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Lesson Plan

Module 3
ETAP 628
NAME: Barbra Ann Pearl
Type of Lesson: Interactivity, Site Curation and Gaming
Lesson Plan Title Elements of a Circle
Discipline and Topic Circles are an exciting and often confusing shape for
middle school students to understand. This lesson is a prerequisite lesson to
help students prepare for learning what pi is and how to find the
circumference and area of a circle. Also, students are knowledgeable on the
use of Padlet app on their own mobile devices.
Target Population
This lesson will be presented to 30 heterogeneous students in the 7 th grade
who receive 250 minutes of support a week. The class has already
procedures and routines on dealing with working with a partner and group
Curriculum Links
Common Core State Standards for Mathematics
Geometry 7.G Solve real-life and mathematical problems involving angle
measure,area, surface area, and volume.
4. Know the formulas for the area and circumference of a circle and use
them to solve problems; give an informal derivation of the relationship
between the circumference and area of a circle

Students will be able to understand the defining elements of a circle and be
able to find the radius and diameter of a circle.
List the ISTE Student Standards/Profiles objectives with which your lesson plan

2. Communication and collaboration

Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work
collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and
contribute to the learning of others.

Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others

employing a variety of digital environments and media


Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple

audiences using a variety of media and formats

5. Digital citizenship
Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to
technology and practice legal and ethical behavior.

Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that

supports collaboration, learning, and productivity


Demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning

6. Technology operations and concepts

Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts,
systems, and operations.

Understand and use technology systems

Materials and Timing

Supplies required:
a.) A small (no greater than 3 1/2 in diameter ) circular item for
tracing for each 1-2 students
b.) 4 sheets of copy paper (or card stock if available) per student
c.) 2 small sheets of colored paper (2 different colors) per student
d.) 1 Brad per student
e.) Scissors (1 pair for every 1-4 students )
f.) Staplers
g.) Cell Phone or tablet with Padlet app
This lesson is good for 45-minute period class.

Scope and Sequence

1. Ask students to form a large standing circle. From this position, collect
students input on how they formed the circle and what a circle is. As
students share out, have a class scribe (one of the students in the circle)
write down their ideas on padlet sticky notes either on their cellphone or
tablet. To deepen the understanding of what a circle is, remove one of the
students from the circle and have him /her stand in the middle instead.
Continue the class discussion on what a circle is until you have had 5-8
students to contribute their ideas.
Students may need a bit of support. The main
ideas we are trying to get are as follows:
A circle is a series of points all equal distance away from a defined point
(the center).
A circle is a continuous curve.
The circle is technically the space confined
within the points.

2. Review students Padlet sticky notes on Interactive whiteboard.

3. Create a foldable on the parts of a circle. This foldable can either be a
foldable just for this unit, or it can cover the 7th grade geometry unit
(parallelograms, triangles, circles, and 3-d figures). Included in the lesson
plan is a sample for the circle section filled in by the end of this 3-session
lesson plan.
4. Give each student two small square sheets of paper in two different
colors. Have the students trace the same small circular item (bottom of
mug, jar lid, etc.) on each sheet of paper. Cut out both circles. You should
now have two congruent circles. Fold both circles horizontally and
vertically. Cut a slit to the center on each. Overlap the two circles. Pass
out a brad to each student to make a rotatable circle.
5. Complete the first half of the Circle Foldable (showing parts of a
circle, characteristics of a circle, and some sample radius and diameter
problems using interactive flash mapping from SnagIt).
6. Homework/Review for this session can be a worksheet on radius and

Supplemental Materials

Circumference of a circle
Interactive Circumference of Circle
Area of Circle

Interactive Area of Circle

Diameter of Circle

Radius of Circle

Evaluation of Students Class Participation Rubric

Exemplary (90%- 100%)

Proficient (80%-90%)

Developing (70%-80%)

Unacceptable (>70%)

Frequency of
in class

Student initiates
contributions more than
once in each recitation.

Student initiates
contribution once in
each recitation.

Student initiates
contribution at
least in half of the

Student does not

initiate contribution
& needs instructor to
solicit input.

Quality of

Comments always
insightful & constructive;
uses appropriate
terminology. Comments
balanced between general
impressions, opinions &
specific, thoughtful
criticisms or contributions.

Comments mostly
insightful & constructive;
mostly uses appropriate
terminology. Occasionally
comments are too
general or not relevant
to the discussion.

Comments are sometimes

constructive, with
occasional signs of
insight. Student does not
use appropriate
terminology; comments
not always relevant to
the discussion.

Comments are
uninformative, lacking in
appropriate terminology.
Heavy reliance on
opinion & personal taste,
e.g., I love it, I hate it,
Its bad etc.


Student listens attentively

when others present

Student is mostly attentive

when others present ideas,

materials, perspectives,
as indicated by comments
that build on others
remarks, i.e., student
hears what others say

materials, as indicated by
comments that reflect &
build on others remarks.
Occasionally needs
encouragement or

Student is often
and needs reminder of
focus of class.
Occasionally makes
disruptive comments
while others are speaking.

Does not listen to others;

regularly talks while others
speak or does not pay
attention while others
speak; detracts from
discussion; sleeps, etc.

& contributes to the


reminder from T.A of

focus of comment.

Evaluation of the Lesson

The lesson was successful since it follows the objective of the lesson even without the
use of mobile technology. I was using the regular sticky notes. To act out the concepts
and write it down using sticky notes will help students understand the concept and better
retention of knowledge learned. With the use of technology like the Padlet apps for
students response, it will make the flow of the lesson more efficient and grading for class
participation will be more accurate and reliable since you will based it on their sticky
notes response which can be saved on the computer.

Circle Foldable Sample

Sample folding and stapling for 4

section foldable.

Rotatable circle. Brad in center allows


Filled in Circle Foldable.

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