Write them on the board. Then fill in all the other question words in
Qu? - What
Ej. Qu tienes para tu almuerzo hoy?
Por qu? - Why
Ej. Por qu estudias? Estudio porque quiero recibir una A.
Cmo? - How
Ej. Cmo ests?
. . . (8 sections in total)

Reviewing Interrogative Pronouns (Question Words)

1. Manos Arriba Review Game Instructions
After teaching the question words to your students, use this activity to review.
Beginner Level
A. Print out as many copies of the question words as you have teams. (For
sturdier copies, print them out on cardstock).
B. Divide the class into as many teams as you would like (partners work well,
too). Have the students cut them up the words or you can cut them beforehand.
C. Read the first sentence, but omit the underlined word. One person from each
team puts the correct question word in his/her hand and raises it in the air without
showing the other teams.
D. When all the teams have their hands raised, announce the correct answer. For
each correct answer, the team gets a point. The team with the most points wins.
(3 levels to the game in total: beginner, intermediate, and advanced)

2. Manos Arriba Question Cards


Por qu



3. Manos Arriba Game Questions (one page of questions in total)

Cmo ests? Estoy bien, gracias, y t?
Qu tienes? Tengo una banana y una pera.
Cuntos libros tienes? Tengo seis libros.
Cmo llegas a la escuela? Llego en autobs.
Necesito ir a Madrid. Dnde est Madrid?
Por qu lloras? Lloro porque estoy triste.
Qu est en tu silla? Hay un elefante en mi silla.
Cundo es la clase de espaol? Es a las ocho y media.
For homework, have students write their own sets of questions and answers, using
each of the question words at least once.
Option A: Freeform questions about anything.
Option B: Write questions to ask with a classmate the next day.
For students who need additional practice or for a computer lab activity, have
students do the following:
A. Go to: . . .
1. On the right hand side, click on "Interrogative Pronouns".
(4 websites and multiple activities in total)

Mil preguntas
There are many ways to use these questions with your students. Start with the easier
questions at the beginning of the year and build up to the harder ones as the students
acquire more fluency. You may want to tailor harder questions to more advanced
students and give easier questions to weaker students to build their confidence in their
speaking abilities.
1. Spend 10-15 minutes once a week and ask each student a question. Instead of having
students raise their hands, pick them randomly so that they have to pay attention.
Option: For students who need additional motivation, cut up small rectangles of
construction paper and have students write their names on 1-3 rectangles (depending on
how much participation you want). They pick up their names when they come into class
(this keeps you from having to spend time passing them out). They hand in a slip of
paper every time they answer a question (right or wrong). This ensures that everyone
participates and the students then know exactly what is expected of them. In my class,
students received a plus for participation for the day if they handed in all their cards. In
lower level classes, it can help to write their names on a chart and write the pluses next to
their names for additional motivation.
(Other games included)
Cmo te llamas? Cmo se llama tu maestro/a? Cmo se llama el presidente de los
Estados Unidos/de Mxico/de Espaa? Cmo se llama tu
madre/padre/abuelo/abuela/hermano/hermana/primo/prima/perro/gato/pez, etc? Cmo
se llama la persona a tu derecha/izquierda/en frente de ti/detrs de ti/dos sillas en frente
de ti, etc?
Qu da es hoy? Cul es la fecha de hoy? En qu estacin estamos? Hace
fro/calor/sol/viento? Llueve? Nieva? Qu tiempo hace? Cundo es la Navidad?
La Nochebuena? El da de independencia? Tu cumpleaos? El da de San Valentn?
El cinco de mayo? :) El Da de los muertos?
(sample from one page of questions)


Speaking Rubric
Check the appropriate description of the student performance, indicating the specific
number of points earned. Student performance should be rated in comparison to other
students at his/her level of study.
I. Vocabulary/Lexical Choices (5 pts)
___________ consistent use of appropriate and varied vocabulary (5)
___________ usually appropriate vocabulary with some variety (4)
___________ usually appropriate vocabulary, but with limited range (3)
___________ minimal vocabulary (2)
___________ resorts to English or uses very basic words (1)
___________ not attempted (0)
II. Structure (5 pts)
___________ excellent range and command of patterns with no significant errors (5)
___________ good range and command of patterns with occasional errors (4)
___________ adequate range and command of patterns with several errors (3)
___________ limited range and command of even simple patterns (2)
___________ unable to deal with structure or literal translation of English (1)
___________ not attempted (0)
(4 total categories) . . .

Quiz (one page total, includes section for students to write

questions as well)


A. Traduce en espaol (30 pts).

1. How - _____________

2. Who -


3. Which one - _____________ (s)

_____________ (pl)

4. What -


Classroom SIgns For All the Question Words

Por qu?
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at
Sherry Schermerhorn

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