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Nonce Nova Legi
Abstract Nutrition is one of important factor that determines the level of health between
physical and mental development. Normal nutritional level state is reached when the optimal
nutrition a needs are met. Intellectual ability of children to determine the success of children in
growing achievement. Purpose of this research is to know the relationship of nutritional status
and academic achievement of children. The design of this research is deskriptif cross sectional.
Sample was collected with a total sampling, where the amount of sample are 212 student. Data
collection technique is direct observation. Analisis using chi square test, at 95% ( 0,05)
confidence level the value of p = 0,00 < 0,05. Ha showed acceptable result. Conclusion : There
was significant correlation with the nutritional status of student learning achievement.

The number of calories you need to eat each day depends on several factors, including your
age, size, height, sex, lifestyle, and overall general health. A physically active 6ft 2in male,
aged 22 years, requires considerably more calories than a 5ft 2ins sedentary woman in her

It has been discovered that even factors such as how you eat your food can influence how many
calories get into your system. The longer you chew your food, the more calories the body retains,
a team from Purdue University found.
If you would like to learn more about calories - what they are and what they are important for you might want to take a look at our Knowledge Center article all about calories. The rest of this
article will discuss how your body uses calories and how many your body might need to achieve
optimum energy levels.

Recommended daily calorie intakes

Recommended daily calorie intakes vary across the world. According to the National Health
Service (NHS), UK, the average male adult needs approximately 2,500 calories per day to keep
his weight constant, while the average adult female needs 2,000. US authorities recommend
2,700 calories per day for men and 2,200 for women. BE A TEACHER PLEASE
The NHS stresses that rather than precisely counting numbers (calories), people should focus
more on eating a healthy and well balanced diet, being physically active, and roughly balancing
how many calories are consumed with the numbers burnt off each day. If you eat your five
portions of fruit and vegetable per day, you will probably live longer, Swedish researchers
reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (July 2013 issue).
According to the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the average person's
minimum calorie requirement per day globally is approximately 1,800 kilocalories (7,500 kJ).
Over the last twenty years, sugar has been added to a growing number of foods we consume.
Unfortunately, food labels in the USA and Europe do not include details on how much added
sugar there is . Dr Aseem Malhotra, a cardiologist, wrote in BMJ in June 2013 that "(it has
become) almost impossible for consumers to determine the amount of added sugars in foods and
Timing could be as important as how many calories you eat

A big breakfast helps bring your weight down or keep it down - researchers from Tel Aviv
University explained in the medical journal Obesity that a large breakfast - one containing
approximately 700 calories - is ideal for losing weight and reducing your risk of diabetes, heart
disease, and high cholesterol.
When we eat our food probably matters as much as what and how many calories we eat, team
leader Prof. Daniela Jakubowicz added.
Portion sizes

In industrialized nations and a growing number of emerging economies, people are consuming
many more calories than they used to. Portion sizes in restaurants, both fast food ones as well as
elegant places, are far greater today.

What are the reasons for slow progress on sanitation?

Many people do not realize the health and economic benefits to
the individual, the community and to society from improving
sanitation. The high cost of improving sanitation is often cited as
a barrier to implementing sanitation projects. Improving
sanitation is often low on the list of priorities. There are so many
other pressing needs for the attention of governments: food
supply, education, medical treatment and dealing with war and
conflict. Most people are aware that poor sanitation has a health
impact, but there is a lack of awareness of the extent of ill-health
that it causes. On the other hand, human society has developed
very different socio cultural responses to the use of untreated
excreta. This ranges from deep disgust to practical preference.
While determined partly by survival economics, these cultural
differences apply to many water poor countries, as well as to
water rich areas of the north.

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