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Austin Weber

Populations by Age

Cote d'Ivoire Population by Age

Percent Male
Percent Female

GDP per capita:

Labor Force by occupation: agriculture 68%
Exports Commodities: Cocoa, coffee, timber, petroleum,
cotton, bananas, pineapples, palm oil, fish
% of electricity from fossil fuels: 50.6%
% of electricity from nuclear: 0%
% of electricity from hydroelectric: 49.4%
% of electricity from other renewable sources: 0%
Carbon Dioxide emissions from consumption of energy: 6.68
million Mt

France Population by Age

Percent Male
Percent Female

GDP per capita:

Labor Force by occupation: agriculture 2.9%, industry 20.6%,
services 76.4%
Exports Commodities: machinery and equipment, aircraft,
plastics, chemicals, pharmaceutical products, iron and steel,
% of electricity from fossil fuels: 22.1%
% of electricity from nuclear: 50.8%
% of electricity from hydroelectric: 14.7%
% of electricity from other renewable sources: 6.9%
Carbon Dioxide emissions from consumption of energy:
374.3 million Mt

While doing this assignment I saw that the periphery

country, Cote dIvoire, had much more of a bell shaped chart
than the core country, France. This was caused by Ivory
Coast having a much younger population. This really
interested me, so I looked at the two countries life
expectancy. The life expectancy of France was 81.6, being
almost a quarter century longer than Ivory Coasts 58 years.
The birth rates of these two countries were also very
different. France had a low birth rate, 12.5 births per 1,000
people. Most of the core countries also had birth rates near
Frances. Ivory Coast had a birth rate of 29.25 births per
1,000 people; many of the periphery countries had similar
birth rates. The death rate of Ivory Coast was surprising at
9.67 deaths per 1,000 people; this is decently low for a
periphery country.
The economies of these two countries mirror the
economies of many other core or periphery countries. France

has a much larger economy and has much of its workforce in

service occupations. Ivory Coast; however, has a much
larger agriculture sector. Frances larger economy allows it to
be a much larger party in the world economy, allowing it to
further increase the size of its economy. Ivory Coasts
economy, with a GDP of 43.67 billion, pales in comparison
with Frances 2.276 trillion GDP. Ivory Coasts small economy
does not allow it to have an impact on the world economy.
France also has a much larger workforce, and fewer children
that will require a parent to stay home.
Frances pollution is much greater as well, because it is
producing so much more than Ivory Coast. Although Ivory
Coast uses a much larger percentage of fossil fuels, it does
not have any nuclear power like France does.

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