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Unit I:
1.1 Business Policy as a Field of Study: Nature, importance, purpose and objectives of Business
1.2 Strategic Management Process: Strategists and Their Role in Strategic Management.
1.3 Hierarchy of Strategic Internet: Vision, Mission, Business Definition, Goals and Objectives
Unit II:
2.1 Environmental Appraisal: Environmental Scanning, Appraising the Environment
2.2 Organizational Appraisal: Organisational Capability Factors, Considerations in Organisational
Methods and Techniques used for Organisational Appraisal, Structuring Organisational Appraisal.
Unit III:
3.1 Company level strategies: Grand, Stability, Expansion, Retrenchment and Combination Strategies
and Corporate Restructuring.
3.2 Business Level strategy: Business-level, Generic Business and Tactics for Business Strategies.
Unit IV:
4.1 Strategic Analysis and Choice: Process of Strategic Choice, Corporate-level and business-level
Strategic Analysis.
4.2 Routes to Competitive advantage


Unit I: Understanding Organizational Effectiveness and Change
Concept and Process of Organizational Effectiveness
Concept and Process of Organizational Change
Concept and Process of Organizational development
Design, Development and application OD interventions
Unit II: Organizational Culture and Climate
Organizational Ethos
Dimensions and process of organizational climate
Dimensions and process of organizational culture
Power and Politics
Process of empowerment
Development of organizational commitment
Unit III: Organizational Learning and Learning Organizations
Process of organizational learning
Characteristics of learning organizations
Inter group behaviour and collaborations
Team building and team management
Creativity and innovations
Unit IV: Cross Cultural Perspectives
Corporate Governance
Gender Issues
Cross cultural Dynamics
Conflict Dynamics

Conflict and Negotiations

Organizational Excellence through Stress Management


Industrial Relations: Concepts, Perspective and Organization, Human resource development in
perspective- Impact of industrial revolution- Industrial relation: concept Importance of industrial
relations- scope and aspects of industrial relations- The Management-The Government- Factors
affecting industrial relations perspectives/ approaches to industrial relations.
Evolution of Industrial Relations: Evolution of industrial system- occupations in ancient Indialabor in medieval India- guilds and unions- industrial relations early British rule- first world war to
pre-independence period.
Industrial Conflicts: Genesis of industrial conflicts- Industrial conflicts/ disputes- concepts and
essential of a dispute- classification of industrial disputesImpact of industrial disputes- Causes of
industrial conflicts- why industrial peace? Strikes- typology of strikes- when are strikes justified?
Illegal strike when do they amount to misconduct? Right to strike-Lockouts.
Industrial Unrest : Changing scenario of industrial unrest- The period of early twenties- period
covering 1930- 39 second world war period- period after independence- Emergency and afterindustrial dispute by industries- Disputes by sector-industrial dispute by states- industrial disputes by
duration-dispute by results-cost causes of industrial- striking features of industrial conflicts- new
dimension in industrial conflicts- the ways of industrial peace- national commission on labor and
industrial relations- new policy and industrial policy.
Trade union: Labor movement or trade union movement- why the trade union movement? Growth
and development of the trade union movement- Social welfare period Early trade union period- left
Wing unionism period- Trade unions unity period second world war period- the post
independence period present scenario of the trade union movement- The central trade unions- The
Indian national trade union congress- All India trade congress- United Trade Union CongressBhartiya Mazdoor Sangh- National Front of Indian trade unions- Centre of Indian trade union
Problems of trade unions: Main problems- Inter union rivalry- Recommendations of I.L.C standing
committee- code of conduct-recommendations of N.C.L- under the Maharastra Act National
commission on labor views on rights of recognized unions- trade unions under the plan srecommendations of national commission on labor for strengthening trade union essentials for
success of a trade union.
Collective Bargaining: Concept Main features of collective bargaining- Importance of collective
bargaining- Principles of collective bargaining- Contents and coverage of a collective bargaining
agreement forms of collective bargaining- developing a bargaining relationship Process of
negotiation during bargaining for union and management for trade union- the attitude of partiescollective bargaining in India- recent trends in collective bargaining the issue side- collective
bargaining agreement at different levels- at plant level at the industry level- at the national levelpre-requisites of collective bargaining agreement at different levels- National commission on labor or
collective bargaining.
Workers participation in management: Concept- evolution of the concept- objectives of Workers
participation in management- forms of participation-levels of participation- a brief review of the
participative schemes in industrially advanced counties- the Indian scene- Sachar committee on

workers participation- Verma committee on workers participation in industry- forms of workers

participation I India- functions of joint councils features of the scheme functions of unit councilfunctions of plant council- function of shop councils- functions under the scheme- working of
schemes in Indian industries-evaluation of workers
participation in management scheme.


Unit I: Introduction to Compensation Management: Meaning objectives, scope and basic principles;
Evolutionary phases of wage and salary administration; Determinants of wages; Nominal fair and
real wages; Theories of wages.
Unit II: Process of Compensation Management: Wage surveys and wage levels; jobs evaluation and
wage structure; wage fixation and; wage incentive plan and system o wage payment. Wage payment
Executive Compensation Plan.
Unit III: Wage Regulation Machinery: Evolution and development of wage policy in India; National
Commission on wage policy; Ned for regulation of wages; Growth and development of Wage
Boards; Functions and working of Wage Boards.
Unit IV: Wage Legislations:
- The payment of Wages Act 1936
- Minimum Wages Act 1948
- The Payment of Bonus Act 1965
- The Employees State Insurance Act
Case Studies on various aspects of compensation management.


Unit I
Industrial Jurisprudence Concept and overview Tripartite and Bipartite Bodies for Industrial
Resolution:-Importance of Tripartite Bodies, Evolution of ILC and CLS; Evolution of Bipartite
bodies works Committees their composition and functions.
Unit II
Settlement Machinery: Conciliation, Arbitration and Adjudication: Conciliation Conciliation
Machinery, Role of the Conciliator; Arbitration Arguments for and against Arbitration, types of
Arbitration compulsory and voluntary Arbitration; Jurisdiction Types and system of Adjudication,
Procedures of the machinery for settlement of disputes to adjudication.
Unit III
Factories Act, 1948: Object and scope of the Act, Approval, licensing and registration of factories,
power of inspectors, empowerment of women and young persons, notice, penalties and procedures,
Cognizance of offence and prosecutions.
Unit IV
Industrial Dispute Act, 1947: Objects and general scheme of the Act, Authorities under the Act,
Tribunal Jurisdiction-Procedure, Power and duties of authorities, settlement, penalty, prohibition of
strikes and lockouts under the Act, layoff retrenchment, closure/transfer of undertakings.
Case studies on various aspects of Legal Framework


Unit I: Training Concept, Meaning, Scope, Levels of training, modes of training.
Trainer Roles, Competencies, Training Styles, Dilemmas, Conducting training activities/
presentations. Key features of Training groups Functional & Dysfunctional behaviour in training
groups, types of participants, stages of development of training group.
Unit II: Process of Learning in training program Concept & dimensions, components of learning,
participants learning styles & ways, methods of learning in a training programme, factors
influencing the learning process. Preparing a training programme Origin, steps, communicating
information on the programme .
Unit III: Delivering an active and participatory training programme preparation, beginning,
delivering, evaluating & concluding. Training Methods & techniques On-the-job, off-the-job,
importance, factors influencing the choice of method, functions of training methods
Unit IV:
Evaluation of a training programme need, purpose, stages of evaluation, conducting the end-term
evaluation, measuring participants learning. Development Career development system, executive
development programme process, factors influencing it, methods & techniques, relation with
organization development & evaluation.


Unit I:
1.1 Transactional Analysis and Interpersonal Communication
1.2 Interpersonal Relations and Assertiveness in Human Behaviour.
1.3 Manipulative Models of Human Behaviour
1.4 Study on the Behaviour of Groups and Crowds.
Unit II:
Interpersonal Trust
Application of FIROB and Johari window for interpersonal awareness and feedback.
Problems of Relationship arising in the context of Religion Caste, & Subaltern Groups, Group
The challenge of establishing civil society, Group Dynamics, Team Building.
Unit III:
Relationship of I with Body
Relationship of I with Family
Relationship of I with Society
Relationship of I with Nature
Unit IV:
Changing Human Behaviour
Towards Developing Beautiful Mind
Dealing with difficult people
Case Studies on Relationship and Group Processes

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