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create a creature

Student Handout

2007 National Geographic Society

Educators may reproduce these materials for students.

additional greek and latin word parts

a on, in, at; plural; without

carn flesh

ence state of

acantho spiny

carni meat

ennial yearly

acro high

caud tail

epi upon, over

acu sharp

cele swell

escent growing

ae plural

celer swift

esia act, state of

aero air

centi one hundred

eu well, good

allo different, other, strange

cephale head

euoplo well-armed

alpha first

ceptor receiver

exo outside

alti high

cerat horned

extra outside of

ambul walk

chasm ravine, canyon

faun animal

amphi around

chord string

fic make

ampli large

cide killer

fid split

an not

circum around

fiss split

anato duck

cle small

flora plant

ane denoting

clude close

foli leaf

anim breath

coel hollow

form form of

ankylo fused

con with, together

fy to make

ante before

contra opposite

gallo rooster

anti against

corpus body

gel stiffen

apato deceptive

cory helmet

gen original

aqua water

cosm universe

geny origin

archae ancient

crypt hidden

geo earth

arium used for

cycl circle

gerous bearing

ary used for

cyto hollow

gnathus jaw

asis unhealthy

dactyl finger, toe

gracile slender-bodied

aster star

dec ten

graph drawing

ate like, possessing

deca ten

gravi heavy

audi hear

deino terrible

gryp curved

auri ear

derma skin

gymno naked

aurus lizard

di two

gyr rotate

avi bird

dia across

heli sun

bar(o) heavy

din(o) terrible

hemi half

bi two

diplo double

hemo blood

bola throw

dors back

herb plant

brachio arm

duce to lead

heter different, other

brevi short

dupl two

hippo horse

bronto thunder

dyma putting on, off

holo whole

caco bad

dynam power

homo same

camara chambered

dys bad

hyal clear

cantho spine

dysis putting on, off

hydra water

cardio heart

ella small

hyper over, above

National Geographics Sea Monsters: A Prehistoric Adventure

create a creature
Student Handout

hypo under, below

mim copy

ous pertaining to

i plural

mimus mimic

over above

ia pertaining to

mono single

ovi egg

ic having

morph form

pachy thick

icthy fish

multi many

pan all

id having

mut change

papr ward off

idium small

mycin fungi

par beside

in in, into

myo mouselike

para near

ina subclass

myria many

pater father

ine pertaining to

mytho legend

pect thick

infra below

nano small

ped foot, child

inter between

nect swim

pel drive

intra within

neo new

pelt shield

intro go into

noct night

pend hang

ite belonging to

nod knot

pene almost

itis inflamation

nome name

penia lack of

ject to throw

non not

penta five

kilo thousand

nonus nine

per for each

lapse to slip

noto back

peri around

lat wide

nov new

phac lens

later side

nycho claw

phago to eat

lepto small

nychus claw

phan visible

lipse leave

oct eight

phen appearance of

lite minerals

ode of nature, of

phil loving

luc light

oden tooth

phob fearsome

lun moon

odon tooth

phon sound

lysis loosening

off from

phore bears

lyte loosening

oid form of

phores carries

ma act of

ole small

phot light

macro large

olig few

phren the mind

magni great

oma tumor

physic natural

maia good mother

omni all

physis form, growth

mani hand

onto being

phyto plant

mari sea

onyx claw

pico million

me act of

ops face

plas form, mold

med middle

opter wing

plate flat

meg large

orith bird

plex network

mes middle

ornith bird

plexy paralysis

meta with, after

ortho straight

plo armored

micro small

oscill swing

ploid division of

milli thousand

ose full of

plur more

National Geographics Sea Monsters: A Prehistoric Adventure

2007 National Geographic Society

Educators may reproduce these materials for students.

additional greek and latin word parts

create a creature
Student Handout

2007 National Geographic Society

Educators may reproduce these materials for students.

additional greek and latin word parts

pod foot

scler hard

tele distance, far off

poeia making

scope examine

tend stretch

polar axis

se apart

terr earth

poly many

sect cutting

therm heat

ponic toil

sed sit

thetic setting down

post after

seism earthquake

tom cut

pre before

semi half

top face; head; place

prim first

sens feel

tort twist

pro first, in front

sept seven

tract draw

pros toward

sex six

trans over, around

prot first

sinu curve

trauma wound

proter before

sis act, state of

tri three

pseud false

siss stand

troo wounded

psil bare

sist set, stand

trop turning

psych mind

sol sun

troph food

pter wing

solu spread out

trude push

pus foot

solut loosen

tum swell

pyro fire

somn sleep

turb disorder

quadri four

sperm seed

tyrann tyrant

quasi as if

spher ball

ula small

quint five

spine spiny

ule small

rad ray

spir breath

ultra beyond

radic root

stasis standing

um plural

raptor thief

stat state

un not

ras scrape

steg plated; roofed

undul wavy

re back again

stell star

urg work

rect straight

steno narrow

us masculine singular

retro backward

stom opening

vacu void

rex king

stomy opening

vari various

rhage breaking

strat spread out

veloci fast

rhaphy sewing up

strate spread out

vent wind

rheo flow

stroph turning

ventr belly

rhexis breaking

styra spiked

vers to turn

robust strong

sub under

vibr to shake

rod wear away

super over, above

vit life

rot turn

syn with

volv turn

rupt break

sys with

vor eating

s plural

tach swift

vore eating

salto jump

taurus bull

xeno strange

san health

tauto same

y act, state of

saur lizard

tect cover

zoo animal

sciss cut
National Geographics Sea Monsters: A Prehistoric Adventure

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