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1 in 100,000

of European traffickers are ever convicted.


is the current estimate of slaves worldwide. More

these statistics are unacceptable. These are not mere numbers, they represent lost and stolen

than at any point in human history. Often these slaves

human lives, lives which we at The A21 campaign are relentlessly fighting for. Who are we? We

are kidnapped or sold by families under desperate

are business executives, college students, athletes and artists, baristas and board members - we

circumstances. As the demand to exploit men, women

are everyday people - united in one purpose, to abolish injustice in the 21st century. Together we

and children for manual and sexual labor increases, the

average age of victims continues to fall.


of victims are ever rescued.

are investing our lives, devoting our unique skills and resources to bring justice and freedom to
those that desperately need it.


When faced with the nightmare of human trafficking, its natural to want to bust down doors and start

taking down the bad guys! In reality, effective solutions for lasting change are far more

complicated. Here are a few ways The A21 Campaign is working to advance freedom globally.



Our awareness teams work in local and global communities including schools,

Our legal team works to prosecute traffickers and advance laws and governmental

orphanages, churches and universities. We educate and resource the next

policies that stand against human trafficking. We also provide legal counsel to

generation with strategies to avoid becoming a victim, increase awareness, and

victims in our care and, if needed, represent them in criminal proceedings.

prevent trafficking before it begins.



In the process of preventing, protecting and prosecuting, A21 partners with many

At our restoration facilities, we provide a safe place for survivors to recover from

organizations and government agencies. Abolishing injustice in the 21st century

the horrors of human trafficking. We walk step-by-step with our survivors as they

takes a massive amount of resources! Practically speaking it also requires a

transition from crisis to stability and freedom. We also equip them with valuable

significant amount of funding. Our financial partners support us through monthly

skills and resources as they take next steps after leaving our care.

donations, sponsorships and fundraising events.


Summer break was beginning for university student, Katya.* She knew the
employment opportunities would be greater in Greece than in her home country,
so she applied for a seasonal job. Upon arrival, she realized the promise of
employment was merely a ploy. She was wide-awake in the midst of a nightmare.
Katya was raped and beaten continually, forced into the sex industry by servicing
up to 40 men a day. The beatings grew more intense, but so did her courage to
escape. In a moment of freedom, Katya escaped from her traffickers and was
brought to one of the A21 shelters. It has been a journey, but Katya is rebuilding


her life and enrolled in college once again. She hopes to complete her education

We are fiercely passionate about fighting injustice and deeply committed

and help those in her community to not fall victims to the dangers of modern-day

to helping people just like you find their place in that fight. Alone we dont

slavery. It is the courageous support of people like YOU that enables our survivors

stand a chance, together we can make a difference! We want you to get

to believe hope is possible and freedom is for all.

involved and make a difference in changing the world. If you would like
to learn more about getting involved with The A21 Campaign please visit or email us at

*For the protection of our victims, names and personal details have been changed.

427 East 17th Street #F223 Costa Mesa, CA 92627

2013 TheA21Campaign. All Rights Reserved.

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