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Jay Garcia Doctor

III-AB English Language A

Mrs. Susan

The Analects (Lun-y) is a collection of moral and ethical principles enunciated by the
Chinese thinker Confucius (Kung Fu-tzu) in conversations with his disciples. These
principles set standards for individual conduct and the administration of government and
community. After Confucius died in 479 BC, his followers compiled his teachings in the form
of dialogues between him and his students. The resulting collection highly influenced
educational, social, and cultural thought in China and elsewhere.
Format and Years Written
The passages in The Analects appear as dialogues between Confucius and his disciples. In
479 BC, when Confucius died, these disciples began collecting and compiling the
dialogues. Over the next two-and-a-half centuries, followers of Confucian ideals saw the
work through to its conclusion in 221 BC.
The Life of Confucius
Confucius, or Kung Fu-tzu, was born in China on Sept. 27 or 28, 551 BC, in the state of Lu,
now Shantung Province. The Chinese observe his birthday, called Teachers Day, on Sept.
The father of Confucius was said to have been a member of the nobility, but the Kung
family fell into poverty after his death, when Confucius was just three. In spite of his familys
financial problems, Confucius received a good education in music, arithmetic, calligraphy,
and other disciplines. After marrying at age nineteen, he earned a living tending stable
animals and keeping accounts for granaries. Then he became a philosopher and teacher.
Meanwhile, his wife gave birth to a son and two daughters. In his early fifties, he
accepted prestigious government employment in his region, overseeing public works and
efforts to combat crime. However, the powers-that-be later drove him from office, probably
because he incurred their displeasure. In his later years, he spent his time interpreting
classic Chinese literature. He died in 479 BC in his home province and was buried in the
town of Qufu (also transliterated as Ch-fou and Kufow), the capital of the state of Lu in
ancient times. A temple honoring Confucius and his disciples was built in 1724 on the site
where his house once stood. Just outside the town is the tomb of Confucius and other
members of the Kung family.
General Theme of The Analects
Running through the teachings of Confucius is this theme: A man should lead an upright life,
educate himself, and contribute to the betterment of society. The superior man, he says,
respects elders, cultivates the friendship of good people, presides over his subordinates

with a fair and even hand, continually educates himself, overflows with love for fellow
human beings, and in general sets a good example for others to follow.

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