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The magic power of the little finger

in Alternative Medicine
Only impact on the little finger of the left hand can significantly improve your health. These are
ancient healers knew! Their practice is partially subjected to doubts and partly forgotten.
Unfortunately! Since it is really interesting technique, and most importantly, it is justified in many
Massage to reduce appetite
For this purpose, before meals is necessary to massage the tip of the little finger. For men and
women there is a difference:
Men 12 hours massage anticlockwise,and after lunch clockwise
Women up to 12 hours a clockwise direction,and in the afternoon against.
High Noon this point should not be touched.
Ancient healers used various massage techniques for working with different points of the body.
These are stroking, pressing, using needles. Using these techniques are treated too many diseases
of all systems of the body

Massage for liver disease

But not only the little finger is used to solve health problems. Chinese healers used index for
diagnosis and treatment of liver, they call them the fingers of the liver.
Using the index, you can check the status of your liver. For this purpose: stretch palm force
straighten your fingers and keep them in suspense, then you should try to fold only index.
If everything worked, and the other fingers folded with the pointer, then the liver is normal.
If the fingers begin to be folded together with the pointer, this means that it is necessary to
strengthen the liver. This requires daily massage forefinger duration 2-3 minutes several times a
Massage for flu and colds

Here are some examples of the use of the method. When you have colds is necessary to find a
painful point the thumb of the left hand in the middle of the upper phalanx around the skin to the
nail, and held there buckwheat grain or green peas with adhesive tape (in case of strong cold).
Periodically pressed grain. Rhinitis will pass quickly, and this method may also serve to prevent
colds and viral diseases.
Massage for knee pain
If you have problems with your knees (or hurt badly folded, especially among the elderly, should
be massaged middle knuckles of the ring and middle finger.. These knuckles are points that
correspond to the knees right knee corresponds to the ring, on the left middle finger. In various
diseases of the joints of the knees is necessary on the joints of the middle and / or ring finger to put
a patch with seeds of plants such as carrots, red pepper or tomato.
Acupressure for tiredness
For intensive mental loads, frequent stress, severe fatigue, helps relaxation acupressure hands.
It is necessary to massage the little finger of the left hand with the forefinger and thumb of the
right. Starting from the phalanx of the nail and is pressed is provided to the base of the finger by
massaging the whole finger.
Massage row thumbs of both hands. The technique is like the previous one.

Punctul care salveaza viata

Punctul de sub nas este principalul punct de reanimare. Este denumit si punctul salveaza viata.
Stimulat cu forta va salveaza intr-adevar viata in caz de infarct miocardic (este mai eficient decat
nitroglicerina tinuta sub limba), in caz lesin si hipotensiune.
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Punctul se cheama Revival Point GV 26 si e mai sus decat punctul rosu din poza. De
asemenea, nu se precizeaza ca daca apesi doar cu degetul nu are efect. Se foloseste
un ac de acupunctura sau o scobitoare.

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