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Republic of the Philippines

December 19, 1940
G.R. No. L-47362
JUAN F. VILLARROEL, recurrente-apelante,
BERNARDINO ESTRADA, recurrido-apelado.
D. Felipe Agoncillo en representacion del recurrente-appelante.
D. Crispin Oben en representacion del recurrido-apelado.
Avancea, J.:
El 9 de mayo de 1912, Alejandro F. Callao, madre del demandado Juan F. Villarroel, obtuvo de
los esposos Mariano Estrada y Severina un prestamo de P1,000 pagadero al cabo de siete aos
(Exhibito A). Alejandra fallecio, dejando como unico heredero al demandado. Los esposos
Mariano Estrada y Severina fallecieron tambien, dejando como unico heredero al demandante
Bernardino Estrada. El 9 de agosto de 1930, el demandado suscribio un documento (Exhibito B)
por el cual declara en deber al demandante la cantidad de P1,000, con un interes de 12 por ciento
al ao. Esta accion versa sobre el cobro de esta cantidad.
El Juzgado de primera Instancia de Laguna, en el cual se interpuso esta accion, condeno al
demandado a pagar al demandante la cantidad reclamada de P1,000 con sus intereses legales de
12 por ciento al ao desde el 9 de agosto de 1930 hasta su completo pago. Se apelo de esta
Se notara que las partes en la presente causa son, respectivamente, los unicos herederos de los
acreedores y de la deudora originales. Esta accion se ejercita en virtud de la obligacion que el
demandado como unico hijo de la primitiva deudora contrajo en favor del demandante, unico
heredero de loa primitivos acreedores. Se admite que la cantidad de P1,000 a que se contrae esta
obligacion es la misma deuda de la madre del demandado a los padres del demandante.
Aunque la accion para recobrar la deuda original ha prescrito ya cuando se interpuso la demanda
en esta causa, la cuestion que se suscita en esta apelacion es principalmente la de si, no obstante
tal prescripcion, es procedente la accion entablada. Sin embargo, no se funda la presente accion
en la obligacion original contraida por la madre del demandado, que ya ha prescrito, sino en la
que contrajo el demandado el 9 de agosto de 1930 (Exhibito B) al asumir el cumplimiento de
aquella obligacion, ya prescrita. Siendo el demandado el unico herdero de la primitiva deudora,
con derecho a sucederla en su herencia, aquella deuda con traida por su madre legalmente,
aunque perdio su eficacia por prescripcion, ahora es, sin embargo, para el una obligacion moral,
que es consideracion suficiente a crear y hacer eficaz y exigible su obligacion voluntariamente
contraida el 9 de agosto de 1930 en el Exhibito B.
La regla de que una promesa nueva de pagar una deuda prrescrita debe ser hecha por la misma
persona obligada o por otra legalmente autorizada por ella, no es aplicable al caso presente en
que no se exige el cumplimiento de la obligacion de la obligada orignalmente, sino del que des
pues quiso voluntariamente asumir esta obligacion.

Se confirma la sentencia apelada, con las costas al apelante. Asi se ordena.

Imperial, Diaz, Laurel, y Horrilleno, MM., estan conformes.


On 9 May 1912, Alejandra F. Callao, the mother of defendant Juan F. Villarroel, obtained from
the husbands Mariano Estrada and Severina a loan of P1,000 payable at the end of seven years
(Exhibitm A). Alejandra died, leaving as the sole heir to the respondent: The spouses Mariano
Estrada and Severina died also, leaving as the sole heir to the complainant Bernardino Estrada.
On 9 August 1930, the defendant signed a document (Exhibito B) by which it declares in duty
the complainant the amount of P1,000, with an interest of 12 percent per year. This action deals
with the collection of this amount.
The Court of First Instance of Laguna, which was filed this action, sentenced the defendant to
pay the plaintiff the claimed amount of P1,000 with their legal interests of 12 percent per year
since the 9 August 1930 until its complete payment is appealed this judgment.
You will notice that the parties in this cause are, respectively, the only heirs of creditors and the
debtor originals - This action is exercised in virtue of the obligation which the respondent as the
only son of the original debtor contracted in favor of the plaintiff, sole heir of loan primitive
creditors. It is admitted that the amount of P1,000 to collapses this obligation is the same debt of
the mother of the respondent to the parents of the applicant.
Although the action to recover the original debt has already prescribed when you filed the
application in this case, the question that arises in this appeal is mainly that of yes, however this
requirement, it is coming from the action, however, is not founded the present action in the
original obligation owed by the mother of the respondent, which has already prescribed, but in
the who contracted the respondent on 9 August 1930 (Exhibito B) to assume the fulfilling that
obligation, already prescribed. Being the defendant only herdero debtor of the primitive, with
right to successor in his heritage, that debt with brought by his mother legally, although it lost its
effectiveness by prescription, it is now, however, for a moral obligation, which is enough
consideration to create and make effective and enforceable its obligation voluntarily contracted
on 9 August 1930 in the Exhibito B.
The rule that a new promise to repay a debt prrescrita must be made by the same person obliged
or by another legally authorized by it, is not applicable to the present case, in which do not
require compliance with the obligation of the obliged orignalmente, but one that des because
wanted to voluntarily assume this obligation.
It is confirmed the judgment on appeal, with costs against the appellant is sorted as

Villaroel v. Estrada

December 19, 1940

G.R. No. L-47362
On May 9, 1912, Alejandra F. Callao obtained a loan from Mariano Estrada y
Severina payable within 7 years. During the existence of the loan, Alejandra F.
Callao died, leaving Juan F. Villaroel as her sole heir. Not long after said event,
Mariano Estrada y Severina also died, leaving Bernardino Estrada as the sole heir.
On August 9, 1930, Juan F. Villaroel signed a document for which he declared that in
owing to the claimant the quantity of P1,000, with an interest of 12 per cent a year,
which is the same obligation that his deceased mother owed to the parents of
Estrada. For failure to pay the obligation, Estrada filed a complaint against Villaroel
for the recovery of the amount plus the corresponding interest. The Court of First
Instance of Laguna to where the case was filed favored Estrada, ordering Villaroel to
the the amount of P1,000 plus 12 interest from August 9, 1930 until the amount is
paid. Villaroel appealed the said decision contending that the obligation of his
mother to the parents of the Estrada has already prescribed.
Whether or not the action to file for the recovery of the amount subject of an
obligation expires at the time the debtor died?
Although the action to recover the original debt has already prescribed when the
case was filed, it should be noted that the action was founded not on the original
obligation owed by the mother of the Juan Villaroel which has already prescribed but
in the document contracted on 9 August 1930, in assuming the obligation of her
mother. Being the only heir of his mother, the latter having legally obtained a loan,
Villaroel has the moral obligation to make effective and enforceable its obligation
voluntarily contracted.

The rule that a new promise to repay a debt which already prescribed must be made by the same
person obliged or by another legally authorized by it, is not applicable to the present case, in
which do not require compliance with the original bligation of the obliged , but one that did
because wanted to voluntarily assume this obligation.

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