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Shinobi rokugu (Seis Herramientas

Mandatorias del Shinobi

Number of appliances, tools and weapons Ninja is very large. Some things he took with him when he
had to climb a very high wall or difficult to crack the lock; some - if there was a need to dig hole or
cross the river ... in other words, most of the tools ninja selects for itself so that in no case do not
reboot and do not carry with it a host of devices, often quite cumbersome if this was not really
necessary. But there was a certain set of tools and devices, with which a real ninja tried to never
leave. In " Sninki " in the chapter " Preparing for covert activities , "this set is defined and
named" Shinobi-rokugu " : "Six [mandatory] things ninja . " These things Tenugui
and utidake .

Shinobi rokugu (six [mandatory] things ninja)

-sdzoku Shinobi (ninja costume)

SAGE Nana jutsu

Shinobi Kagi - various hooks Ninja

Secrets ninja Yashiki 1: House Takayama

Secrets of the Ninja Yashiki-2: House Mochizuki

(A shortened version of a chapter from the book VV Momot "From Ninjutsu Ninpo to: the basics of
Bujinkan Taijutsu")
Number of appliances, tools and weapons Ninja is very large. Some things he took with him when he
had to climb a very high wall or difficult to crack the lock; some - if there was a need to dig hole or
cross the river ... in other words, most of the tools ninja selects for itself so that in no case do not
reboot and do not carry with it a host of devices, often quite cumbersome if this was not really
necessary. But there was a certain set of tools and devices, with which a real ninja tried to never
leave. In " Sninki " in the chapter " Preparing for covert activities , "this set is defined and
named" Shinobi-rokugu " : "Six [mandatory] things ninja . " These things Tenugui
and utidake .
1. Amigas ( )
This is nothing like a wide-brimmed straw hat Japanese (see. Photo section of shinobi sdzoku ). Its
main function is to Ninja - a conspiracy.Wearing Amigas and slightly tilting it forward, ninja sought
that his face was in shadow, and it was almost impossible to identify later. In addition, through it he
could quietly observe their surroundings, pretending to be asleep or drunk, sitting by a fence or a

beggar wandering monk. Also under her wide-brimmed with uslehom could hide weapons (eg,
arrows for a short "half" bow (Hankyu)).

2. Kaginava ( )
The word " kaginava consists of two characters:" Kagi - hook "and" Nava - rope .
" The name of this uncomplicated but very useful device literally indicates that it is - a metal hook
with rope tied to it. In " Sninki " on the subject reads: " Kaginava - [used] to rise to the height
or descent from a height. More this [thing] can be used to link the [kind of] a person to lock the door,
and for other purposes. " On the types and forms of kaginava more information, see " currents ".

3. Sekihitsu ( )
The word " sekihitsu , consisting of two characters:" Stone and" brush , in modern
Japanese language means" pencil ". In other words, " sekihitsu "- a" stone brush "pencil, crayon,
which ninja could anything or make a record mark, which then, in contrast to conventional ink, can
be easily destroyed. In " Sninki " it is said succinctly: " Sekihitsu - it [means for] transfer
[recording] thoughts. " In addition, wearing a ninja and conventional stationery (brush and ink) in the
box, often hidden short, sharpened blade ...

4. Kusuri ( )
Is the common name "set potions" Ninja : poisons, drugs, pills to reduce feelings of hunger and
thirst, etc. On them will be discussed in more detail in the relevant section. Here we note that such a
"road first aid kit" ninjas always had with him in a small box (inro), worn on a cord tied to his belt.

5. Sandzyaku Tenugui ( )
Sandzyaku Tenugui, literally translated as "hand towel length of 3 shaku "(about 1 m), a multipurpose" towel " ninja painted as shinobi sdzoku, by suhodzome . It is usually worn on top of tying
the belt or in a pocket (See above.), Or in the bosom podnizhney shirt. Use it as a
towelfukumen (mask to mask), mask respirator caustic smoke rope to bind the enemy, or pull a
comrade on the wall like a water filter, burn injuries when dragging, etc. etc.

6. Utidake ( )
Also called tsukedake or hidake . This bamboo container in the form of a small tube (or two, inserted
one into the other) with a lid that was used to carry embers. A length of about 25 cm and a diameter

of 7 cm, he and inro , had a string for tying the belt and a lot of small holes or longitudinal slots for
air. Basically, it is an analogue of the modern pocket lighters. As the "fuel" ninja used lint from ropes,
bones persimmon and others. Ninja was applied in a variety of purposes related to the use of fire from the banal to the arson signaling and hand warmer in the winter.


Kusiri: Medicine
Mix and let sit 5 days. Then put in a spray bottle:

3 C Rubbing alcohol
1 Cups Red Cedar Wood Shavings
C Eucalyptus leaves

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