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Sedimentation is a physical water treatment process using gravity to

remove suspended solids from water. Solid particles entrained by the turbulence
of moving water may be removed naturally by sedimentation in the still water of
lakes and oceans. Settling basins are ponds constructed for the purpose of
removing entrained solids by sedimentation. Clarifiers are settling basins built
with mechanical means for continuous removal of solids being deposited by
The most common form of sedimentation follows coagulation and
flocculation and precedes filtration. This type of sedimentation requires chemical
addition (in the coagulation/flocculation step) and removes the resulting floc from
the water. Sedimentation at this stage in the treatment process should remove
90% of the suspended particles from the water, including bacteria. The purpose
of sedimentation here is to decrease the concentration of suspended particles in
the water, reducing the load on the filters.
Sedimentation can also occur as part of the pre-treatment process, where
it is known as pre sedimentation. Pre sedimentation can also be called plain
sedimentation because the process depends merely on gravity and includes no
coagulation and flocculation. Without coagulation or flocculation, plain
sedimentation can remove only coarse suspended matter which will settle rapidly
out of the water without the addition of chemicals. This type of sedimentation
typically takes place in a reservoir, grit basin, debris dam, or sand trap at the
beginning of the treatment process.
While sedimentation following coagulation/flocculation is meant to remove
most of the suspended particles in the water before the water reaches the filters,
pre sedimentation removes most of the sediment in the water during the pretreatment stage. So pre sedimentation will reduce the load on the
coagulation/flocculation basin and on the sedimentation chamber, as well as
reducing the volume of coagulant chemicals required to treat the water. In
addition, pre sedimentation basins are useful because raw water entering the
plant from a reservoir is usually more uniform in quality than water entering the
plant without such a holding basin.

There a four types of sedimentation behaviours. Types 1 sedimentation is

discrete settling. These types will settle of silt in intake and other headwork
before coagulation. Besides, it also softening precipitates in separates softening
basin. This type was characterized by particle that settles discretely at a constant
setting velocity. It will settle as individual particles and do not flocculate or stick
to other particles during settling. The type 2 sedimentation is flocculent settling.
This type is being use in settling flocculated water in sedimentation basin. This
type was characterized by particles that flocculate during sedimentation. Since
they flocculate, their size is constantly changing; therefore the settling gravity is
changing. Usually it occurs in alum or iron coagulation in primary sedimentation
and in settling tanks in tricking filtration. For the third types of sedimentation
behavior which is zone settling it will be apply in meddle portion of gravity
thickener. These particles are at high concentration. It also tends to settle as a
mass and a distinct clear zone and sludge zone are present. Usually, these types
occur in lime-softening sedimentation, activated sludge sedimentation and
sludge thickeners. For the last type which is compression settling it settling near
bottom of gravity thickener. The sedimentation of suspensions with solids
concentration is so high. The particle is in contact with another and further
sedimentation can occur by compression of the mass.
For the designing of the sedimentation basin, that has three types of shape
which is include rectangular, circular and square. In water treatment plant that
we are design at Pekan Kuala Nerang, we choose rectangular settling basin. The
selection of the shape of our water treatment plant is based on the size of
installation, the available land and site condition and preferences and experience
of operators and/or design engineers. By using rectangular basins, we get more
advantages such occupy less spaces by common walls, less short circuiting due
to near plug flow condition and less power requirement. However, this type also
proposes disadvantages. The example of the disadvantages is restricted in width
by collection equipment, require multiple rows of weir, high maintenance of
sprockets, chain and it sensitive to flow surges.
Hence, in order to design a good water treatment plant, we are followed
influent and effluent structures of sedimentation basin. For influent structure, the
distribution flow needs to be evenly across the width. The transport well

developed floc properly. Then, the head loss must be as small as possible and
lastly we integrate with flocculation basin.
For effluent structures, we use effluent weir plates with notches or orifices.
Besides use collection through and central channel and also provide uniform
distribution over the large area. The lifting of particles should be minimized and
lastly we low the weir loading rate.

The water undergo the coagulation and flocculation process before its come to the
sedimentation process. Coagulation and flocculation can be optimized through jar testing to create
particles that more readily settle. Sedimentation is a process used to separate the settleable solids
from water through gravity settling.

Concept of sedimentation
There are two important terms to understand in sedimentation zone design which are the
particles (floc) settling velocity, Vs and the overflow rate and the velocity at which the tank is
designed to operate Vo or u. The particles removed is independent of the depth of the
sedimentation tank. As long as Vs is greater than Vo , the particles will settle downward and be
removed from the bottom of the tank regardless of the depth.
In our water treatment plant, the inclined surface or tube settler is used in the
sedimentation process. The figure 1 shows the flow of water in inclined surface method of
sedimentation.There are several basic features of inclined surface or tube settler method:

It is using inclined tube.

The depth of basin is divided into numerous channels.

The depth of fall of particles is reduced.
The settling time required is reduced.
Flow is laminar.
Provide large surface area and low hydraulic loading.
Insignificant wind effect.

Figure 1 Flow of water in inclined surface of sedimentation.

Shallow-depth sedimentation theory
In our water treatment plant, the tube settler is used in sedimentation. Tube settlers are a
practical application of the shallow-depth sedimentation theory that was first proposed by A.
Hazen in 1904. Figure 2 helps to illustrate the basic concept of shallow-depth sedimentation. In an
idealized plug-flow rectangular basin with length L and depth H, all discrete particles with
settling velocities greater than or equal to V carried at a water flow velocity of V will be
removed in the basin. Particles with settling velocities (Vs) less than V will be removed at a
lesser efficiency proportional to Vs/Vo.

Figure 2 The basic concept of shallow-depth sedimentation.

If the settling depth were reduced to H, then all particles with settling velocity Vs would
be removed in the basin. If the settling depth were not reduced, a basin with length mush greater
than Lo would be required to capture these slower settling particles. Consequently, this theory
illustrate how decreasing settling depth can be substituted for basin length to achieve the same
particle removal efficiency at a given hydraulic longitudinal velocity. However, practical
application of this theory had the potential to reduce both sedimentation basin size and
construction costs.

The 60 tube are used in the water treatment plant to reduce clarifier size. With tube
settlers , overflow rates can generally be increased two to three times over conventional
clarification overflow rates as a result of the reduced settling time inside the tubes. Tube are
normally placed at the exit of the rectangular basins. The advantage of this type of sedimentation
method is to allow the gravity sludge removal and create laminar flow conditions. Figure 3
illustrates how the effective settling zone is reduced to inches inside the tubes and how sludge
slides by gravity to conventional sludge collection equipment below the tube installation.

Figure 3 illustrates how the effective settling zone.

Tube Settler Systems

Flow through tube settling clarifiers

Tube settlers increase the settling capacity of rectangular sedimentation basins by reducing
the vertical distance a floc particle must settle before agglomerating to form larger particles. The
clarifiers are fitted with tubes, installed on an incline. Each functions as a small, shallow settling
basin in its own right. Water enters into and is then directed upwards through the inclined tubes or
between inclined plates, like a series of very shallow sedimentation basins stacked on top of each

Figure 4 The tube settler system

Figure 5 Cross-sectional of sedimentation basin

The floc has a small distance to settle down to the bottom of each tube or plate. It then
flows downwards, due to gravity before it collects in a sludge area at the bottom of the basin prior
to removal. These clarifiers offer a very high ratio of settling area per unit volume of water. They
increase sedimentation efficiency and in a smaller volume of basin means less space is needed.
The figure 4 below shows the tube settler systems.

Figure 6 The Flow through tube settling clarifiers

It is flexible since it is in the form of hexagonal cellular honeycomb. It is made of PVC
with a smooth surface, sludge forming in the cells slides ad very easily falls to the lower part.
Tube settlers use multiple tubular channels sloped at an angle of 60 and adjacent to each other,
which combine to form an increased effective settling area. The figure 7 shows the standard
hexagonal tube settler. This provide for a particle settling depth that is significantly less than the
settling depth of a conventional clarifier, reducing settling times. Tube settlers capture the settle
able fine floc the escapes the clarification zone beneath the tube settlers and allow the larger floc
to travel to the tank bottom in a more settle able form. The tube settlers channel collects solids
into a compact mass which promotes the solids to slide down the tube channel. The floc solids
next will be go through sludge treatment process.

The figure 8 below shows the differences between the conventional settling and by using
tube settlers.

Shape of tube settlers

Top view of tube settlers

Module of tube settlers

Dimensions: W: 250mm, W1: 100mm,
W2: 25mm, H1: 60mm
Thickness: 1.2mm
Weight (dry): 89kg/m
Material: PVC
Maximum operation temperature:
Standard module length: 900-2000mm
Vertical module height: 750-1750mm
Figure 7 Standard tube settlers.

We use the tube settler system in our sedimentation process because the tube settlers offer
an inexpensive method of upgrading existing water treatment plant clarifiers and sedimentation
basins to improve performance. They can also improve the performance of existing settling basins
by reducing the solids loading on downstream filters. It is made of lightweight PVC, tube settlers
can be easily supported with minimal structures that often incorporate the effluent trough

Figure 8 The differences between the conventional settling and by using tube settlers.

The figure 9 below illustrates the tube settler system of installation. The basin is
constructed and support before the tube settler is arranged to fix the basin. The standard frame is
used to support it to be 60 inclined.

Figure 9 Tube settler installation process.

The basins equipped with tube settlers can operate at 2 to 4 times the normal rate of basins
without tube settlers. It is possible to cut coagulant dosage by up to half while maintaining a lower
influent turbidity to the treatment plant filters. Less filter backwashing equates to significant
operating cost savings for both water and electricity. New installations using tube settlers can be
designed smaller because of increased flow capability.

Flows of existing water treatment plants can be increased through the addition of tube
settlers. Tube settlers increase allowable flow capacity by expanding settling capacity and
increasing the solids removal rate in settling tanks. Like any type of equipment, tube settlers will
require periodic cleaning and maintenance. Basin walkway design or a protective covering above
the tube settlers should be provided.

Design of Sedimentation

Total Flow Rate, Q

Number of basins
Flow rate for each tank, Qtank

= 293366.70 m3/day
293.4 x 103 day x
= 12225 m3/hr
= 4
Flowrate ,Q
Number of basin

Length, L
Width, W
Depth, D
Volume of basin, V
Detention time of each clarifier, t


Flow rate for each tank, Qtank

1 day
24 hr

12225 m /hr
3056.25 m3/hr
50 m
30.5 m
Length x Width x Depth
50 m x 30.5 m x 5 m
7625 m3
Volume of basin, V
7625 m 3

= 2.495 hr


24 hr
1 day

= 73350 m3/day
Area of surface of each basin, As
Overall flow rate, u

= Length x Width
= 50 m x 30.5 m
= 1525 m2
Flowrate , Q tank
Area of surface of each basin , A s

1525 m

= 48.1 m3/
Side Surface Area of each basin, A

= Width x Depth
= 30.5 m x 5 m
= 152.5 m2

Horizontal Velocity, v


Flowrate, Qtank
Side Surface Areaof each basin , A
152.5 m


= 480.98 m3/
There are 3 rows of weir plates along the length of the tank with 0.9m wide central
effluent collection channel.
Row of weirs plate
Length of weir, Lw

Weir Loading rate, uw

= 3
= Row of weirs plate x (Width 0.9 m)
= 3 x (30.5 m - 0.9 m)
= 88.8 m
Flowrate ,Q tank
Length of weir , L w

88.8 m


= 826 m3/

V-notch weirs

Figure 5-6: V-Notch Sharp Crested Weir

The discharge over an unsubmerged V-Notch sharp-crested weir is defined as:


Discharge over weir (m3/sec., ft3/sec.)

Coefficient of discharge (C = 0.58 typically used for a 90 V-notch


Angle of notch (degrees)

Head above bottom of notch (m, ft)

Table 5-1: V-Notch Weir Coefficient of Discharge

Head (dfeet)

Weir Angle (degrees)

















































Design of V-Notch Weir

Flow rate for each tank, Qtank

Water depth over the notch

Coefficient of discharges, C
Gravitational forces, g
Degree of V-notch weir,
Head above bottom of notch, H
Weir discharges, q




24 hr
1 day

73350 m3/day
4 cm
0.04 m
9.81 m/s2

= 0.04 m

C 2 g [tan


x 0.58 x 2 x 9.81 [tan
]0.04 2

( )

= 0.000438 m3/s
To determine the number of 90 Vnotch
Flow rate for each tank, Qtank



1 hr
60 min x

1 min
60 s
Number of Notch, Nnotch

= 0.849 m3/s
Flowrate, Qtank
Weir discharge , q

0.849m 3 / s
0.000438m 3 / s

= 1938.36
1938 notches
1 tank contain 12 weirs plates, therefore 1 weirs plates contains:1 weirs plates
= 1938
= 161.5 162

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