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Mechanical Engineering Laboratory 2

Marcet Boiler
Candidates Name: Manimendra Shimal Damian De Silva
Student ID: SCM: 029710

Lecturer/ Supervisor: Dr. Lai

Date of Experiment: 25/03/2015
Date of Submission: 1/04/2015



The aim of this experiment is to investigate the relationship between the pressure and the
temperature of saturated steam in equilibrium and also to demonstrate the vapor pressure
curve. The apparatus used is a market boiler. When the pressure increases the temperature
also increases. Thus the relationship between pressure and temperature is directly
proportional. Based on the data collected and with the help of Clausius-Clapeyrons
equation the gradient was calculated. The measured slope dT/dP were slightly different to
the calculated slope Tvg/hfg. This maybe occurred due to few errors while conducting the

2. Objective
To demonstrate the relationship between the pressure and temperature of saturated
steam in equilibrium with water.

To determine the vapor pressure curve.

3. Introduction/ Theoretical Background

Thermodynamics is a branch of physics that deals with temperature and heat and their
relation to energy and work in a system. Properties of fluids is also part of
thermodynamics. Most thermodynamics substances are known as P-V-T (pressurevolume-temperature) substances. (Khan Academy, 2013)
An ideal gas is defined as one in which all collisions between atoms or molecules are
perfectly elastic and in which there are no intermolecular attractive forces. In such a gas

all the internal energy is in the form of kinetic energy and any change in internal energy
is accompanied by a change in temperature. (Cengel, 1999)
An ideal gas obeys the equation of state that relates the pressure, specific volume or
density, and absolute temperature with mass of molecule and the gas constant, R.

PV = nRT


= Absolute pressure

= Volume

= Amount of substance (moles)

= Ideal gas constant

= Absolute temperature (K)

However, real gas does not absolutely obey the equation of state. A few changes on the
ideal gas equation of state allow its application in the properties of real gas.
Furthermore, when energy increases within water, the increasing of activities among the
molecules enables the increase in the number of molecule escape from the surface until
an equilibrium state is reached. The state of equilibrium depends on the pressure between
the water surface and steam. At lower pressure, the molecules become easier leaving the
water surface while less energy required in achieving the state of equilibrium (boiling
point). The temperature where equilibrium occurs at a given pressure level is called
saturated temperature.
The Marcet Boiler is used to investigate the relationship between the pressure and
temperature of saturated steam in equilibrium with water at all temperature levels

between the atmospheric pressure and 10 bars. The experimental slope (dT/dP) SAT
obtained is compared to the theoretical value determined through calculation from the
steam table.

Clausius-Clapeyron states:






Tv fg
h fg

T (v g v f )


hg h f


h fg =hg h f




T (v g v f )
h fg

Tv fg
h fg

as vg >> vf

In which,
vf = specific volume of saturated liquid
vg = specific volume of saturated vapor
hf = enthalpy of saturated liquid

hg = enthalpy of saturated vapor

hfg = latent heat of


4. Apparatus

HE169 Marcet boiler

a) Pressure transducer
b) Temperature controller/indicator
c) Pressure indicator
d) Control panel
e) Bench
f) Bourdon tube pressure gauge
g) Temperature sensor
h) Pressure relief valve
i) Water inlet port & valve

j) Heater

5. Experimental Method
1. The power supply was switched on.
2. The boiler was initially filled with water, to check the water level the valves at the
left side tube was opened and then closed.
3. The temperature controller was set to 185C, which was slightly above the
expected boiling point of water at 10 bar.
4. The feed port valve was opened and the heater was switched on.
(It was made sure that the valve at the level sight tube was closed
before the heater was switched on because the sight tube was not designed to
withstand high pressure and temperature.)
5. The steam temperature rise was observed as the water boiled.
6. The valve was closed after 30 seconds, to ensure that the air in the boiler was out
because the accuracy of the experimental results would get affected when air is
7. The steam temperature and pressure was recorded till the steam pressure reached
8. The heater was turned off and the steam temperature and the pressure began to
drop. The boiler was left to cool down to room temperature.
9. The steam temperatures were recorded at different pressure readings when the
boiler was heating and cooling.
10. The heater was switched off and was left for the temperature to drop.


Never open valves when the boiler is heated as pressurized steam can cause severe injury.
Do not open the valve at the water inlet port as it is highly pressurized at high

6. Results and Analysis

Atmospheric pressure

: 1.01325 bar

Atmospheric temperature: 27 (0C)

Data collected and calculated results

Sample Calculation

Formulas used

h fg =hg h f



Tv fg
h fg

For calculated slope

When Pressure = 2bar

Temperature = 120.2C = 393.2 K
hf = 504.5 kJ kg-1
hg = 2706 kJ kg-1
hfg = 2706 504.5
= 2201.5 kJ kg-1

= 1.061x10-3 m3 kg-1

= 0.886 m3 kg-1
v fg

= 0.886 1.061x10-3

= 0.884939 m3 kg-1

Tv fg
h fg

Calculated slope

393.2 X 0.884939

= 0.1580549692 K kpa-1
Note: The values used in the above calculations were taken from the Little book of Thermofluids which
is shown in the Appendix 1.

For measured slope





= 0.189 K kpa-1
Same calculations were used for the others

7. Discussion


It is necessary to remove air from the boiler because if the air is not expelled the correct
equilibrium measurements between the steam and boiling water will not be obtained. Due
to the partial pressure of air a lower water temperature will be required to raise the
Based on the graph the experiment and calculated graphs are similar and they overlay
each other at certain points so it can be assumed that the results obtained are marginally
accurate. The reason why the two graphs doesnt overlay at few points might be due to
some errors.
Sources of errors are measurements or reading accuracy, room temperature, pressure, the
stability of materials and calculations.
When the liquid absorbs enough heat energy, it will change to vapor form. As this is not
allowed to exit, it will cause an increase in pressure and thus causing the temperature to
increase. Marcet boiler can be used as a water boiler, pressure cooker, steam generated
power plants and many more.

8. Conclusion
Marcet boiler is the device which we use to study the relation in between pressure and
temperature for a water at saturated liquid phase. As we did in the lab investigation, we
started heating water with constant pressure until it reached boiling point. Then, closing
the valve which created a constant volume system. Forcing the pressure to increase as the
temperature rises. And thus studying the direct relation between pressure and temperature
for water at that point. We notice that it is essential to close the valve as we reach boiling
point to make sure we are now in a constant volume process, otherwise pressure would
have never increased. After tabulating the results and plotting the graph we found out that
the relationship between pressure and temperature is directly proportional. The difference
between the theoretical values and the actual values is caused by errors with certain
calculation mistakes.

9. References


Khan Academy, 2013, Thermodynamics, [ONLINE] Available at:, [Accessed 27 March
Cengel and Boles, Thermodynamics, An engineering Approach, 5th Edition, McGraw
Hill, 1999.

S.B.M. Beck and S.G. Blakey, The Little Book of Thermofluids, 3rd Edition, University of
Sheffield, 2006

10. Appendix 1



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