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Social and enviromental programs

In respect to the jobs created in the region, in 2012, 77% of the 9.000 workers employed
by Odebrecht on the construction of the UFEM and the EBN dwelt at Itagua.
Of the social programs established in the region, the Acreditar (Believe) is a Odebrecht
program that already took place all over Brazil, and in foreign countries also, promoting
technical qualification among workers. In Itaguai since 2010 in partnership with the Brazilian
Navy, its goal it's to qualify the local work force and direct it to implementation (2010 thorugh
2014) and operation (2015 thorugh 2020) of the workmanship and projects related to the
Programa de Deselvolvimento de Submarinos (Program for Submarine Development).
The Acreditar graduated 500 workers in three years, of whom about half was employed
into the project. There is no obligatoriness of employment of the students graduated by the
program into Prosub-EBN, but those who are have been accompanied in their professional life
inside the project, as a form of continuity of the instruction given at the course, and tend to be
promoted if they succeed. The estimation is that 80% of the civil work force on the phase of
implementation is local and 20% from outside the town. That percentage changes on the phase
of operation, when it will be demanded specialized workers and it is expected that only 10% of
the employment will be local, which possibly puts the Acreditar program in the background.
Still 700 students are being instructed by the program.
Another social program established outside and inside the country affecting the region is
the Caia na Rede, not demanded on the PBA, this program aims to freely promote the digital
inclusion of the dwellers of Madeira Isle. A partnership between Odebrecht, Dell and Microsoft
that already graduated 25 classes and 201 people. Which generally are women, old-aged people,
and the wives of fishermen. Moreover, the course Ingls num Clique (English in one Click) is a
partnership with Senai which teaches the language on the Isle since 2012 to students above 12
years old.
In regard to the administration of the establishment of these programs, they are not
unique to Itagua, the CNO already has the advantage of having the experience of
implementation of these thoughout and outside the country, even with the requirements and
supervision of the Brazilian Navy, the conversion of initiative into implementation is made
easier with the partnership of actors initially alien to the Prosub-EBN project, as the afore
mentioned Dell, Microsoft, Senai etc.
The clear aim of these interventions is to mobilize the local work force, to comply to the
PBA resolutions, and to satisfy some of the fishermen and local dwellers demands. One could
conclude that, given the presence of the three courses in the life of the whole local community,
namely: the Acreditar captivating mostly men, the Caia na Rede targeting women and fishermen
wives, and the Ingls num Clique being aimed at youngsters. There would seem to have a
insertion of the CNO in the everyday life of local families and, one could say, an attempt to
cause a good impression of the Prosub-EBN by the CNO and the Brazilian Navy.
In this manner, the aim of technical qualification and local labourite mobilization would
have being achieved, given the direct results of the afore mentioned programs. And the possible
hidden agenda of social influence of the CNO would also have being well succeeded as direct
secondary result of the programs.
Passing on to an exclusively Navy project, the "Moo de Convs" (deck boy, shipman)
course offered by it is part of the APLIM and APLAIM demands of insertion of local fishermen
into the undertakings being held. The course qualifys aquaviarian professionals to exert several
activities on mercantile vessels. This intervention is a response to the claims that the ProsubEBN project would deprive artisan fishermen of their sustenance and their families', which have
existed for generations on the region, due to the decrease of fishing areas and turmoil caused by

the project on the local ecosystem. However, there is complaint that the course doesn't attend to
their demands due to high competition and high formation demanded to candidates, which the
local fishermen couldn't meet due to their poor degree of scholarship.
On the other hand, other exigencies were met, like the donation of ships to the artesan
fishermen, the incentive to the qualification of these professionals and the incentive to fishing
and tourism on the region, which would have being harmed by the new operations.
Concerning enviromental programs, more than 49exist to meet the IBAMA demands,
divided into Enviromental Monitoring Programs and Enviromental Quality Programs. These
aim to reduce the negative impacts of the operations and to identify risks to the enviroment.
Among these efforts, on the Enviromental Monitoring Programs, is the analysis of water quality,
measuring data such as temperature, pH, quantity of oils etc. Also the monitoring of sea
currents, if they change due to the impact of the operations and if that affects the local sea life.
The monitoring of aquatic biota, and of the terrestrial fauna. There is also the analysis of
Submarine Antropic Noises, given the presence of grey boutos on the region.
Among the Enviromental Quality Programs there are actions to analyse the water in the
dredge areas. Actions to monitor and control the processes of erosion. Actions to control
pollution agents expelled by the operations above the tolerated amount. There also must be
mentioned the discovery and removal, by these initiatives, of 330 thousand cubic metters of
material contaminated by heavy metals from the bottom of Sepetiba Bay. Currently the levels of
Cadmium, Zinc, Lead, Copper, and Nikel are within the tolareted amount, and the water quality
after dredge operations remains outside risks.
These programs are continual and their estimations depend on reports of varied
periodicy, which especify the activities taken. Moreover, the operations on Madeira Isle try to
employ alternate forms of energy and recycling of solid material deriving from their actions.

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