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Seyed. A. Sliirsavar.

Malcolm. D. McCulloch.

Chris. G. Guy.

University of Reading
Department of Engineering
POBOX. 225
Great Britain

University of Oxford
Department of Engineering and Science
Great Britain.

University of Reading
Department of Engineering
POBOX. 225
Great Britain.

,,tbsfruct-- A uovel rotor velocity estiniatiou scheme

applicable to vector rontrolled induction niotors has beeu
described. The proposed method will evaluate rotor velocity,
U,, on-line, does not require any extra transducers o r injection
o f any signals, nor does it employ complicated algorithnis such
as Model Referenced Adaptive System o r Kalnian filters.
Furthermore, the uew scheme will operate a t all velocities
iucludiug zero with very little error. The procedure employs
motor- model equations, however all differeutial and integral
t e r m have beeu eliminated giving a very fast, low-cost,
effective and practical alternative to methods currently
available. Furthermore, a rotor resistance estimatiou
technique is also implemented. Not only does this eusure the
tuned operation of the vector controller but it also results io
the aforemeotioned velocity estimator beiug conipletely
parameter insensitive. A detailed aud thorough explauatiou o f
the uuderlying theory of both velocity and parameter
estimation techniques is given. These a r e supported by various
simulation tests, taking into consideration the PWM inverter,
and practical results.

The indu&on motor is superior to the dc motor in numerous
aspects such as performance, power to weight ratio, maximum
speed capability, efficiency, low initial cost and robustness.
Nonetheless, the induction machine has a very non-linear
niultmriable structure and consequently it is very difficult to
control. By placing a vector controller between the induction
motor and the main controller, the motor can be forced to yield a
fast torque response similar to that of a separately excited dc
motor. However, a prerequisite for the correct operation of the
vector controller is an accurate knowledge of rotor velocity, a,,
and rotor time constant, T,. However, evaluation of a, requires
extra speed transducers and the value of T,. is directly affectedby
changes in the resistance of tlie rotor bars caused by clmiges in
teniprature. This pap addressesthese problenis by introducing
a novel, cheap and practical method for continuous on-line
estinlation of these variables.
0-7803-3544-9196$5.00 0 1996 IEEE

The presence of a tacho-generator/optical shaft encoder in

the vector control of induction motors or closed-loop speed

control is very undesirable. These transducers significantly

incrcase the cost and reduce the reliability and robustness of
the overall system, somewhat defeating the object of using
simple induction motors. Hence, various attempts have been
made in order to exclude this speed sensor [I-51 from the
controller. However, these do have several limitations. The
problems associated with many of the existing schemes are
listed in [61. A novel method of speed estimation will be
described which eliminates the need for a tacho-generator.
The proposed method uses an approximation to eliminate the
derivative terms in the machine model equations in the
stationary reference frame. Thus a single equation for the
rotor velocity can be derived.

As nientioiied earlier, the performance of the indrect

controller detcriorates rapidly during continuous operation due
to the changes in the rotor resistance, R,. Infor correct
operation of the vector controller the value of R, must be
estimated and updated. Agam, there are various schemes
available for the estimation of R,,but nonetheless they do have
certain draw-backs [7]. A new scheme for the estinlation of R,
has been given. The proposed method follows a similar
procedure to a scheme first suggested by Sul [SI in order to
derive a single, parameter independent equation for K,,using
tlie machine model equations. However, unlike Suls
procedure, not only have all of the integral terms been
eliminated, giving a simpler and more accurate equation for R,.,
but also the proposed scheme does not require a taclic-generator.
The proposed schemes have the following advantages:
Rotor velocity can be calculated with very little error.
There is no requirement for injection of test signals into
the stator.
0 They provide continuous on-line estimation.
They work under almost all operating conditions



They do not use computationally expensive algorithms

such as MRAS and are siniple and cheap to implement
0 There are no differential terms (noisy) or integral terms
(poor accuracy at low speeds).


In order to avoid the use of extra transducers, only the

signals which are already available within the controller can
be used. In the absence of hall sensors, the only signals
accessible are the voltages and currents at the stator
terniinals, hence all rotor currents must be eliminated from
the equations. It is also desirable to eliminate all differential
terms, as they are prone to high frequency noise. This can be
further extended to all integral terms as not only are they
slow and require the evaluation of the initial conditions but
they also cannot be evaluated accurately at low velocities and
will therefore limit the algorithm's operating range. It
should also be noted that the calculated value of slip angular
in the controller, is also available for
manipulation. The controller calculates the value of the slip
angular velocity in order to evaluate the position of the
desired rotor flux and hence sets the phase and frequency of
the stator command currents. Although
and hence the
position of the rotor flux will be incorrect due to the
variations of R,, this incorrect value is the one that is used by
the controller in order to generate the stator command
currents. Thus, regardless of the actual value of the slip
angular velocity,
the calculated slip, a*,,,can be treated
as a known value.




o r )iqr


A. Rotor Velocity Estimation

Substituting (7) into (1) and (8) into ( 2 ) :
diqr -



- 'qs&-Ls

-- - (17,



os/ f a r



- i c t r ~ , y + ~ siqs





Now ( 5 ) can be substituted in (9) and similarly ( 6 ) in (10)

thus two equations for rotor currents in terms of stator
variables can be obtained:
idr = (vqs - 2 q s ~ s -~sictr(a:/


(1 1)

+o r )

Equations (1-4) are the machine model equations,

described in the stationary reference frame:



diqs L,s + i, R,s

+ -

v* - __ L, + -L~ + i, R,
0= f __ L, f i9' R,. - i, L, or - i, Lr io,
0 = 2L + __ Lr + .,i R, + i(17 L, U,. + iqr L, io,.
dt n'

Solving (3) and (4) in terms of rotor currents and

eliminating all differential terms using ( 5 - S), two more
equations for the rotor currents can be derived:

Also, under vector control conditions and if the stator
currents hold a quasi-sinusoidal form, the following can be
derived: (See Appendix)

Now by equating (13) to (11) and (14) to (12), both rotor

currents can be eliminated @ving two relationships only in
terms of stator variables.


Now that there are two simultaneous equations available,

one more variable can be eliminated. At this point two
possible methods can be approached. It is indeed desirable to
obtain a parameter independent system, therefore either the
stator resistance, I?,, or R, ought to be eliminated.
Eliminating R, will result in an estimator dependent on R,
[9]. An alternative approach, as suggested in this paper, is to
design an estimator dependent on R,., by eliminating R,,
followed by a R, estimator. Not only will this result i n a
parameter insensitive system, but will also have the added
advantage that the calculated R, can also be used to tune the
vector controller's slip estimator which is dependent on R,.
Consequently, a parameter insensitive sensortess vector
controller will be obtained.
Taking the latter option, the aforementioned two
relationships can be used to eliminate
The resulting
equation can then be rearranged and simplified to give one
equation for a,:


As it can be seen, (16) is independent of all rotor currents

and R,! and therefore can be readily evaluated. This equation
can then be used to update the value of I<,.,both in the vector
controller and in (15) consequently a system completely
independent of parameter variations can be obtained.
Although (16) is dependent on 0, this does not pose a
problem. This is due to the fact that neither (15) nor (16)
contain any differentials or integrals. Thus, they can be
evaluated as fast as the system's hardware permits (typically
hundreds of microseconds). However, the changes in R,. are
slow and gradual (hundreds of milliseconds). Consequently,
for the time interval during which 0,is estimated and I?,. is
updated, the effect of R, variation on a, is very sniall. Hence
the parameter independence of the system can be
maintained. This fact was verified by simulation of the
system under numerous conditions. Some of these results are
given in the next section.

A velocity controlled, 1.1 kW, 50 Hz motor was

simulated. Firstly it was simulated under ideal noise free
conditions with pure sinusoidal inputs. Secondly, the P \ W
inverter was included in the simulation for a more realistic
behavioural model which will be explained in the next
section. Both equations performed very well under both of
these test environments.


24 w, Estimation Under Ideal Conditions

This equation was then simulated under various conditions,

giving some excellent results for the or estimate. These
results will be presented shortly. It should also be noted that
or is dependent on R, which in turn is dependent on the
temperature of the rotor bars. However, R, can be evaluated
by using the procedure which is to follow.
B. Rotor Resistance Estimation

Again, (1 1-14) can be used to eliminate the rotor currents

after which R, can be eliminated. The following equation

can then be obtained for the evaluation of R, after some


Equation (15) can be used to evaluate w, with almost no

error under all conditions'. Fig. 1 depicts the motor running
at 200 rads with 3% load to account for friction and
windage losses. An increase in R, has also been incorporated
which is being estimated and updated. Fig. 2 demonstrates
the performance of the system at speeds as low as zero. The
two spikes in the w, estimate which occur at the rising and
the falling edges of the torque demand are due to a failure of
the approximations in (5-8). This is explained in detail in
Appendix A. However, the recognition and elimination of
these erroneous results are moderately effortless. Due to the
unrealistically large error in the magnitude of the a,.
estimate and a gradient of almost 00, these erroneous results
can easily be discarded by applying a rate of change limiter
algorithm. A theoretical method of evading the generation of
these spikes is currently under investigation.

with fie exception of L ~ c u n l s ~ a n c where
very fast d a n g a in torque are
encountered i.e. rising edge and falling edge of the torque demand. 'This will he
eqlained shortly.


4 ol' 8

demand, is due to the failure in approximations in ( 5 - 8) as

explained earlier. It should also be noted that the nuinerator
of the equation approaches zero at a,,/
= 0 and hence, under
steady state, some accuracy will be lost with loads lower than
5% of the full load. Fig. 4 depicts the actual value of R,,
which increases with time, the estimated value of R,., the
output torque and the rotor velocity. The load torque in this
figure is limited to about 3% to represent frictional and
windage losses. As can be observed, during the low load,
speed steady state period, i.e. as w,l -+0, the estimated R,.
becomes larger than the actual value. Again, this fact is of
no real significance for the following 3 reasons:



1- Under steady state, low load conditions i e the time

during which the rotor resistance estimator does not behave
accurately, the error in the R, estimate has a iniiiinial effect
on the w,. estimate The performance of the w, estimator
under these conditions has already been shown in Fig 1 It
has also been observed that a 100% error in the I?, estimate
resulted in a less than 1 2% error i n a,.






Time (s)
Fig. 1. Adual w, aid cst~nmtcdw, (o)3% load

m ;



x 10 r a p

2- During the steady state, output velocity and torque are

forced to remain at the correct value due to the presence of
the feedback loop. Therefore, the error in the R, estimate will
not result i n the malfunction of the vector controller

3- The equation recovers as soon as W.<I is no longer near

zero, i.e. as soon as there is another speed demand This can
be seen from Fig. 4. At t = 0.6 s, a speed demand of -200
rads was demanded from the controller. As can be seen, the
R,. estimator's output settles to the correct value as soon as
the negative speed demand is requested









Time (s)
Fig. 2. Adual w, and estimated w, (,33% load

B. R, Estimation Under Ideal Conditions

R, can be evaluated using (16), with almost no error (<
0. I%), under transient state at all operating speeds', and the
estimated value of R, tracks the actual value. Furthermore,
provided that there is a certain amount of load, the equation
also performs perfectly under steady state. In Fig. 3 the
actual R,. was increased with time, the operating speed is
200 rads and there is approximately 50% load on the motor.
As can be seen from this figure, the estimated value of R,
tracks the actual value with negligible error. The spike in the
estimated value of R,, at the rising edge of the torque



Time (s)

Fig. 3. Adual R,and estimated& @ 50% load.

















Time (s)

Fig 5 Adual w, aid &mated

A special motor simulation software, CASED [lo], was

used in order to simulate another motor, taking into
consideration the complete PWM drive system. CASED
(Computer Analysis and Simulation of Electric Drives) is a
purpose built simulation environment which allows the
accurate study of complete drive systems. This includes the
supply, the converter and PWM switching, the vector
controlled drive system, the motor and the mechanical load.
Table I depicts the technical data used for this set up.


I .4





B. R, Algorithms Behaviour with PWMSwitching

In order to study the robustness of the algorithm under
harsh conditions an unrealistically large error was
introduced to R,. At t = 0.4 s, R, was suddenly increased
from 6.6 SZ to 10.6.Q. Fig. 6 shows the output of the R,.
estimation algorithm for the above change in the actual
value of R,.




6.600 C2
0.446 110 H
0.447 540 H
0.426 540 H
0.002 800 kgm2
1.1 kW
5 kHz

J Ine*ia
Pole Paim @)
P o w r Rating
PWSwdching Ijrequeiq


Fig. 5, the algorithm performs with excellent accuracy. Thus,

it can readily be observed that the proposed method can
eliminate the need for a tacho-generator.



Time (s)

Fig. 4. Adual R aid estimated R, @ 3% load.


A . orAlgorithm s Behaviour with PWM Switching

Fig. 5 depicts the performance of the scheme under PWM
vector control at a variety of speed demands. At t = 0.1 s a
speed of SO rad/s was demanded, which was then changed to
-80 rads @ t = 0.4 s. Zero speed was then demanded from
the controller @ t = 1.0 s. Finally @ t = 1.6 s the command
speed was increased to 10 rads. As can be seen fiom


8 . 4






Time (s)
Fig. 6 . RFistimate, the actual 4 was increased @ t = 0.4 s



error in the rotor resistance, the speed is still reasonably

accurate, within 5%.


This value was then filtered and used to update the value of
the rotor time constant in the controller. The results are
shown in Fig. 7. As can be seen, the output torque improves
dramatically between 0.4 s to 0.6 s as the output of the filter
quickly settles to the correct value. Indeed, when the
negative speed demand is requested at t = 1 s this value has
completely settled, and again perfect vector control is
achieved, thus verifying the correct operation of the system
under PWM conditions.

A 37.5 kW, 415 V, 3 phase induction machine, courtesy

of CEGELEC UK, was then used to verlfy the performance
of the overall system under experimental conditions. Table I1
depicts the technical data used for this set up.


0.0814 C2


0.066 C2
0.03109 H
0.03119 H
0.03022 H

Pole Puirs @)
PWSWitchiig Fizquency

t .. .

. .

. .. ,. . .

. ..


. .

. ,. . .... .

\; ;.


. .


Fig. 8. Adual w, and a t h a t e d w, @j 30Yo load

A novel algorithm for the evaluation of a, is presented.
The proposed scheme has the following advantages:
It does not require any extra transducers.
It does not inject any test signals into the stator.
0 It provides continuous on-line estimation and work under
almost all operating conditions.
It is simple and cheap to implement practically.

Furthermore in order to eliminate the systems dependence

on the value of R,., a new method for the estimation of this
value, having the same advantages as listed above, is also
The derivation of both algorithms were detailed and their
performance scrutinised under simulated conditions, taking
into consideration the P W M inverter. It has been shown that
the schemes perform very well under almost all operating
conditions and at any speed with the exception of the rising
and the falling edges of the torque step. Finally, practical
results were presented in order to v e r a the operation of the
complete system under experimental condtions.

31.5 kW
2.8 kHz

Fig. 8 represents the motor running at 30% load and the

speed demand is 94 rads. In this figure the R, estimation
algorithm has been enabled, but it has not been filtered.
Thus the difference in speed at 30 s, is caused by an
inacurate esitmate of R, . Tlus could have been filtered out
so as to improve the estimate, but this shows that with a 50%

The authors wish to thank the MMDD division Of
CEGELEC UK, in particular
messieurs E Lewis,

A.Chronnel1 and A. Parks for performing all of the

experimental tests.

dZqr 7


15 -

Stator resistance (a).

Rotor resistance (a).
Stator self-inductance or).
Rotor self inductance or).
Mutualinductance or).
Stator dq currents (A).
Rotor dq currents (A).
Stator dq voltages (V).
Rotor electrical velocity (rads).
Calculated slip angular velocity (rads).

10 -


erroneous point


J-20- >

Under vector control conditions and if the torque does not

change too quickly the following are true:




Actual ids (A)




A Cos wet

-A Sin wet

0,= (0, + 0 s ~

= Amplitude






The use of these approximations enables the elimination

of all differential and integral terms. Furthermore,
simulations have shown that (A.5 - A.8) are valid to better
than 0.1% accuracy when the signals are sinusoidal.
However, fast changes in the currents frequencyhmplitude,
for example during the rising or falling edges of the demand
torque, will cause inaccuracies in these approximations and
therefore in the equations for w, & R,. It should be borne in
mind that the aforementioned equations are only valid when
the currents and their differentials have a sinusoidal form,
and a steplike change in the currents magnitude will result
in an erroneous approximation. However, as the changes in
R, are very gradual, and as this incorrect estimated value
lasts for merely a few microseconds, the recognition and
elimination of these erroneous results are not very
cumbersome. In the case of the w, estimate, the erroneous
results would imply that the motors speed has changed
dramatically in an unrealistically short time, (a few
microseconds) and hence the error can easily be identified.

( ~ 4Fig. A. 1
Similarly it can be shown that:

is a bssajous plot of ids and its approximation

as depicted in (A.6). These two values were plotted for
the operating conditions of Fig. 1. As can be seen, Fig.
A . l verifies the validity of this approximation. During the
rising edge and the falling edge of the torque step the
approximation will not function correctly hence resulting in
a few erroneous points. Only one of these points is shown in
order to keep the scale of the plot within a reasonable


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