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Medford Human Rights Commission

December 10, 2014

Present: Chief Leo Sacco, Marie Cassidy, Dale Bryan, Diane McLeod, Muhammad Chowdhury,
Judy Kaplan, Charlotte Swartz, and Neil Osborne - NAACP
Not present: David Harris and Lois Bronnenkant
Public Participation
November Minutes
Judy motioned to accept and Dale seconded, all in favor.
Old Business
Draft Ordinance
Diane was just able to meet with the Solicitor this afternoon to review all additional suggestions.
Dale wanted to make sure that all public places (i.e.: parks, sidewalks, etc.) were covered and
Judy wanted to add that if officers serve a term and an additional term, they could serve again
after a 1 year break. All agreed with both items and Diane asked the Solicitor to address both
these issues. Solicitor Rumley noted that all public places are covered and we can add the break
in service. With that Marie motioned to accept the ordinance as amended, Chief Sacco
seconded, all in favor. Diane will make the changes and get it to the Solicitor for finalization. We
will hope to get this to the Council for the 16th or the first meeting in January. Diane will let
everyone know.
Neil agreed that the NAACP wants to coordinate MLK Day with the HRC. Dale will touch base
with David, as he was stuck at an event and not present. Dale mentioned the possibility of not
having at the WMCC so as to involve different parts of the city. Diane mentioned limited options
in the city. Schools are a possibility, but custodial staff would have to be paid. Dale mentioned
the program at MHS with Dr. Bernard Lafayette, and how taken the youth were. He wants to
involve those youth in MLK day. He asked Muhammad to get youth involved as well. He noted
that he sent David the Black Eyed Peas rap version of Where is the Love. This would involve
discussion about injustice, fighting, and inequities in the world and asking where is the love?
He would like the youth to recall a time they felt disrespected or how they felt a lack of dignity
in the City. He wants this to involve all youth in the city and not make it a black and white issue.
The second piece would be to recall a time they felt they were treated with dignity and

respected. Diane suggested they also try to address how they can change or do something
positive to help negate the disrespect and/or lack of dignity. There was discussion. Marie felt
she could get youth from the school Impact group. She will contact Michael Skorker and Amiee
Saultnier and possibly the Boys and Girls Club. Neil is concerned that youth may not want to
participate. We discussed ways to encourage youth involvement. We want the youth to be the
voice for the community.
Marie will follow up with the MHS staff and the Boys and Girls Club. Nil will be meeting with
youth tomorrow and follow up.
International Family Day
On hold for now
New Business
Ferguson/NY Discussion
This will be incorporated into our MLK Day event
Correspondence & Announcements
Motion to adjourn by Charlotte seconded by the Chief, all in favor. Meeting adjourned at
Next meeting date - January 14, 2015

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