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Minerals associated with laterites

Primary Mafic Minerals

Primary mafic minerals in the ultramafic rocks of the Sorowako area consist essentially of olivine and
pyroxenes, as follows:
Chrysolite olivine: (Mg,Fe)2SiO4
Orthopyroxene, Enstatite: MgSiO3
Orthopyroxene, Hypersthene: (Mg,Fe)SiO3
Clinopyroxene, Diopside: CaMg(SiO3)2
Clinopyroxene, Hedenbergite: CaFe(SiO3)2
Clinopyroxene, Augite: CaFe(SiO3)2 with (Mg,Fe)(Al,Fe)2SiO6
Primary Spinel Minerals
Primary spinels in the ultramafic rocks consists essentially of magnetite and chromite:
Magnetite: Fe3O4 or FeO.Fe2O3
Chromite FeCr2O4 or FeO.Cr2O3
Hydrothermal Mafic Minerals
Mafic minerals, formed during the process of serpentinisation and hydrothermal alteration, include
serpentine, talc and chlorite:
Serpentine: H4Mg3Si2O9 or 3MgO.2SiO2.2H2O
Talc: H2Mg3Si4O12 or 3MgO.4SiO2.H2O
Chlorite: H8Mg5Al2Si3O18 or 5MgO.Al2O3.3SiO2.4H2O
Secondary Spinel

During the formation of hydrothermal serpentine, unwanted iron from olivine and pyroxene structures
is thrown out as magnetite (Fe3O4). Thus, highly serpentinised rocks are generally more magnetic
than unserpentinised rocks.
Secondary Oxides
Secondary oxides includes essentially Hematite and its magnetic variety, Maghemite:
Hematite: Fe2O3
Maghemite: Fe2.66O4
Secondary Hydroxides
Essentially of iron, aluminium and manganese:
Goethite: Fe2O3.H2O
Limonite: Fe2O3.nH2O
Boehmite: Al2O3.H2O
Bauxite: Al2O3.2H2O
Gibbsite: Al2O3.3H2O
Numerous clays and clay-like minerals are associated with the laterite profile:
Kaolinites: Kaolinite, Nacrite, Dickite
Smectites: Montmorillonite (Mg-smectite); Nontronite (Fe-smectite); Beidellite (Al-smectite)
Illites: Illite, hydromicas
Mixed Layer Clays: Illite-smectite; chlorite-smectite; chlorite-vermiculite; Mica-vermiculite
Nickel hydrosilicates
Essentially of serpentine, talc and chlorite mineral structure:
Nepouite: Ni3Si2O5(OH)4 Nickel serpentine
Willemsite: Ni3Si4O10(OH)2 Nickel talc
Nimite: Ni5Al2Si3O10(OH)8 Nickel chlorite

Serpentinisation of olivines requires:
Addition of water
Leaching of magnesia (or addition of silica)
Release of iron in the (Mg,Fe) olivine
Conversion of released iron from the ferrous to ferric state to form fine-grained magnetite. Thus,
serpentinised rocks are generally more magnetic.
3Mg2SiO4 + 4H2O + SiO2 = 2H4Mg3Si2O9
forsterite water silica serpentine
5Mg2SiO4 + 4H2O = 2H4Mg3Si2O9 + 4MgO + SiO2
forsterite water serpentine
2Mg2SiO4 + 3H2O = H4Mg3Si2O9 + Mg(OH)2
forsterite water serpentine
Serpentine is formed by hydrothermal alteration of ferromagnesian minerals such as olivines,
pyroxenes and amphiboles. Pure magnesian serpentine contains about 13% water of crystallisation
that is expelled at very high temperatures of +800C.

Lizardite: This is the most common form of serpentine and is massive. However,
microscopically, it may be finely fibrous and felted. Lattice structure consists of planar layer
arrangement. Colour is usually light to medium green but quite variable due to the presence
of other minerals. [Lizardite should not be confused with serpentine rock, which is also
massive but forms large rock masses].

Antigorite: This is the micaceous, scaly, lamellar or foliated form of serpentine. Lattice
structure consists of undulating layer arrangement. The laminae are generally inseparable but
may be separable in some thinly foliated varieties. Colour is light to medium green but quite
variable (presence of magnetite may impart a grey, brown or black colour while the presence
of hematite may give it shades of brown and red).
Chrysotile: Delicately fibrous with the fibres usually flexible and easily separable. Lattice
structure consists of rolled layer arrangement. Chrysotile commonly occurs in veins or matted
masses. Colour is usually yellowish green, white or grey. Much of what is popularly called
asbestos is actually this serpentine variety. However, some amphiboles, as described below,
are also included in the commercial asbestos.

Magnetite occurs in ultramafic rocks as an accessory mineral, generally amounting to less than 1%.
Its mineral structure allows for easy substitution by Mg2+ for Fe2+ as part of a continuous solid
solution between pure magnetite (FeO.Fe2O3) and magnesioferrite (MgO.Fe2O3). Likewise, some
Al3+ may substitute for Fe3+. Some manganese and chrome are also generally present in the
magnetite structure.
Magnetite is also a common alteration product during serpentinisation of ferromagnesian olivines and
pyroxenes. Most serpentines are iron-free and the ferrous iron contained in the olivines and
pyroxenes is usually oxidised to magnetite. For this reason serpentinised rocks are generally more
magnetic compared to their unserpentinised equivalents.
During lateritic weathering, magnetite readily alters to hematite, goethite, limonite,
and other iron hydroxides.
Chromite is a very common mineral associated with peridotite rocks and the serpentines and
serpentinites derived from them. It is a high-temperature mineral and forms very early during
magmatic differentiation. It forms lenses, layers, pods, and occasionally large masses within the
peridotite and is frequently exploited as an ore of chromium. However, most frequently it occurs as
disseminated grains throughout the ultramafic body.
The only oxides that are commonly associated with ultramafic rocks and laterites are the oxides of
iron, manganese and silicon.

Hematite can be of primary origin and can also form during the process of chemical weathering of
the ultramafic rocks. It is the mineral responsible for the red colour of the iron-bearing soils. The
strong red colour of hematite may mask the presence of any goethite. The development of
secondary hematite versus goethite depends on soil temperature and the presence of moisture.
Hematite to goethite ratio in the soil is higher for warmer latitudes and arid areas. Locally, the
hematite to goethite ratio is higher at the top of ridges compared to the bottom of valleys.
Maghemite is a magnetic variety of hematite and is believed to have formed as a weathering
product by the oxidation of magnetite [2Fe3O4 + O = 3Fe2O3]. The crystal structure of
maghemite is closer to that of spinels such as magnetite but with a deficiency of iron (Fe2.66O4
compared with magnetites Fe3O4). Iron deficiency amounts to 11.33%. The spinel structure of
maghemite inverts to the hematite structure (Fe2O3) on heating. Birkeland (1999), however,
states that maghemite in soils comes from the conversion of Fe-oxides during forest fires.
Maghemite is most abundant near the soil surface and is capable of giving a strong magnetic
signal during geophysical surveys.
Silica is never present in the ultramafic rocks in a free form but exists as silicates. The leaching of
ultramafics under tropical conditions releases large quantities of both silica and magnesia. In the
early stages of leaching, magnesia is more soluble leaving behind encrustations and deposition of
silica in the laterite profile. Occasionally, such silica deposition can form highly siliceous zones
ranging in competency from friable silica to very hard and compact masses that may require
blasting. More commonly, though, silica is deposited along fractures and openings in the peridotite
and will ultimately result in the formation of silica boxwork as the peridotite converts to limonite.
Practically all of silica formed in the laterite environment is of low temperature amorphous variety


Goethite is an orthorhombic mineral of relatively high specific gravity (4.28) and medium hardness
(5.0 5.5). It occurs in botryoidal forms and as earthy masses. The colour is yellowish, reddish
and blackish brown. Goethite is most commonly found associated with limonite, less commonly
with hematite.
Goethite in soils may also be accompanied by its polymorph, lepidocrocite. However, its
occurrence is less common and generally limited to soils that are generally deficient in oxygen
due to say water saturation. In hand specimens lepidocrocite occurs as bright orange mottles or

Limonite is a non-crystalline mineral colloid. It can be found as stalactitic botryoidal or mammillary
forms, but most commonly in laterite areas simply as an earthy mass. The colour in its earthy form
is brownish yellow to ochre brown.

Manganese wad is amorphous-looking material commonly found as thin coatings on joints and
fractures, as spots, and as reniform masses. The colour is dull black, bluish or brownish black. It is
very soft and easily soils the hand when touched. The material is generally loosely aggregate and
feels light. The wad is rich in hydroxides of manganese (MnO2 and MnO) and can contain appreciable
amounts of other metals such as Fe, Al, Co and Ni. Significant amounts of the water of hydration of
10-20% may be present.
Lithiophorite is a hydrous manganese-oxide with some lithium in it. Frequently, quantities of lithium
can be very low. Various formulae have been advanced for this mineral, all containing the main
components of Mn, O, and OH and with minor Al and Li as additional cations: (Al,Li)MnO2(OH)2.
The term asbolan or asbolite is used for the Earthy Cobalt which is an amorphous substance and
contains appreciable amounts of cobalt up to 32%.
It is an amorphous substance that occurs in globular or reniform (kidney-shaped) masses and has the
approximate composition CoO.2Co2O3.6H2O. The composition
is not definite and the material is regarded a colloid. It has been reported in Bulong area ores in
Western Australia.
The word clay is used in two senses:
Fine-grained particles that are less than 0.002mm. These particles could be made up of any
A group of sheet silicates with fairly well defined composition whose mineral structure could be
explored through X-ray diffraction methods.
The clay minerals described here fall in the second category. Common clay minerals are hydrated
silicates of aluminium, iron and magnesium.
1. Kaolinite Group




This group includes the minerals kaolinite, dickite and nacrite with the general formula:
4Al2Si2O9. Kaolinite group minerals are commonly formed by the weathering of alkali feldspars
under acidic conditions.
Smectite Group (Montmorillonite Group)
This group includes montmorillonite (Mg-smectite), nontronite (Fe-smectite) and beidellite (Alsmectite). The three sets of cations, other than main structural Al and Si, can include: Na or Ca;
Mg or Fe++; Al or Fe+++.
The smectites are made up of repeating TOT layers with 10A basal spacing. The layers have a
net negative charge that is balanced by the cations. The amount of water residing between the
layers can vary considerably and can change the size of the unit layer to as high as 15.2A. This
water can be introduced and removed at room temperatures.
Smectites are formed by the alteration and weathering of basic rocks that are low in K but contain
Ca and Mg. The conditions should be alkaline.
Illite Group
The Illite group includes illite and hydromicas (and perhaps glauconite). The basal spacing is
10A, or similar to that of the smectites. The inter-layer cation is predominantly K. The layers are
well bonded and it is not easy for the water to get in. Thus, Illite group clays do not swell up when
Chlorite Group
In the Chlorite group, a single sheet of positively charged octahedral layer is bonded to the
negatively charged TOT structure with electrostatic bond. The basal spacing is 14A. Chlorites are
Mixed-Layer Clay Minerals
Frequently, clays of one group are intimately mixed with that of another. In this situation, the group
is referred to as Mixed-Layer Clay minerals. Thus, layers of illite can alternate with those of
smectite to yield what is referred to as illite/smectite clay. This mixing is not physical but occurs at
unit cell level. Other mixed layer clays include: chlorite/smectite, chlorite/vermiculite, and
Most clay-rich sediments when deposited in sedimentary environment are rich in smectite and
have little illite. After the burial of the sediments, the quantity of illite layers increases due to the
recrystallisation of smectite.

Jules Garnier (18391904) discovered a nickel bearing silicate in New Caledonia in 1864. This was
named as garnierite (1867). By 1875, mining of this mineral as an ore of nickel had already started.
The term garnierite has been used as a field term to include all hydrous nickel magnesian silicates.
The first member of the garnierite group (chrysoprase, green silica) was defined in the 18th century.
Faust (1966) showed that most garnierites are structurally related to talcs and serpentines. Kato
(1961) found New Caledonian garnierites to be similar in structure to serpentine, talc and chlorites.

Figure 1. Garnierites of Serpentine-Talc structure


The name is used for fibrous varieties of several mineral species. All are silicates and common
varieties include tremolite, actinolite, crocidolite and chrysotile. The first three belong to the amphibole
group while the last one belongs to the serpentine group of minerals.
Due to the nature of their soft, highly flexible fibres, asbestos minerals have been felted and woven
like a fabric. Their primary use has been in the area of fireproofing and heat insulation.
Asbestiform Minerals
The term asbestiform is used generally for minerals that appear fibrous in nature and resemble
asbestos in appearance. More commonly, the following minerals of the serpentine and amphibole
groups are included in the category of asbestiform minerals:
Serpentine minerals: Chrysotile
Amphibole minerals: Tremolite, Actinolite, Crocidolite (Riebeckite)

Figure 2. Chrysotile (serpentine group)


Many metallic elements are soluble in ground water although the
solubilities are extremely low compared to common salts.
Generally speaking, solubilities are a function of the temperature of water
and pH and Eh conditions. The common acid in ground water is Humic
Acid that is derived from the decaying of ground vegetation and assists
considerably in dissolving certain elements in ground water.
Several researchers have produced estimates of mobilities of various
elements associated with lateritic environments; these are briefly
discussed below:

Soluble, Supergene and Residual elements

Mobilities of elements commonly found in ultramafic/laterite association
could be classified as follows:
Highly soluble and highly mobile
Non-soluble and non-mobile
Limited solubility and limited mobility
Highly soluble and highly mobile elements: Ca, Na, Mg, K, Si Easily
leached out of the weathering profile Highly soluble in tropical
ground waters that are slightly acidic Removed from laterite
environment and taken to lakes and the sea
Non-soluble (residual) elements: Al+++, Fe+++, Cr+++, Ti, Mn+++
Insoluble in ground water at ordinary pH/Eh conditions These
elements make up the bulk of the residual soil Elements with limited
solubility and mobility: Ni++, Co++, Mn++
Partly soluble in acidic groundwater Insoluble in the presence of
more soluble elements (Si, Mg) Partial solubilities lead to supergene
(secondary) enrichment

Residual concentration of non-mobile elements

As mobile elements leave the saprolite/soil through chemical leaching,
nonmobile elements begin to increase in relative proportion. The following
data is provided from Petea, a serpentinised peridotite area located
northeast from Soroako:

Table 5.1: Concentration Factors for various elements

Supergene enrichment
Certain elements such as Ni, Co and Mn are somewhat soluble in the
acidic waters percolating down the laterite profile but become insoluble as
the waters reach below and are neutralised when highly soluble magnesia
goes into solution.

Majority of the soils are stratified and are divided into soil horizons. These
horizons differ from each other on the basis of physical or chemical
These distinct horizons result due to leaching, residual concentration, and
migration of certain elements. All the processes of chemical weathering
and to some extent even of physical weathering play an important role
in developing distinctive soil profiles. Lateral continuity of these horizons
is subject to continuity of underlying parent rock, topographic
morphology, and prevailing climatic and environmental conditions.
Commonly, the following classification is used for naming soil horizons
with respect to laterites:
O horizon:
Surface accumulation of organic material. The horizon is further
subdivided on the basis of degree of decomposition of the organic
A horizon:
Zone of mixed organic material and mineral fraction, the latter being
dominant. Located at the surface or below the O-horizon.
B horizon:
Lying below the O or A horizon, B horizon is commonly marked by the
residual concentration of sesquioxides of Fe, Al and Mn. More soluble

components have been leached away from this zone. No evidence

remains of the original rock structure or mineralogy.
C horizon:
A subsurface horizon (excluding R horizon), which is the source of the soil
and is in various stages of weathering. C horizon must be in situ.
Designation Cr indicates the saprolite zone.
R horizon:
Fresh, consolidated bedrock below the soil profile.
A simplified equivalency of the above mentioned soil horizons with
conventional laterite profile terminology is shown below:

Figure 5.12: Comparison of conventional laterite classification and equivalent soil horizons
Conventional laterite terms Soil horizon terms


For soils that are essentially residual in nature including most of the
laterites changes in the soil profile can be ascertained after comparison
with the underlying unweathered bedrock. Various experts in the field of
soil development have used various oxides such as Al 2O3, Fe2O3, and other
non-mobile oxides as index markers. Relative concentrations of these
index markers can reveal the relative gains and losses of various
components in the original bedrock and the soil in the various horizons.
Under conditions of chemical weathering that are typical of tropical areas
with very humid conditions:
Mobile elements are leached out of the weathered bedrock (these
include Ca, Na, K, Mg and Si)
Non-mobile elements undergo residual concentration (these include
Al, Fe, Cr, Ti, Mn and Co)
Semi-mobile elements are leached out of the upper part of the
laterite profile and concentrated in the lower part through
supergene enrichment (essentially Ni but, to a lesser degree, also
Co and Mn)

Depth Profiles of Major Elements

Figure-13 shows depth profiles for Fe, Al2O3, SiO2 and MgO, the four major
elements in the laterite profile with concentrations greater than 5%. The
profiles represent averages for several holes drilled in the Petea area.
Note that above the Transition zone, iron and alumina are residually
concentrated while silica and magnesia are chemically leached out. The
Transition zone marks a sudden change in the relative proportions of all
four major elements.

Depth Profiles of Minor Elements

Figure-14 shows the depth profiles for Cr 2O3, MnO, Ni and Co, the four
minor elements in the laterite profile with concentrations of generally less
than 3%. According to the plots, chrome and manganese show residual
concentrations above the Transition zone; nickel shows supergene
enrichment in the Saprolite zone; while cobalt shows residual
concentration towards the lower part of the Limonite zone.
Note that profiles for the remaining elements such as CaO, K 2O, Na2O, and
TiO2 are not shown due to extremely low concentrations encountered in
the laterite.

Relative Concentrations of Elements

Figure-15 displays the relative concentrations of the six elements that are
normally enriched in the laterite profile through residual or supergene
enrichment. Relative concentration of an element is defined as its
present concentration in the profile against its background value in the
bedrock. Since goethite/limonite represents the ultimate product of
lateritic weathering of ultramafic rocks, the relative concentrations of
various elements in the limonite zone can be computed based on their
bedrock levels, as shown in Table-6.

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